November 2013 Babies



  • StefieLou
    StefieLou Posts: 45 Member
    Dear November 2013 Baby Friends,
    Just wanted to say thanks to everyone I've become friends with on MFP, and who have been very supportive of me. Yesterday's ultrasound confirmed that my baby no longer has a heartbeat, and that I am going through a miscarriage.
    My husband and I are so very sad. We've been trying for 2 years to conceive; ever since I lost my first pregnancy to miscarriage.
    My OB will be working with me over the next few weeks, watching my hGC level as it climbs back down to 0, and then we'll be doing some testing to figure out what is wrong, and to make a plan for getting pregnant in the future.
    I wish you all the very. very best with your pregnancies.
  • Nette0309
    Nette0309 Posts: 106
    Due November 8th and gained to much weight already and tips for me ladies !!
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    So sorry thoughts and prayers are with you....*hugs*
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    Hi Ladies!! I found out on March 18th that I'm expecting my 4th child. I have 3 boys now, so hoping for a girl. I had an appt w/ the Nurse Midwife today to get all the history and labs, etc. and then I go see my Midwife tomorrow for my first real appt. They are going to do an U/S because I have irregular periods, so going by my LMP, my due date would be 11/18 but since I charted ovulation, it would put me due on 11/28 - TURKEY DAY!! They want to find out which one is correct.

    Sorry to all of you who lost your rainbows. My thoughts are with you.....
  • SunshineBB30
    SunshineBB30 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey Ladies. I was due Nov 30 and had a miscarriage this week. I wish you all the best with your little blessings and know this November there will be LOTS to be thankful for:) I plan to let my body rest for a couple of months and then try again!
  • Sonriendo
    Sonriendo Posts: 98
    Congratulations to you all.... Am due on November 19th... Hubby and I are hoping for a Boy!! as we both have 2 girls each... :love: .... am planning to keep on eating healthy and WALKING more than ever as I know it will help me lots during labor.... but for now I will go back to my yucky gagging and lotz and lotz of :yawn:
  • jgrodzicki
    Thought I'd sneak in as well... we're due November 1st with our second! We've had our first ultrasound and seen that little heartbeat flickering away. Almost out of the first trimester - so far so good! Looking forward to getting to know you ladies and trying to stay more fit this time around. I didn't gain a lot last time, but I didn't stay active at.all. :-\ So, now that most of the nausea has passed - and hopefully my energy will return asap - and I can start walking and moving around a little each day!

    Also praying for those that have already suffered losses. My heart ached for you while catching up and reading the stories. Stay positive, we're all thinking of you!
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    Turned out that I might not have ovulated late at all like we thought I might have. I had an ultrasound today due to the return of the spotting that I had last month, and all that was there was still the small empty sac. No yolk sac, no baby, nothing. Just a blighted ovum. Oh and I found out I also have PCOS. My ovaries are full of tiny cysts, the left is far worse than the right though, so I still might have a decent shot at conceiving again. Interesting that I was able to conceive at all with hypothyroidism and PCOS, and without even trying.

    I'm going for a D&C tomorrow.

    Best of luck to you ladies. Wishing you happy and healthy pregnancies.

    Hope to start trying again soon.
  • SCSmalley
    SCSmalley Posts: 18
    Hello ladies!!! Hubby and I due for baby number 2 as well!! Baby number one is not yet 6 months old! We are due November 21. I gained 50 pounds for our first, and I am actively trying to NOT gain that again this time... especially since I still had 15 pounds to go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight (and was trying to lose 20 back then.) Basically... I'm at 177 now at 10 weeks in... my ultimate goal was to get down to 135.

    Loving MFP! It keeps me honest and in check... I'm addicted to it. I've never used the message boards before, but I really enjoy them! Lots of support and great information.

    Feel free to friend me :) Also... what's a BFP? lol
  • jgrodzicki
    Turned out that I might not have ovulated late at all like we thought I might have. I had an ultrasound today due to the return of the spotting that I had last month, and all that was there was still the small empty sac. No yolk sac, no baby, nothing. Just a blighted ovum. Oh and I found out I also have PCOS. My ovaries are full of tiny cysts, the left is far worse than the right though, so I still might have a decent shot at conceiving again. Interesting that I was able to conceive at all with hypothyroidism and PCOS, and without even trying.

    I'm going for a D&C tomorrow.

    Best of luck to you ladies. Wishing you happy and healthy pregnancies.

    Hope to start trying again soon.

    So so sorry to hear this. We'll be thinking and praying for you. Take care of yourself - and best of luck to you!
  • jgrodzicki

    Feel free to friend me :) Also... what's a BFP? lol

    Welcome and congrats on baby #2! :) BFP = Big Fat Positive!
  • courtneydeewalk
    How did everyone's first appointment's go??

    Mine went well. Saw the heartbeat flickering away at a strong 176!! Have an appointment in a couple weeks for the blood work, pap, all that fun testing stuff!

    Hope things are going well for all.

    Who is finding out the sex/who's not?? :o)
  • jgrodzicki
    jgrodzicki Posts: 83
    I've been thru a couple now... but yes, got to see that sweet sweet heartbeat :) My anatomy scan is on June 13th... but I still haven't decided if we are going to find out the gender or not. We didn't with our first and I loved that... but, I'm swaying... haha.

    Glad your appointment went well!
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Good Morning November Mommies!! Here's where I am...So I've been starting to feel guilty for eating SOOO much crap, being that I am coming off a 100lb weight loss. I haven't worked out since I concieved really. Granted I have been exhausted and nauseous...I have still eaten like a maniac. I ready to eat clean again. I don't want to slip into old habits...and I find myself doing that. I'm still going to keep my calories the same which for me, is around 2200 (dieting prepregnancy: 1500-1800) which has thankfuly helped me maintain my weight within a 5 lb range. This is not to make anyone feel guilty, but more of a "come to Jesus" talk for myself. I know a lot of us are feeling why not?! I'm going to try and get 15+ minutes a day of dedicated it walking, or a date with my secret boyfriend Richard Simmons. I encourage any of you to do the same, if you are at the same point I am.

    12 week (11w6d) appointment today! Hoping to hear my little bean!!
  • jgrodzicki
    jgrodzicki Posts: 83
    Hey mamamc03! Sounds like a fantastic plan! :) I am 14w, 2d... and still have not gotten into any kind of workout routine. I didn't workout but maybe 2 times during my last pregnancy and I am DYING to change that this time around!! I need to get moving, asap. My eating isn't terrible - I am not eating particularly healthy, but I am still trying to keep it around the 1600 calorie range. I'll be upping it again (probably to 1800) in the next month or so...

    Good luck at your appointment today!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Morning all! Mind if I join in? I am due with my 2nd on Nov 21st --- however, we'll be doing a scheduled c-section, so not sure when that will come into play. This one was a surprise to us. With our first, we tried for 3 years, multiple IUI's & IVF we didn't think it could actually happen on it's own, just by having sex!?!? Who knew!? hehe. My son is almost 14 months old & I'm still hanging on to the last 10lbs I gained from him + the 10-15lbs I gained while doing all of the fertility treatments.

    This time around, I'm really hoping not to gain as much. I gained 40lbs my first pregnancy. However, it's been hard with being nauseous all of the time. I'm sure it'll go away soon, as it did with the first around 12ish weeks I think. Which is what I'll be at tomorrow :)

  • rlevings81
    rlevings81 Posts: 1
    Hello. I would love to join you all. I am pregnant with my 3rd. I am due Nov 27th. I am trying to not gain more than 25 lbs, which my midwife said is okay as long as I am eating well and being healthy, so that's the goal.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    Oh yeah, I'm Rachel
  • jgrodzicki
    jgrodzicki Posts: 83
    Welcome to you both! This isn't really a very active board... I try to check back often, but fail most days. haha... but, welcome nonetheless! :)
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    Hey everyone! I just wanted to join in and say hi. I'm due with my second 11/19. I will be 14 weeks tomorrow. yay 2nd trimester!!! I had a miscarriage last September so I have been really careful this time and not exercising much at all. I'm hoping to change that now that I'm in my second tri (tomorrow) I think I will be able to relax more and enjoy this pregnancy. My son is 2, and he keeps me running around all the time.
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    Hey all, due November 22!

    I became a runner over the last couple of years, but the fatigue of the first trimester has derailed any hope of a regular running regimen. At bare minimum, I get my long run in on Saturdays.

    I'm still going to run the last two races I signed up for pre-pregnancy (the Soldier Field 10 Miler and the Chicago Women's Half), but then I think I'm going to call it a day on the distance running, at least for the rest of the pregnancy.