


  • lbelle987
    lbelle987 Posts: 97
    Hey, all! I'm Lauren, I'm a SAHM living in SE Michigan. I'm VERY new to running and training for my first marathon (full) in October :)
  • Hi, My name is Amanda! I have been cometively running long distance since I was 7 years old. I know crazy right. Two years ago I had to have major reconstrutive surgery on my left ankle. Had all my ligaments "enhanced" and tendons repaired. Because of complications and walking wrongly during being injured I also have four herniated disc. I no longer want that to be my excuse. I am 25 now, and after a small lifetime with out running I really wish to get back to that level. Currently I can only do low empacted stuff until I get this extra weight off. I really want to get back to running my easy 5-10 miles at a time. I truely miss that stress relief.

    If any of you have been here please give some advice of how to start over. Thanks!
  • Jayne19099
    Jayne19099 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi, I'm Jayne. I'm just getting back into running. I always ran as a exercise but lately I have found it to be more relaxing and stress busting. I signed up for my first race next month, a 10 k, and am really looking forward to getting out there and enjoying the experience. I find I like the 10 k distance a lot as it gives me time to get in the zone.

    Happy Running :)
  • Rpeat1
    Rpeat1 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi I'm Rob, from Leeds in the UK.

    Been running since mid 2006. Ran 4 marathons, best time so far 3:24, but feel I could run 3:10 with a good injury free period and weight loss...but currently injured, with very little running since July last year. Still hoping to run Berlin marathon in September.
  • runrunjohnny
    runrunjohnny Posts: 10 Member
    John from the Detroit area.

    I ran CC back in high school. After I graduated, I took a long hiatus from running. Like about 6 years.

    About 2 years ago, I trained for my 1st half marathon and last year I ran my first full marathon.
    This year I plan on racing about 4 halfs with a goal of breaking 2:00.

    I have a goal of completing a 50K some day.
  • hey team i just joined mfp today, navigating my way around here.
  • meow_meow_meow
    meow_meow_meow Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Tina. I ran the 2011 Paris marathon in 4 hours 58 mins and had high hopes for running more and improving my time, but have suffered with hip and knee problems since then, so unfortunately am back to square one. I'm looking to not just lose weight on here, but improve my fitness and general health too, and get back into running :)
  • Hello! I'm Lauren from St. Louis. I used to run marathons and was getting ready to do my first sprint triathlon. But then I got into nursing school and I had no time for anything (barely even sleep). So I'm about to graduate and more than eager to get back to long distance running and biking and swimming this summer.

    Feel free to add me! I've been on here for a while but just not starting to make use of it!
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    Hi - just found this group. From the Eastern Mass area, live in Central Mass, work in Boston. Started running 3+ years ago, have done a bunch of races up to a half last fall. Currently training for the Hardford Full in October of this year. I go 6-7 times a week, probably averaging 40-45 miles weekly, though I'm working on getting that well over 50 as I ramp up for the 26.2.

    I started running solely to lose weight initially, but I started to really enjoy it as time went on. Almost all of my runs generally trend towards the 6+ mile mark nowadays, for as many days as I can to keep my calorie burn up. I should probably start cutting back one or two of those, and specifically start targeting some short speedwork, medium tempo, and long runs. I'm not married to any one marathon training plan. My current long run distance is 15 miles, so I figure if I start adding a mile or two every couple of weeks, I'll be in decent shape for it. Any pointers from marathoners, or soon-to-be-marathoners are welcome.

    I love to hear from other comrades-in-legs (see what I did there? :), so feel free to add me on here (I typically don't go adding people unless they say it's ok). I'm also on RunKeeper (

    Happy feet, ankles, and knees to you all!
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm from Winnipeg, Manitoba - Central Canada. I'm new-ish to running. Started with a C25K app on my phone late last fall, suffered a minor knee injury so laid off until the new year. Now I am doing at least 3 runs a week, working up to 4 or 5. Sundays I do my long slow runs with a local running group.

    I just registered for a half-marathon in October. I have plenty of time to get myself to the 13.1 mile mark (my longest run to date has been just shy of 8 miles).

    So, as I get set to fill my late spring and summer with half-marathon training, nutrition and the like, I wanted to find some others who could share their knowledge with me.

    Originally exercise was something I saw as a have to do when I started to lose weight, now exercise, and more specifically running, is something that I want to do!

  • lilkat_0087
    lilkat_0087 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi, I'm Kat from Toronto Canada. I'm just starting to run longer then 10k and hopefully do my first half this September. I'm trying to learn better nutrition and cross training to meet my goals.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    My name is Ade - I live in London. I started running "properly" in November 2012 after rashly signing up for the London Marathon with zero miles under my belt!

    I did actually run (and even finish) the race - but now looking to improve speed and strength over shorter distances (5, 10k and half marathon) before attempting another one. I average about 20 miles a week when not specifically training for a race.

    I can generally run about 8 miles happily, and get to about 12 before I start questioning my sanity. Its all downhill from there ...
  • youjustgetbetter
    youjustgetbetter Posts: 22 Member
    Hey guys.
    Would love some new friends.

    My name is Caroline and I'm a 19 year old college student from Texas.

    Started running seriously about 9 months ago, though I've made pretty slow progress and backtracked a few times. Ran my first 5k in November and I'm running my second this Sunday! After that, I plan to run a 10k sometime in the fall.

    I'd love new friends who are passionate about running! Add me if you like.
  • librarianjenne
    librarianjenne Posts: 66 Member
    Hi! I'm Jenne. I've been running on and off for about 23 years. I've never seriously stuck to a proper training plan or increased my miles in a way that will help me, so I have decided that this is the year I will start becoming a better runner. I've DNFed the same marathon twice at mile 20 (with no intentions of trying that one a third time, no matter how fast I get) and I finished the Green Bay Marathon in 2010. I also finished the Austin Half Marathon in 2012. I've done countless 5Ks, a few 10Ks, two 11Ks, and one 15K. I hope to run a 10K in under an hour by the end of the year and I want to run the Disney Goofy Challenge either next year or the year after.

    I'm working on getting my weekly base mileage to 40 MPW or above, my body fat to about 19%, and my speed to Boston-fast. I'm using Maffetone-style low (aerobic) heart rate training, which is very interesting on the hills I run on.

    I live in Texas, I'm vegan, and I also love Ashtanga yoga.
  • runningcats
    runningcats Posts: 26 Member
    Hi all - I'm Sue and have been running off/on for about 25 years. In the last three years I've become addicted to running and have logged quite a few half-marathons and even a marathon in March. I'm registered for Chicago in October. I've been running my long distances using Galloway's run/walk method and love it - it actually helped me to improve my overall times - even though I'm pretty slow. I have a half PR of 2:13 and have a goal of under 2:10 - but am rebuilding those times after a hip injury last year.

    In the mean time, I'm trying to drop a few more pounds and strengthen my upper body (any suggestions for at-home strength training will be appreciated!) Would love new running friends!
  • runninghannah
    runninghannah Posts: 10 Member
    Hello, I'm Hannah. I live in France and I love running the trails around here. I have run a few races a half-marathon and two 15k's. I would love to do a trail marathon this year. But more than running races I just like to run and get that quiet time. For me to be able to run the race is just icing on the cake.
  • twilight_princess
    twilight_princess Posts: 270 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm Symone, 26 and from London, U.K. I started running a month after beginning my weight loss in July 2011 and love it! Running has been one my main exercises to help burn off my excess fat and develop my fitness - its my gold standard.

    I've done too many to count 5ks, about ten 10ks, two 15ks and one 20k (just short of a half marathon, I know but I had a reason I couldn't go any further). I'm looking do my first half marathon within the next two weeks which I'm ready for but am also training myself towards the full distance by the end of July for my 2 years anniversary of starting to run.

    Right now I am really motivated and dedicated towards these goals so please add me if your serious too as I get inspiration and motivation from others.

    P.S. I also sometimes host a walk/run 120 miles a month challenge if anyone is interested in joining in the future, it really has helped me get back on track recently. June's challenge will be posted from next week but this is what others I've done look like.
  • phooey43
    phooey43 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm Thomas from Yakima, Washington, I started running 4 years ago weighing in at 265lbs and now at 185. I could barely run to the fridge back then and now have 4 marathons under my belt and several halfs. Still have a bit of weight to lose, so glad to find some like minded people who love running. Feel free to add me, I could use some people for support and motivation and hopefully can offer some back!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Hello All, My name is Kyle.
    Signed up for a Spartan Race around Christmas 2011 . The small one! 5k +/-
    Had not run since early high school. Then only in phys ed class.
    I had lost a little over 70 lbs when I registered for the race and I started training Jan 1 2012.
    I had so much fun training and running the Spartan I was hooked. After the Spartan I did a couple of 5ks then a couple of 10ks and registered for a winter half in October. Trained outside all winter and ran my first half this past Feb.
    Next stop is a full marathon! I have registered for the Montreal marathon this coming Sept.
    This *kitten* is getting serious! :-)
  • laurasuzanne2006
    laurasuzanne2006 Posts: 103 Member
    I started running last may. I have completed 2 1/2 marathons(one in sept one in march) I am registered for the chicago marathon in October