


  • LilMissTucknRoll
    LilMissTucknRoll Posts: 105 Member
    Hi there! My name is Brittney. I joined a while ago but I don't think I ever did the introduction.

    I am a 26 yr old mother of a 2 yr old. I stay home with him while his dad works and while my son is asleep I take more than a full load of online classes (this coming semester will be 17 credits). When I am finished I will have a degree in Medical Office Administration (or billing/coding/insurance) and may continue school as I work to be able to become a Medical Office Manager.

    I am very excited to have been able to start working out and see some differences in my body. I am hoping to see more as time goes on and I am also hoping to be able to become more committed to keeping my workouts daily. My goal weight is 110 (lowest haealthy BMI) at 5' 4.5", so I have about 14 pounds to go.

    I am looking for some friends and support on here and accepting friend requests.

    Talk to you soon!:happy:
  • cdgirl
    cdgirl Posts: 158 Member
    I use to be addicted to Mt Dew too! I gave it up for my New Year's resolution and never turned back.It really was just the first couple of days that were a struggle because of the w/drawal headaches but after that I was fine.I started with switching to Crystal Light because I still wanted flavor.Then I realized that wasn't the best choice because if all the aspartame so I made myself start drinking more water(the bottled kind is so much better than tap water-especially when it's super cold!)So now I drink unsweetened tea when I feel I need caffeine or some flavor.There are no calories and no sugar so I just love it! I believe you can conquer this addiction too.I was hooked all my life and now I haven't had a soda in almost 6 months! I never thought I'd quit soda but I am so glad I did and you will be as well.
  • MommyAulner84
    I'm Rachael 29 and I'm here to lose some weight that just won't go away after having my girls, I need some people willing to support me, also looking to help others in there journey and get any kind of tips or recipes and recommendations you al have
  • TheCountryMomma
    TheCountryMomma Posts: 98 Member
    Hi everyone! I am 27, married with a little (almost) 3 year old. I work part time outside of the home and then do a lot of social media marketing work at home. I am STILL trying to lose the weight I gained during my pregnancy....luckily life events that have halted any real decent progress has calmed down. Now I am able to focus on getting it all off, FINALLY! Would love more active support on here! Feel free to add me!!
  • loveresearch
    Hi everyone!
    I'm Laura. I live in Canada but am originally from Brazil.
    My boy has just turned 1 and just now I'm being able to lose my pregnancy weight. I discover MyFitnessPal and got hooked! It's helping me a lot to reach my goals (I've lost 10 kg [~20 lbs] since Feb 2013, and still want to lose a few more). The problem is physical activity. Not that I don't like it, but I just can't do it right now...
    I join this group to find others who are in the same boat and get the motivation I need to reach my goals.
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Kai and I'm 44. I am the mother of a 19 year old son with special needs. On April 1, 2013 I weighed 319.6, now I am down to 277.4 with my weigh in being tomorrow (nervous, who's nervous?). Two of the driving factors to my wanting to lose weight is so that I live longer to be here for my son and because my husband has been a Type 1 diabetic since he was 3 years old and now my son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when he was 16. I need to be a better role model for both of them. My strengths - I am happy, a natural cheerleader and a very good listener. My weaknesses - I lack motivation over the long haul, I am a movie watching bookworm and exercise is just something I do not like to do. I would love to be friends with anyone who is interested in being friends with me. Since my son is 19 I can help you through the growing up years with your children. I will leave you with this parting thought, though I don't have a young child, once you're a mom, you're a mom for the rest of your life! Take care, Kai
  • amcdonald2385
    Hi my name is Mandy. I am 27 (28 in the fall) and live in Michigan. I have a stepdaughter named Kayleigh who is 9 and my sons Devon and Connor are 7 and 5 and were both delivered via csection. I have been married to my husband for 8 years as of the 15th. I am a recent SAHM after working for the last 2 years in the field that I believed would be my career (a salon setting). But things changed and I figured out it was time I focused on my family and myself. i have always been "thick" but wasn't considered obese til after my sons were born. I was at a tolerable weight before Devon was born and then after I had him I had lost a lot of the baby weight and was back on track. But when I got pregnant with Connor I gained a LOT of weight and have lost 15 lbs here and there but always gain it back. So I am bigger than I was when I got preg for him and still look preg all the time! I just renewed my gym membership today and am hoping to get back on track. I have family pictures and my high school reunion in the fall and I would like to hit my first goal by then and hope I can keep going from there. I am excited to being a community full of mamas who are in similar situations as me. Good luck to you all! :)
  • 176pounds
    176pounds Posts: 4
    Hi Everyone,

    Im 33, 176 pounds and im 5'6. I am also the mother of four awesome kids. the oldest is 15. the youngest is 5 and I have 6 year old twins who are turning 7 in aug.
    I am really trying to get back to my normal weight af 125 and it just feels so impossible. which is why i decided to join here, i figured i might be able to find some friends who will push me and understand me.

    I have a guilty sin or pleasure, I have a few beers after the kids go to sleep, and I am finding it really hard to stop drinking, I dont know if im addicted, I never even consider it before this, its never been a problem. meaning it is just a few drinks, to relax before I go to sleep, I know lots of people who do it, and everynight I find myself saying, oh well i went for a run so its ok. so now im beggining to be worried about it.

    Funny how something like, loosing weight can make you aware of everything your doing wrong in your life.
  • kimjj1025
    kimjj1025 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm a 33 year old working mother of a 4 year old girl and a 1 year old boy. I am extremely lacking in motivation after at least of month of progress and some results. :sad:

    How do you girls do it all? I could really use some tips and tricks for staying on track and to fit in the exercise. I would love to share stories of motherhood and also be inspired by all of your strength. Please feel free to friend me. I like to give support as well as receive!
  • lmsky12
    lmsky12 Posts: 32
    Hello Moms,

    I'm 28, mom to a 19-month-old little girl, and have about 43 more pounds to lose.

    I tried working out with my daughter in the room, but she would grab my legs, run through them, and it just wasn't safe. I also tried getting my husband to watch her while I worked out, but she always got upset about not being with me when she thought I was doing something fun, lol.

    Now, I workout during her nap. However, in a month when school starts back (I'm a teacher), I'll be getting up by 5am to go to the gym and workout, so I have my evenings free to spend time with her. It's definitely a totally different kind of challenge losing weight as a mom, both with a different body and different space and time constraints! I look forward to encouraging and being encouraged by other moms going through the same ups and downs as me! :)
  • lindsaysusyn
    lindsaysusyn Posts: 2 Member
  • bcjackson888
    bcjackson888 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello All!

    My name is Bridgette and I just joined this group today.
    I am a 21 year old mother of one. His name is Ryker and he is -almost- 4 months old.

    Mostly, my goal is to become happy with myself again. I've gone through this horrible cycle of gaining/losing large amounts of weight and I just want to really work to keep it off for good this time. When I met my fiance, Patrick, in November of 2011 I weighed 128 pounds at 5'7". I wore size 6/7 jeans, which I had never been able to do.
    During my pregnancy, I gained 80 pounds. Combined with weight I gained pre-pregnancy (funny how relationships tend to do that, eh?), I weighed in at 223 pounds the day I gave birth.
    Coincidentally, 2 days after I gave birth I had a heart attack. I was in ICU for several days and had a cardiac ablation surgery in April.

    For my health, I want to become more active and eat better for myself. I don't want to feel uncomfortable in my own skin anymore. I want to live a long life with my amazing son and future husband.

    Currently, I weight 186 pounds. I am still trying to work with myself and find exercises that are comfortable with my heart condition. My current goal is 150 pounds by October 13, my fiance's birthday. I'm sure my journey will not end at that point, but at that time I will re-assess my goals.

    I'll be friends with anybody who wants to stay motivated!
  • jones092508
    jones092508 Posts: 75 Member
    Hey mommas! My name is Jessica, & I turned 23 on 6/18. I'm engaged, and a stay at home mother. My daughter will be 4 August 11th, and I just gave birth to our son on 6/13! =) I'm super busy with a toddler and newborn, plus it's summer time so my daughter is constantly on the go! I, like most moms, do NOT have time to hit the gym every day, or at times even once a week... Neither do I have have $ to throw around on a LOT of exercise equipment, dvds, etc. So, any momma who has tips on how to workout from home, please send them my way! =D Greatly appreciated! & of course, I'm all up for new friends, ANY and ALL motivation I can get is amazing, and I promise to send it your way as well. Please feel free to leave a message if you request telling me which group your from! :) Thanks ladies!
  • lucyszum
    lucyszum Posts: 3
    hi im new to moam but at the end of my weight loss only 2 pounds to go happy to add friends and answer any questions and give advice also looking for tips to maintain my weight !x
  • wolfspirit517
    Hi everyone! I am a stay-at-home/work-at-home mom. I have 4 lovely children. My step-daughter who is 8 (with us every other weekend & half the summer), my 3-year old daughter and my boys who are 20 months and 2 months. With my daughter, I put on 50lbs of weight, mostly in my thighs and only lost about half of that. I am down to 156 after the birth of my youngest but want to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 125lbs from before I had my daughter. I had issues keeping this last pregnancy to term which required me to get an emergency C-sections & at four weeks postpartum, a cerclage removal via outpatient surgery. I am finally cleared to do light to mild exercise. I can't do anything hardcore yet because I have an irritated hernia and sustained some nerve damage from the epidural. I want to get back to a healthier weight so I will not be in pain playing with my kids. I want to be able to run in the park without getting winded and carry my lo around without tiring. I am glad to find a support group amongst other moms.
  • MadMonsterMom
    MadMonsterMom Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm Randi. I'm a single mom of 3. I've used MFP on and off for a couple of years. I got myself down to 185 from 230, but started to gain again. I think I finally realized that what I was lacking before when I tried to lose was support. So I'm throwing myself out there now, which led me here.
  • miconway45
    Hi everyone, I'm Michelle. I'm a 28 year old brand new mama to a 4 month old little girl named Kinley.

    I have just re-joined MFP to get back to being as fit as I possibly can. I have spent years struggling with body confidence and eating issues. About 6 months before I got pregnant, I had finished a round of P90x and I looked and felt awesome. I had dropped nearly 20lbs. P90x gave me a love for lifting (and who doesn't love sexy muscles?!) and better knowledge on how to fuel my body properly.

    I was determined to stay active during my pregnancy until some pretty serious morning sickness kicked in. Then the serious cravings for Wendy's cheeseburgers kicked in, haha. By the end, I had gained 50lbs and was hovering pretty close to 200lbs

    Right now, I've gotten down to 168lbs doing some light walking and logging my meals. I have recently started doing the Insanity workout to kick start my fitness journey. The insane workouts along with a 430 am workout time are kicking my bootay, but I'm loving it! My goal is to get to 130 by Christmas.

    Looking for friends to keep me motivated =)
  • MsGuMama
    MsGuMama Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Mamas!

    I am a new mom, with a 5 month old boy at home and I work full time. I am trying to get back down to about 150 and I weigh 173 right now. If I look at the BMI chart I really should try for 140 but I have not been under 150-148 since high school so i almost feel like i would be setting an unrealistic goal for myself. When I was 150-148 i could fit size 5 and small but after my boy I am size 14. Need some Mamas support is keeping me on track.
  • archmiel
    archmiel Posts: 1 Member
    I LOVE chocolate! That is my issue :) I turn to it for everything...comfort, celebration, etc. With two little boys, ages 2 and 6, I am always finding a reason to indulge. Well, that needs to stop. I am at my prepregnancy weight, but would love to lose more pounds. Started back with MFP two weeks ago, and already lost 5 lbs! My goal is to lose another 15lbs. For me, its all about what I eat and making sure I stay active. I hope to find some motivation and good recipes along the way.
  • Mothercruncher
    Hello everyone! My name is Christy and I'm trying to get back on the horse so to speak. I have four kids, three boys (14,5, and 4) and one daughter (18 months). I work part time in the mornings and I spend almost the entire day and night taking care of the kids. My teenager is active in marching band so it seems like between practices, competitions, and the three little ones I have almost no time for working out. I'm sitting at about 215 right now, down from 225 (approximately. My scale isn't the greatest. My kids dunked my new electronic one in the bathtub so I'm making due with what I have).

    I would love to lose 40 pounds by the end of the year since my husband and I are planning our first ever vacation together. Like a real vacation, just the two of us. We've spent exactly two nights alone together in the past 5 years. I'm not sure what we would do for an entire week, but I'm looking forward to it.

    I would love to get to know more friends on MFP and get a little more motivation. I'm seriously lacking in that right now.

    So, um. Hi?