Daily Check In



  • ejp123
    ejp123 Posts: 10
    Back to it after my 2-day weekend rest. I really was close to giving up today, but I thought about this group, and it really pushed me forward. Thanks all- I dedicate my Day 6 Level 1 to you :drinker:

    I had 2 rest days as well... it was difficult to start back up again, but worth it!! :bigsmile:

    Level 1 Day 7 completed. Found it super tough to get started, but overall the workout felt easier. yey!
  • Metallux
    Metallux Posts: 117 Member
    L1 D7 done!

    I actually made it through half of the exercises using 5 lb weights today for the first time...and I got in 3 solid toe push ups. but I'm also not too worried about doing full on pushups as I've never been able to before. I'm still moving on to level 2 at day 10.

    I also did shred at my YMCA this morning which was pretty great. they had all kinds of weights, mats, and most important a shower. I had been doing the workout in the morning at my studio, which was not a brilliant idea.

    excited to see pics on day 10. even if the camera doesn't pic up noticeable change, me and hubs can definitely see changes. but I don't think any weight loss.
  • myrealname
    myrealname Posts: 90 Member
    Level 1 - day 7. I had a rest day on Saturday and was back at it yesterday. I really hope I'll at least lose some inches!
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    level 1 day 8 done i still cant do the push ups without the modification but i never have been able to anyway so im not that bothered, no problems with my c section scar so far although i actually cant see it for the roll of flab covering it:laugh: or as jillian calls it a little pooch what a stupid name its flab and calling it something cute doesnt make it look any better im talking about my own body here and not just generally :smile: have a great day every one and keep shredding !!

    when are we moving to level 2 is it ment to be after 10 days ?? i dont know if im ready xx

    You do not HAVE to move on to level 2 or 3. You can stay on level 1 for as long as you want, some people stay on it for 15-20 days to master it then move on to level 2 for the rest of the days to equal 30. A lot of people who do this program, do it again after they finish, not the day after, but soon after and either do levels 2 and 3 or mix it up doing a different level every time.
  • jlcarcajc4
    jlcarcajc4 Posts: 71 Member
    ok, thanks!! :)
  • jlcarcajc4
    jlcarcajc4 Posts: 71 Member

    I have my calories set at my BMR which is 1395 ~ lose a little less than 1lb per week. I eat back exercise calories as well.

    Awesome Thanks!!

    ** I was trying to "quote" but don't know how, sorry!**
  • cadjin
    cadjin Posts: 39 Member
    Level 1 Day 8 done, I found that first set of cardio a bit easier than yesterday so my endurance is getting loads better, the ab work is good now and I can feel them working when I am doing the crunches but afterwards I don't feel as though I have worked them, not sure why that is? I was feeling it the next day in my ab's but not anymore?! does anyone else have this???
    I finally got the measure of the heavier weights so my strength is better finally! the only thing is that I have hurt my right thigh muscle (Quad) it is really killing right now, hope it will be ok for tomorrow, going to try ice maybe later, I felt it go during the side lunge and anterior raise, trying a bit to hard maybe!!
    Definitely helps doing it earlier in the day for me.
  • ragazza1
    ragazza1 Posts: 25 Member
    Day 6 level one done.First time I was able to do all the squat and press without resting my arms!!
  • lovingmyreflection
    Level 1 Day 7 complete! I still find the first cardio circuit to be a little challenging, but today was the first time I was able to complete it without resting. I went ahead and used 5 pound weights for some of the strength exercises, and continued to use 3 pound ones for others. I really felt like I got a great ab workout in today, this is the first time my abs feel sore after doing to 30DS.

    I am a little discouraged however, I weighed myself today and found that I had gained 1 pound and I personally don't notice any changes in my body other than a little more muscle on my arms. I have been restricting my caloric intake, and do not eat more than my TDEE. I guess I will have to check my measurements and hopefully I'll see a change there.
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    Level 1 Day 8 done, I found that first set of cardio a bit easier than yesterday so my endurance is getting loads better, the ab work is good now and I can feel them working when I am doing the crunches but afterwards I don't feel as though I have worked them, not sure why that is? I was feeling it the next day in my ab's but not anymore?! does anyone else have this???
    I finally got the measure of the heavier weights so my strength is better finally! the only thing is that I have hurt my right thigh muscle (Quad) it is really killing right now, hope it will be ok for tomorrow, going to try ice maybe later, I felt it go during the side lunge and anterior raise, trying a bit to hard maybe!!
    Definitely helps doing it earlier in the day for me.

    She honestly doesn't do enough crunches to make your abs feel them for very long. I do additional crunches (and did before I started this) about 60-100 reverse crunches every day, at least 50 regular crunches, at least 3 sets of 1 minute planks and 2-3 minutes of bicycle crunches. I do them in sets though not all at once, I usually do 6 sets of 20 reps of reverse crunches, 2 sets of 25 crunches and so on...
  • ejp123
    ejp123 Posts: 10
    Level 1 Day 8 done, I found that first set of cardio a bit easier than yesterday so my endurance is getting loads better, the ab work is good now and I can feel them working when I am doing the crunches but afterwards I don't feel as though I have worked them, not sure why that is? I was feeling it the next day in my ab's but not anymore?! does anyone else have this???

    yup I'm the same. First few days it would hurt to laugh or cough!! Hopefully it just means we're getting tougher :bigsmile:
  • cadjin
    cadjin Posts: 39 Member
    Level 1 Day 8 done, I found that first set of cardio a bit easier than yesterday so my endurance is getting loads better, the ab work is good now and I can feel them working when I am doing the crunches but afterwards I don't feel as though I have worked them, not sure why that is? I was feeling it the next day in my ab's but not anymore?! does anyone else have this???

    yup I'm the same. First few days it would hurt to laugh or cough!! Hopefully it just means we're getting tougher :bigsmile:
    Great to know that it's not just me! thanks for that reassurance, I was worried I wasn't working them hard enough! not sure how much harder I could worked them though!!
  • cadjin
    cadjin Posts: 39 Member
    Level 1 Day 8 done, I found that first set of cardio a bit easier than yesterday so my endurance is getting loads better, the ab work is good now and I can feel them working when I am doing the crunches but afterwards I don't feel as though I have worked them, not sure why that is? I was feeling it the next day in my ab's but not anymore?! does anyone else have this???
    I finally got the measure of the heavier weights so my strength is better finally! the only thing is that I have hurt my right thigh muscle (Quad) it is really killing right now, hope it will be ok for tomorrow, going to try ice maybe later, I felt it go during the side lunge and anterior raise, trying a bit to hard maybe!!
    Definitely helps doing it earlier in the day for me.

    She honestly doesn't do enough crunches to make your abs feel them for very long. I do additional crunches (and did before I started this) about 60-100 reverse crunches every day, at least 50 regular crunches, at least 3 sets of 1 minute planks and 2-3 minutes of bicycle crunches. I do them in sets though not all at once, I usually do 6 sets of 20 reps of reverse crunches, 2 sets of 25 crunches and so on...

    Great idea, I will have to try that, thanks for the advice
  • Tiznonay
    Tiznonay Posts: 124 Member
    L1 D6 complete! Finally made it through the bicycle crunches without stopping!

    Only change Ive made is some extra stretching before. I feel like I need to stretch before going into the 1st cardio
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    I'm done with day 7 and I'm sooooooooooooo over Jillian. I cannot stand her in all honesty and it's nothing against her personally, honestly because I don't know her, but I don't know she just gets my blood boiling. I guess that's kinda good because she makes me mad enough to keep going. I'm really going to have to push myself through to day 10 without moving on because I'm over this level so much, I can do the routine in my sleep. Ugh.
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
    Finished level 1 day 5 :) butt kicks are getting a little better...
  • elm7f
    elm7f Posts: 27 Member
    Confession: I ate crap all day. Serious JUNK food ALL day long. Fruit loops, fritos, cookies, nutella. Ugh, now I feel terrible (mentally & physically) On a positive note I'm half way done with the 30 DS!!! I did day 5 level 2 today. Also I went grocery shopping and the fridge is packed full of healthy food. Yea! Tomorrow is a new day......
  • greeneyedlady02
    greeneyedlady02 Posts: 15 Member
    I didn't check in over the weekend but I did cardio on the treadmill on Saturday and took a rest day on Sunday. Six days in a row working out so I'm proud of that! Tripped on the treadmill when I was hopping off to fix the fan and I skinned my knee really bad. It's just like a deeper burn and hurts so bad to bend it so I took a day off of 30ds and did heavy weight training today. Has anyone tried Jillian's six week six pack abs? http://www.google.com/search?q=jillian+michaels+six+week+six+pack&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari

    I'm thinking of adding that because the 30ds abs don't seem to be working me very hard.
  • cazzamartinek
    cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
    feel like giving up today im on day 9 of 30 day shred but have actually put weight on !!! and dont see any changes in my body, when one of my mfp friends is eating under a 1000 cals a day and loosing loads ,im working hard to do this dvd and am putting weight on!! i did have lots of cake yesterday but i was so fed up i just thought whats the point ill just eat it, we go on holiday in 8 weeks and im never going to fit into my pre pregnancy stuff, its not really a vanity thing cause i know i will loose the weight eventually and would be happy to go a bit slower but as i cant afford to buy a whole new summer wardrobe i need to fit back into this stuff, we are goung away for a month so its not like i can buy a couple of new outfits to last the holiday, ok rant over sorry for sounding so gloomy but i needed to get that of my chest im now going to give my husband the scales so he can hide them from me before i break them :smile:
  • cadjin
    cadjin Posts: 39 Member
    Ok, so I hurt my thigh yesterday and thought that ice and stretching and sleep would help but nooo! on the advice of the Dr I am taking a rest day today, apparently I should have been having a rest day each week to allow my muscles to heal and repair, whoop's! I am going to feel guilty not doing 30DS today though, I know I am, and will be so tempted to do it, but have to resist the urge, call me thick but I didn't realise that if I didn't take a rest day then my muscles would not repair themselves and keep holding water hence my weight gain, also that they would not get stronger as they would just keep breaking down hence my injury! Dr's words not mine.
    Looks like level two will start for me on Friday now :sad: . I really wanted to move on, on Thursday, but there you go.
    I just hope the Dr is right and that the rest day will be beneficial and that I find I am able to put more into it tomorrow.