Week 3!! ((Day 15-Day 21))

IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
Welcome to week 3 :flowerforyou: Today is Day 15 our second Fit Test & Weigh in

Can't wait to see your results today.


  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Day 15 of Insanity COMPLETE! Here's my results from the Fit Test


    Today I weighed in at 168.8 that's a 5lb lost since the last time I weighed in. (Date unknown)


    Chest - 38 (- 1 1/2)
    L. Arm- 12 (- 1/2)
    R. Arm- 12 (- 3/4)
    Waist - 31 (- 5 1/2)
    Hips- 42 (- 2)
    L. Thigh- 24 1/2 (same)
    R. Thigh- 24 1/2 (same) My thighs aren't trying to go anywhere. They are getting stronger though.

    Since the last time I measured. Which was before I started Hip Hop Abs at the beginning of March I believe.
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    Day 15 of Insanity COMPLETE! Here's my results from the Fit Test
    Today I weighed in at 168.8 that's a 5lb lost since the last time I weighed in. (Date unknown)
    Chest - 38 (- 1 1/2) L. Arm- 12 (- 1/2) R. Arm- 12 (- 3/4)
    Waist - 31 (- 5 1/2) Hips- 42 (- 2) L. Thigh- 24 1/2 (same) R. Thigh- 24 1/2 (same)
    My thighs aren't trying to go anywhere. They are getting stronger though.

    Fit test record smashed, inches loss and weight down! :smokin: Well done.
  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member
    Hey guys!!

    Just finished the fit test and it was just as intense as Day 1! I did see some improvements though so that's good.

    Here are the results:
    Switch Kicks: +11
    Power Jacks: +2
    Power Knees: +14
    Power Jumps: +1
    Globe Jumps: +1
    Suicide Jumps: Stayed the same at 12
    Push up Jacks: +2
    Low Plank Obliques: +2

    I think I need to work on my jumping lol!! :tongue: :tongue:

    As for measurements....well the scale is still being evil and showing a 1-2 pound gain since I started Insanity. I'm hoping that will change in the next week. As for inches, I lost in a few areas since Day 1: Chest (-.5) and Hips (-.5).

    Here's to week 3!! :drinker:
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    Just finished the fit test and it was just as intense as Day 1! I did see some improvements though so that's good.

    Here are the results:
    Switch Kicks: +11 Power Jacks: +2 Power Knees: +14 Power Jumps: +1
    Globe Jumps: +1 Suicide Jumps: Stayed the same at 12 Low Plank Obliques: +2

    As for measurements....well the scale is still being evil and showing a 1-2 pound gain since I started Insanity. I'm hoping that will change in the next week. As for inches, I lost in a few areas since Day 1: Chest (-.5) and Hips (-.5).

    Awesome results, burn the scale you lost inches!! :drinker: Keep pushing play and i'm sure the scale will come around.
  • suwei907
    suwei907 Posts: 9
    Here's my Fit test #1, #2, and the change. I'm okay with it, pretty sure my decrease in Power jacks is because I'm actually getting down in to a squat this time around (at least I hope so!)

    Switch Kicks 43 57 14
    Power Jacks 50 48 -2
    Power Knees 70 93 23
    Power Jumps 21 28 7
    Globe Jumps 5 9 4
    Suicide Jumps 10 14 4
    Push Up Jacks 13 23 10
    Low Plank Oblique 33 41 8
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    Here's my Fit test #1, #2, and the change. I'm okay with it, pretty sure my decrease in Power jacks is because I'm actually getting down in to a squat this time around (at least I hope so!)

    Switch Kicks 43 57 14
    Power Jacks 50 48 -2
    Power Knees 70 93 23
    Power Jumps 21 28 7
    Globe Jumps 5 9 4
    Suicide Jumps 10 14 4
    Push Up Jacks 13 23 10
    Low Plank Oblique 33 41 8

    I think you did fantastic! :happy: as Shaun T says form is everything, better form, and only off by 2 but up on everything else, great job!
  • hksilverfox
    hksilverfox Posts: 7 Member
    Hope you dont mind me dropping in on your group but I am one week behind you so it is day 8 for me today and I am looking forward to giving it a go later today! I must say a big "well done" to all of you with your fit test results! It has been good to see that I am no different than the rest in that I have called Shaun a few names, wondered what on earth I am doing as I lay flat on the floor and mutter naughty words when I tried to get out of bed in the morning. I am hoping that with this group, as someone else has said comes a bit of accountability. I perseverd through the first week while at home but the test will be to see how it goes this week - I am travelling off to Asia for work and at least two of the days have about 18 hours in or around an airplane. I have my discs on my ipad, my calorie counter warmed up and runners packed so hopefully I can report back in a week that it is done - we shall see! Keep up the good work!
  • danele85
    danele85 Posts: 21 Member
    Well fit test results in and I did better than week1 which is good but I'll be honest I didn't think it was as easy as I thought it was going to be (in my head I was glad we had a short workut today)!


    Switchkicks - 78 to 89
    Powerjacks - 41 to 54
    Power knee - 85 to 98
    Globe jumps - 8 to 10
    Suicide jumpsn - 14 to 14
    Pushup jacks - 16 to 20
    Plank obliques - 35 to 39

    I actually put on weight and havent really lost inches, which I'll be honest has just made me binge on crap food :(

    Think I'm going to have to start on the insanity food plan coz I'm struggling to eat clean and my macros are all over the place even if I am under my calorie goal.
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    Well fit test results in and I did better than week1 which is good but I'll be honest I didn't think it was as easy as I thought it was going to be (in my head I was glad we had a short workut today)!
    Switchkicks - 78 to 89 Powerjacks - 41 to 54 Power knee - 85 to 98 Globe jumps - 8 to 10
    Suicide jumpsn - 14 to 14 Pushup jacks - 16 to 20 Plank obliques - 35 to 39
    I actually put on weight and havent really lost inches, which I'll be honest has just made me binge on crap food :(
    Think I'm going to have to start on the insanity food plan coz I'm struggling to eat clean and my macros are all over the place even if I am under my calorie goal.

    Well you did a better job than you did in week 1 on the fit test so congrats on that!.. Sometimes weight gain may be a result of gaining muscle, thus the scale goes up.

    Maybe following the diet plan will be of help to you so give it a shot. Now as far as you binging on crap that's not going to help, that's self sabotage, if you don't purchase crap you wont have access to crap at home. Do not! buy it if it's crap!
    1 day of eating badly does not cause much damage so pick yourself up :glasses: Now that you see that your diet isn't as good as it can be, work on that and keep digging deep! You can do it.
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Well fit test results in and I did better than week1 which is good but I'll be honest I didn't think it was as easy as I thought it was going to be (in my head I was glad we had a short workut today)!
    Switchkicks - 78 to 89 Powerjacks - 41 to 54 Power knee - 85 to 98 Globe jumps - 8 to 10
    Suicide jumpsn - 14 to 14 Pushup jacks - 16 to 20 Plank obliques - 35 to 39
    I actually put on weight and havent really lost inches, which I'll be honest has just made me binge on crap food :(
    Think I'm going to have to start on the insanity food plan coz I'm struggling to eat clean and my macros are all over the place even if I am under my calorie goal.

    Well you did a better job than you did in week 1 on the fit test so congrats on that!.. Sometimes weight gain may be a result of gaining muscle, thus the scale goes up.

    Maybe following the diet plan will be of help to you so give it a shot. Now as far as you binging on crap that's not going to help, that's self sabotage, if you don't purchase crap you wont have access to crap at home. Do not! buy it if it's crap!
    1 day of eating badly does not cause much damage so pick yourself up :glasses: Now that you see that your diet isn't as good as it can be, work on that and keep digging deep! You can do it.

  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member

    Waist 36" to 35"
  • stayceyoung
    stayceyoung Posts: 5 Member
    Although I did better on the fit test than the first day, I think I gained weight too. I went from losing 4 pounds to gaining 3 back. The workouts are definitely making me eat more!
  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member

    Waist 36" to 35"

    WOW! Great improvements on the fit test and fantastic weight/inch loss!! Go you! :bigsmile:
    Thank you beecee13 :blushing: my weight always goes up and down however, so I hope it keeps going down with this workout.
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    Although I did better on the fit test than the first day, I think I gained weight too. I went from losing 4 pounds to gaining 3 back. The workouts are definitely making me eat more!

    What are you eating?
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    I wil be doing my fit test tonight,so I'll post my results tomorrow.

    Ths scale has not moved but I have lost 3/4 of an inch in my waist in 2 weeks!!!

    I am extremely pleased with the visible difference so far! :happy:
    Way to go
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Everyone has such great results! Good job! Proud of you guys!

    I just finished Day 16 Plyometric Cardio Circuit a little while ago. I think I sweat more this time but it just seems like it was so friggin hard. I really had to push myself when I was tired or if my thighs and legs were on fire! I'm defiantly feeling the burn more in all the workouts. I don't think I did any better but I feel good that I did it and gave what I could for the whole video. I kind of hate our days off now because it seems like every time we come back its harder. Hmmm...

    Have a great day guys!
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member

    Completed! What a workout..:happy:
  • suwei907
    suwei907 Posts: 9
    Finished Plyo circuit (Day 16). I feel stronger. Can get through the warm up without stopping, and seems like I can do more with better form. BUT I feel like I am seriously lacking in energy! Not unmotivated, just a bit tired. Maybe it's just a down day. :)
  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member
    I kind of hate our days off now because it seems like every time we come back its harder.

    I completely agree with you! Each week I feel like coming back from a day off is getting harder and harder. I am definitely seeing the improvements in my fitness but today was just a slow day. A bit of a lack of energy today (maybe it's the weather...grey and rainy here today). Also, my calves were tightening up during the workout which had me stopping more than I would have liked. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day! It's supposed to be warm and sunny here so looking forward to that!

    Great job everyone!
  • hksilverfox
    hksilverfox Posts: 7 Member
    Congrats again on the good results - I hope I have the same improvement next week! Noticed quite a few people feeling tired in week 3 - from other blogs I have read that seems to be a common thread. Not that the workouts are any easier but people seem to be tired this week then perk up again for the last one. Perhaps they can see the end of phase 1 so keep pushing through this "down" week! Day 8 finished for me and 9 today. Actually managed some moving push-ups so must be getting stronger, now just need the needle on the scale to reverse!