May check in and chat - May all your weights go up



  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    I keep saying that I don't see a difference from the lifting.

    Yet today, I bought 2x pants instead of 3x, even though I've not lost a pound in months. Still need the 3x in shirts, due to my ginormous boobs though.

    I also bought a sleeveless shirt for summer because my arms, while still fat, look pretty good.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I keep saying that I don't see a difference from the lifting.

    Yet today, I bought 2x pants instead of 3x, even though I've not lost a pound in months. Still need the 3x in shirts, due to my ginormous boobs though.

    I also bought a sleeveless shirt for summer because my arms, while still fat, look pretty good.

    That is outstanding !!!!

    I'm going to a powerlifting meet at a local high school this Saturday to watch for a little while. Super excited!!
  • janeensan
    janeensan Posts: 66 Member
    I keep saying that I don't see a difference from the lifting.

    Yet today, I bought 2x pants instead of 3x, even though I've not lost a pound in months. Still need the 3x in shirts, due to my ginormous boobs though.

    I also bought a sleeveless shirt for summer because my arms, while still fat, look pretty good.

    YAY YOU!!! this is VERY exciting!!!!
    Keep up the good work :):):)
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I keep saying that I don't see a difference from the lifting.

    Yet today, I bought 2x pants instead of 3x, even though I've not lost a pound in months. Still need the 3x in shirts, due to my ginormous boobs though.

    I also bought a sleeveless shirt for summer because my arms, while still fat, look pretty good.

    This is pure WIN :bigsmile:
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I keep saying that I don't see a difference from the lifting.

    Yet today, I bought 2x pants instead of 3x, even though I've not lost a pound in months. Still need the 3x in shirts, due to my ginormous boobs though.

    I also bought a sleeveless shirt for summer because my arms, while still fat, look pretty good.

    Awesome. When the changes are small and we change a little bit each week, we never notice. You have to look back over a longer period of time to see the changes (and often the scale doesn't help with this). Mine was my thigh measurements. They are staying the same even though my pant sizes are getting smaller and I can curtsy in my old pants. (Apparently I suck at measuring.)

    Celebrate your success, you're doing awesome!!
  • dtdam
    dtdam Posts: 20
    Hi, everyone !! I introduced myself recently and have been working on form and technique more than increasing weights. Overall, I am surprised by what I CAN do !!

    Squats - 65
    OHP - 30 (yuck but way more than I thought I could do)
    Bench - 55
    Rows - 55
    DL- interesting topic. I am so afraid of these, that I am going to mess up my back if I do them incorrectly. I finally worked up the courage and did 55 lbs.

    Just starting out, but love this board! Its full of positive people who are always willing to give suggestions, so just wanted to say thanks too !!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    welcome and well done! Form definitely is the thing to get right, and I'm discovering I have to keep going back over it, and you can never rest on your laurels! :)
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Hi ladies, it's been a while but I'm here. :)

    Oh man! I so needed a reason to eat ice cream!!!! :happy:

    Yesterday I was at:
    111 lbs Squats
    70 lbs Rows

    I don't do bench presses, I have implants and my dr. advised staying away from them.

    Question: How often to do you ladies deload, and why??
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Hi ladies, it's been a while but I'm here. :)

    Oh man! I so needed a reason to eat ice cream!!!! :happy:

    Yesterday I was at:
    111 lbs Squats
    70 lbs Rows

    I don't do bench presses, I have implants and my dr. advised staying away from them.

    Question: How often to do you ladies deload, and why??

    I do the prescribed 10% deload at 3 fails, and I've been taking a rather extended lifting break due to being sick, vacation, and then being sick again. So, I'm likely going to suck at all my lifts when I make it back to the gym, so I will definitely deload again. Not sure by how much, but I'll probably take a guess and then adjust based on how hard it is.

    People also recommend a scheduled deload around ever 12 weeks ish (depends on your body, if you're just feeling really tired or failing a lot on everything it might be time for a deload). Those deloads can be different, and people do them differently. I've seen a week at 50% and then a week at 80-90% then work your way back up. I've also seen just a straight 20-30% deload.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Thank you!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Nothing much to speak of today except PRs for front squats at 47.5 and rows and power cleans at 67.5.

    Hooray for fractionals!!

    As to C25K, I did Day 1 all over again. I'm going to just reset it until I can do Day 1 in good form and complete every 60-second interval without getting winded or going back to walking early. You start where you start, and you gotta do what you gotta do. Last thing I need at this point in the game are shin splints or some other crazy runner issue on top of my lifting issues. I'm too old for that crap. :laugh:
  • fishlover888
    fishlover888 Posts: 132
    Wweeeellll... I got a little over ambitious laying out out for a frisbee playing ultimate, and faceplanted hard. ...And gave myself whiplash, neck muscle stains, and a likely concussion.
    Still having some residual symptoms like headache, fatigue, muscle tightness... So.. not allowed to play with barbells for at least a week :sad:

    Any advice on restarting after a week off? Will I have to deload a bit?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Wweeeellll... I got a little over ambitious laying out out for a frisbee playing ultimate, and faceplanted hard. ...And gave myself whiplash, neck muscle stains, and a likely concussion.
    Still having some residual symptoms like headache, fatigue, muscle tightness... So.. not allowed to play with barbells for at least a week :sad:

    Any advice on restarting after a week off? Will I have to deload a bit?

    You might not need to - some people do and some people odn't. Go give it a try and see - after 2-3 sets you'll know.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Nothing much to speak of today except PRs for front squats at 47.5 and rows and power cleans at 67.5.

    Hooray for fractionals!!

    As to C25K, I did Day 1 all over again. I'm going to just reset it until I can do Day 1 in good form and complete every 60-second interval without getting winded or going back to walking early. You start where you start, and you gotta do what you gotta do. Last thing I need at this point in the game are shin splints or some other crazy runner issue on top of my lifting issues. I'm too old for that crap. :laugh:

    You don't need to keep redoing days - I do recommend you take the opportunity to learn to run slower (that's what C25K is great for teaching you to do) but try to do a full week before you decide if you need to repeat.

    I've been there,and my husband has, and we were constantly SHOCKING ourselves by how much more we could run than we thought we could.

    Also I always, ALWAYS have a moment about 8 minutes in when I think "oh god my legs HURT and I'm tired and this is hard and I can't keep going" and if I make myself push through it, that feeling goes away. Don't let fear or your brains natural desire to NOT be active (because your brain does not WANT to exert itself - its an evolutionary defense) prevent you from making progress.

    You may never get shin splints - I only got them in the beginning if I was bad and tried to run multiple days in a row, and even then I only got mild ones that went away with a few days of rest - they're really not as bad as you've always heard.

    Remember running is just like the bench press- sure you can horrifically injure yourself but most people who do that are doing something so far and beyond the level of what you're doing that you should think of it as a totally different exercise, entirely, that happens to have the same name.
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    @Fish: Oh goodness! I hope you recover quickly. I took self-imposed week off and had to deload squats when I came back, but everything else stayed the same.

    @Dani: Yay on the PRs! Keep pushing with the c25k, running buddy. I have to push day 2 back to Saturday as there is no time for it in my schedule today and tomorrow is a lifting day. I hope my new running shoes show up before then because I have some mild shin splints from using my old shoes.

    @Tameko: as always, thanks for the great advice to us all.

    And my workout update: I was worried my legs would be tired after starting c25k, but I was pleasantly surprised last night. Squatted 122, pressed 70 (although the last rep was bad so I will repeat this weight) and deadlifted 182. I SOOOOOO want to pull 200 before I turn 40, but I've only got 15 days left. Not sure that is going to happen.
  • ninakale
    ninakale Posts: 49 Member

    Also I always, ALWAYS have a moment about 8 minutes in when I think "oh god my legs HURT and I'm tired and this is hard and I can't keep going" and if I make myself push through it, that feeling goes away. Don't let fear or your brains natural desire to NOT be active (because your brain does not WANT to exert itself - its an evolutionary defense) prevent you from making progress.

    ^^Agree!!!^^ I am not a great runner by any stretch, but can I can clock a few miles a couple of times a week. I will say that running is hardest at the beginning of the run. There is a time, about 3 minutes after your warm up until about 12 or 15 minutes in, that it sucks. If you can push through the pain of that, you can settle in and find a pace. Just stick with it.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Just checking in! I love reading your posts. Makes me so proud of all of you. :heart:

    Dani: I had a brief period where I thought I wanted to be a runner. Shin splints do happen, but I only got them when I transitioned into running outside from the treadmill (and I used to get them on occasion when I played soccer). If you do get them, just stretch and ice. Since you have a foam roller, you could try that, too. They're more of a nuisance than anything.

    I've been horribly lazy this week. I was out of town last weekend and am going out of town again this weekend, so I haven't gone to the gym. :ohwell: I've been walking laps around my library for an hour everyday so at least I'm getting my bum up and moving a little bit. I'm restarting StrongLifts next week (fingers crossed!) and I'm looking forward to it. I miss it!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    You don't need to keep redoing days - I do recommend you take the opportunity to learn to run slower (that's what C25K is great for teaching you to do) but try to do a full week before you decide if you need to repeat.

    I'm really just at a slow trot already. And I still get winded. Probably my lungs getting back at me for subjecting them to 20 years of smoking. The plan is to really just ease myself into things so I don't get frustrated and quit. I do want to complete the full program, really! (And wouldn't that just be special, me completing an official "program", woo! :laugh: )
    Dani: I had a brief period where I thought I wanted to be a runner. Shin splints do happen, but I only got them when I transitioned into running outside from the treadmill (and I used to get them on occasion when I played soccer). If you do get them, just stretch and ice. Since you have a foam roller, you could try that, too. They're more of a nuisance than anything.

    I foam rolled the fronts/sides of my shins today because those being sore is a different experience. Must be from the "jogging" cause I sure don't get that when I lift. Turns out it was just muscular, so I think I'm being cautious enough. I do run outside in my neighborhood because I don't have access to a treadmill currently anyway, but it's mostly paved and even.

    I'm not deluded enough to ever think I'm going to be a "runner", but the thought of finishing a 5K even at a slow trot/jog is rather appealing, so we shall see. Even though those usually start at like 7 a.m. and so there's a chance it'll never happen anyway cause mama don't get up that early (I work 2nd shift). :happy:
    @Dani: Yay on the PRs! Keep pushing with the c25k, running buddy. I have to push day 2 back to Saturday as there is no time for it in my schedule today and tomorrow is a lifting day. I hope my new running shoes show up before then because I have some mild shin splints from using my old shoes.

    My next running/lifting day is Saturday, so no worries! I might just try day 2 then. Today was much better than my first day, and so I think my body is starting to adapt already, although I did slow myself way down. I do vaguely remember it taking about a week or so last time for me to start enjoying the runs/jogs/trots without feeling like I was dying every time. I fully expect you to pull ahead of me, especially since I'm running outside and so my progress is going to be weather dependent anyway (even though we usually get our summer rains in the afternoon, so *fingers crossed*).
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    If you are jogging, you are running, and thus you are a runner. Congratulations, you made it.

    Also, finish the program. You won't regret it. I'm a terrible runner, I hate it, I'm slow, and I also hate it, plus, I really don't like it at all, and also I hate it.

    But its very satisfying to know I can run for 30+ minutes. I don't need to complete any marathons but I like to retain enough fitness to be able to do that if I ever want to. ITs one of the ways I know I'm 'fit'. Not that you HAVE to do that to be fit, just that its something I use for myself. Every once in a while I go out and do it and its f*cking cool to be able to say that.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    If you are jogging, you are running, and thus you are a runner. Congratulations, you made it.

    Also, finish the program. You won't regret it. I'm a terrible runner, I hate it, I'm slow, and I also hate it, plus, I really don't like it at all, and also I hate it.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: