Body Revoultionaries, starting april 1st, phase 1



  • Zilla100
    Zilla100 Posts: 139 Member
    I. Hate. Running Man.

    SO much.

    Suicides are preferable, imo.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I. Hate. Running Man.

    SO much.

    Suicides are preferable, imo.
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    I hate running man too!!!!!!!

    And workout 7.... HOLY S^*#%^*^%#^*+ I thought workout 5 was bad... Hahahahaha

    Ok.... Does ANYONE else struggle to do the quad stretch where you are on your knee?!?! I can't do it!!! It hurts my knees SO bad!! I end up standing and doing it on one leg instead.

    Good luck with workout 8 tomorrow everyone!!!
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I struggle with most of the stretches. Between the way I'm built and my general lack of flexibility, I struggle my way through them.
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    So I started my Monday off by NOT waking up until 30 minutes before I was supposed to leave for work, so needless to say I did not work out this morning. But, I did it tonight! And can I just say......WORKOUT 7 KILLED ME! Seems like the front of the body is always harder for me than the back. I'm 20 minutes post workout right now and my shoulders and arms are still like jello! I'm looking forward to workout 8 but I'm scared since it will be within 10 hours of each other.

    Which ones are running man, is that a cardio interval? I think I know which sucks but I still hate Plie Hops the most!

    Circuit 1 on workout 7 was so killer for me tonight!

    I think I'll set several alarms on my phone tonight just to make sure I wake up in time :)

    Hope you all recover!
  • mellymo29
    mellymo29 Posts: 70 Member

    Ok.... Does ANYONE else struggle to do the quad stretch where you are on your knee?!?! I can't do it!!! It hurts my knees SO bad!! I end up standing and doing it on one leg instead.

    I never do any quad stretches kneeling. I stand by a chair and stretch the heck out of it standing on one leg. No reason to damage something while you're just quietly stretching.
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    i'm a bit behind... still need two more days of WO5 and WO6 before moving on and odds are it won't happen this week as everyone and their mother is in town visiting and i'm booked solid after work... but i fit in a run yesterday and will try to do the same friday... when I did WO6 this weekend I was shocked at how much I was able to do without modification! and super proud of myself too lol
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    hi everyone, sorry for joining midway and then disappearing. had a sinus infection that turned into a tooth thing... so antibiotics and just exhaustion. (wah wah wah, sorry if that sounds like excuses or whining!) i did some of the exercises from WO5 and WO6 and some walking but didn't log specific workouts since it wasn't 'the real thing.

    but did WO5 this morning. figure i'll do WO7 on thursday. I remember thinking the two hardest workouts of the entire series were WO7 and WO11... but do not recall specifics... so I'll be 'surprised' on Thursday :)

    great job everyone!

    yeah, running man is the worst. well burpees are no fun... the first few burpees you think, ok, i've got this and then ugh!
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    Did Wo7 yesterday and WO8 this morning. I remember my first go round that WO7 was tough, so I was surprised it didn't seem so bad. WO8... wow! that was tough. Suicides tucked in the middle??? seriously Jillian? and how could i forget Warrior 3? I am sure I look like an injured pelican trying to keep up. (I used my 8 lb weights the first time and switched to 5s for the second round).

    But I felt great after WO8. WO 5&6 were so boring compared to these too.

    Hope everyone is having a great week and killing these workouts!!
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    Funny that you thought WO7 was better than 8, I was the complete opposite! I'm cursing her in workout 7 the whole time! It starts off so brutal! I can really feel these workouts throughout the day and the next day where as WO 1-6 I didn't really feel them later. Hoping for some more inches off soon, I'm not eating as good as I should but I'm going to clean that up this weekend.

    Hope you are all doing well!
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    Workout 7 tomorrow morning.... Ughhhhh
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    Was totally just thinking that!
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    WO7 on the books. Okay, its definitely not easy but I still have more trouble with WO8. (Those Warrior 3s are a killer!)

    I had a little too much cheap wine last night after watching the hockey game... so I was GULPING water during the workout this morning! ha! All of the pushups/planks to start are a killer... but its getting to be tank top weather, so bring it on! :)

    Hope you all had a great weekend!
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    Does anyone else use a HRM during your strength exercises? I do and I don't burn nearly as many calories with WO7 as I do with all the other work outs. Wondering if it's just because WO7 is so hard for me that I'm not keeping up? It doesn't really seem like it but that's all that I can think of. WO7 is so hard so you would think I would burn more calories!

    Scared for next week since these two weeks have been so hard! Hoping for some good results this week so I can take pictures again and see some differences.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    have to admit i kind of regret having to postpone a lot of my workouts lately as it is now almost 90 degrees and in my non-AC house its like working out in a sweat lodge... yesterday i subbed a kickboxing work out to change up pace and was sweating all over my living room... sheeeeesh! guess i'm going to have to learn to love the warm weather...
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    Does anyone else use a HRM during your strength exercises?

    I did use one the first time I did JMBR.. this round I am just lazy about it! but i know the calories burned did drop... but the workout is more strength and less cadrio. My first round through I would sometimes just add a minute of high knees or something 'heart pumping' to jack up the calorie count! I am following more of a TDEE route this time so don't always eat my calories back.

    Tallie, we had a few humid days here too... and I was glad I was working out in the a.m. Its going to be tough in the summer. (I work out in my basement, no a/c and teeny little windows! I am afraid if I drag a fan down, I'll kick it during a more vigorous workout! ha!)
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    Where is everyone? lol Did everyone die at the end of weeks 7 and 8?

    Gatx, good idea on getting my heart rate back up in the strength workouts. I will try that if I can stand it.

    Workout 9 was hard! But not impossible. Looking forward to 10, I haven't previewed it yet, guessing it's hard but I will probably like it better than 9. I seem to like the back of the body more than the front.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    Nope I'm still here!!!! I did not do workout 9 today... very busy day!!! I will do 9 tomorrow... then double up on 10 and cardio 3 on Wednesday. I hear cardio 3 is a lot of plyo! I'm scared!
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    DVD 10 was HARD! I thought I would like it better than 9 but I burned more calories on 10 than I have on any other strength DVD. Good workout though! My legs are trembling!

    Good luck everyone!
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    I will be doubling up on 10 and cardio 3 tomorrow... Yay?!