
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member

    Now that's interesting. I would love to feel sore the next day without feeling wiped out after the workout LOL.

    lol i'm just the opposite, i'd rather feel like i gave it all and not have to pay for it the next day

    I'm with proton. I like some pain. It makes me feel like my body is changing!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Hi Proton! I'm still at it and I have 8 workout days left! Overall, I have gained 2-4 pounds but my measurements have stayed the same except for losing .5 inch on my belly button waistline and .5 inch on my thigh. So I guess that means that I have replaced fat with muscle and is why I weigh more. All my clothes still fit basically the same.

    Ain't gonna lie though, can't wait to be done :)

    Yay! Good job! You may not have had much fat to lose to begin with. Did you measure your body fat before and after?
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    So I had to take a night off last night because I ended up spending way too much time doing a bunch of clean up and hanging more blinds at the condo. The top part/bar of some of the blinds that I bought were slightly wider than window frames. I didn't have extra tools with me so it took me forever to get them fitted into the brackets. I also didn't have a ladder with me so I had to raise my my arms to get to those brackets the whole time. Ughh... my arms/shoulders were already sore from the other day's workout so the constant arm extension and juggling with the screws and screwdriver really burned! I was mouthing off the whole time LOL It kind of reminded me of the plie and shoulder pulsing move from insanity but this time much much longer.

    I'm debating whether I should do cardio or legs/back tonight ...
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Last night was Insanity cardio recovery for me. It had been weeks since I did it. I did it because this week is supposed to be my hybrid recovery so I thought it would be fitting to do a workout with recovery in its name. Maybe I'm getting old but I've forgotten that cardio recovery isn't really a relaxing workout lol! While it's not as intense as the regular insanity workous, there were many moves in there that are effective at burning your muscles. E.g the lunge pulses, obliques work and etc. I think I might have pushed it a little harder -- its hard to resist being a insanity grad:)

    All in all it was a great workout. It was a better and more enjoyable workout than yoga, at least in my book.

    Hope you all brought it!!
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    So today was my first timing doing Asylum relief. I probably should have done it after vertical plyo last week but took the rest day instead. Love relief. Nice length, amazing stretches. My quads and hammies got a really good stretch. The only thing I found was some moves he went through a little too fast. I could have held them for a little longer but all in all a really good stretch session.
    If I can find the time I may add to the end of some of the other workouts, such as vertical.. as my warm down. Oh well, I can always give up
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @lyndabyh - sounds like you've been liking asylum so far. Way to go!

    I did legs and back yesterday. I thought the insanity workouts were pretty good workout for the legs and I was partially right because my legs were very sore on the first week and the week after the recovery. But after doing legs and back yesterday, oh my! My quads are still burning! I haven't walked this funny for quite a while lol.
  • LSotham
    LSotham Posts: 25 Member
    I started Insanity this morning. Just the Fit Test, but WOW.

    So pumped to get into this routine!
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    Awesome! What was the toughest move for you?

    I'm starting my week 5 of p90x/insanity hybrid today. I bought a big tub of Optimum Nutrition's Performance 100% Whey Isolate yesterday. Each serving has 140 calories but with a whopping 30g of protein!! Can't wait to give that a try :)
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    Yeah I am enjoying Asylum but I kind of miss Insanity, weird huh. Asylum is totally different and I like it but for some reason I'm not as pumped to do it as I was for Insanity. Individually I like the workouts, it's just my enthusiasm. Could just be cause so crazy at work I've been working lots of OT and all around tired.

    I went running in the woods yesterday and slipped in the leaves. Overextended my hip flexor.:cry: Luckily today was back and core, so it went easy on my poor leg. Did relief after to try and stretch a bit but I think it will be a few days before its feeling better. Tomorrow s strength so shouldn't be too bad. Ma have to juggle rest of week around so not doing agility or plyo with a sore hip...yikes
  • 2sweet84
    2sweet84 Posts: 26 Member
    i just started month 2 of insanity and wow! I've found new muscles to ache again now, not as bad as week one but i like that i'm really working my arms and core. Have upped my macros to 45% protein, 35%carbs and 20% fat. I hope this sees me through. Bring on day 2 tonight & enjoy everybody :-)
  • wffolkes
    wffolkes Posts: 186 Member
    Did my second fit test yesterday

    Day1 / Day 14

    Switch Kicks 81 / 117
    Power Jacks 51 / 53
    Power Knees 88 / 109
    Power Jumps 26 /36
    Globe Jumps 9 / 11
    Suicide Jumps 17 / 18
    Push up Jacks 23 / 27
    Low Plank Obliques 33 / 45

    Happy with some of the results 34% more productive, my legs are feeling a little tight today
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @lyndabyh - Sorry to hear that :( Hopefully by then time you do plyo you'll be good to go again! Keep up the good work!

    @2sweet84 - LOL..that happened to me (and to most people) too. Muscle aches are good!

    @wffolkes - good job bro! You nailed switch kicks and power knees big time!!
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member
    i just started month 2 of insanity and wow! I've found new muscles to ache again now, not as bad as week one but i like that i'm really working my arms and core. Have upped my macros to 45% protein, 35%carbs and 20% fat. I hope this sees me through. Bring on day 2 tonight & enjoy everybody :-)

    I would love to have these macros, can you tell me what a typical days menu looks like?
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I would love to have these macros, can you tell me what a typical days menu looks like?

    Why not eat at those numbers then? the insanity nutrition guide recommends 40 P, 40 c, 20F. each of the meals in the guide is supposed to be around that. It also suggests you may/should eat more in the second month, which i didn't realize.
    Yeah I am enjoying Asylum but I kind of miss Insanity, weird huh. Asylum is totally different and I like it but for some reason I'm not as pumped to do it as I was for Insanity. Individually I like the workouts, it's just my enthusiasm. Could just be cause so crazy at work I've been working lots of OT and all around tired.

    I went running in the woods yesterday and slipped in the leaves. Overextended my hip flexor.:cry: Luckily today was back and core, so it went easy on my poor leg. Did relief after to try and stretch a bit but I think it will be a few days before its feeling better. Tomorrow s strength so shouldn't be too bad. Ma have to juggle rest of week around so not doing agility or plyo with a sore hip...yikes

    I loved Asylum so much i never really looked back. From a pure cardiovascular stand point, i suppose insanity is a better work out. I find it pretty difficult to get to the high HR i reached in Insanity while doing Asylum. I don't even wear the HRM anymore because there are so many other points of measurement you can use in the program itself. I feel that Asylum developes more athletecism and functional strength/ability.

    Plus its just a lot more fun to me.

    i finish Asylum vol 2 last weekend. It was very challenging and... at times, dare i say fun lol. i was able to rock everything he asked you to do on the pull up bar which made me proud of myself.. i even ditched the milk crate i was using to reach the bar and just jump now. the 1800 cal diet was very difficult for me. But i got used to it. my bench press went down, but all my other lifts went up or stayed the same, and my performance in the asylum videos greatly improved. I am also much better with the jump rope now which is something i was hoping for. I can honestly say that its the only program/diet i've done so far that i really felt like i got out every single drop of effort i put in. which was very rewarding. I had viens popping out literally over night, in my stomach lol.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @no_finish_line - Good job man!! What workout are you going to do next?

    Yesterday was cardio day for me and I did Insanity Fast & Furious again. I must have done this more than half a dozen time in the past few weeks but it still kicked my butt LOL. My heart rate remained to be very high during the short 20-minute workout.

    My FT7 broke a while ago and I'm thinking to get another one. I like it because it tracks and charts the whole workout period and calculate the calorie burn by taking the "breaks" into consideration. I wish it was cheaper.

  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member

    I loved Asylum so much i never really looked back. From a pure cardiovascular stand point, i suppose insanity is a better work out. I find it pretty difficult to get to the high HR i reached in Insanity while doing Asylum. I don't even wear the HRM anymore because there are so many other points of measurement you can use in the program itself. I feel that Asylum developes more athletecism and functional strength/ability.

    Plus its just a lot more fun to me.

    i finish Asylum vol 2 last weekend. It was very challenging and... at times, dare i say fun lol. i was able to rock everything he asked you to do on the pull up bar which made me proud of myself.. i even ditched the milk crate i was using to reach the bar and just jump now. the 1800 cal diet was very difficult for me. But i got used to it. my bench press went down, but all my other lifts went up or stayed the same, and my performance in the asylum videos greatly improved. I am also much better with the jump rope now which is something i was hoping for. I can honestly say that its the only program/diet i've done so far that i really felt like i got out every single drop of effort i put in. which was very rewarding. I had viens popping out literally over night, in my stomach lol.

    I think it is the cardio I'm missing. I just felt like Insanity was a "harder" workout for lack of a better word at the moment ( I'll think of the right term later). I am running again, and when I run and do Asylum I feel amazing. The last week or so Have been walking with the hubby in morn as he wants to start exercising and isn't up to running yet ( or I haven't talked him into it yet) so have been missing the cardio. Asylum is fun though. I like the different days, its a nice change from all the jumping. Maybe I should look at that Insanity/Asylum
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    how long have you been doing asylum? In my experience, it got tougher as time went on. I was stil learning the moves in the first two weeks, it wasn't until week three that i started getting a serrious workout.

    i don't know whats harder or easier. Generally, whatever i'm doing seems harder and whatever i'm not doing seems easier lol.

    @ proton - two weeks of the ice cream and burrito workout then its back to digging ditches with tony horton. another two weeks of ice cream and burrittos, back to asylum 2, more ice cream, then i haven't desided lol.
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    @nofinsihline : yeah its only 2 weeks, and I'm just starting to be able to anticipate moves. Workouts seem faster now as I don't have to wait everytime to watch how to do the move.
  • proton77
    proton77 Posts: 409
    @ proton - two weeks of the ice cream and burrito workout then its back to digging ditches with tony horton. another two weeks of ice cream and burrittos, back to asylum 2, more ice cream, then i haven't desided lol.

    LOL... that sounds fun! I haven't had a burrito or pizza for more than 6 months. But I recently I've been adding some cakes to my diet :) I like the red velvet bundt cake (without the icing) from nothing bundt cake. A friend of mine bought my family one and I simply couldn't resist it!! Whenever I do eat it however I make sure that don't go over my macros and calorie, or too much :)
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    two big *kitten* peices of pizza for lunch today!