Friendship & Intro Thread



  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    Has anyone ever tried any of Dr Brownsteins Holistic medicine books/ dvd/newsletters? I just ordered the thyroid book/ dvd.. Hope to get some more information about thyroid issues.
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    Hello, newbie here! I have been Hypothyroid since I was 15 years old, so for the past 17 years. About 2 years ago, I lost 85 pounds. Then the weightloss stalled and have since gained 30 pounds back! I began seeing a new endocronoligist, which just told me I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis with TSH level of 23.4.

    Losing weight has proven to be very difficult. It doesn't seem to matter what I do or try, nothing works. Or I will lose 5 pounds only to gain it right back the next week. So happy I found this group! I love hearing what worked or didn't work for someone with the same issues I face. Thank you, Christy.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Kristy!
    Please read through the links & tips. Check out Its really important to get your thyroid regulated. They give great advice from personal experience. There's hope!! You can do it!
  • cortcort93
    cortcort93 Posts: 1
    Hello my name is Cortney and i'm 20 from Tennessee. I have struggled with my weight all my life, i was a pretty active kid, but ate very little. When i was born i weight 6oz and was only eating half an oz to an oz every 4 hours and two days later when my parents brought me home i was 7.5 oz and even at home i was only eating an oz or so every 4 hours and i would sleep a lot. I also never lost any of my birth weight, i've always been intolerant to cold, hair falling out, low energy and lots of problems with constipation and weight gain and no doctor would run any test to see why i was gaining the weight so easily when i ate so little even though my mom tried to find out the problem. Though luckily in late 2011 i was 18 5ft1in tall and around 220 when i was finally diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and i was put on 25mg of Levothyroxine and in a year or so of being on that i lost around 40 pounds. But now i have gained like 12 pounds back and so my thyroid levels were a bit high so i am now taking 50 mg of Levothyroxine. I joined my fitnesspal to help me lose weight and try to keep it off.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Hi Cortney :flowerforyou:
    Welcome! Hope you find the answers you're looking for & support. The links have several tips as do many discussions on here.
  • FiftyEight58
    FiftyEight58 Posts: 6 Member

    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis during my subtotal thyroidectomy 5 days ago. I'm not looking forward to the hypothyroidism that's likely to follow the surgery. Can't wait to get back to running.

    I've not been prescribed with thyroid hormone replacement yet. Was wondering when I need to start? The follow-up session with the surgeon is in another 5 day's time.

    Will check out the links posted here for more info. :)

    Take care, everyone.
  • rosielko
    rosielko Posts: 81 Member
    I also was loosing weight without trying and diagnosed with Graves in Jan 2012. Endo put me on Methimazole/heart Dr had me on beta blockers for my a-fib. By May of 2012 i was 10 lbs from goal weight!! As my thyroid responded i started slowly putting weight on. They cautiously took me off all meds in Aug and said i was heading for remission.. They attributed my steadily gaining was because i was needed to rein in my diet even though I told her i was Sadly i gained back most of the 30 i had lost. In April my endo noted i was loosing weight again and my thyroid levels were heading hyper back on pills 3 days a week to head off hopefully me getting so sick again(going into a-fib). She won't even consider removing my thyroid as i am one the" lucky ones" to have it affect my eyes also :( I am hoping that my lifestyle change (move more eat less), tracking, generally eating better is helping my weight loss and it will stick this time even when they stabilize my thyroid. This is just so frustrating...So sorry ya'll have to deal with this, but hoping to find support as well give support! Thanks for listening :)
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Fifty & Rosie,
    Hope you do find the answers & support for your conditions. Sounds so different then hypo. Probably the same diet advice stands for you though... please read through the links, & threads.
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    I'm Dottie, 41, married with one child, and I've had hypothyroidism for several years now. I'm doing what I thought was right to lose weight --eating healthier choices, eating at a deficit, exercising, etc. Since starting MFP I went from216 to 212, Now lately the weight is coming back on. I'm hoping to learn some here, as well as from my doctor, how to get the scale going back in the right direction.
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm 51 and from Chicagoland. I too have a thyroid issue, stemmed from a pituitary issue that's now affected my adrenal gland. I started my journey to loose weight last September at my heaviest wt, 211. That's also when I started hydrocortosone and levothyroxine. I'm now at 184. I often see plateaus and often my weight will go up before I can loose another pound. It's very, very frustrating. I'm hanging on to the belief that as my body balanced, I'll be able to establish a more healthy weight. Exercise is not easy for me, due to muscle fatigue from a medicine to shrink a pituitary tumor. It is nice to find others who share the same journey :flowerforyou:
  • JustTrudy
    JustTrudy Posts: 2 Member
    Aloha, and thank you for being here! I had a thyroidectomy last July and have had the hardest time getting back to normal.. My weight has gone crazy, my energy levels are all over the place and I have changed medications at least 4 times. I think sometimes I was better off with the goiter than I am now. I am trying desperately to get back to being active, but it is a struggle. Anyone lese have this experience? Others I know who have had the surgery have not had experiences similar to mine and I just at a loss.
  • pastamomma
    pastamomma Posts: 34 Member
    Hi JustTrudy,
    I don't share your thyroidectomy but the changing meds sounds very familiar! I started with hypothyroidism in 2006 and have had my med level changed often. I'm now up to 150 mcg. Weight is also a problem but I also have Addison's disease - an adrenal gland autoimmune disease. Keep up with your dr & med levels. It's a real challenge to get everything balanced. Good luck. I have hope both you and I can do this fitness/weight loss thing!
  • Hi Ladies, :happy:

    I am a new resident of Red Deer Alberta, looking for good Doctor! If anyone out there knows of safe natural supplements or foods that help with Hypothyroid issues I would love to hear about them. I am trying to get pregnant and don't want to risk taking medications unless absolutely necessary.

    If you are interested read on here is my story: I am 31 years old and was thin and active all of my life until I hit 24 years of age. At that point I developed a host of food intolerances and digestive issues. My weight has gradually crept up since then despite eating fairly well and exercising three times a week. After getting frustrated and asking my doctor to order a barrage of tests it was discovered I have a large number of recurring ovarian cysts, but not severe enough to be considered PCOS(Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), and Hypothyroiditis, (enlargement of the thyroid, possibly caused by an unknown infection)The most irritating part of all the testing was to be told there is no treatment . I was told I had to wait it out. Now that tests have confirmed my Hyperthyroid state is passing I was informed that it is 30-70% likely I will go into a hypothyroid state, which is already happening!!!

    Like other members here I never lost weight in my Hyperthyroid state, instead I craved salty fatty foods, had irregular menstrual cycles, dry skin, heart palpitations, difficulty breathing and rarely slept. Now I seem to be fluctuating into a hypothyroid state. I want to eat all the time, feel depressed and tired. I am forcing myself to exercise but it is frustrating, My weight through all of these health issues has stayed at 145 pounds (for three years straight). It won't budge! I am only 5,3. I am just starting to change my diet and exercise habits so hopefully I will see a change for the positive.

    I am glad there is a group like this! Thyroid issues are terribly frustrating as many General Practitioners have no idea what to do and are very slow to test free T3 and T4 levels. Many only look at TSH levels and are very slow to refer you to an endocrinologist. Be your own champion ladies make sure you push for whatever health care you need! If one doctor ignores you find another. Don't take "Oh it's just PMS" for an answer(My former Doctor actually said that statement). If you are new to Thyroid issues read "The Idiot's Guide to Thyroid Disease". I found it very up to date and helpful when trying to understand the nuances of thyroid conditions.

    Good luck everyone!
  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    I just found this group and thought I'd drop in and say hello!
    I'm Maggie and have hypothyroidism, after changing my whole way of eating I'm finally winning the fight and feeling more like myself.
  • Hello, all! I have had thyroid problems for most of my life. It started out as hyperparathyroidism that wasn't found for a while, then became hypothyroidism after I had one of my parathyroids removed. Before, and right after, my surgery, I was about 270, and my weight as steadily increased since then. I've finally gotten my meds straight so that my levels are normal, and am taking the necessary steps to develop better eating and exercise habits!
  • Oh, and by the way, I'm Tuesday! But you can call me TJ. :)
  • Hi Everyone, Shenzie here. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about two months ago and I am already sick of life. I have just gained about 10kgs for no reason. I work out and I have a strict low card diet. how long does it take for the meds to start working. I don't think I have ever been this depressed in my life. I don't even feel like going to work in the morning. I don't even bother about how I look anymore. I used to be someone who was sooo concerned about maintaining the right weight and looking and feeling good. I feel like I don't even know myself anymore.

    I guess there are people with bigger probs out there. but for me it feels like the end of the world.
  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238
    Hey Shenzie, hang in there. When you don't feel well, it really adds to the effort you have to put forth, which does suck. The meds are going to differ from person to person, but I hope they kick in soon for you. In the meantime, check with your doc about some possible supplements to help boost your mood. Taurine is one I have tried in the past and it helped but I don't know if it is safe for every situation. I also noticed a huge difference when I started limiting my grains and sugars. It was tough at first, but was worth it. Hope you start feeling better soon.
  • I have thyroid condition 4 yrs now, haven't been able to lose weight no matter what i try and believe me i have tried everything, doc says not to worry about it but i do. I weigh 204 and should weigh 125-140...I am soooo frustrated
    hi I don't know if you've looked into other hormones that are out of wack. My cousin has struggled all of her life with weight issues. She just found out now at age of 32 her ovaries were causing the problem.
  • Hi! My names Mandy! I've been on this web page before. It was stress and thyroid issues that had me forget my dieting. My doctor finally figured on January 5th that I had hypothyroidism. :O. I cried for days because my aunty fought with it almost all her life. But for medical reasons kept gaining and gaining. She was 57yrs old and 400 to 500lbs when she died of cirrhosis of the liver. Iwas so terrified that, that was my future path. But I had to do something. Got medication going at 25mg.....after 3 monthes wasn't 100% doctor changed to 75 been 2 monthes now feel fantastic in that area. But doctor found enlarged liver.... :'( they aren't sure yet why? But this is scared me sooo bad ive decided to make life style changes. Im eating 5 to 6 meals a aerobics for 10 to 15 minutes a day. Ive lost 8lbs in total in 3 weeks. Im scared to fail ive got 2 young kids. I need encouragement and support to stay with it this time! Please add me thank you in advance xo Congratulations to all the success ive seen so far!