


  • jmlosingit
    jmlosingit Posts: 61 Member
    Hi All!

    I'm Jenni! Looking for some insanity buddies, feel free to add me!

    I stated Insanity on Monday. I was pleasantly suprised with my results from the fit test. Yesterday was my first actual workout and I actually enjoyed it! I'm not terribly sore today either, I think it's from the great stretching in the DVD. I saw another poster say that the warm up is the hardest part and I have to agree lol. Can't wait for my next fit test to see the changes!!! Don't get me wrong this work out is insane but in a good way!
  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    Hey guys!

    I'm Ryan and I just finished day 6 of the insanity workout! It was my first repeat of the ply cardio workout, and it was great to be able to push a little bit harder for a little bit longer. I still needed some breaks, but I'm looking forward to seeing some cardio results doing the fit test again. I use to be a skinny little runner at 125 pounds, but I rocketed up to 210 over the last few years. Looking to hit about 160 with some solid muscle mass after finishing Insanity then headed to Insanity:Asylum!
  • MsJennyffer
    MsJennyffer Posts: 85 Member
    Hi I'm Jenny, and I will be doing day 4 of insanity today. I feel kind of bad about it because after day 1 I was too sore to do it so I skipped a day, and did the same last night. Any advice or suggestions? Should I just start all over again ?
  • tyal0523
    tyal0523 Posts: 70
    Have you tried Shakeology as a meal replacement?
  • fufi04
    fufi04 Posts: 471 Member
    Hey Peeps! I'm on week 3, Round 2!(:
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    Hi, Im Melissa, 37 and mom to 3 kids 10 and under. I finished day 2 of Insanity today. I thought I was in shape but this workout has proved me wrong! I really want to push myself and stay with it so I could use all the support I can get!
  • ajpinn
    ajpinn Posts: 1
    Hey everyone! My name is Amanda and I'm 28 years old. I just completed day ONE of Insanity...oh my. I definitely will need support to make it through 2 months of this! I used to be in shape, but lately, the only shape I'm in is 'round'. (Yes, corny joke indeed.)
  • jessicamrsneed
    jessicamrsneed Posts: 15 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Jessica. I am going to start Insanity tonight. I need to lose 50 lbs after I have had my son. Pre-baby I was fitness crazy. My goal is to get back to the old me but better. I know this workout is extremely difficult so I was happy to see a support group.
  • ctwaldrop
    ctwaldrop Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I just finished Week 1 of Insanity today. This is the 3rd time I've started Insanity, (notice I said nothing about finishing). The first 2 times, I didn't monitor my eating, so now I'm determined to do this the right way (eating well & exercising). Looking for friends that can appreciate this Insane journey we're all on. I am 36, mom to a 6 & 9 year old boys, and just ready to make a change.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    I finished week 1 yesterday. Bring on week 2 Saturday ☺
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    Hi all. I'm Keshia and I am on day 6 of Insanity. I thought I was fairly in shape until I started Insanity. I could really use a support group to keep me accountable. Feel free to add me anyone.
  • esarinx
    esarinx Posts: 3
    Hello, my name is Amber. I am 26 years old. I am on my second week of Insanity, first month. I have been having weight fluctuations for most of my life. For years I used food as my comfort. Last year I lost 10 pounds but quickly gained it back. I hit rock bottom when I found myself having to look in the 22w for pants because my 20w were too tight. That was the biggest size I had reached and it was crushing. I stopped even looking at the scale, feeling ashamed. I started doing exercises here and there, and cut out as much grease and sugar as I could. I got the courage to get on a scale and saw that I had not only lost 10 pounds I had gained, but I had lost more! Talk about motivation! In January I started doing yoga. I upped yoga to 4 -6 times a week in February. In early April I found Shaun T's Rockin Body and for the first time had a blast while working out. I started my first round of insanity on April 15th and here I am. I do Insanity, about 50 push ups, 50 crunches, planks, and I try to walk/jog daily as well. I am now in a 16. I am far from where I want to be, and am hoping Insanity can give me that extra push!!!

    I joined this group to find friends that go through this craziness haha! Add me
  • orchid5155
    orchid5155 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm Christine. I'm 43 years old have done P90X previously without following the diet plan. Haha, gained muscle and lots of endurance, but also a couple of pounds. Just started Insanity 3 days ago, and can definately feel the pain in the calves. I am trying to stay acountable by eating healthier and following Shaun T's calorie intake, and also trying to eat 5 meals a day. Looking into possibly adding Shakeology or Whey Protein to my diet. Just ordered new cross trainers, since my running shoes don't have the right support. Glad I found this group, I really need the accountablity. Good Luck Everyone, Dig Deeper! :)
  • MeganMcBane
    MeganMcBane Posts: 54 Member
    Hi guys! I am 24 and just started insanity on the 29th. I have done Insanity before and saw GREAT results. Its really tough but so worth it. I am in the military and was worried about taking my PT test... but after finishing Insanity I did really good! So I know it really works! BUT when I finished the program last time, I had someone to do it with everyday. I am flying solo this time so thats why I come here for support. Please feel free to add me :-)
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    Hi All :) My name is Kristen. I'm 30 years old and have 6 year old twin boys. A friend just gave me the insanity DVDs and I am starting Monday, May 13th.

    I've lost 35 pounds over the past 6 months by eating cleaner and making exercise part of my everyday life. I've done a veriety of workouts from Zumba to the 30 day shred to various strength training routines as well as 4 weeks of the C25K. I've definitely seen some awesome results.

    I decided to try this program for a number of reasons (I was given it for free being one!). But the challenge factor is a huge motivator. Over the past 6 months, I've overcome a lot of things I never thought I would. When I watched the Fit Test, I was a little intimidated. That's when I decided "I'M DOING THIS!!"

    I have 15.6 pounds to lose to reach my original goal weight and I am hoping to do that in 60 days of Insanity!!!

    Please feel free to add me!
  • yogabycrystal
    im 34 live in stockton ca hit some health problems and am basically starting over .Got a full release from the dr .Been walking doing some cardio and a few boot camp classes .ready to get back at it . wish me luck .
  • Shazoo00oo
    Shazoo00oo Posts: 7
    Hi! I'm 44 and I live in Philly. I've been doing insanity for 5 weeks now and am starting on month 2. Fortunately, my friend is doing it too so we can keep each other going, but I"m happy I found this forum too!
  • Jllee72202
    Jllee72202 Posts: 2
    Hello! My name is Janese and I am currently on week 2 of insanity. I have a 7 week old and 6 yr old so I am eager to drop the 30 pounds I gained with baby 2. I also want to reach the acceptable weight range for entrance in the military. I am 28 years old and out of shape. On some parts of Insanity I just sit and watch because I can't do it. However, I seem to burn between 400-500 calories each workout just attempting so I want to stick with it until the end. I do need support and advice on how to succeed!
  • melissamichelle87
    Hi, my name is Melissa and I'm 25 years old. I have a 5 year old little girl, so I'm a mom, wife, student, and I work full-time. It has taken me a while but you can find the time to take care of yourself! I just finished my first week and I can already tell a major change. My arms, legs, and back are getting more toned and tighter and my stomach even looks more defined. I can't wait to see the results after 60 days!! I've lost 4 pounds this week as well!! I have to stop quite a bit throughout the workout...but I catch my breath and dig deeper and go right back at it as hard as I can. I have about 60 more pounds to get rid of and I'm definitely going to use insanity to get me there. I did do about two months of turbo jam and a lot of walking up hill before I started insanity. But I honestly think as long as your willing to put your all into this workout it doesn't matter what kind of shape your in as long as you go at your own pace and give it all you have every time your gonna get stronger and in better shape!! I still can't do 1 full push up, but it won't be long now!! I've been extremely sore this week so I am glad this today is my day off, but I'm ready to go at it harder come Monday!!
  • labgeekj80
    labgeekj80 Posts: 32 Member
    My name is Jeanna. I am starting Insanity tomorrow 5/24 am interested in any friends for support or who would like to join in with me. Let me know I can be a great friend.

    IG: jbosick80