Level 1



  • kailexx
    kailexx Posts: 197
    Nice! I was going to take breaks, but I decided i'm not going to. I don't feel I am doing enough, if anything I feel I should be doing more, so breaks isn't going to make me feel better at all. My squats still suck, my lunges well.. i'm pretty proud of them,
    way to go badtastebetty!
  • carmelgrace
    carmelgrace Posts: 10 Member
    Well Ladies - i have to exit our 30 Day Shred April Spectacular. I did the first two days and then my plantar fasciitis kicked up. For the past two weeks i have been receiving ASTYM physical therapy for pain caused from plantar fasciitis. ASYTM works like a miracle and exercise is encouraged - just not high intensity interval training. I thought I could do this challenge but its greatly aggravating my foot. Best wishes to you all in continuing with the 30 Day Shred! I will heal and then try it again!
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I wondering if I can skip a day..it's so beautiful in CT today, 60's, I want to walk/run for an hour or more and then I have a lot to do around the house, raking, cleaning and errands. That beats 20 minutes but if I'm not bushed, I'll do it late tonight.
    My weight has stalled and I want to mix it up a bit.
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    Level 1 Day 6 ticked off. I won't take a break during level 1 as my body seems fine with it and I've got the momentum.

    Happy weekend all.
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    I wondering if I can skip a day..it's so beautiful in CT today, 60's, I want to walk/run for an hour or more and then I have a lot to do around the house, raking, cleaning and errands. That beats 20 minutes but if I'm not bushed, I'll do it late tonight.
    My weight has stalled and I want to mix it up a bit.

    Go enjoy the day! I am mixing it up today as well, and tomorrow I am doing yoga. I'll be starting the shred again on Monday.
  • kailexx
    kailexx Posts: 197
    Day 6 complete! I'm so happy I got it done even though I had a rough night. I'm still noticing more and more of an endurance change, plus i've lost about 0.2 of a pound, which offically brings me into the 100's! So thrilled, i'm rewarding myself with a delicious protein shake!
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    Way to go! I hope everything went okay last night.
  • estey89
    estey89 Posts: 104 Member
    Day 4 done! Legs arent so sore today! and only one break with the buttkicks... I find they kill my calfs and i get like a spasm?!

    Also went shopping for 2 hours after my hard working 8 hour shift! been a busy girl :)

  • Hummingheart
    Hey guys - are we all using "Circuit training - General" from the cardio category to add this to our journals? I just want to make sure I'm not short-changing myself on calories burned since it seems WAY HARDER than a measly 175 calories or whatever... Maybe I'm just being a whiner ;)
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    I think Circuit Training is the best selection. I'm not sure about My Fitness Pals calculations though. I'd say between 200-500 depending on your weight.
  • kailexx
    kailexx Posts: 197
    Day 6 complete! I'm so happy I got it done even though I had a rough night. I'm still noticing more and more of an endurance change, plus i've lost about 0.2 of a pound, which offically brings me into the 100's! So thrilled, i'm rewarding myself with a delicious protein shake!

    It all ended up okay, thankfully. luckily Chilliwack Hospital is an amazing hospital and actually does what they're suppose to! and it was nothing serious, so I was able to get some sleep and pull through and even do an extra workout today!
  • MsAnn07
    MsAnn07 Posts: 172 Member
    Day 5 is done.. At the end of the workout my playlist was on 'All I do is Win, Win, Win no matter what!' Right on time!
    Day 6 tmrw, bring it on!
  • chkn_WANG_Train
    Day 7 done! And I think I'm switching to level 2 early! My "dumbells" are really light .... As in they are jars filled with water lol
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    Day 7 done. I'm feeling it my legs the last few days, but that's good right?

    My least favourite thing is when she says 'just a couple more' and a couple turns out to be 8 or 10.

    I am determined to take some pics later today. I have my starting measurements, but I want to see what a difference this hard work makes.
  • kailexx
    kailexx Posts: 197
    finished day 7. I feel it's getting harder instead of easier, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but maybe my body is just adjusting differently. I find my arms aren't getting stronger as I do this, and it's so frustrating!
  • bootpeg
    bootpeg Posts: 5
    Finished L1D2 today! Yesterday, I started the challenge and walked 5 miles (including a mile of hiking) according to my fitbit. I went to bed thinking "wow, that was nothing." Waking up this morning had me in so much pain but I pushed through. I must admit that I wasn't able to use the weights the entire time through, but I felt the burn regardless. Today I hope to up my miles to 10 and attempt to do a fitness blender HIIT workout this evening.
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Hey guys - are we all using "Circuit training - General" from the cardio category to add this to our journals? I just want to make sure I'm not short-changing myself on calories burned since it seems WAY HARDER than a measly 175 calories or whatever... Maybe I'm just being a whiner ;)

    It will depend on your height and weight but I'm 5'6", 136lb, 28% BF and my HRM says I burn around 230 cals.
  • Hummingheart
    Day 7 done! And I think I'm switching to level 2 early! My "dumbells" are really light .... As in they are jars filled with water lol

    I got my 3lb weights at Canadian Tire, and they were $3.50 each. They're super cute which makes me want to use them - they are bright orange and smooth and harmless looking. I was so surprised by how cheap weights were since I'd never bought them before! I want to go back and get some 5lb-ers.

    Also congrats on moving up early! Level 1 is still kicking my butt!!
  • estey89
    estey89 Posts: 104 Member
    Level 1 day 5 complete! I had a long hard (active) day at work today but still came home and did my workout, I know i didn't give it my all but i gave about 95% which is better then not doing it!

    I'm not as sore, and I have way more energy... I'm thinking when moving on to level two if i could also do level 1. Either lv 1 then 2 back to back or at two separate times... I'm looking for fast results... nothing like pushing yourself!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,461 Member
    Level 1 - Day 1 DONE!! This is my second time doing the 30DS. I completed it about three weeks ago...this should have been a piece of cake...nope! The last exercises were killing me!! Tomorrow and the next day should be fun! ouch! :tongue: