Team Black Eyed Susan (ALL TBD Brides! ;)



  • xstarriexeyezx
    xstarriexeyezx Posts: 29 Member
    Weigh ins girlies! And your STAR points xx
  • xstarriexeyezx
    xstarriexeyezx Posts: 29 Member
    Still waiting for four weigh ins! Also any ideas on our activities for challenge Week 5 and 6?
  • brown_organics
    brown_organics Posts: 12 Member
    apologies for being MIA
  • abrewer563
    Does anyone have any suggestions on how the team should track activity points this week for the STAR challenge?
  • ElvisBaby88
    ElvisBaby88 Posts: 161 Member
    Ok girls I need some help!!! As you know we haven't picked a date but we are working on that now. So my question is What do you think about Friday Weddings? My venue is cheaper on a Friday but is it more of a hassle for all of our guests (80% are out of town guests)? Is it tacky to have a Friday wedding because of the cost??? Needing advice now!!! Thanks :)
  • abrewer563
    Ok girls I need some help!!! As you know we haven't picked a date but we are working on that now. So my question is What do you think about Friday Weddings? My venue is cheaper on a Friday but is it more of a hassle for all of our guests (80% are out of town guests)? Is it tacky to have a Friday wedding because of the cost??? Needing advice now!!! Thanks :)

    I'm doing a Friday wedding, it's becoming more common now to do them and I don't think it's tacky at all. Saving money is important when getting married, so do what is best for you two as a couple to achieve the goals you want! :)
  • abrewer563
    I thought I'd share my excitement that my fiance and I have tentatively scheduled our wedding for 16 May 2014! :)

  • ElvisBaby88
    ElvisBaby88 Posts: 161 Member
    Yayyy Congrats!!!! My Fiance and I have finally set our date as well July 27th, 2014!!!! It is soo exciting having a date!!! We have also booked our venue!!!
  • abrewer563
    Yayyy Congrats!!!! My Fiance and I have finally set our date as well July 27th, 2014!!!! It is soo exciting having a date!!! We have also booked our venue!!!

    That's awesome, congrats! We have our date penciled in at our venue, just have to put a deposit down!
  • cookiemahnster
    cookiemahnster Posts: 60 Member
    We are so close too! Shooting for May 17, 2014. Just gotta clear it with the bank (aka the parents ;0)....
  • Missita84
    Missita84 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Team! I lost my motivation a little bit last week, which is such a bummer. But I'm getting back on track now!

    I wish I was on track with wedding planning, though! The most I can tell anyone is Spring 2014. And everyone keeps asking if we've set a date yet! We got engaged on Christmas, and people were asking within a week if we'd set a date. Do people normally plan that fast? I feel like I'm so behind!
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    Congrats, Black-Eyed Susans!!

    At the halfway point, you’ve lost a total of 70.1 LBS! Considering you are the smallest team, that really IS awesome! Oh- and you're ranked #1 overall, so YAH!

    According to your goals, your team has 124.7 LBS to go. It may sound like a lot, but it’s only about 21lbs/week. For a team of 11, that’s around 2lbs per week. Can you each commit to that much per week??! I know each and every one of you can do it.

    This may be hard to read, but next to your name, the order is Starting weight (1/6/13); CURRENT WEIGHT; LBS LOST TO DATE; % LOST TO DATE; GOAL WEIGHT; STARTING % TO LOSE; CURRENT % TO LOSE; LBS left to lose; and TARGET LBS per week to lose. I’ll post the spreadsheet tonight so you can read it easier :)

    Oh- and you all are ranked according to percentage lost so far, so congrats to your FIRST HALF WEIGHT LOSS LEADER xstarriexeyezx (Jess)!!

    xstarriexeyezx (Jess) 223.00 205.00 -18.00 -8.07% 200.00 10.31% 2.44% 5.00 0.8
    Jess3742a (Jessica) 177.00 165.50 -11.50 -6.50% 155.00 12.43% 6.34% 10.50 1.8
    MrsBHobbs (Angie) 155.00 147.80 -7.20 -4.65% 130.00 16.13% 12.04% 17.80 3.0
    Missita84 (Melissa) 181.80 174.80 -7.00 -3.85% 160.00 11.99% 8.47% 14.80 2.5
    abrewer563 (Ashley) 124.20 120.00 -4.20 -3.38% 115.00 7.41% 4.17% 5.00 0.8
    kittylee79 (Kristy) 161.00 156.00 -5.00 -3.11% 140.00 13.04% 10.26% 16.00 2.7
    cookiemahnster (Catherine) 183.00 178.00 -5.00 -2.73% 175.00 4.37% 1.69% 3.00 0.5
    elvisbaby88 (Casey) 192.40 187.20 -5.20 -2.70% 179.00 6.96% 4.38% 8.20 1.4
    brown_organics (Kim) *WK 6 222.40 216.60 -5.80 -2.61% 200.00 10.07% 7.66% 16.60 2.8
    DLSlim (Danielle) 200.00 198.80 -1.20 -0.60% 185.00 7.50% 6.94% 13.80 2.3
    missbuki (Buki) *WK 6 194.00 194.00 0.00 0.00% 180.00 7.22% 7.22% 14.00 2.3

    CONGRATS to everyone and keep up the good work. Even if you’re struggling, realize that you’re halfway there and you still have 6 weeks to kick it up a notch and reach your goals!
  • abrewer563
    abrewer563 Posts: 122
    Where are all the black eyed susans?? Has anyone nailed down a date yet? How are weightloss plans going?
  • Missita84
    Missita84 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm here! We haven't chosen a date yet but we've decided on Spring 2014! So hopefully that means I have plenty of time to plan everything! And plenty of time to lose weight!!!
    I stalled a bit this past week....well, to be honest I just didn't hold myself accountable and kind of had a bit of a free for all last week. Luckily when I weighed in I hadn't gained, but I hadn't lost either, so I'm getting back into it for this week!

    How is the rest of the team doing?
  • abrewer563
    abrewer563 Posts: 122
    I'm here! We haven't chosen a date yet but we've decided on Spring 2014! So hopefully that means I have plenty of time to plan everything! And plenty of time to lose weight!!!
    I stalled a bit this past week....well, to be honest I just didn't hold myself accountable and kind of had a bit of a free for all last week. Luckily when I weighed in I hadn't gained, but I hadn't lost either, so I'm getting back into it for this week!

    How is the rest of the team doing?

    Good job getting back on track and getting a timeframe in place! My fiance and I are doing spring 2014 too, May 16th to be exact. My weightloss is very very slow. I haven't had much energy to devote to the gym so that isn't helping but 2 other girls at my work and I started a new thing where every hour during our 9 hour work day we do 20 ab exercises and 10 push-up or we do 20 squats and 20 alternating lunges! Hopefully over time it will help out :)
  • cookiemahnster
    cookiemahnster Posts: 60 Member
    I'm still here! Just hadn't been checking the discussion forums much.

    I need to figure out my exercise plan - I've been doing 30 day shred here and there but sort of will finish that up by next week, so am back to figuring out what I want to do next.

    Our date is May 17 2014, so I figure I will probably be dress shopping late summer - definitely don't want to be embarrassed or stressed out by my weight when I go dress shopping, so even though the wedding seems impossibly far away right now, I need to get a move on! :)
  • ElvisBaby88
    ElvisBaby88 Posts: 161 Member
    I am still here!!! I have been trying the 'eat more to lose more' method and I haven't lost anything but haven't gained either. We will see how it goes, having a hard time figuring out what has been stalling my weight loss and I have an appointment May 11th. I suffer from IBS and have issues with my cycle so trying to balance everything and lose weight has been difficult but I am still working hard.
    I can't complain with 16 pounds and 6.5 inches (down a whole size). Logged in to mfp for 60+ days in a row!!!!

    Date and Venue are SET! Sunday July 26th, 2014 at the Contemporary and Modern Arts Center in VB! WE can't wait!!!!

    How is everyone else doing?
  • kittylee79
    kittylee79 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello all!

    My date and venue is set too, has been since the day after I joined the BES actually! lol 8th November 2013 at low parks museum in Hamilton then onto the Bothwell bridge. I went for November as its a bit cheaper plus you can't rely on a Scottish summer anyway. At least in November you expect the worse and anything other is a bonus!

    Glad to see we are all doing well! I lost 2lb this week taking me to 7lb off total since challenge started. I have another stone to go to goal but now I am a third there since January I can see that it IS manageable and we CAN all do it!

    Lets do it ladies :)
  • xstarriexeyezx
    xstarriexeyezx Posts: 29 Member
    Girls weigh ins this week are missing half of you!
    Abrewer563 WI: no loss 5points
    Brown_organics WI:
    Cookiemahnster WI: no change
    Dlslim WI:
    Elvisbaby88 WI:
    Jess3742a WI: 159
    Kittylee79 WI: no change 2points
    Missbuki WI:
    Missita84 WI: 174 3points
    mrsBHobbs WI:
    xstarriexeyezx WI: 204

    Get back to me please and keep up the fab work! x
  • lawyerette
    lawyerette Posts: 301 Member
    Hello, Jess, Casey, and Catherine!! You three were the only ladies to finally report. Great job for finishing strong, ladies!!

    Jess - 26lbs
    Casey - Almost 8lbs
    Catherine - 5lbs!

    Based on the previous weigh ins, the team lost 98.5lbs for 10 brides. Very nice, ladies.

    I hope to see some of you in the 6 Week challenge and a few more when we switch gears again to a less scale focussed challenge in June after my honeymoon. In the meantime, here are your 12 week results:

    Black Eyed Susans
    1. Jess3742a (Jessica) -22.50 -12.71%
    2. xstarriexeyezx (Jess) -26.00 -11.66%
    3. kittylee79 (Kristy) -9.00 -5.59%
    4. MrsBHobbs (Angie) -7.40 -4.77%
    5. Missita84 (Melissa) -7.80 -4.29%
    6. abrewer563 (Ashley) -5.20 -4.19%
    7. elvisbaby88 (Casey) -7.80 -4.05%
    8. brown_organics (Kim) -7.40 -3.33%
    9. cookiemahnster (Catherine) -5.00 -2.73%
    10. DLSlim (Danielle) -0.40 -0.20%