Anyone still here?



  • newfern
    newfern Posts: 10 Member
    I had a great success the first time I did this, but I fell off the wagon during some stressful times. But I find that it's really hard for me to get back on track. Any suggestions out there?
  • godchick15
    godchick15 Posts: 5 Member
    Yep still here and yes it works but really goes back to calories. 4HB calories are just more satisfying so you aren't left hungry all the time.
  • justinewheatley
    I started the 4HB slow-carb diet on Monday. It is Wednesday and I'm not hungry, but I do have a carb/sugar craving that I'm planning out to have on my cheat day. I have noticed I'm peeing like every 2 hours, so I'm sure i'll lose some water weight. Hope it's more than just water wait though. I'm having the hardest time with drinking a lot of water. But i'm having more than I ever have before. I too would like to know of any good websites or recipe sites... Pass the info along. Thanks!
  • candik1
    candik1 Posts: 38 Member
    I was on the 4HB but fell WAAAAY off the wagon right around the holidays and finally found my way back today. This diet does work if you stick to it. And it's not hard to stick to it unless, of course, you're like me and find excuse after excuse to sabotage yourself. I'm really not my best friend when it comes to dieting.

    I took my measurements today and when I compare them to the progress I made last time, I just feel sick and disgusted. I've got lots of lost ground to make up for and then it's on to my original goal. I'd like to be able to say I gained weight when I quit smoking but that wouldn't be true. I switched to vaping so there was no weight gain. Last time I was on this eating plan, I smoked about 1/2 pack a day more or less. Now I vape even less than that. It takes me 2 weeks to go through 5ml of 12mg nic juice. I mix my own juice and I think eventually I'll experiment with mixing the dessert flavored juices so I have even less reason to find another way to sabotage myself. Right now, I'm vaping unflavored. Please don't think I'm advocating vaping as an alternative to cheating, it's an alternative to smoking and one that got me off the cigarettes without any problems whatsoever. If you are a smoker and are looking to make a change, by all means, message me and I'll be happy to share all the e-cig info I have.

    I also take 1 ounce of bentonite clay for toxin detoxing, probiotics and vitamin supplements.

    Might be a good idea and a fun way to be supportive if we started a recipe idea exchange. What say you?
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Still here
    After a Free day, it is hard for me to restart the discipline needed to follow the slow carb way.
  • mzielinskim
    mzielinskim Posts: 8 Member
    I started 2,5 Weeks ago and lost already 8 punds. Works great!
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I am still here. I am doing the exercises regularly and sometimes the ice packs. I tried the cold shower but could not tolerate it. I have modified the diet a bit because I am doing an elimination diet and I do not care for beans. I found some in a health food store made into pasta that was not bad.

    No weight loss on the scale, but I have increased lean body mass. I think my clothes may be a little looser too. I get my food sensitivies and lean body mass tested again tomorrow. Unfortunately, I broke my toe last week and I think it may have slowed my progress - fingers crossed!
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    My lean mass improved from 29.6 to 23.??? in three weeks. Is this possible? I am wondering if the test was flawed. My rough calculation has this as a 25% improvement, Still no weight loss. I am going to check my measurments on Sunday. I am also able to gradually add back all the food that I was tested sensitive for which was quite extensive. I had eliminated 8 food categories and will add one or two per week. Some of this will be my cheat meal. I am hoping eggs will work, I need more protein options.

    How are others doing?

  • K2ofCU
    K2ofCU Posts: 22 Member
    Am here- just joined this group.

    Been doing it legitimately for two weeks - have lost ~ 6 lbs (have to look at specifics).
    Had made mistake about 'mixed vegetables'- the 'mixed vegetables' package in the store has too much peas/corn to be legitimate (in my estimation), but you live/learn.

    The diet is definitely workable, once you get over the dairy /white stuff/grains-bread products hump.
    Can't really cook for the family with it, and I wouldn't entertain guests with it, but it's fine for an individual.
    Get a good can opener and collander for the beans! ha!

    Am sick of 2 eggs/daily breakfast, but believe that there is a study in the book which says that women lost more, and lost more around the waist, if they ate 2 eggs for every breakfast.
    I will say that this DID peel an inch off my waistline within the week after making that modification (so eggs will be my breakfast! ha!)

    I finish off most days with merlot to get to my BMR (but no more than 8 oz/day).

    Cheat day is required, but am surprised at how loggy /yetchy I feel with it! ha!

    Haven't done the supplement stacks, but do do the cold packs at night.

    -Does anyone else ensure that they hit their BMR (or should I just eat until full - which is usually significantly less)?

    -Are the supplement stacks key?

  • KathrynKennewell108
    I used to eat cereal or toast for brekkie once upon a time.... was always hungry within the next 1 to 2 hours. Now I have my 2 eggs almost every single morning. It sets me up for the day and I manage dairy related cravings a lot better with this habit. Dairy is my downfall. I must've been a mouse in another life, lol. I'm pretty good with starchy carbs. I never have them at night - they don't sit right with me. Getting off bread is my one other challenge. It comes down to habit, I think. Will keep persevering though.
  • musicbean566
    I just joined! So, if anyone is still active here (kinda looks like everyone's gone?) I'd love to see your progress and share mine with you!
  • Mrs_Bones
    Mrs_Bones Posts: 195 Member
    Hi! I am new! I am just starting a prep weekend to start the 4-Hour Body on Monday! How is everybody finding it?
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Keep at it
    You'll do so good, mate.