


  • chilli
    chilli Posts: 211 Member
    Hi all
    My name is Jo and whilst I have been on this site for 4 years (most of the time) calorie counting I now have to watch the carbs. Was classed as pre diabetic for many years although my most recent doc has only just picked up on it and things are happening at last.
    I am aiming to keep my sugars under those classed as diabetic so eating less carbs and a little more exercise seem the way to go.
    Just starting to gather info on what is and what isn't high/low. Chuck recipes at me, the more the merrier please! What substitutes are good for pots, rice etc etc.
    Only me most of the time to cater for , don't know if thats good or bad actually because you can get in a rut with a "why bother " attitude!
    Hope to see you all around the site, :wink:
  • DeadlyDame13
    DeadlyDame13 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi! Yayyee im glad I found this group I recently had my son and want to lose 60lbs.
  • alimarieban
    alimarieban Posts: 141
    Hi! I am fairly new to the low carb lifestyle and I could really use some advice. I started really cutting back on my carbs (about 1/2 of the daily MFP recommendation) about a month ago. I dropped three pounds very quickly but then it just stopped. I decided to try Atkins- the latest version- and have been in Induction for three days. I have actually gained 6 pounds (I am assuming it's water weight) and am really confused. I want to continue to log on MFP for calories, etc., but the carb values on food here and in my Atkins books are COMPLETELY different. Can anyone advise on how you handle this? Do you go by the Atkins counts? Which is more accurate. I really want to log correctly so that I can get the most of my Induction period so any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks! SO glad I found this group! :-)

    Ooops! Forgot a few things!
    Real name: Allison or Ali for short
    Height: 5'1"
    HW: 169
    CW: 166
    GW: 120
    Weaknesses: Cake, brownies, strawberry pie....
    Strengths: "Won't give up" attitude!
  • qzisue
    qzisue Posts: 8
    Hello, my name is Susan and I have been on MFP for quite a while logging my food/excercise on my iphone app. I had no idea there were groups! LOL

    I am 45, married & live in Texas. I have been low carbing for 5 years. My highest weight was 380 and currently at my lowest post high school weight of 206.

    I have been following the Atkins diet and moving towards a paleo diet by cutting out all processed foods. I will be attending the low carb cruise next week and hope to learn lots to keep me motivated & continue on my weight loss journey.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Just joined this evening. I haven't been with MFP for very long and have been trying to find the place where I fit. This may be it!

    Real name: Melinda
    Height: 5' (almost)
    Heaviest weight: 255
    Current weight: 123
    Total lost: 132
    Pounds left to go: 3!!!

    I have been eating low carb ever since my Mom was diagnosed with diabetes. She needed encouragement with her diet, so my husband and I bought some cookbooks and started trying out recipes and making recommendations to her on things to try. We got hooked! We have been doing this for approximately 6-8 months and I have dropped 25 pounds just with the low carb eating. Love it! The food is good and plentiful and I feel much better.

    I am 50 years old, have been married to my High School sweetie for the past 27 years and am looking forward to 27 more with him. We have two grown children ages 23 and 24, two cats (a totally different discussion) and one dog~Paxton, he is on my ticker tape!

    We live in Mississippi having moved here after living in Colorado for 16 years. Big Change!!! Not a bad change, just different. We like it here. You do not have to shovel in the winter!

    My weakness is my evening beer. I will eat religiously so I can have that evening beer. Silly of me.
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    Hi, I'm Emily, and I'm 24. I'm a student and nanny/babysitter and I've been with my boyfriend for over a year. I weigh about 190 pounds, my all time high. Carbs are my weakness, but I know I'm fuller and happier when I cut them out. I just had a binge and I'm looking to get back on track.
  • my_bleu
    my_bleu Posts: 12
    Real Name: Bleu
    Height: 5'3"
    HW: 211
    CW: 184
    UGW: 150
    Location: Las Cruces, NM
    Age: 33
    Sex: F
    Children: baby girl, 6 months
    Divorced, happily dating my baby's dad with plans for marriage eventually, by the time my daughter is old enough to know the difference

    I started LC in 2007 or 2008, dropped 30 lbs like nothing, only to regain it all and then some going through a divorce. I hit 211- my all time high, and then got serious about LC, Zumba, and I also used prescription diet pills intermittently to shed 50 lbs over the course of 16 months.

    When I hit the 50 lb weight loss mark my weight matched the weight on my drivers license for the first time since I was 18. Then, within a month, I was pregnant. My daughter is now 6 months old, and I am 25 lbs heavier, but would like to lose 35 (when I got pregnant I wasn't quite done). So it's back to the grind....

    Luckily I stayed very active during my pregnancy (though I had to switch from Zumba to Jazzercise) so I still have good workout habits. Hopefully (for my sake and my bfs) this goes by fast... I want my body back
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    I'm Aaron, been eating low carb since 2009, minus a few months a year to gain weight.
  • Hello group!

    I've pretty much have stayed the same weight for the past couple years. I'm down 20lbs from heaviest weight, up 15lbs from my lowest weight. I seem to always come under or at my calorie goal but with not much success to show for it. A coworker of mine suggested I try low carb. I've been so focused so much on low calorie, I never paid attention to how many carbs I actually consume in a day. It's insane!

    It's not going to be easy. I seem to love carbs very much (especially milk!) but I know I can do it. I'm glad you guys are here to help!

  • Kannu55
    Kannu55 Posts: 11 Member
    I am a low carber from India. 47 years old / I prefer to call myself 47 years young after I was reborn after opting to go low carb 1 year back. I have already lost 58 lbs and hope to lose some 30 lbs more. i am in no hurry so made low carbing my life style-- for me its a no sugar no grain life style. I love to invent low carb recipes with every day easily available food. Please visit my page on fb--- it will be a pleasure---- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Low-Carb-Weightloss/354285474685364?ref=hl

    Reach this for interesting low carb recipes. A few likes won't hurt. ;-)
  • kmiggity
    kmiggity Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, all. I am Kristen and I have just recently gone back to a low carb diet. I lost over 50 pounds on South Beach about 8 years ago and unfortunately did not stick with it after I lost all the weight. I have since gained back most of the weight and want to get back to normal. I also have a minor gluten intolerance, so this has been great for that. I am in week three of a hybrid of Atkins and SB and have lost about 15 pounds. I have more to go, but I am feeling very motivated. I am looking forward to being a part of this group and sharing success stories and hopefully some great recipes too! :)

    Height: 5'8''
    Weight: 198 lbs
    Goal Weight: 145 lbs
    Diet/Lifestyle: Atkins, South Beach, Gluten Free
  • noregretexperiment
    noregretexperiment Posts: 11 Member
    I am looking for some accountability partners. I made the decision to take my health seriously mothers day 2012 and just last week hit the 100 lb mark. I eat very low carb (20 too 30 carbs a day) feel free to friend me.
  • vampirequeen1959
    vampirequeen1959 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi. I've just discovered lchf diets when I was looking for ways of helping my husband who suffers from ibs. I've been a yoyo dieter all my life and had decided to give up six years ago and accept that I'm a BBW. Well I'm still a BBW but I need to think about my bones and joints now so time to drop a bit of weight if possible. What's different this time? Well I don't hate myself for a start and allso I've never found a diet that allows you to eat so much 'nice' food and still lose weight.
  • Hi!
    I'm looking to at least not go over my carb target because I typically eat a lot or bread and noodles/pasta. I'm looking to see food logs to get ideas on how to embrace a lower carb lifestyle.

    CW: 139
    TW: 120
    Height: 5'1

    Please friend me :)
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