Let's get started

Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
Hello Crackers,

Well I've tried to set a Cracker circle up at MITM's request. Let's see if it works.

When I woke up this morning the rain had stopped so there was no excuse and I had to get my running gear on. I did have a rather nasty pain in my instep though, a bit like cramp, and it was so painful I wondered if I would have to turn back. But like a trouper, I ran through the pain (just like a professional footballer! lol!) and made it through to the end!

I'm off to log my exercise now and to see how many lovely calories I've used up!



  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Complicated stuff this!! However I'm a member of the Christmas Crackers Yay! Well done LMV. I shall now test what this looks like!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Whoop, whoop - and then there were two! xx
  • SAFWiG
    SAFWiG Posts: 2 Member
    And then three :)
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Count me in!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers!

    It has (as promised) rained today, in fact it has poured all day, long and hard. So I have not ventured out of the door! I've gone off gardening anyway after the ant bit me 13 times.... And if it continues tomorrow like today, no way will the husband be planting. However Saturday is also a good day with the moon, so instead it looks like just my fingers will be getting the workout making schlipkrapfen.

    I have completed 3 rounds (circuits) with Jillian today which I confess I'm addicted to especially now I'm seeing real results. The tops of my thighs have lost a further 1/2" since I started this new DVD and as we all know I am obsessed by the size of my thighs!!

    SAFFY/NEW8 did you both take down your measurements before you started upping the exercise? And SAFFY did you make a decision about the triathlon?

    Be good Crackers!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi All

    Here I am! Just agreed to go to London to see a show in September with my Goddaughter - can I lose another stone by then???? this site is really helpful - I can figure out what my calorie usage is for exercise as well as logging my food - something that doesn't seem to be possible on TD. Also, the exercise bit seems a bit easier to use.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    CAROLE - Yes you can!! (Lose another stone by September.) What show are you going to see and is this a day trip or an overnight stay?
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello New82 and Carole,
    Love your picture Carole. Was it one of the ones from your "session"? You look fantastic.
    I agree with MITM. You'll definitely have another stone off by then, could be nearer two at the rate you're going.

    MITM - how are you're poorly bites? Nothing worse than biting creepy crawlies.

    Been out for a mega meal at a catering college tonight. The final year students were being assessed and needed guinea pigs. We were a group of 13 and it was really good. I chose a melon starter, ate only half the soup, declined the coconut sorbet, picked a salmon main course with carrots and beans and only one tiny potato, cut the pastry crust off the cherry pie, refused the cream coffee but did succumb to a home made truffle. I haven't attempted to record this yet, but I hope it isn't too damaging. It was a lot of fun and there were a lt of shaking hands pouring drinks and trying to cope with silver service while the assessors were watching. Poor things, I felt sorry for them. They did a great job though.

    Re this new forum, I think we can start lots of threads, so anything anyone wants to discuss, start a thread. Should we start an exercise one? I'll have a think about a QOTW ( Question of the Week) and start a thread for that. If anyone else thinks of one first, please start it off.

    Right, off to attempt to log that meal.

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi All, found you!! This is such a good site! I am finding it so much easier to control my eating whilst having to log it all. A sneaky piece of cheese didn't used to count as calories in my head(!!) but now I have to log said piece of cheese it soon mounts up. It has been an eye opener for me. I did enjoy TD and obviously meeting all you there was fab but I may just say Goodbye to TD and instead give the 10 pound a month to one of my charities. I am slowly finding my way around this site and have come across some good tips, ideas and inspiration. Well done Saffy for finding it! And LMV for working out how do start the circle here, lol x x MITM, hope your bites heal soon, were they red ants? Maybe the rain is a good thing, you would have wasted away with all the calories you were burning up in the garden! LMV Your supper sounded lovely, very impressed with your willpower. PS. An injury is the body's way of saying STOP! lol xx NEW8 Was yesterday a fast day for you? Your meals sounded good to me, I don't eat chicken/tuna but am sure I could have substituted quorn etc. Am going to check out the Lavender site for sure. Saffy, Just wondered if you will spend the weekend biking, hiking or swimming! lol x you will I am sure conquer your triathlon, just be wary of injuries if you do to much too soon! (Sorry, old habit of nagging re health issues! lol x x). Carole, loving the pic! I am sure 14lb by Sept will be a doddle for you at the rate you have been losing, good luck x x Well my parents are hopefully arriving today, in a few hours actually. I say hopefully because I have not been able to contact them since the UK airport!! Dad has his mobile phone, but is not too sure how to work it, in fact he is probably watching it ring merrily away while both he and my Mother stare at it and wonder and dither over which buttons to press! I hope they caught the right plane in Dubai too. It will be a big relief to see them at this airport!
    Wishing all the lovely crackers a fab weekend, BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi MITM - Its Warhorse. My Goddaughter bought me a ticket master voucher for Christmas and this is our outing - so to be honest I'm more interested in spending time with her than the show (not really sure about Warhorse - taking lots of tissues). Also not sure if we are going to stay overnight as we are going to a matinee - so probably not, depending on whether I can get a train home or not.

    Running out of time this morning as have meeting with Finance Partner at 8.00am so need to come back later.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers!

    Well I achieved my personal goal today, I weighed in and I was back 3 pounds from my target weight, which means I knocked off the 2lbs I'd gained before I got stuck into the cheesecake this time last week - which I didn't even enjoy! Oh and I have a very neat and tidy garden from burning all those calories!

    It has rained all day long but has now finally stopped and there are patches of blue sky. All being well I will be out in the vegetable garden tomorrow with my trousers tucked firmly into my socks, high wristed gardening gloves and a scarf wrapped securely around my neck so I have no exposed flesh for any hungry ants to nibble on.

    Having been trapped indoors all day and sat on my backside working I'm tempted to go for a short walk and get some fresh air.

    CAROLE - I look forward to hearing if you enjoyed Warhorse, I've seen the film and I rather fancied seeing the show which I believe is touring next year. I loved your photo too!

    LMV - your account of last night reminded me of when I was a catering student many years ago doing my practical exam!

    BM - Have a lovely time with your parents.

    Right walkies for me! Be good Crackers!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Here I am! 2lbs lighter - just 1.5lbs from my 2 stone goal - how did that happen? The bad news is I need to lose about another 20lbs before I think I'll be the right weight. Still really pleased.

    Went to the Gym last night after a rather dull day scoring at a one day event - not enough to do as someone has bought a computer programme that does a lot of the work for them - so why do they need me????
  • andygar52
    andygar52 Posts: 1

    I've found you!! I haven't started formally to lose these lbs but I have 4 weeks to look half decent around the pool!! So I'm busy tonight preparing for my teaching tomorrow and then will seriously try hard from Wednesday when I am working from home marking assignments and have some lovely salad ingredients to make a healthy start. I like this idea of fasting days and so would welcome some advice on how you do it! I'm using running around after my gorgeous grandson as exercise and intend to walk every work day evening beginning Wednesday! 20 mins Oh and ladies I have almost finished my holiday wardrobe preparation!!! xx
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi All

    Have had a lovely day at the spa. Finished with a pedicure and had to spend an hour lying in a heap waiting for my toes to dry. Lots of swimming, cardio and toning exercise in the morning and a delicious chicken caesar salad for lunch. I've drunk enough water to float a small boat... Now I'm off to warble.

    Back to work tomorrow..

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Welcome back Andy, so pleased you've found us. New8 and I are the ones doing the Fast diet, but New8 has some IT issues so can't log on properly to tell you how she does it. I rely on soup because I love it but New8 has more proper food than me. There re loads of books on it in the supermarkets ( not expensive) so you might be best getting one of those and working out what suits you.

    Andy, meet Carole (PortiaBentley), Carole meet Andy who used to be in our cracker group and is our resident fashion expect. Carole joined us recently Andy and is about to break the two stone off barrier which s very motivating for us all!

    Glad you had a good day at the spa Carole. It sounds great.

    Right all, I'm off up to North Wales and I don't know if there is any wifi. I know there's no TV because there is no signal but I did see an email address for the office so there may be some kind of Internet. If not, I'll be back in touch on Friday. Be good everyone.

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    ANDY - how lovely to have you back with us again! I can't wait to hear about the holiday wardrobe, have you checked your luggage allowance and left some for no doubt the little numbers you'll pick up whilst away....

    CAROLE - I did enjoy your profile and I approve that you're on a 'healthy living programme' not a diet as I too strongly believe 'healthly weight - it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle.' And well done on your 2lbs loss, next week we could be celebrating your 2 stone marker, at the speed you're going!

    LMV - no good you telling US to be good whilst YOU are away!!! We should be telling you to be wary of cheeseboards and wine even if it does help the welsh language to flow easier!! Have a lovely time!

    It's yet ANOTHER church bank holiday here in Austria, so I have at least been spared the vegetable plot, but the husband has slept better since Saturday safe in the knowledge everything has been planted with the moon in the correct position... So today whilst everyone else was in church we have worked in an attempt to get ahead of ourselves with our many orders. The good news I can't eat when I'm working, even my cup of tea gets cold but the bad news I haven't done any exercise, my bottom hasn't moved from its seat but tomorrow I will make a date with Jillian to make up for that!!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Andy - nice to meet you! Hope you are doing OK. I admire you for doing the fasting diet - I don't think I could manage that. I always feel I need food to get me through the day. Its a bit chilly down here in Suffolk but back to work this morning after my self-indulgent day yesterday. Have to be ready to get going very soon as I''ve no administrators this morning and a new GP locum who was definitely in need of support when she came in last Tuesday. hoping she will be less of a problem this week.

    LMG have a great time in North Wales. here's hoping it doesn't snow!

  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Im back, but just wrote a post and little fingers decided to mess with the computer and lost it all! Will check in tonight when I dont have interruptions! x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    I'm back from my trip and what a relief to be speaking English again! I learned so much but it was "Siarad Cymraeg" the whole time and I found it really hard. Unfortunately I didn't stay for the whole course. As I started the car to leave I received a text, I stopped to look at it and it was a message that a local friend ad passed away after a battle with cancer. I decided to go on the course, but the funeral was on Friday so I came home on Thursday so that I could attend. The family also asked the choir to sing which was really difficult as this lady was a stalwart of the local community and known to most of us so we all had a lump in our throats. We needed to do it for her though, and I'm sure she would have been proud of our performance. We sang "For Good" from the musical Wicked which had really pertinent words. She enjoyed amateur dramatics and went out to the theme from "'Allo, allo" which left us all smiling as she would have wished.

    By complete contrast, the choir sang at a wedding today in the same church. A number of the same people present in the congregation.........life goes on.

    Diet wise, it's not been a good few days and exercise has gone out of the window. I am going to start salsasizing again though. MITM, the lady who passed away is the one who introduced me to Rosemary's salsasize DVD's. During her remission she used these DVD's to try and lose some of the weight she'd put on as a result of her treatment. Without her, you and I would never have whittled down our thighs!

    Been a beautiful day here. It was a high tide this evening so we sat in the garden with a glass of wine and had a BBQ. Heaven! Again not good calorie wise, but sometimes life is just for living and there's another day to worry about calorie intake.

    Feeling a bit emotional, but wishing all my fellow Crackers a good Bank Holiday week- end.

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon Crackers!

    Well I've had my own little melt down this weekend which seems apt since we've had snow - yes really! And no BM I did not follow my own advice, although I am now posting! I won't blame it on the full moon (although I'm sure that didn't help) it probably has more to do with the fact I was very tired and I'd received a letter Friday telling me the last of my 'little old ladies' I write to had died. She must have been in her late eighties but death is so final so I sympathise LMV as I've felt rather emotional too.

    But my melt down seems so unbelievable now, it all came about because one of my husband's cousins rang to ask if I'd drive his Aunt (also in her eighties) to the doctors on Monday. Sadly I'm one of those pathetic, woman drivers who probably should not be on the road - I hate driving and I've lost over the years what little confidence I ever had. This Aunt lives in a farmhouse in our village, down a narrow path beside a stream, hanging off the side of a steep slope and the one time I was forced to drive down there, when I reversed back, I almost went off the side... I was a wreck for days... and I've refused ever since to drive to the house instead I've dropped her off nearby.

    So the fact my husband had arranged for me to pick her up - I burst into tears! My husband thought I'd gone mad. Maybe I had! After I'd ranted and raved at him, I finally took myself off to bed (mid afternoon) for an hour to recover. The poor woman is now going to walk over to our house with her carer which is not necessary; just to our usual drop off point with be suffice! I've still got to drive 20km and wait for her and then drive her home again, but reading this back my reaction was shockingly over the top!

    However I know, deep down, yes I hate driving but my tears and the tiredness is actually anxiety but it is down to learning that my daughter has got her place at the school in England. And I'm now going to have to face up to my 14 & 1/2 year old daughter leaving home and moving to England in 3 months time whilst I'm here in Austria. My whole identity and purpose in life for the last 14 years has been my role as her mother. I'm not sure how I will cope without her (eat around the clock?!) although I know for sure I'm not interested in sex on the kitchen table, once it's just the husband and me rattling around in this 4 storey house!!

    I should add the daughter is so excited and I'm really happy and relieved for her as I know it's for the best and what she needs next in her life being more english than austrian! But it's only just beginning to sink in that I shall seriously miss her and that is something I've got to start dealing with.