Guys getting more responces when online dating



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Beautiful people atent as good as average people. I cant believe this. Smh. I hope yall never have ridiculously beautiful children. Itll break your heart to explain to them that theyre gonna grow up to be worthless.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Yoovie, I'm not sure I understand the meaning of your posts...

    However, there are several interesting points you make:
    People who have worked hard to attain a certain level of fitness are some of the most dedicated, hardworking, well informed, respectful and helpful people.
    Beautiful does not equal mean or stupid and i hate when normal, out if shape people talk about what other types of people tend to be like.
    I like (and fully support) the parallel between "beauty" and "fitness", and in your paragraphs you use them both as if they were interchangeable (which they pretty much are).
    For most people (and there are of course exceptions), how beautiful they are (nowadays) is 80% fitness.

    If i said people who arent at a certain level tend to be lazy, boring and quick to quit on their goals... it wouldnt be fair even if it was based on 'real people ive met'.
    It isnt true and neither is the entitled bs.
    You're right, it isn't true.
    However, we all judge people based on what we see of them, our past experience and what we know to be true on average (and then, we react accordingly).
    All of this to say that fat people are generally considered as lazy, fit people are "active".
    Beautiful people are generally considered as possessing other "positive" qualities (cf Disney).
    It has nothing to do with "me", "you", or being open minded or not, these are just average, normal human behaviours that many studies have confirmed.

    Sure, someone, somewhere is going to like you for what you are (whatever you are), but your appearance will still decide (on average) how well received you are when you go anywhere in the world (so, yes, being beautiful makes your life easier).
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    People who have worked hard to attain a certain level of fitness are some of the most dedicated, hardworking, well informed, respectful and helpful people.

    Beautiful does not equal mean or stupid and i hate when normal, out if shape people talk about what other types of people tend to be like.

    If i said people who arent at a certain level tend to be lazy, boring and quick to quit on their goals... it wouldnt be fair even if it was based on 'real people ive met'.

    It isnt true and neither is the entitled bs.
    Just because you are at the top level of fitness doesn't mean everyone who isn't are lazy and not dedicated. I think you should go back and re--read some of the posts. The gist of it all was that some ladies don't really care to meet people just based on their looks, since in some of our experience the guys who were the best looking acted entitled and had no personality. Basically we are saying being beautiful doesn't mean you are a great person. Look at Hallie Berry and other Hollywood stars who are considered beautiful but have rotten personalities.
  • fullofwhimsy
    fullofwhimsy Posts: 218
    I tend to date men with amazing personalities and who are very average or less than average in the looks department. Emotional connection, sexual compatibility, sense of humour and their ability to make me feel amazing is what I need. I am attracted to them, but know they are not classically good looking. I prefer to be the "prettier" one. Probably a self esteem thing..not sure I feel I would feel confident with a very good looking guy who was also awesome.
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    Nice try ladies ;) I know how it really works. Women scroll through the 10,000,000 emails they get a day and pick out the hottest guys to write back to. Sure, everyone once in awhile you'll throw a normal guy a bone and toss a letter to guy who hasn't spent his entire life perfecting his physique but that's probably only 1 out of every 50 letters tops.

    Not always true because although I get a lot of flirts based on my looks, some pass me up because they think my pics are fake and Im catfishing.

    Or they're just looking for a boytoy and could care less about getting to know me.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Nice try ladies ;) I know how it really works. Women scroll through the 10,000,000 emails they get a day and pick out the hottest guys to write back to. Sure, everyone once in awhile you'll throw a normal guy a bone and toss a letter to guy who hasn't spent his entire life perfecting his physique but that's probably only 1 out of every 50 letters tops.

    Not always true because although I get a lot of flirts based on my looks, some pass me up because they think my pics are fake and Im catfishing.

    Or they're just looking for a boytoy and could care less about getting to know me.

    i can appreciate a good looking man but of course i would like for them to have some depth. as for the posting what others perceive as fake pics...let me ask u post shirtless pis? like your current pic on mfp?

    i'm not giong to lie I would probably assume you were really into yourself and not approach you first (online dating) but I would surely not ignore you if you were to contact me, I would see how the communication goes. :)

    keep in mind that with a body like that i would also be really self conscious of mine and assume you would be critical of me too.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Nice try ladies ;) I know how it really works. Women scroll through the 10,000,000 emails they get a day and pick out the hottest guys to write back to. Sure, everyone once in awhile you'll throw a normal guy a bone and toss a letter to guy who hasn't spent his entire life perfecting his physique but that's probably only 1 out of every 50 letters tops.

    Not always true because although I get a lot of flirts based on my looks, some pass me up because they think my pics are fake and Im catfishing.

    Or they're just looking for a boytoy and could care less about getting to know me.

    I'm just your profile pic on MFP similar to the ones on a dating site? Sometimes people will treat you in a way that you project to them. Because a guy with a great body like yours may be projecting to others as being nothing but eye candy.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Nice try ladies ;) I know how it really works. Women scroll through the 10,000,000 emails they get a day and pick out the hottest guys to write back to. Sure, everyone once in awhile you'll throw a normal guy a bone and toss a letter to guy who hasn't spent his entire life perfecting his physique but that's probably only 1 out of every 50 letters tops.

    Not always true because although I get a lot of flirts based on my looks, some pass me up because they think my pics are fake and Im catfishing.

    Or they're just looking for a boytoy and could care less about getting to know me.

    There's nothing wrong with having a shirtless pic on your online dating profile, but sorry to say if there is more than one, you look like a body-obsessed d-bag, especially if its your profile pic.

    It's an image you project, same way if a man had all pictures of him and his dog I would assume that he was obsessed with his dog.

    Is it fair to judge that? No but it's an assumption based on what you project.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Nice try ladies ;) I know how it really works. Women scroll through the 10,000,000 emails they get a day and pick out the hottest guys to write back to. Sure, everyone once in awhile you'll throw a normal guy a bone and toss a letter to guy who hasn't spent his entire life perfecting his physique but that's probably only 1 out of every 50 letters tops.

    Not always true because although I get a lot of flirts based on my looks, some pass me up because they think my pics are fake and Im catfishing.

    Or they're just looking for a boytoy and could care less about getting to know me.

    There's nothing wrong with having a shirtless pic on your online dating profile, but sorry to say if there is more than one, you look like a body-obsessed d-bag, especially if its your profile pic.

    It's an image you project, same way if a man had all pictures of him and his dog I would assume that he was obsessed with his dog.

    Is it fair to judge that? No but it's an assumption based on what you project. could mean that he is proud of his fitness accomplishments. A hard body takes a lot of work.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Nice try ladies ;) I know how it really works. Women scroll through the 10,000,000 emails they get a day and pick out the hottest guys to write back to. Sure, everyone once in awhile you'll throw a normal guy a bone and toss a letter to guy who hasn't spent his entire life perfecting his physique but that's probably only 1 out of every 50 letters tops.

    Not always true because although I get a lot of flirts based on my looks, some pass me up because they think my pics are fake and Im catfishing.

    Or they're just looking for a boytoy and could care less about getting to know me.

    There's nothing wrong with having a shirtless pic on your online dating profile, but sorry to say if there is more than one, you look like a body-obsessed d-bag, especially if its your profile pic.

    It's an image you project, same way if a man had all pictures of him and his dog I would assume that he was obsessed with his dog.

    Is it fair to judge that? No but it's an assumption based on what you project. could mean that he is proud of his fitness accomplishments. A hard body takes a lot of work.

    Of course, but how one person perceives it will vary to the next. When I see guys on online dating profiles flexing on the beach or taking pictures in the mirror, I may assume they are just showing off and is not boyfriend material. Am I stereotyping or judging? Probably! However, its all about perception of my reality.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I have no problem with men having shirtless pics on a beach, or surfing, or the like... but a mirror shot were you are obvisouly showing off your 6 pack or just a shot of your bicep is a huge turn off for me. Don't know why but it is! Maybe becuase I am looking for more than your body!

    I appreciate the time and effort put into achieving said body, I really do...becuase I am working my *kitten* off on mine as well... you'd never, ever catch me posting pics like that on my online dating profile even if I did have it to flaunt. I'd leave that for MFP haha!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Nice try ladies ;) I know how it really works. Women scroll through the 10,000,000 emails they get a day and pick out the hottest guys to write back to. Sure, everyone once in awhile you'll throw a normal guy a bone and toss a letter to guy who hasn't spent his entire life perfecting his physique but that's probably only 1 out of every 50 letters tops.

    Not always true because although I get a lot of flirts based on my looks, some pass me up because they think my pics are fake and Im catfishing.

    Or they're just looking for a boytoy and could care less about getting to know me.

    There's nothing wrong with having a shirtless pic on your online dating profile, but sorry to say if there is more than one, you look like a body-obsessed d-bag, especially if its your profile pic.

    It's an image you project, same way if a man had all pictures of him and his dog I would assume that he was obsessed with his dog.

    Is it fair to judge that? No but it's an assumption based on what you project. could mean that he is proud of his fitness accomplishments. A hard body takes a lot of work.

    There is being proud and there is being a Narcissist. Look everyone that loses weight or gains muscle deserves some praise. But if fitness is your main passion and you don't have any other pictures showing you do doing something else, I wouldn't want t o date you.

    I would love a guy who likes to do multiple activities not just being obsessed with his body.

    If you want body shots, natural action shots are better than selfies and I wouldn't want to date a man obsessed with his body because I would assume he was judging mine all the time. I would never be comfortable curling up with a hard body.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    If you want body shots, natural action shots are better than selfies and I wouldn't want to date a man obsessed with his body because I would assume he was judging mine all the time. I would never be comfortable curling up with a hard body.

    That's true for me as well. I want to be comfortable in that situation, but I would fear I'm being judged or fear he's just going to leave me for someone with a better body. Maybe I won't feel like that when I have a better body, but right now I still struggle with the fact that some hot guys even TALK to me :laugh:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    If you want body shots, natural action shots are better than selfies and I wouldn't want to date a man obsessed with his body because I would assume he was judging mine all the time. I would never be comfortable curling up with a hard body.

    That's true for me as well. I want to be comfortable in that situation, but I would fear I'm being judged or fear he's just going to leave me for someone with a better body. Maybe I won't feel like that when I have a better body, but right now I still struggle with the fact that some hot guys even TALK to me :laugh:


    I'm kinda with Danielle, I'd prefer to be the more attractive one, probably just because I would have a lot of insecurity otherwise.
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    I don't normally post shirtless pics online at all, this is the only site I do it because its a fitness site. I'm here mostly to track my diet, but a lot of people are looking for advice from individuals who have had success. So when you can show that you've had success people tend to value your advice.

    But online dating is a different forum altogether. I'm really not trying to show too much skin and I never post topless. I prefer to leave a little mystery. :tongue: Besides I wanna be sure that they're attracted to me because of who I am before they get to take the shirt off.

    I'm actually really shy and I don't like attracting too much attention to myself. I look like I do because I played sports and because exercise is therapeutic for me, which simply means I do it often and with intensity. I've always been a healthy eater and a good cook, so that part just came natural to me. Its just part of my lifestyle like video games, going out for drinks or shopping or any other recreational activity... It doesn't mean that I'm overly egotistic or into myself and as common as that stereotype is, I find it quite annoying. All I can say is, if you are one of those people who judge you're probably missing out on some really great people that just happen to also have great physiques.

    It also has no bearing on the types I date. Sure I'd prefer to be matched with somebody who shares the same interests but being ripped is not a per-requisite at all. I love women and I've dated all types. But I won't hang around long if you're shallow.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    But online dating is a different forum altogether. I'm really not trying to show too much skin and I never post topless. I prefer to leave a little mystery. :tongue: Besides I wanna be sure that they're attracted to me because of who I am before they get to take the shirt off.


    I just creeped through your profile (hahaha sorry) and I really like the picture of you and the young girl...shows you are friendly and child-oriented which any woman would love. Those kinds of photos are the ones that sell. Great idea to skip the topless photos. They just send off a "I'm conceited" vibe even if it isn't true.
    I look like I do because I played sports and because exercise is therapeutic for me, which simply means I do it often and with intensity. I've always been a healthy eater and a good cook, so that part just came natural to me.

    ...and I'm jealous. Wish I didn't have an intense craving for all things sweet and salty and buttery and doughy.
    All I can say is, if you are one of those people who judge you're probably missing out on some really great people that just happen to also have great physiques.

    I guess for me it's not really that I'm not attracted to men with great physiques. I can usually appreciate a good body and good looks, but they're not for me, namely because I would prefer a more cushy guy to cuddle with, and I also think that someone with a hard, ripped, lean and toned or whatever body would not want my squishy, jiggly, muffined body.

    And Wolfpack, just a thought...profile says you're 35 but your profile pic makes you look much younger. I thought you were in your early twenties just from your little avatar. If I were you and looking for less boytoy-wanting girls, maybe consider choosing photos that make you look older. The one with you and the girl actually makes you look your age (which isn't a bad thing!!).
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I don't normally post shirtless pics online at all, this is the only site I do it because its a fitness site. I'm here mostly to track my diet, but a lot of people are looking for advice from individuals who have had success. So when you can show that you've had success people tend to value your advice.

    But online dating is a different forum altogether. I'm really not trying to show too much skin and I never post topless. I prefer to leave a little mystery. :tongue: Besides I wanna be sure that they're attracted to me because of who I am before they get to take the shirt off.

    I'm actually really shy and I don't like attracting too much attention to myself. I look like I do because I played sports and because exercise is therapeutic for me, which simply means I do it often and with intensity. I've always been a healthy eater and a good cook, so that part just came natural to me. Its just part of my lifestyle like video games, going out for drinks or shopping or any other recreational activity... It doesn't mean that I'm overly egotistic or into myself and as common as that stereotype is, I find it quite annoying. All I can say is, if you are one of those people who judge you're probably missing out on some really great people that just happen to also have great physiques.

    It also has no bearing on the types I date. Sure I'd prefer to be matched with somebody who shares the same interests but being ripped is not a per-requisite at all. I love women and I've dated all types. But I won't hang around long if you're shallow.

    Thank you for writing this for me. :wink:

    Well except the cooking part, and eating healthy part.

    I haven't tried the online dating thing. I've toyed with the idea, but am **** scared, so maybe I'm not ready. But if I do, I don't know that I'd show my body much at all... Maybe an average head shot...

    Sad thing is that I have a fair bit going against me. Too tall. Six pack. Kids. Very little free time.
    I don't even know where I'd even begin.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I don't normally post shirtless pics online at all, this is the only site I do it because its a fitness site. I'm here mostly to track my diet, but a lot of people are looking for advice from individuals who have had success. So when you can show that you've had success people tend to value your advice.

    But online dating is a different forum altogether. I'm really not trying to show too much skin and I never post topless. I prefer to leave a little mystery. :tongue: Besides I wanna be sure that they're attracted to me because of who I am before they get to take the shirt off.

    I'm actually really shy and I don't like attracting too much attention to myself. I look like I do because I played sports and because exercise is therapeutic for me, which simply means I do it often and with intensity. I've always been a healthy eater and a good cook, so that part just came natural to me. Its just part of my lifestyle like video games, going out for drinks or shopping or any other recreational activity... It doesn't mean that I'm overly egotistic or into myself and as common as that stereotype is, I find it quite annoying. All I can say is, if you are one of those people who judge you're probably missing out on some really great people that just happen to also have great physiques.

    It also has no bearing on the types I date. Sure I'd prefer to be matched with somebody who shares the same interests but being ripped is not a per-requisite at all. I love women and I've dated all types. But I won't hang around long if you're shallow.

    Thank you for writing this for me. :wink:

    Well except the cooking part, and eating healthy part.

    I haven't tried the online dating thing. I've toyed with the idea, but am **** scared, so maybe I'm not ready. But if I do, I don't know that I'd show my body much at all... Maybe an average head shot...

    Sad thing is that I have a fair bit going against me. Too tall. Six pack. Kids. Very little free time.
    I don't even know where I'd even begin.

    You aren't too tall. Six pack is a bonus feature. Assuming you are looking for a guy in his 30s, they should expect that you will have children or they are, quite frankly, a moron. Most 30-somethings have very little free time.
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    And Wolfpack, just a thought...profile says you're 35 but your profile pic makes you look much younger. I thought you were in your early twenties just from your little avatar. If I were you and looking for less boytoy-wanting girls, maybe consider choosing photos that make you look older. The one with you and the girl actually makes you look your age (which isn't a bad thing!!).

    I'm not looking for anything.. I haven't been on a date in years. I no longer have any online dating accounts, I was just offering my experience from when I used to.

    Also my avatar is meant to show what is possible for a man in his mid 30s. Its not an attempt to look younger or attract anything. As I mentioned before I'm not the market anyways.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    As I mentioned before I'm not the market anyways.