Summer Weight Loss Challenge



  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Sorry for your loss. I am glad to see you back with the challenge. I too have fallen off, but I'm ready to get back at it. :smile:
    Hi Gals, I am back. The past few months have been extremely stressful for me due to family illness/death in the family. I am now ready to continue with my wt loss journey.
    Last wt on Feb 21st
    217.9 lbs
    Todays wt 208 lbs
    Goal for June 30----200lbs
    Hope everyone is doing well.
    quote] Thank you, so kindly.
  • vmckinzey
    vmckinzey Posts: 98 Member
    I hope all of the moms had a wonderful Mother's Day! Keep doing what you're doing and have a great week!

    Here's my weekly check-n:

    SW: 263
    CW: 261
    GW: 165
    GW for Challenge: 250

    Weigh-in Dates (standard weigh-in day is Saturday):
    5/4: 257 - 4lb loss
    5/11: 255 - 2lb loss

    NS Goals
    1. At least 30 minutes of cardio exercise everyday
    2. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day
    3. Keep my heart, mind and spirit on God for strength and renewal
  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    Hope everyone is continuing to press hard! The summer is almost upon us, WE CAN DO IT!
  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! It's been a couple of weeks since I checked in. The last two weeks for me, I stayed the same, but during that time period, I readjusted some things, I'm refocused and back on the losing side again. :-) Here are my stats:

    SW: 181
    CW: 164.5 (down 3.5 pounds since last weigh in)
    GW: 140

    NSV for this challenge:

    1. Get more strength training in so I can see more inch loss
    2. Eat more fruits and veggies this week
    3. Work harder to stay within my daily calorie limits

    Official weigh in goals:
    2/21: 177.5 (met this one)
    4/21: 160 (not so much; I'm at 168 as of today, but I'm not going to complain)
    6/21: 152 (adjusted from 143 since I was so far off my Apr goal)
  • priesterse
    priesterse Posts: 207 Member
    Summer Challenge SW: 184.8
    Summer challenge GW: 165.0

    April 21 goal: 170 (actual 170.8; close enuf)
    June 21 goal: 165

    5/13 172.4 (+1.6) :sick:

    1. Re-focus and get back on track. I am not working out as hard as I should and the scale is reflecting that. Thinking about trying CROSSFIT.
    2. Get my butt out of bed and workout!
    3. Continue to eat well and cut out the sweets. I "allowed" myself a few too many celebratory treats.
  • priesterse
    priesterse Posts: 207 Member
    You're doing great! I am trying to keep up with you on the weight loss but you've just left me in the dust. Going to focus on "catching up" with you to motivate myself (hope you don't mind) :flowerforyou:
    Good Morning Ladies! It's been a couple of weeks since I checked in. The last two weeks for me, I stayed the same, but during that time period, I readjusted some things, I'm refocused and back on the losing side again. :-) Here are my stats:

    SW: 181
    CW: 164.5 (down 3.5 pounds since last weigh in)
    GW: 140

    NSV for this challenge:

    1. Get more strength training in so I can see more inch loss
    2. Eat more fruits and veggies this week
    3. Work harder to stay within my daily calorie limits

    Official weigh in goals:
    2/21: 177.5 (met this one)
    4/21: 160 (not so much; I'm at 168 as of today, but I'm not going to complain)
    6/21: 152 (adjusted from 143 since I was so far off my Apr goal)
  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    I'm down 1.2 lbs this week!!

    SW 209.8 CW: 187.8 GW: 175
  • hautemom313
    hautemom313 Posts: 5 Member
    Just wanted to check in I lost 1 pound this week. I am celebrating every pound lost. I am at 18lbs lost and I am 19lbs away from my first goal to get under 200lbs. I have not been under 200 since my 7 year old was born. I know I need to clean up my diet, and exercise outside of work.
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    You can do it .Do not forget to increase your water intake and decrease your sodium. This works for me when I want a little push. Good luck .
    To You hautemom
  • vmckinzey
    vmckinzey Posts: 98 Member
    I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

    SW: 263
    CW: 261
    GW: 165
    GW for Challenge: 250

    Weigh-in Dates (standard weigh-in day is Saturday):
    5/4: 257 - 4lb loss
    5/11: 255 - 2lb loss
    5/18: 252.4 - 2.6lb loss

    NS Goals
    1. At least 30 minutes of cardio exercise everyday
    2. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water each day
    3. Keep my heart, mind and spirit on God for strength and renewal
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,274 Member
    Checking in

    SW: 219

    April 1 - 214.4
    April 8 - missed
    April 15 - missed
    April 22 - 217.6
    April 29 - 217.2 -
    May 6 - 217.2
    May 13 - 216.6
    May 20 - 216.2 down -.4

    Total loss to date - 2.8
    GW: 195

    I'm having very slow weight loss...not discouraged but it's difficult to work so hard and only see a little loss. I'm going to drink loads of water this week and watch the sodium as well as keep up the water aerobics and walking. Good luck ladies!
  • hautemom313
    hautemom313 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks 12774!! I am trying. Good luck to you as well.
  • Butterfly2022MD
    Butterfly2022MD Posts: 246 Member
    My SW on 5/20/2013: 181
    GW: 150 by 8/1/2013

    1. I will exercise 5 days a week
    2. Stay within goal for calorie limit
    3. Drink 72 oz of water
  • priesterse
    priesterse Posts: 207 Member
    I definitely understand what you're going through. For me, the scale is moving in the wrong direction! Sodium is a major culprit for the appearance of weight gain and trying to drink the necessary amount of water to alleviate the water retention can be tedious. Hang in there, we can do it.
    Checking in

    SW: 219

    April 1 - 214.4
    April 8 - missed
    April 15 - missed
    April 22 - 217.6
    April 29 - 217.2 -
    May 6 - 217.2
    May 13 - 216.6
    May 20 - 216.2 down -.4

    Total loss to date - 2.8
    GW: 195

    I'm having very slow weight loss...not discouraged but it's difficult to work so hard and only see a little loss. I'm going to drink loads of water this week and watch the sodium as well as keep up the water aerobics and walking. Good luck ladies!
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    Hey ladies, I'd love to join! I'd like to lose 100+lbs by this time next year. Currently I will be working out 5 days a week and watching my portions, drinking more water, and doing the 80/20 rule. 80% healthy foods, 20% non :)
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    [quoteWelcome ]
    Hey ladies, I'd love to join! I'd like to lose 100+lbs by this time next year. Currently I will be working out 5 days a week and watching my portions, drinking more water, and doing the 80/20 rule. 80% healthy foods, 20% non :)
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Hey ladies, I'd love to join! I'd like to lose 100+lbs by this time next year. Currently I will be working out 5 days a week and watching my portions, drinking more water, and doing the 80/20 rule. 80% healthy foods, 20% non :)
    hi Rachel, welcome !. You have joined a very supportive group of ladies. Hope that your journey will be very rewarding to you. I have never heard of the 80/20 rule. But when I stick to the 100% rule , I definitely see results. Good luck on your journey.
  • Xited
    Xited Posts: 39 Member
    Hi ladies, I'd love to join your little group. I'm hoping to lose the baby fat (35 pounds) after having our little princess 10 days ago. All I can do is walk at the moment for the next 5 weeks post surgery, but hoping to progress to a heavier workout schedule after that. My family has decided to do a full lifestyle change with juicing being a big part of that and I look forward to a healthier future. I definitely need the motivation and encouragement and hope I can find that here among you lovely ladies...
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,274 Member
    Checking in

    SW: 219

    April 1 - 214.4
    April 8 - missed
    April 15 - missed
    April 22 - 217.6
    April 29 - 217.2 -
    May 6 - 217.2
    May 13 - 216.6
    May 20 - 216.2
    May 27 - 215.6 down -.6

    Total loss to date - 2.4
    GW: 195

    Slowly but surely:smile:
  • ReDoableMe
    ReDoableMe Posts: 35 Member
    I'd like to join too, even though summer is just about here!

    SW: 235
    GW: 199

    I'd like to complete this goal by the time my son leaves for college in August. I've already lost quite a bit, but I'm not completely happy with those graduation pics!

    Although I suffer from chronic anemia due to kidney disease, I'm determined to push through and make it happen the best way I know how!
