


  • bebehanna
    bebehanna Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am around 216 lbs. I have a 17 month old little girl, and still have all the baby weight. I just can't seem to control my eating. If any one has any tips for me, I would like to get down to 160lbs. Thanks!
  • Carameldlux
    Carameldlux Posts: 39 Member
    Hey everyone, I actually joined Mfp last year but am actually starting to use & luv it! I'm a mommy to three,2 wonderful boys 13 & 11 and as of last Sunday a 7 yr old Diva lol. I had reached my goal last summer & decided to keep going,as I needed to tone(esp. my tummy) But life happens ya know,so I'm determined to get it back off again & keep it off. I'm friendly,so feel free to friend me.
  • ChristineLavi
    ChristineLavi Posts: 62 Member
    :smile: Hello fellow mom's,
    I am new again to MFP. I joined 29 motnhs ago but today is my first posts and first entry. over the last 2.5 yrs I had lost 50 lbs but then gained 17 lbs back over the last 7 months. My new goal is to lose 62 lbs - ideal weight is 155 - 150 lbs.
    I am 37 yrs old, 5.5 current weight 217 mom of 2, work FT at a busy desk job, so when I get home I have to figure out supper, cook clean, homework, clean more, etc... know this group is here and we can relate to each other, I looking forward to hints and tips and just general chit chat and motivation for one another and making new MFP friends
  • kimbtaylor1
    kimbtaylor1 Posts: 210 Member
    Hello all...I have used myfitnesspal for sometime but just now starting to use the commuinty side of things. Over the last two years I have been working hard at getting in shape. I am proud to say I have lost 75lbs already but I need help taking it all the way home. I have become complacent. My three boys are the reason behind me having to get healthy...they need me to be around. Due to recently finding out that I have a heart disorder and spending a scary three days on the cardio floor of the hospital I have to take my health and fitness more seriously. I am looking for some friends who will help motivate me, as I will do for all of you.
  • kimbtaylor1
    kimbtaylor1 Posts: 210 Member

    I've been there. Honestly the thing that helped me was to rid the house of all the danger foods. That way if you want to snack you will have to snack on something healthy. Instead of chips, have dried bannanas etc. Something else that helped me was to make my dinner plate on a salad plate instead of the regular size plates. Also, at dinner, chew your food!!!! I can't stress that enough. Sometimes we eat so fast that our brains don't have time to tell use we are full. Slow down your eating and stop when you get the full message. The last trick I have goes against all of the mommy wisdom I have. DONT MAKE A HAPPY PLATE!! I know, I know but even if it is just a few beans or one last bite of meat left you will be able to start having control over "its on my plate, I must eat it." mentality that I know was shoved down my throat growing up.
  • Hi Moms!

    My name is Ryan. I am a mom of 5 kids (oldest is 15, youngest is 5). I have struggled with weight loss for most of my life. I started off a skinny kid, became chubby and then blew up. After suffering a big period of stress combined with 400+ blood sugar levels, almost 2 years ago, my body suddenly shed pounds. I dropped from 177 to 150 to 132 in 3 months. I didn't try, it just happened. Now I stayed at or around that 132 until this winter when some of those pounds started coming back. I am currently 145. Regardless of the number, I still looked flabby at 132. I was diagnosed diabetic at 15 years old and with an under active thyroid at 18. Add the stretched skin from the pregnancies, and the 4 c-sections, and I often feel like everything works against me ever having that flat stomach I have always wanted.

    I'm looking for other people who have the desire to lose, look good, and feel good. I'm looking to encourage others, and maybe get some encouragement on those hard days too.

    Good luck to you all in reaching your goals.
  • Jonatshaja
    Jonatshaja Posts: 12
    Hi there! My name is Sharee an I'm not new to MFP, but I've been MIA for some time!
    I've got a serious serious sweet working to kick a sugar addiction.
    Any help and advice on that would be great!
  • vabniullga
    vabniullga Posts: 63 Member

    I'm Jen, 36, from Central PA! This is my second "serious" attempt to lose weight. My first time was 8 years ago when I lost 40 lbs before going through a lot of stress and giving up to deal with the things I had to.

    I am now doing this again because I am sick of feeling so blah and ick! Also, as a single mom, I am the major influence in my daughter's life. Unfortunately, I see her following in my footsteps with the bad eating and such. It's time to make a change for not just myself but also for her!!

    When I last lost the weight, I was a stay-at-home mom and the eating and exercise were easy. I also used a community support system online on another site. So, it was a lot easier to have a routine.

    This go around, I don't have the exercise and eating ease, as I did before. However, I am finding and seeking out friends and support here in the communities on MFP! I did find this to be one the most important and helpful things the last time. It was great to communicate with others who were going through the same things.

    I hope to befriend and gather support from lots of you! Let's do this together and GET IT DONE!!!
  • wana_bern
    wana_bern Posts: 4
    Hi ladies, I just joined MFP! I just had a beautiful son last November:love: , and I need some accountability to lose weight! Currently, I'm at 158 and want to get to 125. I know it's doable, but my time is limited because I'm also studying for the California bar exam. But, I'm willing to make exercise and health a priority. Is anyone willing to help :) Hit me up! :glasses:
  • Christinamarie77
    Christinamarie77 Posts: 50 Member
    I am new to mfp and I am looking for some motivating and supportive friends to help me. My current weight is around 215 and my Goal weight is 125-115.. I have an addiction to mt dew.. carbonated drinks really.. also I have more problems eating enough calories. I can go all day with forgetting to eat. I don't know how to reach my goals.. any advise??

    soda is the absolute worst thing you can put in your body, I used to drink it every day, haven't had it in years and do not miss it at all. It makes you crave junk food AND packs on the pounds.

    Find healthy foods high in calories such as nuts, peanut butter etc, use olive oil to cook.
    I would lay odds on if you cut out soda and any white carbs (just switch to whole wheat or whole grain) you will drop weight quickly. add exercise and you will start to see a huge change. MUCH LUCK to you, you can add me if you like, I like to eat healthy, the real deal, no diets. diets don't work.
  • NAC828612
    NAC828612 Posts: 2
    Hi, I'm Amelia, Looking to drop another 49 lbs after my first 11 lbs in two months, need motivation and support as I go back to work and stress and depression of leaving my son have me giving up on my weight loss success :(
  • nicnicbell78
    nicnicbell78 Posts: 14 Member
    I am new to MFP but have been "eating healthier" since January 2nd. I am married and between us we have 4 girls ages 19, 17, 15 and 8. I live in South Alabama and I am just a good ole southern gal. I want to loose weight because I am just tired of being fat! I love life and I want to enjoy it! My children are my world and I want to enjoy them as long as I can.
  • njconat
    njconat Posts: 13 Member
    Hello!! So excited to have found this group! My name is Nicole and I am a mother of two boys. Riley 4 and Lane 14 months. With my last pregnancy I was put on bed rest and then had a C section so I had to take it easy for another 3 months. I put on alot of weight. I have been using mfp for a while and it really keeps me on track. When you are tracking every little bite you take it makes you really aware of the food you eat. I tend to eat mindlessly and this program has eliminated that problem!
  • fitmom2303
    fitmom2303 Posts: 1
    Hi everybody! I'm Anna, 33, stay at home mom of 3 kids under 5 (a hand full yes hahaha). I've just had my third baby (April 16th) and am currently waiting for my first post partum check up to get an OK from my OB to start working out. God, I've missed it these last 9 months...I'm not overweight but would certainly love to shed the 10 remaining pregnancy pounds plus another 10 still 'hanging on' me from my first and second pregnancy. I'm for now just trying to read as much as I can, get some great motivation from other MFP members (a weight loss buddy would be highly appreciated!!!!!!) and create a great post partum workout/diet plan to get me in the best shape of my life!! I don't even know if that is still possible after 3 bambinos, but I guess I'm not losing anything trying:))
  • AshleySavage85
    AshleySavage85 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! I'm not to new to my fitness pal but new to the group. I am 28 and have four boys (8,6,6 and 2). My weight has always been a rollercoaster ride and I am determined to stay on track this time. I don't have many friends on here and the ones I do have don't share my motivation. Please feel free to add me if need a motivational mommy friend too! :smile:
  • BeccaFStar
    BeccaFStar Posts: 1
    Hello! Becca here! I have a beautiful little girl named Ayumi born July 9th 2009. I love her more than anything and want to be a better role model for her. By loosing the weight and learning to love me I feel I can accomplish this.

    Though I know I should have loved me at nearly 200 pounds I just didn't feel like me. Now that the majority of that weight is gone, my activity levels are up and I am feeling so much better I am finally loving myself and being an active motivator for my daughter.

    I'm planning on buying a bike soon so we can do family bike rides around the neighborhood to help her understand the importance of staying active through out her life!

    I can't wait to get rid of the last bit of weight and really start to tone up and be a better mom and role model for her.
  • Egolda
    Egolda Posts: 1
    Hi too am new to mfp. Mother of two, 3 years old and 10 months, trying to lose the baby weight. A great 30 minute workout for home is Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. I just finished my 30 days and am down 8 lbs and 8.5".
  • zmeplay
    zmeplay Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Ladies and Gents,
    I am 28, 5'0'' weighing 124. My goal is to be 108. I have a 13 month old and I can no longer use 'I just had a baby' as an excuse :noway:
    I need to stay motivated and lose this weight. Lets get to it!
  • TiffersMK87
    TiffersMK87 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey there! I just joined yesterday! I hadn't weighed in yet (i usually do on Wednesdays) but I finally did this morning and I was down 5.9 lbs since last Wednesday. Thank you water!!! I drank sooooooo much last week!

    Anywhoo... My name is Tiffanie and I am 26yrs old, 5ft 3in, and have 2 beautiful children. I am married to a former sailor and we live on the yummy east coast. My goal is to get to pre-allll babies weight of 125. I currently NOW have 64.1 lbs to go!! My husband is not the motivated go get'er like i am so he wont work out with me or cheer me on in any aspect.... its his nature and now you know my reason for joining. =D I need to be around people who are inspired and motivated to achieve their goals and who are happy to cheer others on as well.

    I have a physical job- seldom am I in my office chair- normally i am out in the field collecting samples for analysis and climbing in and out of box trucks, carrying heavy objects and working in all weather conditions. I am also a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant. I LOVE my business and please feel free to get in touch with me if there is anything I may do for you. I love consulting about skin care and am finishing up my color certification-I have one week left! =D

    My favorite sports are ROWING, GYMNASTICS, CHEERLEADING, FOOTBALL, & BASEBALL. I rowed for 7 yrs and coached rowing for 4 yrs. the Ergometer is my friend! (at least that's what i say when im not having my booty handed to me during a workout haha!)

    Anywhoo! I can't wait to become a part of the community of moms! I am open for chats and welcome any and all advice! Have a great one!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • HeatherRyann
    HeatherRyann Posts: 36 Member
    I'm Heather. I'm 34, mom to a 6 year old boy and 4 year old twin girls. I live in Las Vegas. My highest weight was 298. I lost 70lbs and have gained 30lbs back. I haven't been very motivated lately. I am trying to focus and get back on track.