W4D1 - Nailed it!!!



  • shrinking_me
    shrinking_me Posts: 207 Member
    Only just completed week 4 . . . but looking forward to starting week 5 either tomorrow or Thursday :smile: We're on school holidays now so find routine goes out the door :laugh:
  • Great job! I am a newbie here lol. I just finished W1D3 yesterday. Tomorrow will be W2D1!
  • shrinking_me
    shrinking_me Posts: 207 Member
    Go you!!!!! I'm loving the challenge of it! :bigsmile:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    way to go!
  • I was too sick to start w5d1 yesterday. Now I feel like I am going to be falling so far behind. I have a wicked cold that is taking my breath away and I had a stomach bug that drained all of my energy. I usually run outside, but I think I will ask hubby to watch kids so I can attempt it on the treadmill in the basement.
  • tinapunch
    tinapunch Posts: 65 Member
    Completed W3D1 this morning. Feeling great to be getting back into running. I USED to run 3 miles a day during the week and then a longer run (6-8 miles) on Saturdays. I got away from it for a while and it is taking me FOREVER to get back to where I was. I now wish I never slacked off!

    Have a great day everyone and good luck!!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Great job! I am a newbie here lol. I just finished W1D3 yesterday. Tomorrow will be W2D1!

    Congratulations on starting. That is a big accomplishment!
  • FestivalDiva
    FestivalDiva Posts: 84 Member
    I was too sick to start w5d1 yesterday. Now I feel like I am going to be falling so far behind. I have a wicked cold that is taking my breath away and I had a stomach bug that drained all of my energy. I usually run outside, but I think I will ask hubby to watch kids so I can attempt it on the treadmill in the basement.

    Oh poor you. Maybe take a couple of days off running while you repair -or maybe you could do 2 short brisk walks instead -if you can't breathe properly and feel ill I guess really you shouldn't be exercising at all. When I had a virus a couple of weeks ago I continued to walk briskly just to maintain a bit of stamina (or not to loose too much) which just got me through-I didn't notice a decline in stamina when I rejoined program :flowerforyou: get well soon, you will soon be back on track
  • FestivalDiva
    FestivalDiva Posts: 84 Member
    Completed W3D1 this morning. Feeling great to be getting back into running. I USED to run 3 miles a day during the week and then a longer run (6-8 miles) on Saturdays. I got away from it for a while and it is taking me FOREVER to get back to where I was. I now wish I never slacked off!

    Have a great day everyone and good luck!!!

    Well done! Keep up the good work...
  • mycrobemini
    mycrobemini Posts: 122 Member
    I did W4D2 on Monday. It was SO much harder than W4D1, and I can't figure out why. Hopefully D3 will be better.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I was too sick to start w5d1 yesterday. Now I feel like I am going to be falling so far behind. I have a wicked cold that is taking my breath away and I had a stomach bug that drained all of my energy. I usually run outside, but I think I will ask hubby to watch kids so I can attempt it on the treadmill in the basement.

    The two times not to run are if you have a fever or a cough. I think feeling breathless also applies. Get yourself healthy first!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I did W4D2 on Monday. It was SO much harder than W4D1, and I can't figure out why. Hopefully D3 will be better.

    Usually either W3 or W4 forces you to slow down some more so you can make it through week 5 and 6.
  • drink_me
    drink_me Posts: 46 Member
    I just finished w3d2 today and I am seriously terrified of week 4!! Ugh I think I'm just psyching myself out but I seriously don't know how I'm going to do it!
  • WooHoo! Week 5 d2 under my belt. Still have my cold, but it feels awesome to have accomplished this much!
  • tinapunch
    tinapunch Posts: 65 Member
    Great Job!!! Keep up the good work - and hope you feel better!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I just finished w3d2 today and I am seriously terrified of week 4!! Ugh I think I'm just psyching myself out but I seriously don't know how I'm going to do it!

    My rule of thumb is that, if you have done the day before, you are prepared to do the next day's run. Trust the program. It really works. On day one, you could never have gotten me to believe that I could run for 3 minutes straight. My last run was 88 minutes long (4.5 miles of running).
  • samonmission
    samonmission Posts: 62 Member
    Just have to say that I am WAY proud of myself for mastering W4D1 (albeit the second attempt at it). I even ran an additional 10 minutes in 2 min increments while doing my extra mile (I do 4.4 in all). I finished the first 3.3 miles in less than 41 minutes and the whole 4.4 in less than 57 minutes, so I was pretty stoked! Where is everyone else on their C25K journey?

    Wow that's a great speed for W4D1... I am sure you are way up to speed now
    I just finished my W4D1 and I admit it was hard for me. Upto W4 it was not as bad but running 5min continuously is very challenging. In fact ,that's the reason why I was looking around in the community to see if anyone else had the same issue.
  • FaithtoHope
    FaithtoHope Posts: 15 Member
    Great job!!!!! I just completed week 4 this morning! Like you, I had to repeat day 1 of week 4. The repeat day I ran on the track as usual and was determined not to give up ---I made it through even though I felt like giving up - I can therefore understand your being totally stoked to finish day 1!

    Day 2, I ran at the gym on a treadmill and blew right past it and even ran an additional 10 minutes straight at the end - I was smiling the entire time and was telling everyone how i had added an additional 5 minutes and actually ran 10 minutes on the treadmill woop woop.

    But let me tell you, Day 3 which was this morning on the track was so challenging I could not believe that I had ran so well a day ago....I am now convinced that it is much easier to ran on a treadmill then outside.

    Now I am rethinking week 5 and wondering whether I will be ready the day after tomorrow to take that on - anyway, we will see.

    Bottom line, is that you just have to do whatever it takes to make it through to the end - you are doing great!
  • Stay2theC
    Stay2theC Posts: 22 Member
    Today I will be on Week 3 Day 2. I am looking forward to it because I love challenging myself. The issue I had with W3D1 was getting my breathing down or controlled on the first 3 min jog. On the second jog, it seemed like I did better with my breathing. I can't wait to see how I do tonight!
  • Stay2theC
    Stay2theC Posts: 22 Member
    But let me tell you, Day 3 which was this morning on the track was so challenging I could not believe that I had ran so well a day ago....I am now convinced that it is much easier to ran on a treadmill then outside.

    I think the treadmill is a bit easier because all your elements are controlled. The temperature is set inside of a building, the speed is set at your desired pace. I go to the track since I can't afford a gym membership. Let me tell you, Texas heat & humidty is no fun! lol. But I plan on playing soccer in the fall so I might as well get use to the environment now.