Introduction :)

ashleyeliz25 Posts: 141 Member
Hi all!

I created this group so we could all keep in touch during the month of May as we compete for highest number of calories burned!! It will be a sweaty month, for sure!

I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Ashley. I'm 22 years old, about to be 23 this summer, and I love to run and swim. My goal for the month of May is to burn 16,000 calories. I don't think I've ever come close, so I am going to take it day by day to make sure I do not injure myself, however, I really do hope to burn at least 4,000 a week.

Hope to hear from you all :) I would love to learn your names and hear about your goals!


  • PamelaD88
    PamelaD88 Posts: 38 Member

    My name is Pamela, I just re-joined MFP after a bad few weeks. I am 24 and have been plateued for a few months now (hey- no gain is good news, right?) I start physical therapy on Friday for a knee injury, and I may have to get surgery in a few weeks if PT doesn't work. This is really bothering me since I can't run anymore and do a lot of exercises that I would normally do. I want to stay motivated to burn calories, but I do not have a goal for may, I will have to think about it.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend :-)

  • tracyburkee
    tracyburkee Posts: 51 Member
    Hello everyone!!!!!

    My name is Tracy. I am 32 years old, married, and have 3 kids (10, 6, and 3). I am a stay at home mom (SAHM) and I LOVE TO RUN!!!! My goal for the month of May is to burn 16,000 to 19,000 calories. On a normal week...Mon. thru Fri., I usually burn 800 to 1,000 calories doing strength training, elliptical, and running!!!! On the weekends, I choose one day to run and one day to REST!!!!

    Thanks Ashley for starting this group!!!! I am really looking forward to summer!!!!

  • airant
    airant Posts: 146 Member
    Hi My name is Airan 32 years old mother of two (13 and 8) married, Always looking for ways to keep motivate and I think this will a great way to do it.
  • JMFresh
    JMFresh Posts: 76 Member
    Hey all, I'm Jill. I'm 34 years old. Looking forward to gettin' my burn on with you ladies! I'm 7 pounds away from my goal weight. I am part of a Biggest Loser challenge at my gym - my hope is that this group will keep me pushing forward. I just ran my first 5K - met my goal of under 30 minutes. Today I started the bridge to 10K program - nice burn! :smile:
  • Hey all,

    This is my first group I've joined so far on MFP. I try and excercise 3 days a week and need to bump it up. I am unaware currently of the calories I am burning and am waiting on my bodymedia band so I can calculate my burn accurately. I will repost once I know average calories I am burning per week. I am aiming for 6,000 8,000 for the Month of May right now. 1500-2000 a week.
  • MzDontStop
    MzDontStop Posts: 16 Member
    Hello. I joinded MFP to chart my progress and improve overall fitness. I feel like I'm fighting for my life and fitness and healthier eating are necessary. I'm looking forward to the May Challenge 2010 Calories Burned. Typically I burn 450 calories in an hour doing a cradio class like Zumba or a machine like the ellipse. Those workouts were boring and my body has been stick at a weight pleateau for several months. So I plan to do a variety of calorie burning exercises including weight-lifting.

    I am ready to do this. How about you?
  • ajhouse
    ajhouse Posts: 584 Member
    My name is Amber, 30 yrs old. This is also the first group I have joined. My husband and I have been walking/jogging a couple of times a week. I think we will be adding another lap or maybe a little more jogging soon. I don't have a set goal right now, but maybe after April is over, I can set one that is at least higher than what I am currently doing.
  • mightdomightnot
    mightdomightnot Posts: 181 Member
    Hi....I'm Kat from the UK and I love the sound of this group.

    I'm in 2 other that focuses on distance and one that focuses on weight loss so this group will go well with those and will hopefully inspire me to work hard to burn off all the calories that I can't stop eating!!

    I have a lot of weight to lose and at the rate I am losing it I will be on MFP until I am 124 years old unless I do better!

    I have a knee injury too which sometimes means I have to rest but if it can take it I'm aiming for 16000 for the month.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you are an active and supportive friend and I will do my best to do the same.

    Looking forward to this.

    Kat :drinker:
  • katpatoneill
    katpatoneill Posts: 56 Member
    Hello! My name's Katie, and I'm 20 going on 21 in June. I'm going to college and a part of a service fraternity while also having a job on top of that, so I'm always pretty busy. I'm hoping to find an exercise plan that works for me, but still haven't found anything- I'm still in this awkward stage were I try one thing then try something completely different two days later, haha. I'm slightly active, not crazy, but I definitely want to be! I'm moving to a new apartment in the next few weeks, so I don't know how that's going to affect my burning rate or consistency with my workouts, but I'm right now aiming for 15,000 calories for the month of May. That's going to be super hard for me, but I really want to try!

    Oh- and definitely feel free to add me! I'm not new, but when I first started I tried going alone but decided friends are nice, so I currently have, like, two friends and would adore having more!
  • Howdi - my name is Rachel and I will turn 41 in May! I have been really working hard to achieve my fitness and weight loss goals and this will help me stay the course. I really enjoy those sweaty workouts, but am overweight! So this will help to motiviate me. I have been doing crossfit, the elliptical and am planning on running a 5k over Memorial Day weekend. I think my goal is 10,000 to 12,000 calories. I also work full time and have 3 very activie kids (one will graduate from HS next month). So I think my goal will be challenging and will push me! Just what I need!

    Excited for the month to get started!
  • sebachie
    sebachie Posts: 70 Member
    Hi Ladies:

    My name is Eva, I'm 33 Married and have two crazy little rugrats. I love to run!!!! However I only get to enjoy it on weekends. I just started Billy Blanks PT24/7, yesterday and I'm gonna do that for 30 days so it will run into May and you'll hear all about my days of soreness lol

    I've been a WW member for a little over 2 years and I'm starting to transition into MFP to continue my journey, I have about another 10 lbs to go and tons of toning to do. So, Good Luck everybody and let's get burning!
  • ashleyeliz25
    ashleyeliz25 Posts: 141 Member
    Thank you all for introducing yourselves!! I am so excited that you all have joined this group and have chosen to participate in this challenge!!! It will definitely motivate each other as well as ourselves :)

    Be sure to read the RULES/FAQ discussion :)

    It it really nice meeting you all and hearing about your goals and backgrounds. We are going to kick some butt this May together!
  • MelindaClaire1
    MelindaClaire1 Posts: 7 Member
    Wahoo! I'm excited. 31 yr old mother of 2 boys (6 and 4) and they keep me busy. Who else knows there are not enough waking hours in the day?? By the time work and household duties that must be done are complete my only time to exercise is when I wake up at 4:30-5 am unless I want to be up until 11-12 am to do it at night. Did I mention I'm not a morning person? LOL Oh well, need to get back at it and this will hold me accountable. No idea what each workout burns so I'll go with the 16,000 everyone else seems to be onboard with. I don't imagine it will be easy though.

    This is my second week on MFP; Holy Cow do I eat WAY more calories then they expect me to. UGH originally just trying to monitor what I eat (yep emotional eater here) and figure out what my body needs for fuel and exercise to be running it's best. I've been sick the entire month of April (still sick I give up) and unable to work out due to that (respiraory) and some minor injuries (yeah they happen in 3's.) Back to the gym for me!
  • bambi2578
    bambi2578 Posts: 155 Member
    Hey all! My name is Caitlin and I'm 24. I'm from Connecticut, but living in Long Island at the moment. I've been on MFP for almost 2 months now, and I'm down around 10 pounds. I don't like running, but I enjoy being outdoors and taking in the scenery on my walks/jogs. I'm on Level 3 of the 30DS (for some reason it's taking me forever to get through) but once I'm finished plan on doing another one of Jillian's workouts. My goal will be 10,000 burned calories in May. I have a 5K the first weekend that I'm looking forward to as well. I'm netting around 1400-1500 calories a day, so hopefully those calories burned will add up to pounds :)

    Looking forward to May to get back on track with challenges! I love them!
  • falu1975
    falu1975 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, my name is Falu this is my first time joining MFP, I am 37, married and I have 3 kids (11,9,7 ) . I'm just trying to get in shape.
    I don't really have any goal set up at this point , but i'm really looking forward to may challenge.

    Please add me as your friend :-)
  • lisididi
    lisididi Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Everyone, Lise Here!
    I am 32 years old, married with four kids 7, 4,2 and 4 months ( WOW I think I beat everyone on board so far lol..). I have always been very active and usually lose the post baby weight nicely. This time around I am lacking some motivation so this group could not be on a better time. My favorite workouts are P90X, Insanity, Pilates mat. I was 128lbs pre baby and I am now stuck at 140. I am very determined to go back to my so missed and beloved 124lbs.
    16000 i don't know, so far each insanity workout I burn around 500, maybe if I add the ab riper X before sleep it might add another 150? who knows!
    I hope we all get ready on time for May, no booboos, no diseases, just the burn :wink:
  • ashmurdoch
    ashmurdoch Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! My name is Ashley and I am a 26 year old recently married accountant! I adore my treadmill and my free weights but I am always up for new and exciting way to burn those calories! My goal is 10,000 calories in the month of May. I am super excited to start this challenge.

    Feel free to add me as a friend - i am always in need of some good motivation!
  • mrsburghart
    mrsburghart Posts: 166 Member
    Hi, I'm Amanda. I'm turning 30 in July (eep!) but I'm fairly active. I'm getting married next year, so anything to keep me challenged makes me happy! I'm not sure how much I burn, Looked at the reports section of MFP and didn't want to do the math. I burn anywhere from 300-800 calories a day. I'm going to go with a conservative 12,000 for the month (roughly 3,000/week). I'm excited to do this!

    I just ran my first half marathon on Sunday and that was exciting! Too bad that won't count for this challenge, i burned just over 2100 calories in those 3 hours :)

    Good luck everyone!
  • Amerielle
    Amerielle Posts: 153 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    My name is April. I'm 44 years old, I have four kids and one grandbaby and I'm a night shift nurse. I'm looking forward to this challenge to keep me on track! I pulled out my calculator to figure out how many calories I want to commit to burning in May...I am thinking 8000 should be a good number but I reserve the right to change it at the start of the challenge. I have never counted weight lifting calories before (I don't wear my hrm for them) but I will start for this challenge.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!

    Editing to add: Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • This sounds like a great idea and I would love to be apart of it :)

    I will probably be burning around 2500 - 3000 Calories a week, maybe more! :)

    I look forward to seeing how you all do :)