
  • mudypupy
    mudypupy Posts: 26 Member
    I joined MFP after my baby sis lost 23 pounds simply tracking her eating with MFP. I'm so surprised at how much I like keeping track and continually am shocked when I look up the things I used to eat without thinking. I've got 140# to lose and have only been dieting for 3 weeks. I'm using Diet-to-Go out of Virginia. It seemed expensive but after I calculated how much I was spending at fast food and restaurants 3 meals per day (I'm a single professional without lots of casual friends to dine in with so drive-thrus were my routine), it's actually about the same. Once I get a little further down the path, I want to begin trying to find time to prepare my own meals for the week over the weekend. I battle with depression and right now it's simpler for me to deal with the dieting by using the freshly-prepared, fast frozen healthy Diet to Go menus. Obesity runs in my family and my other sister is having gastric bypass. I've chosen this way instead. Thanks for allowing me to join this board.

    good book i found is "Eat this not that" series ... it has pics of healthy choices to eat from restaurants, quick fix ect...
  • Thanks so much for the recommendation. I'll definitely look for it. I love Olive Garden, but couldn't find much that fit my new needs.
  • Lizajane42
    Lizajane42 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi! Here is my brief intro!
    Struggle with the same weight gain/loss cycle every year- in the downward movement part of that cycle now.

    Start weight was 238
    Current: 214
    First Goal: 180

    After I hit the First Goal I will move on to making a more permanent weight goal, but in my adult life I have never gotten past my plateau weight of 190, so just trying to beat that for now.
  • Hey Ladies,

    I am about to turn 35 in just about 7 days wow!!! I have struggled with weight for the last few years and I am tired of it. I want to get rid of my extra weight. I have thus far lost about 15 lbs. My current weight is 362. My current goal weight is 299. I want to try to lose the weight in stages and my first goal is to get under 300 at 299. Then my next goal will be 250, My biggest weakness is SWEETS. I love sweets. I am trying to learn how to budget out my calories and come with plenty of healthy options. I really want to lose this extra weight and this time I'm committed, so I'm ready to get this done!
  • LozzieWebb
    LozzieWebb Posts: 69 Member
    Hello Ladies

    I'm 50 years old and (it seems) have spent a lifetime battling my weight. Low self esteem and lack of confidence haven't helped. I've finally decided to 'get back to basics' - by this, I mean counting calories. I've done several types of diet plan, WW, Slimming World, Blood Group type - you name it. I've had limited success with them all - but, of course, once I stop doing the plan, the lost weight and more goes back on.

    So, time for a change. A change of attitude and of lifestyle. I started at 301 lbs about 10 days ago and in my first week lost 3.5 lbs. Ultimately I'd like to be down to 160 lbs - but I'll reassess as I go along. My first goal will be to lose 25 lbs. (176 lbs). That should be 'do-able' in a reasonable amount of time.

    I have a 2 year od grandson who I look after on occassions - but he wears me out - so I want to get fitter to be able to run around with him and not feel like I'm about to have a heart attack!!

    Good luck to my fellow weightloss journey makers - I look forward to seeing our progress as we reach all of our goals, mini and end!
  • hungrygirl1983
    hungrygirl1983 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! My name is Emily. I am 28 years old going on 29. I currently weigh 309 lbs. I also have bipolar disorder. Although a supposed healthy weight for my age and height is around 125, the goal that I have set for myself seems more feasible than that one. I would like to be able to get down to 125 lbs. My weight has been a real issue lately, especially since some of my clothes started to not fit anymore. I hadn't stepped on a scale since the end of January and back then I only weighed 283 lbs. You can imagine the "sticker" shock when I stepped on the scale last week and came in at 309.4 lbs. I got really scared about my weight for the first time in my life. I have never weighed this much before!!!!!!!!!!!! I have cried a lot about my weight. I actually like to work out and stuff, I just feel so intimidated when I go to the gym, especially one where the population is mixed. For me, it is so nerve racking to have a man (most of them look like gods btw) on the machine next to me. I get paranoid and think that they are staring at me and thinking about how disgustingly fat I am. My fiancee of the last 4 years has bought us both a membership to Planet Fitness and I really enjoy it. I think that a lot of the reason why all of my other attempts to lose weight have failed is because I had no support or encouragement from anyone. I am hoping to be successful this time around.

    I LOVE CHOCOLATE & it does not love me back!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!! I have struggled with my weight for the majority of my life. When I was a lot younger, I had problems with asthma and was put on Prednizone at an early age which is when I think that I first started gaining the weight. I have tried all kinds of different diets- rice diet, soup diet, weight watchers, etc. to no avail. I get easily discouraged and give up. I enjoy exercise, except for when I get so bloody depressed that all I want to do is lie in bed all day and feel sorry for myself. I've never been good at goal planning, etc, so I joined this group to find the emotional support I need along with inspiration. I'm really glad to be here! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry 'bout going on an on, I can be a real chatterbox.)
  • pika67
    pika67 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, everyone! I just joined MFP and am so glad to see a number of women like myself out there. I am 44 and weigh 250. My goal weight is 150. I can totally relate to the 'sticker shock' and feeling out of control with food. I am right there with you!! I have to lose weigh for myself. I have tried to do it for others in the past and end up gaining it back because my heart wasn't in it. I look forward to this journey!
  • dwkloveswine
    dwkloveswine Posts: 17 Member
    Hello, I just joined MFP (again) I had another account but I deleted it a year or so back, and decided that this is the time to rejoin for the long haul. My name is Danielle- I am 27 years in age. I live in Treasure Island, Florida with my fiance and our dog, Yasmin. I just graduated from College and I am currently working in my field of study in Tampa, Florida as a Paralegal. :happy:

    I am at my heaviest now at a whopping 252 lbs. I have about 100 lbs to loose. I started working out for 30 minutes a day on the elliptical trainer at the gym here in our building during my lunch hour. I am hoping to make some serious progress.
    My downfall is that I start out strong with diets (what I want to believe is a lifestyle change) and as soon as I hit a plateau I get discouraged and fall back into my old bad habits of not counting calories and not working out!
    Some of my other downfalls are: cocktail hour with friends, the weekends, and sweets.- BUT I AM DETERMINED TO FIND HEALTHIER ALTERNATIVES! :drinker:

    I am really excited to start this journey with all of you! Please feel free to add me as a friend! :flowerforyou:
  • jdartmann
    jdartmann Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am 22 and trying to get in shape. I have one daughter, my husband and I are waiting to be gifted with a second child. I have been married 7 months, but have been with him for almost three years. I try to exercise through out the day when I find 5-10 free minutes which can be hard. I am at my highest weight ever. My goal is to loose at least 1 pound a week for the next year or until I feel healthy. I am in college to become an accountant and I am reading up on becoming a doula. My husband and I have stopped eating out to save some money. I need to be friends with like minded people who aren't already fit fit fit.
  • Hello Ladies!
    I'm 33 years old, a wife, mother of 3 boys, work fulltime, and school fulltime. I have been dieting off and on for the past couple of years. I previously lost about 30 pounds on WW (Weight Watchers) and gained it back when I stopped. I am hoping to use MFP to help me learn to choose good foods and learn to eat healthier. I plan to choose my food wisely and workout 4 to 5 times a day. I'm looking forward to my new life style for good this time. I get bored real quick with the same execrise and foods so many suggestions would be appreciated. Good Luck to each of you!
  • 4sandrad
    4sandrad Posts: 283 Member
    Hello All,

    I just joined MFP about a week ago and in dire need of some support. I am almost 39 and when I joined I was 207.8 and need to lose about 50 pounds. I have always thought of myself as being curvy because I am 5'9, but that went out the window when my 18 month old grandson wanted me to chase him. At that moment, I realized that it was tough to keep up with the little guy. So that was definitely and eye opener. I want to be able to do all those fun things with him without feeling out of breath.

    So here I am, ready to conquer this one pound at a time. And your support will definitely be appreciated. I will say that I don't have a love affair with sweets. My downfall is really good food, and wine. My job is very stressful, as I manage 21 schools. And with stress comes my love for food or that chilled glass of red wine.

    I am really looking forward to all of your help, suggestions, or tips. Maybe even an ear when I have had stressful day. Good luck to everyone. I will be as supportive as I can to all, as I know it's a journey and support makes a huge difference.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend as well.
  • lauries3
    lauries3 Posts: 68 Member
    My name is Laurie and I am currently 230 pounds my goal weight is to get to 147. I would like to make a plan to get exercise in but... there I go with an excuse. My plan is to stick to my calories and try to get exercise in 3 x a week. There it is pretty basic. The problem, I eat at night and I eat due to stress and I have alot. I need help and can not do this alone anymore. I am sick of the weigh I look and I want my life back.
  • dawnj87
    dawnj87 Posts: 98 Member
    Hello All. I'm new to this whole dieting thing so bare with me. I am a Nurse and I work nights so my eating habits are really out of whack. I am very obese, according to the charts :( but I am willing to try anything. My co-workers at work suggested this website and it seems fairly easy to follow, so here I go.
  • lauries3
    lauries3 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi all, I am 47 years old and I have been struggling with my weight since 2001 on and off, up and down. Before then I was fluctuating between 147-180. Right now I am 230 pounds and am feeling so tired and have such low self-esteem. I want so much to be healthy and watch my children some day get married and have children. I want to see my grandchildren gorw up.
    I eat out of my emotions. So that is all the time. I hate that I do it but I know I need support and people in my life that will keep me on track and focused on the goal at hand.
  • Hi my name is Sarah and I'm 30 years old. I have a lot of weight to lose. I have lost about 25 pounds so far just by counting calories. I had no idea how fast the calories add up. It is still amazing to me. I still have 50 pounds to go to reach my first goal and then another 100 to reach my final goal. My problem is I don’t mind being this big. I am beautiful and I think I’m beautiful and my husband thinks I’m beautiful, my feet hurt some times but other than that I don’t even feel as big as I am. I work an active job and am on my feet 12.5 hours a day usually 3 days a week. The real reason I want to lose weight is the Dr said I need to lose weight to have a healthy pregnancy. I'm not pregnant yet but am trying. It’s always been hard to find the motivation to lose weight loving my curves and the way I look in clothes. My sister makes fun of me saying I have the opposite of anorexia; I look in the mirror and see a skinny person. Don’t get me wrong I have my bad days too where I feel bad about myself but everyone goes through that. I am here to get support and hopefully give support. We are all beautiful and need to be healthy and happy with our body’s, size and weight just don’t matter if your happy and healthy.
  • I am new to Am 65 years old and am 90-100 lbs. overweight. I am determined to lose this within the next year. Am following The Juice Lady's juicing for weight loss plan to reboot my metabolism. Then on to very small portion control plus cardio and strengthening exercise 5 days per week working up to 60-90 minutes per day.
  • 39 years old, I am married to a large man, and after my third time of childbirth I too have gained a lot of weight.. I am wanting to lose around 100 pounds, but do not want to do surgery.
  • Hello Ladies!

    I am a college student, trying to lose weight. I'm on a mission to lose weight the cheapest way possible. I am using MFP app and soon I'll be buying most of my groceries at the .99 cent store. I want to lose weight and motivate people with the idea that you DO NOT have to spend a lot of money in order to get healthy and lose weight.
    I'm also on a journey to my own spirituality and choosing the right religion for me. I think I already found my religion, yay! :D
    I am starting to realize spirituality has a lot to do with your physical health.

    I need to lose a little over 200lbs.

    SW: 353.2
    CW: 345
    GW: 150

    If any of you ladies have a similar goal and starting weight, I'd love if you added me as a friend.
  • It's time to start a new for me! I'm 365lb and only 25yr old when I seen it written down that's almost unbelievable! All my life I've been over weigh, and I have now gotten so uncomfortable with myself I don't want to ever do anything anymore. I've got to change my ways now! But I can't do it alone and I have got to stay motivated this long journey. I want to be able to buy clothes at the "normal" size stores, I want to feel proud of myself, I want to feel more comfortable in my own skin and not always thinking about how overweight I am. It's time for a new but I'm not sure where to start.