May check in and chat - May all your weights go up



  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    So new to this that I don't know what goals I could set for a month. Had a friend who is a lifter come to my gym Wed. I squatted, bench pressed, Dead lifted and rowed the men's bar. Though only did 3 sets because he taught me all six movements. We used a machine for the OHP, only 30 pounds.

    I am going to the gym today for workout A. I suspect I will use the women's bar for squats and BP and will put weight on the men's bar for rows. I am still experimenting as you can see.

    Yep, and that's perfectly normal. I'm still experimenting 3 months into lifting. I'll probably never not experiment. To me that's all part of the fun. Long as the weights go up and I get stronger over time without hurting myself, that's all that matters. It may be several weeks yet before you hit any sort of "stride" ... don't worry about it. Just stick with it, and it'll all come together, especially when the strength gains spill out of the gym into your actual life and doing all kinds of other things become much easier than they used to be. :smile:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    waaaahhh it was a mare. if you're my friend I've already subjected you to the story on my timeline!

    Squats cool at 42.5kg, all good.
    Nightmare wait for the bench, tried going up as planned and got 3 up before having to do the roll of shame, and seem to have tweaked something in the process (deloaded back to the previous weight too).
    Rows I think my form is pants, wonder how I could get someone to check this? last time did 55554 this time 44445.

    so.. is it the lack of ice cream, the poor food day/lack of protein, the hanging around waiting for the bench and the mare that followed, or my shoulder?

    could do with your opinions on that too. it's the top/front of the shoulder so I feel it when I lift my arm or change gear in the car.. what have I done to it and what should I do about it?!

    thanks and sorry for the tl;dr!
  • beacrys
    beacrys Posts: 72 Member
    So new to this that I don't know what goals I could set for a month. Had a friend who is a lifter come to my gym Wed. I squatted, bench pressed, Dead lifted and rowed the men's bar. Though only did 3 sets because he taught me all six movements. We used a machine for the OHP, only 30 pounds.

    I am going to the gym today for workout A. I suspect I will use the women's bar for squats and BP and will put weight on the men's bar for rows. I am still experimenting as you can see.

    Yep, and that's perfectly normal. I'm still experimenting 3 months into lifting. I'll probably never not experiment. To me that's all part of the fun. Long as the weights go up and I get stronger over time without hurting myself, that's all that matters. It may be several weeks yet before you hit any sort of "stride" ... don't worry about it. Just stick with it, and it'll all come together, especially when the strength gains spill out of the gym into your actual life and doing all kinds of other things become much easier than they used to be. :smile:

    Thx. I've read NROLFW and I am now reading Starting Strength. Going slow and easy. I'm 54 and out of condition.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    could do with your opinions on that too. it's the top/front of the shoulder so I feel it when I lift my arm or change gear in the car.. what have I done to it and what should I do about it?!

    Conventional wisdom would dictate putting ice on it, taking some ibuprofen and taking it easy for a couple days to see if it'll calm down. If it's a strain, it ought to mend in a few days. You probably lost a bit of your warm-up by standing around for those 15 minutes. Maybe do jumping jacks or grab a couple dumbbells next time to stay wamed up. You could have just been distracted by all the goings-on too. Sounds like you had a busy time at that there gym.

    That's why I do squats, OHP and benches every session. I know it's not super efficient as opposed to A/B, but that way I don't have to wait for 5 days or whatever to get my form better and etc. It's just like second nature now because I've been doing them so much.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Yeah, I'm thinking of taking the long weekend off... Rather than going on Sunday.. ibuprofen and ginger wine have been applied!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    could do with your opinions on that too. it's the top/front of the shoulder so I feel it when I lift my arm or change gear in the car.. what have I done to it and what should I do about it?!

    Conventional wisdom would dictate putting ice on it, taking some ibuprofen and taking it easy for a couple days to see if it'll calm down. If it's a strain, it ought to mend in a few days. You probably lost a bit of your warm-up by standing around for those 15 minutes. Maybe do jumping jacks or grab a couple dumbbells next time to stay wamed up. You could have just been distracted by all the goings-on too. Sounds like you had a busy time at that there gym.

    I agree with Dani (as usual :happy: ). RICE - rest, ice, compression, elevation for the time being, so taking a long weekend would be good...or if you can't stand to be out of the gym, work on some core and lower body stability, but keep the movement of the shoulder to a minimum. The ginger wine should at least ease the body a little :wink:
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    It feels like forever since I posted here, welcome to the people who are new, glad to see you here!!

    Today I did:

    Squats 125# an unintentional repeat, but believe me they were still challenging LOL

    OHP 53# I am proud of the improvements I've made in my form and these aren't nearly as hard as they used to be

    Deadlifts 165# And they about wiped me out. I am still trying to get back in the groove of my day!

    I calculated my TDEE and took my cut from it on the first of the month, and I am thinking that I caught a bad data day, because having my calories this low (1975 or so) is not agreeing with me. Or, maybe I have reached the point where I need to stop taking such a deep cut (because I am not as fat as I used to be, maybe I can't go with a 25% deficit any more!!! That's a good thing because it means I have lost weight, but saying goodbye to the days of 1 1/2 pounds/week loss will make me sad, too :sad:

    I will sleep on all this and see what my gut tells me to do.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member

    I will sleep on all this and see what my gut tells me to do.

    Well if it was my gut it would be saying "where's the ice cream dude?" 25% seems rather aggressive when lifting... nice numbers and always good to repeat for form in my book!
  • sraffel
    sraffel Posts: 66 Member
    Tried rows again last night! I managed 70 lb, elevated the bar on two plates and made sure to start with my shins right up against it. Pulled a little lower and got the bar all the way down between each rep. It was MUCH better! I think next time I'll elevate on at least one more plate, as I did have to bend the knees quite a bit to get to the bar while keeping my back straight.

    Right elbow was a bit achy last night, but is mostly better this morning. I feel a little tightness when I rotate my hand back and forth. Is that from rows?
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member

    I will sleep on all this and see what my gut tells me to do.

    Well if it was my gut it would be saying "where's the ice cream dude?" 25% seems rather aggressive when lifting... nice numbers and always good to repeat for form in my book!

    LOL I hear you. But honestly, at 226 I was very fat. I'm not imagining in my wildest dreams that I'm going to stay at a 25% deficit!! This morning common sense prevailed and I am going to work with a 20% deficit and see how it goes. That'll move me more into losing about one pound per week. I think I've said this before -- that's fine if that's what I need to do to make sure it's 100% (or as close as possible) fat that I'm losing. I don't want to reach my goal and be disappointed in how I look. To me "goal" means GOAL, not a scale number that I raced to as fast as possible :smile:
  • RunWestyRun
    RunWestyRun Posts: 20 Member
    I have been lurking on here a while and wanted to say hi!!

    I only started 2 weeks ago and have just done workout 6 and am absolutely loving the programme (never thought I would look forward to going to the gym so much). I had always been a cardio bunny up to now. I was due to start Stronglifts at the end of March but I managed to partially slip a disc in my back at work so it had postponed which was actually a good thing as it forced me to take a break from the excessive cardio and fully re-evaluate my goals - I want to be bad@ss strong like all you inspirational ladies :love:

    Squat - 30kg - this was the first time I felt my squat form was spot on. It seemed like the slightly extra weight enabled my form and centre of gravity to take care of themselves - is this normal??

    Overhead press - my first fail... already. 22.5kg - 5/5/3/4/4. Am slightly gutted to have failed already only being in week 2 but I knew my upper body strength is poor and it can only get better with perseverance so bring on attempt number 2!!

    Deadlift - 37.5kg - was chuffed with this and was really careful to keep everything braced and form tight to not aggregate my back. I I'm not lifting much on this yet, but this lift makes me feel great - like a proper lifter!!

    I am also trying to learn how to do pull-ups currently using a resistance band. Using the medium band at the gym I managed 7/6/4.

    I love the idea of ice-cream as training fuel :tongue:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Tried rows again last night! I managed 70 lb, elevated the bar on two plates and made sure to start with my shins right up against it. Pulled a little lower and got the bar all the way down between each rep. It was MUCH better! I think next time I'll elevate on at least one more plate, as I did have to bend the knees quite a bit to get to the bar while keeping my back straight.

    Right elbow was a bit achy last night, but is mostly better this morning. I feel a little tightness when I rotate my hand back and forth. Is that from rows?

    I stack at least 2 plates for rows.....I have even done 3....pretty much because I have short legs and shorter arms so the long reach to the floor is not at all natural.....I've had the best success doing it that way so I say stack away!

    I would say the achy would be more likely caused from bench or even squat depending on how you are gripping the bar. The grip on the row is one of the more straightforward ones.....unless you are pulling the bar closer to your girls, rather than abdomen, that can be super awkward.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member

    Squat - 30kg - this was the first time I felt my squat form was spot on. It seemed like the slightly extra weight enabled my form and centre of gravity to take care of themselves - is this normal??

    Overhead press - my first fail... already. 22.5kg - 5/5/3/4/4. Am slightly gutted to have failed already only being in week 2 but I knew my upper body strength is poor and it can only get better with perseverance so bring on attempt number 2!!

    Deadlift - 37.5kg - was chuffed with this and was really careful to keep everything braced and form tight to not aggregate my back. I I'm not lifting much on this yet, but this lift makes me feel great - like a proper lifter!!

    I am also trying to learn how to do pull-ups currently using a resistance band. Using the medium band at the gym I managed 7/6/4.

    I love the idea of ice-cream as training fuel :tongue:

    Welcome to the group! The first fail does suck but what makes it so awesome is when you blow through the stall at your next workout! Plus upper body can be a b!tch for many of us! I'm in my 9th week of my second cycle and I'm still only at 56lbs for OHP and it's a struggle! Just keep pushing!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Workout B for me this morning followed by my lovely barbell complex with my new 6', 20lb barbell and I loved every minute of it! The lighter barbell was much easier to handle and I'm super pumped because I can still add weight to there will still be progressions :)

    So I've also been eating at a cut since I started cycle two just over 2 months ago and I'm starting to think that I need more. I'm really feeling hungry all the time and my energy is starting to waiver. I have been aiming for 1800 calories/day which is over a 20% cut for me....quite a bit depending on the calculator. I have been finding that I'm craving sugar an awful lot. Thinking I should go back to 2000 and see what happens :)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Welcome to the new ladies!!! Always nice to see new faces and hearing that you are all enjoying the lifting!

    Workout B for me today. I feel like I had a total off day at the gym. You know the kind where you get there and one or two things are different and it seems to affect the entire workout? Well, I forgot my wrist wrap and my pair of shorts that go over my compression shorts. Forgetting those things totally threw my concentration and focus. I was feeling a bit more exposed in just the compression shorts so I know that got me.

    But I managed through:

    Squats: 1x5 @ 85, 95, 105, 115, and 125 - later I had another lady that lifts come up to me and complement me on my apparent flexibility and ability to get so low in the squat.

    OHP: 3x5 @ 80 - brushed the bar against my chin a few times and then couldn't get it up even once on set 4. Went down to 75 and same no-go on the going up so I called it there.

    DL: 1x5 @ 135, 165, and 185 - At first I couldn't get 185 moving up. I stepped away from the bar and realized that it was more a mental block than a physical limitation. So, I cleared my head, stepped back up and put my head into it as well. Got the full 5 reps.

    Next time I will be more prepared and also see about getting a picture for the May profile shot. I didn't think all of MFP needed to see me at the bottom of a squat in compressions shorts :noway: :laugh:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Oh I hear where you are coming from sister, it is totally as much a mental as a physical game! Next time will be better :-)
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Welcome to the new ladies!!! Always nice to see new faces and hearing that you are all enjoying the lifting!

    Workout B for me today. I feel like I had a total off day at the gym. You know the kind where you get there and one or two things are different and it seems to affect the entire workout? Well, I forgot my wrist wrap and my pair of shorts that go over my compression shorts. Forgetting those things totally threw my concentration and focus. I was feeling a bit more exposed in just the compression shorts so I know that got me.

    But I managed through:

    Squats: 1x5 @ 85, 95, 105, 115, and 125 - later I had another lady that lifts come up to me and complement me on my apparent flexibility and ability to get so low in the squat.

    OHP: 3x5 @ 80 - brushed the bar against my chin a few times and then couldn't get it up even once on set 4. Went down to 75 and same no-go on the going up so I called it there.

    DL: 1x5 @ 135, 165, and 185 - At first I couldn't get 185 moving up. I stepped away from the bar and realized that it was more a mental block than a physical limitation. So, I cleared my head, stepped back up and put my head into it as well. Got the full 5 reps.

    Next time I will be more prepared and also see about getting a picture for the May profile shot. I didn't think all of MFP needed to see me at the bottom of a squat in compressions shorts :noway: :laugh:
    @###n! Girl, you got strength. Great job. One question on your dead lifts, any reason why you do the various weights for one set only instead of the 5x5? Is it because you are up in heavier weights?
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Okay, didn't get to 3 workouts this week but did 2. Family and work matters.

    Today did workout 11A and here are the results:

    Squats 5x5 95lbs -- Looking excited to see how I do with 100lbs
    Bench press 5x5 75lbs -- Not too bad didn't need much rest between sets on these.
    Barbell Rows 5x5 70lbs -- Also not too bad. Never really did BB rows until this program, used to doing seated rows.

    Again, this is the best group ever and I am loving this program.
    Happy lifting everyone.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member

    Next time I will be more prepared and also see about getting a picture for the May profile shot. I didn't think all of MFP needed to see me at the bottom of a squat in compressions shorts :noway: :laugh:

    Maybe we do...sounds shexay and strong... ; )
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    So I've also been eating at a cut since I started cycle two just over 2 months ago and I'm starting to think that I need more. I'm really feeling hungry all the time and my energy is starting to waiver. I have been aiming for 1800 calories/day which is over a 20% cut for me....quite a bit depending on the calculator. I have been finding that I'm craving sugar an awful lot. Thinking I should go back to 2000 and see what happens :)

    Come sit next to me, Vegas. Let's talk LOL.

    What are we thinking working with a >20% deficit and lifting? Would you advise a client to do that? Do I shake my head whenever I see someone else doing that?

    So why are we doing it?!?!

    I have been trying to work with 1975 or so and I'm not sure it's enough. I think that even an extra 100/day would help a lot. Maybe there is something magical about 2,000 calories??
