Week #3 Schedule



  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    I'm getting up earlier in the morning to do each session and if I'm not in bed, almost asleep by 10pm I really struggle in the morning. I struggled through Cardio recovery this morning, I just didnt have the strength to hold the squatted bounces let alone the tiptoe version, and I had about 6 hours sleep so I think it's related too

    Good idea skipping one sesh, get yourself refreshed and nap-ready for the next one!
  • ironpudge
    ironpudge Posts: 12 Member
    I hope everyone is doing alright! I totally nailed my Cardio Core and Balance session! I think after tomorrow I'm going to look after my nutrition some more. I really need to find better choices! Also I think my favorite move so far are the push up jacks! I can't believe I can even pull them off, and especially after so many other moves in the routine! I'm kinda fired up about tomorrow really. After sunday I get to see what month two is all about!

  • chickenroti
    chickenroti Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm a bit behind you all. Week 2 day 2 today. I did my fitness test yesterday and I was mega surprised. The killer is the push up jacks!!! They are sooooo hard, I don't know how I can improve on those numbers, but I am sure to possible.

    Swich kicks - 64-67
    Power jacks - 52-66
    Power knees -107-115
    Power jumps -33-63
    Globe jumps-10-12
    Suicide jumps12-14
    Push up jacks -2-5
    Low plank oblique -45 -70

    Can I ask what heart rate monitor /watch everyone is using? I just bought Garmin 110 forerunner. I think it may be a little off for calorie counting. As after 40 minutes of nearly killing myself doing cardio circuit, it said I had burnt 266 calls. Perhaps I need to invest in a different watch...

    How does everyone count the calories for the InsNity workout if you don't have a watch?
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Just did Cardio power and resistance and it was awesome, think it's my favourite session! Makes SUCH a difference doing it at 11am rather than 6am too. Having rest tomorrow then plyo on monday to continue into week 4, as I wont be at home at all tomorrow.


    and Hi Chicken! I'm using TDEE-20% for my cals, into 40/30/30 carbs fat and protein so I don't log Insanity burned cals,sorry I cant help :)
  • You've conquered Week 3! (or you will after todays workout is complete). Hopefully by now you are starting to feel stronger and getting through the workouts more easily. This may be a time when you are looking to the scale to see those results. Many people who are not seeing the scale move fast enough resort to eating less to accelerate weight loss. That is not the best decision. Continue to follow the Nutrition Guide; because you are working out so hard, you need more calories than you did previously to fuel your workouts!

    Rememberer that the scale is NOT to best way to track progress its measurements and achieving MORE in the workout that you should be looking to for success. :D Enjoy the weekend and your rest day tomorrow. You EARNED it!
    I am SO proud of you guys for getting this far. You have a no quit attitude and its amazing and inspiring.
  • Just did Plyo and another workout (CLX Burn 3/Lifting). I dont know which I like better Plyo or Power/Resistance. Either way I am spent and it feels so great. I can not believe we only have 1 more week of this then recovery week. WOW! We are so DOING THIS!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    took my rest day yesterday, then starting this with the last sesh of week 4 to carry on through week 4. It just worked better that way!

    What do we do during recovery week then?
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Just did Plyo, last session of Week3, and carry on tomorrow with Week4. I had rest on Sunday and Monday because I was shattered so I wont rest tomorrow!

    WHOOP Ready for Week 4 folks!