Any "Old School" gamers out there?



  • GeekyGirlLyn
    GeekyGirlLyn Posts: 238 Member
    Options one heck of a load of dice. >.< And here I thought a few bags of dice that I had was alot.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Yeah it is way more than we ever need. Unless you are running some sort of epic level campaign where people are using ritual magic or something like that you will never need that many dice. I think a big part of the reason we have so many dice is because we also play magic the gathering where large number of dice can be more useful.
  • GeekyGirlLyn
    GeekyGirlLyn Posts: 238 Member
    Yeah, Magic does lend it's self to that. I used to carry my bags and some extras for either newbies who got dragged into playing the first time and had nothing or people who forgot their own. And I sort of collected nice ones. Ooooo shiny dice was my motto for awhile.
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    Ooooo shiny dice was my motto for awhile.

    Might wanna steer clear of GenCon, or any other RPG-related convention then. You may just lose yourself...
  • GeekyGirlLyn
    GeekyGirlLyn Posts: 238 Member
    lol. I tend to avoid cons simply because I know myself. I will disappear and never return. Between video games, comic books, tabletop gaming.....I would get sucked into a black hole and ceases to exist. "I looked into the Con and the con looked back into me!" lol. Yeah, I hide from them for my sanity sake.
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    lol. I tend to avoid cons simply because I know myself. I will disappear and never return. Between video games, comic books, tabletop gaming.....I would get sucked into a black hole and ceases to exist. "I looked into the Con and the con looked back into me!" lol. Yeah, I hide from them for my sanity sake.

    Hehe, i used to say that. Then i realized how incomplete my life was before Cons. i have clarity. Now everything is at peace. I hope you will one day find your peace. ;)
  • GeekyGirlLyn
    GeekyGirlLyn Posts: 238 Member
    I admit to being curious about them. I would love to go to Comic-Con, E3. Dragon Con or Gen Con one day. But for now Ill settle for watching the photos and working on my degrees until I have that peace and am sure I wont end up disappearing into the con ether. lol.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Going to a convention is on my bucket list. I think it would be an amazing time for me. I went to a MTG grand prix and it was amazing.
  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    finally had a game this weekend so much fun, its crazy how a a good game honestly beats any movie, book, show, video game ever. total immersion into a world with a group of great friends can't beat it.... only problem is the 2 week wait to pick up where we left off.
  • GeekyGirlLyn
    GeekyGirlLyn Posts: 238 Member
    I do hear conventions are amazing. I have to admit I'd love to get all dressed up and go to one. Maybe some day. In the meantime I play my games, read my comics and wish more geeks were around this town.
  • ArtsyGeekette
    ArtsyGeekette Posts: 29 Member
    Ah, the love of D&D is strong here. I am currently playtesting 5.0 and it is very reminscent of 2.0. There are also virtual tables being set up and easy enough to join. It is a bit thrilling going back to build your own character via paper and pencil without the Character Creator on the D&D website.
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    Ah, the love of D&D is strong here. I am currently playtesting 5.0 and it is very reminscent of 2.0. There are also virtual tables being set up and easy enough to join. It is a bit thrilling going back to build your own character via paper and pencil without the Character Creator on the D&D website.

    Does it play like 2.0, or does it play like 4.0, but have 2.0 features and functions?

    I won't speak for anyone else, but IMHO 4.0 was garbage.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Well it looks like I will be able to have a D&D night the day after tomorrow!! This is fantastic. I was really worried that I would be able to play again till August.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    The D&D night went off without a hitch and it was a night of big reveals. Over the past several months of game play they were helping a politician named McCay to smuggle elves out of a city known as Kingston and to an elven city known as the Grove. Kingston is a town that has a great deal of its economy based on the elven slave trade. As a result of their efforts a large number of elves have found their way to freedom. The group found some lists of elves that have been freed and elves that have made it to the Grove. There were discrepancies.

    They started to conduct their own investigations and the evidence convinced them they should follow McCay to a private estate he owned outside of the city. They have a rogue in the group so they were able to infiltrate the estate rather easily. When they got to where they could see what was going on they saw that McCay was having sex with one of the women they had helped free and send to the Grove and that he had several other elven females in cages.

    This hit the group like a ton of bricks. They had a choice to make. Stopping McCay meant shutting down the "underground railroad" they had going and that the elves of Kingston would remain slavery with no one to help them escape. Turning a blind eye to this would be to subject all of these girls to continued sexual abuse.

    It took them almost no time to decide. They burst in and beat the crap out of the guy and freed the girls. Then they looted his house top to bottom. After robbing the place of everything of value they burned it to ground. Then they took McCay and the girls to the Grove and handed them all over to the elven authorities. They told them everything which was confirmed by the girls themselves. McCay will now be dealt with by the people that hate him the most for what he has done.

    The only thing they are unsure about is how they are going to get their operations back up and running to help free more of the slaves from Kingston.
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    The D&D night went off without a hitch and it was a night of big reveals. Over the past several months of game play they were helping a politician named McCay to smuggle elves out of a city known as Kingston and to an elven city known as the Grove. Kingston is a town that has a great deal of its economy based on the elven slave trade. As a result of their efforts a large number of elves have found their way to freedom. The group found some lists of elves that have been freed and elves that have made it to the Grove. There were discrepancies.

    They started to conduct their own investigations and the evidence convinced them they should follow McCay to a private estate he owned outside of the city. They have a rogue in the group so they were able to infiltrate the estate rather easily. When they got to where they could see what was going on they saw that McCay was having sex with one of the women they had helped free and send to the Grove and that he had several other elven females in cages.

    This hit the group like a ton of bricks. They had a choice to make. Stopping McCay meant shutting down the "underground railroad" they had going and that the elves of Kingston would remain slavery with no one to help them escape. Turning a blind eye to this would be to subject all of these girls to continued sexual abuse.

    It took them almost no time to decide. They burst in and beat the crap out of the guy and freed the girls. Then they looted his house top to bottom. After robbing the place of everything of value they burned it to ground. Then they took McCay and the girls to the Grove and handed them all over to the elven authorities. They told them everything which was confirmed by the girls themselves. McCay will now be dealt with by the people that hate him the most for what he has done.

    The only thing they are unsure about is how they are going to get their operations back up and running to help free more of the slaves from Kingston.

    Interesting. Sounds like it was a lot of fun.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    The D&D night went off without a hitch and it was a night of big reveals. Over the past several months of game play they were helping a politician named McCay to smuggle elves out of a city known as Kingston and to an elven city known as the Grove. Kingston is a town that has a great deal of its economy based on the elven slave trade. As a result of their efforts a large number of elves have found their way to freedom. The group found some lists of elves that have been freed and elves that have made it to the Grove. There were discrepancies.

    They started to conduct their own investigations and the evidence convinced them they should follow McCay to a private estate he owned outside of the city. They have a rogue in the group so they were able to infiltrate the estate rather easily. When they got to where they could see what was going on they saw that McCay was having sex with one of the women they had helped free and send to the Grove and that he had several other elven females in cages.

    This hit the group like a ton of bricks. They had a choice to make. Stopping McCay meant shutting down the "underground railroad" they had going and that the elves of Kingston would remain slavery with no one to help them escape. Turning a blind eye to this would be to subject all of these girls to continued sexual abuse.

    It took them almost no time to decide. They burst in and beat the crap out of the guy and freed the girls. Then they looted his house top to bottom. After robbing the place of everything of value they burned it to ground. Then they took McCay and the girls to the Grove and handed them all over to the elven authorities. They told them everything which was confirmed by the girls themselves. McCay will now be dealt with by the people that hate him the most for what he has done.

    The only thing they are unsure about is how they are going to get their operations back up and running to help free more of the slaves from Kingston.

    Interesting. Sounds like it was a lot of fun.

    It was a blast. I like it when the group is put in to a position where they have to choose one good over another. Their actions will result in a strengthening of the elven slave trade in the region but they felt obligated to hold him accountable for his crimes regardless of that fact. They oppose slavery and rape but they had to choose one over the other. I find that if you present a group with the right moral dilemma you can really learn a lot about them both as players and people.
  • GeekyGirlLyn
    GeekyGirlLyn Posts: 238 Member
    Sounds like a fun time was had by all. I really miss playing. Wish more people in this area played but alas, not to be had. Glad you gave them such an interesting moral quandry and everyone enjoyed!
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    As a DM/GM/Storyteller or whatever moniker you end up going by you have to have a campaign setting which I personally just make up completely. This means that we have to create a map of our world. What tools do all of you use to get over this particular hurdle? For my current campaign I have just been making a rudimentary map using mspaint. I used to have a guy for that but I am on own on these days. Coming up with names for locations is a bit of pain as well.

    Also what do you all do for NPC's. If the character is important enough to my story I just make them a character on a character sheet. The problem is the world is huge and there are tons of people and the group could choose to talk to anyone. This means that at the drop of a hat I could have to come up with a history for any given character on the spot. I am actually pretty good at that part with just one exception. When the characters ask someone their name. I have a pool of names that I can draw from so I don't have any issue with this at first but this campaign has gone on long enough that I don't want too many people to have repeat names. I am interested in how you all get over this one as well. I have my own solutions which are working but I am always looking for ways to improve.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    OMG this is the 100th post!!! The old school gamers actually kept a thread alive long enough to reach 100!!!
  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    In our game it is dependent on the npc. occasionally our GM will let the players name npcs when they are affiliates of said player. aside from that maybe internet databases or use the old look around the room..... Couchairian Reclinashades beyond that I suppose you could carry around a baby name book. maybe use the names of old friends teachers that kinda thing. I hate this one the most but book characters or video game names, Random face book searches......