Level 1



  • SamtasticLife
    Pandora has some fitness stations that aren't bad!
  • Hummingheart
    Yesterday was my third day and I. Did. Not. Want. To. Do. It. I only did it so I could report back to you guys so I guess the system works!! I was so sore!! But then I woke up this morning NOT sore, and played squash the best I ever have!

    So I think I like it now! I was also thinking of muting poor Jillian - seriously she always says exactly what I'm thinking, like an echo. I'm like "OMG I HATE THIS" right when she says "I know you hate this..." and I just want to smack her too!

    My secret guilty workout pleasure song is "When I Grow Up" by the ***** cat dolls. It always has been. Awful, right?
  • Hummingheart
    Oh my god, it starred out the band name! I promise I'm not trying to be offensive here guys ;)
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I just finished day 2, level 1. I didn't want to do it, I worked 8:30-6:30 and was bushed. It was harder than the first day because of that but I did it. Sometimes that's all you can do.
  • katerbees
    katerbees Posts: 11
    Today was day 2 of level 1 and I got my fiancee to do it with me lol. Which is funny because yesterday he was watching me do the warm up and then he had to run to the store, as he was leaving he was all "level 1 is too easy for you, step it up!" Ha. Showed him. I did more push ups than he did tonight ;)
    I felt worse today just because yesterday I didn't really have any soreness and today I did. I have an hour long bodyworks session at the gym tomorrow, think the strength portion for 45 minutes with 15 minutes of abs at the end, so I will probably take tomorrow off depending on how tomorrow morning goes.
    Keep up the good work everybody!!!!! We gonna be some hotties here in a while :)
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    Level 1 Day 3 today! It was hard to motivate myself after getting home so late in the evening (not to mention I`ve been keeping up with a three year old for the past few hours). Tonight I will need to get a good amount of rest so I can kill it tomorrow, as I likely won`t be able to work out too hard this weekend (Tattoo Friday!).

    So glad you guys are helping to make me more accountable
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    I'm just about to do level 1 day 4. Am also going to do zumba dvd as I haven't done anything but 30DS for last 3 days.

    There is tightness in my arms - but in a good way. Not feeling anything in my legs, so might add in some extra lunges when I do days 6-10. I am having a one day break after day 5, I'll do only cardio on that day. I might also up my weights a bit for 6-10.

    I'm feeling very good about this, partly because I was doing slim in 6 before this and it seemed to go on forever in comparison to 30DS. I don't mute Julia, I respond to her hectoring. This might not last though...I like the idea of good music instead.

    Great to have this group to check in with. Next week the rewards will start to show...
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I've never just watched this DVD, but does anyone know if Jillian ever counts reps or if someone off screen is doing it? It seems to me sometimes that it's a bit lopsided. Maybe she just wants a certain time limit and what you do in it is up to you?
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Oh my god, it starred out the band name! I promise I'm not trying to be offensive here guys ;)

    Ha ha ha - censored!

    L1:D1 DONE!

    I've done up to day 6 twice before but always quit and then done L1 in with some other workouts. It certainly kicked my butt, especially the anterior raises... eek! But I managed all the push ups on my knees, which is great going for me.

    I can't wait to get this level over and done with as I've done it so many times, it's really dull now. Just going to fly on autopilot through the next 9 days.
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    I've never just watched this DVD, but does anyone know if Jillian ever counts reps or if someone off screen is doing it? It seems to me sometimes that it's a bit lopsided. Maybe she just wants a certain time limit and what you do in it is up to you?

    I find that too, but just try and get as many moves with good form in during the time we have on each move. If you're worried about being lopsided, start on alternate sides each day.
  • kgbiscotti
    kgbiscotti Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on Level 1 Day 3. My legs and knees are killing me! I have convinced my mom to do it with me as another motivation to not just go home after work and skip the workout! (which is really tempting) I keep on telling myself its just 20 minutes and then it will be over :smile:
  • katerbees
    katerbees Posts: 11
    Well my gym class didn't completely kill me this morning, so I will be doing day 3 level 1. Just had a protein shake, will jog over to my fiance's house about 1 mile away, with my trusty labradoodle at my side, shred, and take a leisurely stroll back home.
    I also plan on blasting Pandora while I work out today because I love working out to tunes :)

    Keep up the good work ladies!
  • catz4ever45
    catz4ever45 Posts: 21 Member
    So yesterday i did L1D1 and oh my did it hurt i had to motify some movements but i'm ok w/that definitly felt those abs that we're under all the fat i really hated jillian during the workout wanted to kick her *kitten* and for music my ultimate song is Winner and work hard play hard-Usher
  • kailexx
    kailexx Posts: 197
    a lot of people were saying day 3 was their hardest day, day 4 was definitely mine. I'm not getting out of breath as easily, but the pain in my arms and feet were just terrible, but with a couple breaks I did get through it, not as many pushups as I usually do in my time limit, but my arms need a break! I think i'll be working on my lower half tonight instead of upper half.

    and I also found that muting her and playing music, did not help me at all! apparently I need her nagging voice to get through it. hahaha
  • RachaelStJ
    RachaelStJ Posts: 152 Member
    I thought that L1D2 was easier to do, but I was sweating SO much more. Worth it!

    Feeling the burn in my thighs today. Looking forward to tonight!
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    L1 D2 Done.

    Felt fine this morning but throughout the day my pecs/armpits hurt so much I could barely do the press ups tonight. I suppose I still got the cardio burn but I'm disappointed the pain held me back on intensity of moves and form.

    Hoping tomorrow will be better..... who am I kidding!
  • carmelgrace
    carmelgrace Posts: 10 Member
    Okay i am not doing this totally right - cd not for the life of me do day 3 last night! So today went to gym and going to do (2) level 1 sessions so i can keep up with this group! Insane I know - but I have said on this board and will now do it. Will post after i have completed the (2) sessions.!
  • Hummingheart
    Hey guys - I think I have a problem! While I was doing the second cardio circuit today, my Superintendant, who lives below me, started banging on her ceiling/my floor for me to stop!! Argh! She is really, REALLY unhealthy so I don't think "but I have to do jumping jacks!" is going to get through to her...

    It's like 6 minutes of cardio - seriously! Not that big of a deal. And it's the middle of the day!

    What should I do?? You guys are all at home too, right? Some of you must live in apartments - have your neighbours complained? I'm definitely not stopping because of her, but I don't know how to approach it tactfully... Advice???
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    Hey guys - I think I have a problem! While I was doing the second cardio circuit today, my Superintendant, who lives below me, started banging on her ceiling/my floor for me to stop!! Argh! She is really, REALLY unhealthy so I don't think "but I have to do jumping jacks!" is going to get through to her...

    It's like 6 minutes of cardio - seriously! Not that big of a deal. And it's the middle of the day!

    What should I do?? You guys are all at home too, right? Some of you must live in apartments - have your neighbours complained? I'm definitely not stopping because of her, but I don't know how to approach it tactfully... Advice???

    That's lame. Could you guys talk and arrange a better time to workout?
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    That happened to me years ago doing my Jane Fonda (dating myself) I think she was jealous I was working out and she wasn't...it was, like you said, 30 minutes or so. I found using a mat on a rug helped and trying to do it different times. She did have thin rugs in that apartment.
    Does she work? I tried t do it when I thought she wasn't home, but sometimes I just did it anyway and tried not to pound.