The White Team Loft !



  • cricketdc
    cricketdc Posts: 60 Member
    Hello team,
    I am so sorry but I cannot commit to a group and busy time checking updates and messages. I assure you that I am taking care of myself. I am working with a one-on-one personal trainer that checks on my nutrition and fitness. I think my accountability to her is sufficient.

    Thanks to all.

  • melissalanggin
    melissalanggin Posts: 46 Member
    Melissa - I am on week 5 day 2 of the C25K gets easier. Trust me! LOL

    PHEW ... that is good to know... LOL... I am doing Day 2 today after work. I did a small weight work out that included 60 squats.. I think by end of Saturday I will be unable to move lol..
  • cgphelps24
    cgphelps24 Posts: 122 Member
    Hello whte team!!

    I have been able to drink at least 6 glasses of water per day. I bought myself a new glass which holds 26 oz and I keep that on my desk at work. I make myself fill it up when I get in and after lunch so I drink them both before I leave work. It is so hard for me to drink water in the evenings because they are so hectic at times so at the very least I get those 2 in daily.

    I have been working on my squats as well. The first day after I was so sore but they seem to be easier to do as the week goes on. I make sure that I count out loud when I am doing them, I have also started to do them when doing daily chores at home. When I need to pick something up off the floor instead of bending at the waist I do a squat to pick it up. My daughter(18 years old) says that those don't count but I say they do. Now my daughter wants to start using the mfp!! I am glad my hard work is inspiring my family!
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    I drink anywhere from 14 to 21 cups of water a day. I do this by playing a little game with myself. I'm a stay at home mom and every time I have to get up for one of my boys or to do some other task I have to take a drink of water. It's like a drinking game without the alcohol! hahahaha. I have bottles that hold 33.8 oz of water and I just keep rotating them out throughout the day. Also, I never leave my house without a bottle of water as well. At every traffic light I stop at I have to drink.
  • melissalanggin
    melissalanggin Posts: 46 Member
    Hey guys...

    I have been getting in about 8-10 glasses of water per day (except 6 glasses yesterday) ... Lately I have been getting in over30 min a day of cardio and working with weights... squats too...
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    Thanks to those of you who have submitted your water intake tips. You guys are doing great with this!
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    Hi Team - I will be posting our water tips later today. Also, don't forget the first weigh in is tomorrow. Please post them here or send me a private message. I will also post a reminder in the morning. From my understanding this is just to get our official starting weights since sign-ups just ended. There should not be an elimination this week.
  • felicia128
    felicia128 Posts: 16 Member
    295.6 ! I'm actually down more than that, but I started with my weigh from my Thursday weigh in, so i will continue with that :)
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    Thanks Felicia!
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    Hi Lovelies

    I am so pleased with your efforts I hope you will like this week's challenges .

    This is our first official week !!!! It is supposed to be still an introduction, so have fun and get healthy!

    There is lbs reward for each part of this challenge

    Exercise max 7 lbs

    1. 4 days out of 7 of 30-45 min cardio or strength exercise sessions to be spread out during the week as it suits you best!

    sessions of jogging, fast walking, cross-trainer or treadmill,Zumba, Aerobics, Dance, DVD , Gym etc.
    (moderate cleaning doesn't count ;) !!! )

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed to do 4 sessions!!!

    2. Try something new or something you didn't do for a while - independent exercise of your choice for 30 min session at least!!! : mine for example will be trying to go to work on bike. - I would not mind to go home from work but to get there is 90% uphill!!!

    If you lack inspiration, you can try swimming, clubbing (DANCING!!!), another class at your local gym, or that new DVD , take tennis rackets and go play tennis with kids in park ... or football ... I found out trampoline extremely hard :-)

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed

    3. Best Butt Exercises For Women: Squats

    Squats are one of the best butt exercises you can do to build a nice round booty and sexy legs. Make sure you keep your abs tight, back straight, weight on heels, and sit your butt back.
    can you make at least 350 a week ? E.G. 50 +60+70 +day rest +50 +60 +70
    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed 2 lbs for most squads

    4. Don't forget to take a day rest! Your body needs it.

    5. For the WEEK ONE FOOD challenge, I thought we might still keep it BASICS! Let's take this week to focus on fish and cooking fish - let other inspire you with their recipe ! I know that this is not popular choice but girls (as far as I know we don't have a man in our challenge) come on it is good for us - and for mums especially we need to introduce fish into our kids diet - and I am not talking about fish fingers ;) .... girls all fish counts and vegetarians try Sea Vegetables. Try to eat fish 2x a week. (1 lbs advantage if you manage to eat 2 portions of fish)

    Keep drinking water - even if it is not our topic!!! I hope you picked up some good tips.

    cooking challenge
    Also, I will be doing Cooking Challenge for week 0. It will run from today april 21th - april 28th . I need the pictures and recipe of 1 dish you were cooking this week for yourself . I will be judging on healthiness, calorie amount and presentation . It can be idea for lunch (pack lunch) , dinner , breakfast or even Snack!!!

    You must send picture + recipe here The requirement this week is you must have fish in this meal.

    Best recipe will get 2 lbs advantage for week 2 weigh in and everyone who post recipe will get 1lbs

    To sum it
    4/7 sessions of exercise 1lbs advantage
    1 session of something new - let us know what - 1lbs advantage
    350 squats - 1 lbs for the everyone who manage to do 350 squats an extra 1 lbs for 1 person with most squats
    2 dishes with fish - 1 lbs advantage
    recipe - 1 lbs for everyone who post recipe extra 1 lbs for best recipe
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    Hello team!!! :flowerforyou:
  • tirrelogston
    tirrelogston Posts: 39 Member
    Well hello white team! I am so ready to rock this challenge. I am in need of a major change and can't to do it with a team of fabulous ladies! I have already loss 35 pounds since Feb 4th but have plenty left to go. I walk daily and my job keeps me moving all day long. I have been doing zumba but haven't gone in two weeks. I will post pictures tonight after I take them. I wish I would have taken them from the beginning but I still have 81.5 to go so I think I still have some time to see change :P Can't wait to cheer our team on and to be cheered on by you! Have a great week and think skinny!
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    Welcome guys! I look forward to doing this challenge with you.

    Hey team - so I had a whole lot of info to gather for the challenges this week. Next week, could we please try to post what we are doing on here or send me a private msg? Also, if you would like you could open up your diaries and that would make it a little easier for me to track what you are doing so I won't have to nag at ya. hahaha
  • tirrelogston
    tirrelogston Posts: 39 Member
    Like what information are you wanting us to send. I am more than happy to private message or post I just need to know what.
  • tirrelogston
    tirrelogston Posts: 39 Member
    okay another question... do I need to journal my workouts in MFP... I use a different app for that but if I need to for competition I will.
  • tirrelogston
    tirrelogston Posts: 39 Member

    Okay not sure if this counts but I have not ran EVER in my life! And I feel like I did a pretty rocking job for a first time :) Does this count as my 1 session of something new?
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    Hey tirrelogston - i sent you a FR and private msg yesterday listing what I needed.

    I need your weight (weigh-ins are sun)
    I need to know how many days out of 7 you drank 8 or more cups of water
    how many days you exercised out of 7
    and how many squats did you do this week.
  • tirrelogston
    tirrelogston Posts: 39 Member
    I got the FR but no PM. Sorry about that.
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    No prob - This is week to get all the kinks worked out :tongue:
  • tirrelogston
    tirrelogston Posts: 39 Member
    So I did my 8+ glasses of water. I worked out. I ate fish. I posted a recipe. All I have is squats and I am dragging my feet to go do it. I get no burn from it. Even when I hold it I don't really feel anything and I asked some one to check my form. I think the problem is this is something I do for HOURS at work and I have already gotten very use to them. So now it bores me. Lame excuse I know. I almost feel like busting out the 300 tonight so I can forget it the rest of the week. Yes again I know thats lame :(

    All in all however I feel it was a very productive day.

    PS lovelyrose11 I believe I opened my journal up. I was checking out yours and tried to make sure I was adding everything (workout and water). I have a bodymedia arm band and don't normal keep track of workouts because it keeps my daily calorie count for me. And the water thing. I way over drink on my water and eventually lose track. I have my 8 glass done by 9 every morning and drink all day long! Oh and my weigh ins are done on my withing scale so there is no cheating there :)