Introduce yourself



  • skyslady1
    skyslady1 Posts: 55 Member
    Name: Pam
    Age: 51
    Height: 5'8"
    Starting Weight: 245
    Current Weight245:
    Goal Weight:165
    How much you aim to lose before June: 5 lbs
    A bit about yourself: I am a emergency communications officer, so my job is one that requires sitting 95% of the time and I am ready to get on the move! I just recently join MFP and I must say that these challenges make you really push yourself to new heights. Looking forward to this challenge. This makes the third challenge I've joined. They all will be working together to help me towards my goal. Good luck ladies
  • Amalialuvz
    Name: Amalia
    Age: 20
    Height: 5'7
    Starting Weight: 205
    Current Weight: 205
    Goal Weight: 160
    How much you aim to lose before June: @least 8 lbs
    A bit about yourself: Well I am a very jolly person, I love to laugh and to see others laughing also. I have a 18 month old baby, and ever since then I haven't lost my fat *kitten* belly. I've became very self conscious with my body, I don't even want to have a boyfriend bcuz of how "discombobulated" my body has became. I tried the cayenne pepper & maple syrup diet but I only lasted 1 week LOL. I just joined today. Well I'm really looking forward to meeting some motivated people and hoping you would motivate me too.... :sad:
  • alibeanster
    Name: Candice
    height: 5ft 6in
    starting weight: 163lbs
    current weight: 163lbs
    goal weight: 140lbs
    goal for June 1st: 8lbs; 155lbs

    i've gained 20 lbs since my senior year of high school. . i'm ready to lose that 20lbs!
  • aMboise5
    aMboise5 Posts: 1
    Name: Ana
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'3"
    Starting Weight: 242.5
    Current Weight: 242.5
    Goal Weight: 190
    How much you aim to lose before June: 7pounds
    A bit about yourself: I want to be able to wear shorts again.
  • SZY0006
    SZY0006 Posts: 23
    Name: Christie
    Age: 25
    Height 5'6"
    Starting Weight: 195, but I didn't start using MFP until 176
    Current Weight: 165
    Goal Weight: 135
    Goal for 1 June: 8 lbs

    A bit about myself: I gained a lot of weight in late 2011/early 2012. Three years ago I weighed about 150 pounds, and I would love to see the 150s before June. I'm living in China right now, which really kickstarted my weight loss. Right now I'm exactly halfway to my final goal. I'm going back home (to the US) in mid-June, and I want to be back to 150 before I step off the plane.
  • TheNewKaylee
    Name: Kaylee-Louise
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'7"
    Starting Weight: 112 KG
    Current Weight: 109 KG
    Goal Weight: 60 KG
    How much you aim to lose before June: Between 5 lbs - 10 lbs

    A bit about yourself:

    Erm, I live with my boyfriend. Always been fat and just want to lose weight and be slim for once. I don't go out due to a lack of confidence and I hope once losing weight I can learn to love myself. So I don't see myself as a monster anymore. Cant wait to hit below 200 lbs cause I've never been below that since the age of 11!
  • varamanna
    varamanna Posts: 12 Member
    Name: Anna-Marie
    Age: 18
    Height: 174 cm (5'8'')
    Starting Weight: 59 kg (130 lbs)
    Current Weight: 59 kg
    Goal Weight: 54 kg (119 lbs)
    How much you aim to lose before June: 4 kg (8.8 lbs)
    A bit about yourself: I love BodyPump and BodyJam!!
  • GSav4L
    GSav4L Posts: 4 Member
    Age: 22
    Height:5 ft 4 in
    Starting Weight:165 lbs
    Current Weight: 165 lbs
    Goal Weight: 134 lbs
    How much you aim to lose before June: 5 - 50lbs
    A bit about yourself: Single mom, in school, Just trying to get back to my lattermost pre-baby body / weight. In my teens I weighed about 189 lbs, then went on this hardcore exercise/ healthy eating spree and I went down to 134 lbs in a matter of months. I haven't ever felt healthier than I did at that time. Speaking of time... my weight loss couldn't have come at a better time because shortly after this, I had my son, and of course I gained weight again; Went up to 150 lbs not too bad. Now It's time for me to get back to the way i was before albeit after having a baby my body wont be exactly the same. But I sure will feel better. :)
  • shenhannigans
    Name: Tracy
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'4"
    Starting Weight: 253 (I fell off the wagon and then updated to where I was when I started again, at 242).
    Current Weight: 232
    Goal Weight: 140ish
    How much you aim to lose before June: 5lbs
    A bit about yourself:

    Canadian. Stubborn. Ridiculous. Loud. Sometimes shy. I don't match my socks (life's too sort). I love yoga pants. Sings a lot. Tea lover. Nerd. Dr. Whovian. Reader. Generally happy, sometimes grumpy. Lazy. Cat mommy.
  • jennieT13
    jennieT13 Posts: 1 Member
    Name: Jennie
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'1
    Starting Weight: 286
    Current Weight:226
    Goal Weight:120
    How much you aim to lose before June: 8 lbs
    A bit about yourself: I am a stay at home mother of 3 young children. I want to be able to get out and play with them this summer. I have been working at losing weight since January 11th of this year. I want to lose atleast 8lbs would be happier with more by June.
  • TLHarwick
    TLHarwick Posts: 44 Member
    Name: Trish
    Age: 38
    Height: 5'4
    Starting Weight: 133 (although back 1 year ago I was 191)
    Current Weight: 133
    Goal Weight: 125
    How much you aim to lose before June: 5+ lbs - shave off the last bit!
    A bit about yourself:

    I am a full-time working Mom (Speech Pathologist Assessor) of 4 busy kids, 2 Great Dane puppies and an Army pilot spouse. I was thin and active pretty much my whole life until I had kids - 4 - within 6 years! I kept putting on extra weight after each one and never finding the time to get it off. My husband made his 2nd deployment to Afghanistan in September 2012; separation was hard and I continued to stress bake and eat my way to 191. I was uncomfortable in my own skin, sick, tired and really feeling the effects of the extra weight! The nurse at work started a "Biggest Loser" contest; being a competitor and tired of feeling badly, I joined. I also joined Weight Watchers and began to make better food choices. I won the contest, and $150.00 - losing 60 pounds total. I went from a size 14 to a 4. Since then I have continued running, doing Les Mills Combat, Pump and every other DVD out there and continued on the journey of living a healthier life. I also attend a boot camp 3 times a week that my daughter's gymnastics coach runs... it is quite a work out! Weight-wise I have been creeping up a little, but I am pretty confident it is mostly muscle? (hopeful anyway). I would really love to move that last 5 lbs or so of fat around the middle and continue to tone up!

    It is great fun to read about everyone!
  • Name: Kirsty
    Age: 24
    Height: 5 7'
    Starting Weight: 267.4lbs
    Current Weight: 267.4lbs
    Goal Weight: 182lbs
    How much you aim to lose before June: 5lbs
    A bit about yourself: I'm recently engaged, my motivation to look good in a dress has lead me to join the gym and eat healthier forever.
  • SerahLaffere
    SerahLaffere Posts: 223 Member
    Name: Serah :)
    Age: Twenty One
    Height: Five - two
    Starting Weight: One hundred and seventy Nine
    Current Weight: One Hundred and sixty three
    Goal Weight: One Hundred and twenty
    How much you aim to lose before June: five - seven pounds
    A bit about yourself: I'm awesome ;)
  • pinksarahjane
    pinksarahjane Posts: 73 Member
    Name: sarah
    age: 34
    height: 5-3
    starting weight: 215
    goal weight: 140
    how much do you aim to lose before June: 5 pounds
    abit about yourself? I have been engaged to my soulmate for two years i am following a healthy lifestyle and going for walks and using my Wii fit i am currently out of work and looking for a job i love animals and have a hamster and guinea pigs
  • ForeverFemmeFatale
    Name: Adriana
    Age: 19
    Height: 5'6'
    Starting Weight: 187lbs
    Current Weight: 168lbs
    Goal Weight: 110lbs
    How much you aim to lose before June: 5lbs
    A bit about yourself: I'm from London originally, but I live in Barcelona now, where I work in reception in a hotel. I love going to the beach but I am very self conscious about the way I look in a bikini, so I'm using this as motivation to lose weight. I'm new(ish) on this site so you can add me if you like because I don't have many friends. :)
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    Name: Priyanka
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'5"
    Starting Weight: 159
    Current Weight: 146
    Goal Weight: 125
    How much you aim to lose before June: 6 lbs
    A bit about yourself:

    Hmm..I've been overweight ever since I started puberty. My parents were great enough to raise me to believe that I should love myself no matter what and not care about weight or physical appearance because personality and integrity were far more important. But that idea got a little too firmly imprinted in my brain, and now I'm really trying to lose weight. I want to be more confident about myself, and I want to be healthy. I want to look awesome naked. And I don't want to be another statistic contributing to America's gigantic obesity problem. So I'm ready to do this, be successful, and make friends along the way :)
  • Fit_B_
    Fit_B_ Posts: 5
    Don't mind the fact that I'm super late! haha I just now saw the group and wanted to be a part.

    Name: Brittany
    Age: 22
    Starting Weight: 163
    Current Weight: 163
    Goal Weight: 150
    How much you aim to lose before June: 5 lbs.
    A bit about myself: I've always been the athletic girl who was in shape growing up. Now that I am working full-time and going to school part-time, it is hard for me to find time to workout and I always make my busy schedule an excuse to eat out/unhealthy all the time. I may still be young but I know that the longer I keep this up, the harder it will be to break my habits in the future. I know I need to make changes and I'm motivated to do so, just need the extra push sometimes. I'm hoping this group and site in general can help me stay on track and focused!