New Rules and Fat Loss



  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I just wanted to give my opinion as there is not much out there about Drop Two Sizes yet but I think it is a great program and has been dismissed unfairly here... :smile:
    I've been reading some positive reviews about D2S and am thinking about looking into it. Is the food/diet part integral to the program, though? My husband and I are both cooks and really like to wing it with our recipes. I'd go crazy if I had to follow a menu. That, and I'm PICKY, LOL. We are both strict about logging food on MFP and keeping our calories in check. I'm really struggling with NROL4W right now, and as much as I'd like to finish it, the D2S workouts sound appealing. I don't want to give up the oly bar, though. ;)

    You don't have to stick to the diet plan. You could use it as inspiration maybe?
    Also you could still use the oly bar just do a back squat instead of the goblet squad and same for the deadlift.
  • evans72002
    evans72002 Posts: 89 Member
    If you have the supercharged book, can you tell the first 2 words of chapter 21?
  • MoosieMooMama
    Please keep in mind that there are plenty of lifters still doing OLD programs from 20 or more years ago.

    Just because new books released doesn't mean the old workout program will not work anymore.

    Never forget that changing things up for a new book = continual payroll.

    Its business.
  • MoosieMooMama
    I just looked at the book on Amazon and don't find any compelling reason to purchase this, especially if you have been following NROL4W.

    "Drop Two Sizes includes effective, at-home strength and cardio routines that require little more than two dumbbells"

    That would be a major step backwards for most.

    Just my opinion of course.
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    Well I just ordered Drop Two Sizes but want to complete New Rules first if I can. I've been disappointed with changes to my body in New Rules although it has given my training more structure. I've gained a couple of pounds though (fat not muscle!) so that also affects how my body looks. But no sign of the bingo wings going and weight increases are tiny. So I fancy trying something different but will try and stick our New Rules for now.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Hi, a question for those who've read the Drop Two sizes book. Haven't yet seen reviews offering just a general summary of the ideas. If it's recommended for 'fat loss' (as well as book sales), and from what I've read so far, it is 4x/week metabolic circuits ('circuit training', whatever - lowish weights, minimal rest) - is that right? And the diet = probably high-protein - is it also low calorie? Thanks :)
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    I did order it but am not likely to use it verbatim - more likely to use some of the exercises. I have used the RAMP warm up which is quite good - though long! The exercises are interesting - the focus seems to be on many reps and lower weight, but it should be adaptable to heavier weight work. However it is focused on dumbbells rather than heavier barbell training. The metabolic circuits look interesting and I may use these occasionally too - longer but not as tough as the body weight matrix I suspect but I'll try and see. I didn't like the diet section - I'm vegetarian and there weren't many options, and to be honest, although it wasn't calorie counted, it didn't look very much - no wonder people lose weight! I would need more to eat!

    So, in summary - some stuff that I will use and adapt, some that I will ignore - not a waste of money but probably not recommended wholesale. A shame it is sold as a size lose miracle diet as that undervalues some interesting workouts.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Thanks so much for taking the time to respond! Shame it is what it is..

    Apparently in this book she is advocating a 1000 calorie diet??
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    If the diet is anything like what she put in her first book, it is very low cal. Once again, ANY lifting program will give you fat loss results if you push yourself and eat at a deficit. That's what it all boils down to.
    The more reviews I read of this book the more I definitely know its not for me. I love heavy lifting and there's none of it in "Two Sizes" from what I am reading. However, I can see that it is probably more convenient for those who lift at home or at a gym with limited equipment.