About Us and Introductions!



  • mbanfield13
    mbanfield13 Posts: 4 Member

    I am 22 and about to graduate from college -- over the past 4 years (entering college, studying abroad, late night food, etc.) I have put on about 25 lbs and want to lose about 20 of those pounds before I start a full time job where weight loss will be difficult. I have been doing CrossFit for the past couple of months, which I do about 4-5x a week, and I try to lead an active lifestyle outside of that. I also occasionally lift weights if I can't make it to CrossFit. I am a fan of intermittent fasting for weight loss - food is a challenge for me and I have found this a helpful strategy!
  • cindylu1962
    cindylu1962 Posts: 322 Member
    I am Cindy and I've been married for 26 years to the same man! I have 2 kids who are really young adults now. I'm 51 years old and I'm from the Chicagoland area. I am trying to get fit and lose lots of fat. I'll be walking in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life this June. It's a 24 hour walk to raise money for Cancer prevention, care, research, etc. Last year, I walked one lap - the survivor's lap. This year I have a team and I'm excited about the whole experience. It's great to be cancer free and I intend to stay that way.:love: My sister and brother-in-law got me onto mfp. Now I'm looking for words of encouragement from more people than them. This sounds like a good group to start with. I hope to encourage others too. I've got to find a way to get more exercise into my routine.
  • nicf76
    nicf76 Posts: 50 Member
    I am 37 and I am sick of the yo-yo dieting, losing the same weight over and over and regaining more each time. I am trying to be mindful of my choices and eat in moderation. I love to exercise, I go with my husband to the gym 6 times a week. We do cardio every time anything from jogging to the bike or eliptical. We also work with weights 3 times a week. I am hoping that this group will hold me accountable and I can lose the weight!!!!
  • boydkelly42
    boydkelly42 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am Kelly 43, and I joined this group to help me stay motivated in losing weight, I have been on the roll coaster of losing and gaining weight for years and I need to get off. I have join myFitness in support for my friend, but now I want to reach my goal of 210lbs, in which I have to lose at least 20 lbs. to get there. I know that I can do this I have done it before but this time I want to keep the weight off. Being a mother of three and a wife things do get a little tough to stay on track, but I am more focus now.

  • caribcutie
    caribcutie Posts: 13 Member
    Hello: I'm Cecila, 44yo living near Washington DC.

    I re-joined MFP this week to track and improve my nutrition choices.

    Just as I was thinking about setting a short-term goal ... viola, I saw 20/75 group.

    Thanks for starting it!

    I lost 70lbs a few years back through regular exercise but didn't make permanent diet changes and gained most back (ugh!).

    Looking forward to participating :happy:
  • Shushu68
    Shushu68 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi i'm Shulaika, 45yrs, mother of 2 boys (10 and 13) from Curacao, sinds 31st of december I decided that I want to be more in shape, without a big stomach, I want my flat belly. I have dropped 22lbs already but there is more to be dropped. I'm more than happy to join the group on this goal. I'm new so If you want to add me you are more than welcome
  • AmandaBlue1
    AmandaBlue1 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    My name is Amanda, I am 36, 5'4" and I weigh 187 pounds. The reason I have become serious about trying to lose weight now is that I hope to get pregnant in the next couple years, and it turns out my BMI is hitting obesity levels. This is going to make it harder for me to conceive apparently. I have been overweight my entire life, and while it has been a problem I never thought it would be something that could put a major life goal in jeopardy.
    I am attempting to do this by counting calories, regular exercise, and a lot less carbs. I need to lose 30lbs to get to a good BMI, but 20 is a great start!
    Anyone who wants to add me please do!
  • smallmuscleathelete
    smallmuscleathelete Posts: 186 Member
    Hellie from GA, started MFP since Jan 10, 2013 - lost 18 lbs at one point (dropped from 148 to 130 lbs) but just gained couple lbs for the past week as I've been sick and giving myself different excuses for not doing right things. I'm now ready for my second part of my weight loss, lose another 15-20 lbs :-)
    For my first part of weight loss, I focused on having 1200 kcal food consumption each day with healthier choice, cut soda/coffee completely and it did well for me. Now it's time to be back to my healthy eating and add "exercise regularly" to my new life style!
  • mcwdvm
    mcwdvm Posts: 54 Member
    My name is Melanie. I am 46 years old with 1 husband and 2 kids. I am a long time runner that wants to lose weight so I can make my goal of a sub 2 hour half marathon-sometime soon!
  • southernpawsc
    Hey there! I'm Christi, 43, married 20 yrs this July with 3 kids only one of which, a 15 yo boy, is still in the house. I live in coastal GA just south of Savannah. I just found and joined My Fitness Pal today, so have been looking on and off. I have a big history of being skinny and slowly gaining weight which started in my 20s, partying, eating, hating my weight, etc.

    In July 2011, unexpectedly and COMPLETELY out of the blue, I started walking 3 miles per day 5-6 days/week for 5 months! The only "dieting" I did was the innate urge to eat less and more healthy, and I lost almost 25 lbs in that 5 mos. Then, just as I started, I stopped and now here I am almost 1 1/2 yrs later haven lost almost all progress that I made.

    I'm also a registered nurse who never got a job so that adds to my "worthlessness". The circumstances are too much to explain but began with a move shortly after graduation which wasn't in my favor and it all went downhill after that.

    I know I can do it; I've done it before..... maybe I just need to do it with you :)
  • tbarns419
    Hi everyone! My name is Tonya. Im a mother of two boys. Ages 6 and 12. Im getting remarried May 6th. I want and need to get back to the healthy me. I was 110lb before children. I had a bad back injury 5 years ago and the weight just kept coming on. I got up to 223lb. I started to finally lose weight 1.5 yrs ago. Im down to 174, and I wanna get to 140. Physical activity is hard for me, but with the help from my Dr, my Physical therapist, and a personal trainer I believe I can do it safely and efficiently. To give myself an extra boost Im starting the FAST diet (5:2) tomorrow. Good luck everyone!
  • Cybil109
    Cybil109 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 54 yo and 5' 0" I need to lose my last 20 pounds, current weight 135. Menopause has kicked my butt. I used to run and work out on a regular basis but an injury sidelined me and I gained. So here I am 2 years later ready to get back to where I once was. I'm in boot camp 3 days a week and running on non boot camp days in addition to working with a personal trainer to just give me additional motivation. I am hoping this group will just give me more incentive to stick with the plan. I'm looking for to this group it is the first I have joined on MFP.
  • j_holliday
    Hi I'm Jamie im 35 years old and i am hoping that by joing this group i will have to be even more accountable for my weight loss. I have a bad habit of giving up if it doesnt seem to be going fast enough. I have started advocare and am working out at least 30 min a day..
  • Impassivelips
    Hi everyone :]

    My name is Blanca, I'm 23 years old and a Food & Nutrition major at a University in CA. 3rd year studying to be a Registered Dietician (yet another reason to be in shape). I'm 5' 1" and weight 139 pounds. I'm around a size large-xlarge in shirts and 11 in pants. About two years ago I was 118 pounds, but after a bad breakup....I became my heaviest at 145.By August, it would be incredible if I could once against fit into small shirts!

    I've gotten into a terrible habit of sleeping in and being a big ol' couch potato. I don't have a hard time cutting back on calories, but I am having a hard time being physically active! I also need to eat 'healthy' foods as opposed to ones high in fat. The past few days my calories have been too low. I need to go grocery store and pick up some healthy foods.

    With your help I hope to see some changes!
  • igotwilpower
    igotwilpower Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am Z. I am 50 years old, 5'-5.5" tall and I currently weigh170 lbs. It's time for a lasting change that should affect the reminder of my life! I had enough of being slightly overweight and gradually increasing! I used to be in a reasonably good physical shape and with manageable body mass. Then it all happened gradually. When stress and business took over my days, I dropped my regular exercise routine and gained weight over the past 6 years. I am trying to get to the healthy balance for some time now, but at the current age, I found it much more challenging to lose weight then earlier. And then, the lack of success is so d-motivating. Seams that I can not win this game. So, I realize it is time for a game changer. I plague my commitment to lose weight, eat right and exercise regularly! With your help I hope I can persevere! Help me stay accountable!
  • 87352
    87352 Posts: 3
    Hey! I forgot I had an account on here and just refreshed my goals!
    I decided I needed to start up again because I am at my all time high in weight. Additionally, summer is coming around and all my summer clothes from last year are uncomfortably tight...
    Not to mention, my friends invited me to go to a convention. It's apparently a fair with lots of vendors selling fan stuff. I've never been to one before, and before college, I never knew anyone who went. It sounds really exciting though, and it's a little less than a year from now!
    But apparently, everyone wears costumes of characters they like. We are going in a theme, and the character they chose for me is reeallly skinny. I know they won't judge me or tell me or are even thinking about making me conform to that, but I really want to lose weight so I don't look so bad.
    I've been steadily gaining weight after I quit sports due to moving and lifestyle changes, and became pretty inactive after sustaining a foot injury last year.

    Also, all my relatives and my parents when they were young were ridiculously skinny too so I know my genes aren't stopping me...

    I'm 20, female and 5ft 2.75in.

    I plan to eat healthy(i.e. don't miss meals, lots of vegetables, less rice and bread, enough proteins, etc.) and exercise at least 30minutes a day. I just do an aerobic exercise in front of a tv by watching a show or a game usually. It works very well. I will also do daily stretches and a little bit of weight training to build muscle.

    Fortunately, I already drink a ridiculous amount of tea, and I dislike most junk food. I don't like cream or milk in my drinks, and the only junk food I like is chocolate. I don't eat between meals, and I'm not fond of pastries... I guess the only downside is that I am not fond of fruits very much so that may take a bit getting used to.

    All in all my plan is to exercise, weigh in daily, eat well, and take vitamins. Unfortunately I am a college student so sleeping well is out of the question for me when classes are in session! :P

    Good luck guys, and let's all work together in this goal!
  • sophieburningham
    sophieburningham Posts: 56 Member
    Hi I'm Sophie, I'm 22 years old and I live in the UK. My weight has fluctuated for years and I've only managed to lose a significant amount once, only to rapidly put it back on. My job is fairly active, but I love my food and struggle to get motivated to start exercising. Once I get into a routine I tend to be fine and my will power is a lot better. I'm also an emotional eater, and want to try and shift this so that when I am emotional, I find a different way to deal with it.

    My plan for weight loss is to follow the calorie recommendations on MFP, and try to keep sugars and carbs low. Exercise wise I have a Premier membership at my gym now and have made a plan to go swimming twice a week and do a toning session twice a week as well. I've been using TiffanyRothe Youtube video's for a quick 10 minute cardio work out as a warm-up, if I'm feeling energetic etc.

    My other exercise plan is to go for a walk daily. During the week this is easier as I can walk to work, I just need to resist using the car. I work 2 shifts a day as well, so this gets in around 80 minutes of walking a day.

    My reason for losing weight is partly health and partly self image and confidence. My blood pressure was getting high, not dangerously but enough that my doctor told me that she wants to check it again in 6 months, if I haven't lost weight enough to change it by then I need to go on tablets. Self image will be a great thing for me, I want to look better in my job, for myself, and not worry about going out and how fat I look. I hate looking at myself in the mirror, and I want to be able to look in the mirror and smile at how I look. Having the weigh-in's on a Sunday will help motivate me to keep active and be good over the weekends as well ^-^
  • pologirl1
    pologirl1 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello! My name is Jennifer and I am a 39 year old working mother of three. I am at the highest weight of my life and want to lose weight before I hit the big 4-0. I was always very thin growing up, but now have a very sedentary desk job and the weight has crept on over the years. I am new to MFP and this is my first post. I have tried weight loss programs before, with have success, and then give up and gain it back. I am determined to make a life change this time and get the weight off for good. We are going to FL in 11 weeks and I am determined to lose at least 22 pounds before then. My plan is to watch my calories, cut out "bad" carbs, and exercise.
  • mummy_k
    mummy_k Posts: 6
    hi all im kristi and im an alcoholic.....oh wait, wrong group lol! only joking, im kristi, im 26 and from essex in the uk, i am a stay at home mummy, i have 3 wonderful kids 2 girls age 5&6 and a little boy who is 9 months. i have always battled with my weight and would love to just walk into a shop and buy what i want in a good size and feel and look good in it!

    last year i had lost 4 stone and was over haf my target and fell pregnant and it all went horribly wrong :-( so now that 4 stone is back on id like to get it off as quick as possible. im aiming for massive results and hope to reach this target :-) im on a calorie controlled diet with the shakes and soups and am going to give the 30 day shred a go :-/ thats my plans to shift this weight.

    i hope to feel like a brand new me by the end of it. :-) good luck everyone i know you can do!
  • CW101
    CW101 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Chris from Ontario, Canada. I am 41 and a working mom of 2 kids, a boy who is 4 and a girl who is 2. I was in good shape until my late 20's and then poor nutrition habits caught up to me and the weight started to pile on. I've yo-yo'd for years (and two pregnancies didn't help!) and I'd like to finally straighten out my eating habits and maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.

    Last year I started doing the 17 day diet and lost a good amount of weight - I was 10 pounds from my goal and then got lots of bad news. Instead of getting on with things, I gave up, started eating comfort foods (eating whatever I wanted, really) and gained all the weight back, plus some. So in February I resolved to get to my goal weight and stay there. I try to eat clean - whole foods instead of processed foods. I've been working hard at it and have incorporated exercise too. Now I'm 12 pounds away from where I was last year so just over 20 pounds from my goal.

    I'd like to be a role model for my kids, I'd like to look good in pictures and I'd like to fit into some of the clothes in my closet that haven't seen the light of day in quite a few years!!