


  • logansmom33
    Hello :) I'm a pretty new mom to a cute little boy who is nearly 7 months old now. For the first 6 months I was a SAHM, and my son was quite a handful from 0-5 months. He resisted naps all day long and was then cranky, so I literally ate whatever was quick and easy to grab... Which was never healthy. Now that he's getting easier I feel like its time to dedicate myself to losing the baby weight from this pregnancy. I work part-time for a school district in an elementary school, so I feel like its the perfect time to start scheduling my eating better and eating healthier. I'd really like to lose about 20 lbs to get back to a good weight :)
  • Hi there! I'm a SAHM with three little ones. My children are 21 months, 6 and 7. I'm 32 and am hoping to get in shape! I have a weight loss goal set but would really just be happy to fit into the clothes that I wore before I got pregnant. Not really about a number on a scale for me but more about feeling healthy and not flabby!! ;)

    Nice to meet all you Mama's!
  • missAndi75
    Hi All!

    I'm a sometimes part time worker/sometimes SAHM/sometimes grad student and mom to a busy, busy 3 year old little guy. I don't have a lot to lose, but I need some motivation to improve the jell-o my body seems to have become. I've no energy and huff and puff going up 2 flights of stairs.

    I don't like working out. I get distracted easily. And then I quit.


    If for no other reason than I'd like to show my son how awesome being active is. I used to be very active and could hike and kayak and dance for hours. Now, I'm tired after running the vacuum cleaner. The hubs is pretty active and works out regularly. If only I had his focus and willpower. But, I am insistent that things will change. So, they will, right?

    At any rate, I'm happy to meet everyone and welcome any friends!
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    Hi, I am Annie, I am a 27 year old STAHM of 4 girls ages 2-6... Although I am not new to MFP, I think I finally found the motivation and drive to stick around. I have been having a hard time losing and keeping weight off. I am currently the heaviest I have ever been (including pregnancy weight). I am ready to change my lifestyle and get back to being confident.
  • RunYogaLife
    RunYogaLife Posts: 14 Member
    Hello All,

    I'm Iris and I have a 2 yr old little girl. I have been on MFP for a while and am really looking for some supportive women. Being a mommy and working a full time job I tend to lose sight of my fitness goals. I love seeing other women out there who are motivated to reach the goals they've set!
  • mummymechell
    Just getting back into MFP! I'm a mummy to six great kids( three are my own, and three are my nieces and nephew), and one manchild. My kids are all between 3 and 9. I've decide i am changing my life and that of my kids. I've join a gym in walking distance, doing couch to five k and also starting personal training next week :O I'm loving MFP because it is making me realize how much i overeat portion wise!! that and my partner join up too! I'm always happy to have a new friend so feel free to add me and keep me on track.
  • aprzybylski
    Hello All,
    I'm new to the group. I've been using MFP for quite awhile, but I'm just starting to get into the community functions. My daughter is 2 years old and I've finally decided it's time to make time for myself to change me so I can be happy with what I see. I just recently joined a local gym and have purchased some trainer sessions and have been working really hard to dial in my eating habits so I'm hoping to see some changes really soon!!!

    Thanks for listening!
  • sheiladott
    sheiladott Posts: 25 Member
    My name is Sheila, I have a 1 year old little girl...need to get serious about losing weight! :ohwell:
  • Chriscadia
    Chriscadia Posts: 21 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I just joined this group and I'm also looking to add some people to my friend's list.
    I'm 31, mom of a 5yr old and a almost 2yr old, from Canada (maritimes) and work full-time as a school counsellor in elementary K-5.
    Looking forward to hearing from you!
  • MelidaTatiana
    MelidaTatiana Posts: 38 Member
    Hi there! I have always been on the trying to lose weight team simply to get into smaller clothes. But this time, I am overweight! I have an almost five month old baby and I have not been able to discipline my self to lose the baby weight. I need some support and would love to offer support back. Add me. Thanks everyone!
  • kakschneider
    kakschneider Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am a 47 y.o. mom to two active boys, 9 and 11, and I work full-time as a Hospice & Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner. I've been using MFP since 2009 and have lost 20 lbs. I currently weigh 208 and my goal is 170. I've been down to 199 six times in the last two years but always bounce back up (poor choices). Looking for friends to motivate each other and cheer each other on and share advice/tips with each other.
  • ourtruelovewillneverdie
    I'm new to the group. I am a SAHM to 5 kids. Ages 7,7,6,5,2. I have had three biologically and two I have not. I'm 28 and recently just completed all my requirements for my Bachelors degree. I plan to go ahead and obtain my Masters in Secondary Education to become a Social Sciences teacher. I am looking to lose between 10-15 lbs of weight I have gained from a car accident last February. My goal weight is between 125-130. I was always the chunky kid but adulthood has changed that. My heaviest weight was 255 at the time of delivery with my first. I was always a big pregnancy gainer so I weighed 255, 220, and 200 at each delivery. I really would like to tone and be fit and set a good example for my kids.
  • locnlovely
    locnlovely Posts: 19 Member
    I am a mom of 2 and a step mom of 2. My goal is to lose weight and become a healthier me. I am returning to MFP, to have more accountablility for what I eat and do. I know that my kids watch me, and I want them to lead healthy lives that involve lots of exercise. So, I must start with leading by example.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    Hi there I'm new to the group. I have 1 daughter (3.5 yo) and am 38. I currently weigh 67k which is 7k above what I was before baby! I tried MFP a while back with dieting and exercise and it was working then I hit a plateau. kepts going to the gym but nothing happening, so now I decided to fork out some $ to get a PT and she's given me a completely new diet and fitness plan and am happy to say have already dropped 900gms. I am working full time and studying part time. It's hard to fit everything in the day! Sorry I'm in Australia so I'm not sure about lbs and so on without using a converter! The photo is not me now - it's me 6 years ago for inspiration!
  • runnybunny15
    Hello, I'm a 39yo mom of two beauties (9 and 6). I am 5'8" and now weigh about 190. I grew up always being the skinny one ~120 until my first pregnancy, where I gained 60. Since then, I have been yo-yo'ing from 180 to 150 to 168 to 135 to 175 to 152, and now my heaviest of 190. I'm staring to feel it in my knees and getting out of breath so easily. I'm now barely squishing into my "fat" clothes and I hate the way I look. I really want to lose 40 by my 40th birthday. Please help!
  • SMinDC
    SMinDC Posts: 3 Member
    edited December 2014
  • tiffanypreston35
    Hi, I'm a mother of 3 trying to lose the last 5lbs.
  • doitformetoo
    Hello. Im a mom of 4. Been on MFP since May, but stopped using it for a couple months, and getting back into it now.

    Ive lost 30lbs, have 20-25 more to go.

    The hubby bought me a Misfit for Christmas, and were looking into treadmills and ellipticals now...hoping I can kick the plateau Im in quick.
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    Hi there! I'm Kell, a 38-y-o SAHM to two lovely boys aged 6yrs and 15 months. To be honest, I wasn't exactly skinny when I fell pregnant with my eldest son, and I never really lost the weight after he was born. Now that I've had my second son over a year ago, I'm heavier than I've ever been and am desperate to reclaim my body! I'm still breastfeeding and have a shoulder injury (rotary cuff) which prevents me being as active as I'd like to be (even sitting still can be agony when it's at its worst), but as soon as it is better I plan to get a gym membership and start lifting weights again (I was starting to get in shape again with a mixture of weights and cardio when I fell pregnant again), as I really miss the gym!

    I don't want to be a skinny-mini - I've been within what is apparently my ideal weight for my height and I looked emaciated. I'm actually aiming for something around 11 stones, which is the weight I was when I got married 11 years ago (I started this year at 17st 7lbs - I'm down 3lbs this week though!), although I'm not much bothered about the actual number, more being fit, healthy and trim, as I know with muscle tone, I will look lighter than I actually am, muscle being denser than fat and all.

    I'm not looking for a quick-fix or miracles - my aim is a pound a week, so I know it'll take time, as the total amount I want to shift is around 90lbs. It'll be a long journey, but it's a change that has to be made, and I've already started. Finding a group like this with other Mums in a similar situation is marvellous!
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 417 Member
    Hello all. I'm a mother of 2, an almost 5 year old and a 7 month old. My pre pregnancy weight was 166. The day I had my 2nd, I was 212. So I've done well. But for the last 2 months I've been bouncing from 170-173. I'm getting married in August and I have at least 15 to lose to be able to wear the size I want to wear. As it is, I can't wear any of my nice pants in my closet because they're a little too small. So I've been stuck wearing the same 2 pairs of jeans and yoga pants. For exercise I do zumba and tae bo. I work out 4-5 times a week. Ive been keeping track of my food on mfp for about 6 months now. I did just download an app for weight watchers, going to give that a try. I've done ww before and lost but didn't stick with it. Course I was young (15 or 16). So, any support is much appreciated! Feel free to add me!