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C25K ~ Week 1, Day 1 ...here I go!



  • You all are doing a fantastic job/
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Mindy, you're a definite inspiration. I got my butt kicked by W4 D1 this morning, but I only faltered on the last run. I didn't give in and walk the whole thing, just interspersed a few walk paces and job paces toward the end. It's hot and humid today, so I know it's just a matter of building g up my endurance in the heat.
  • ttoomey27
    ttoomey27 Posts: 32 Member
    I did it! W4D1 done! I wanted to drop to my knees and cry tears of joy and misery at the same time after that second 5 minutes. :sad:
    My new shoes got me through. :wink:
  • minnndymae
    minnndymae Posts: 41 Member
    Way to go on week 4 ladies!!!

    & yay for some new sneakers Tabatha!!! :smooched: lol I know how great that is, I'm still braggin about mine! haha

    So, I did W4D2 today...it was tough, harder then w4d1 I think, idk why tho.....but knowing I'm almost to week 5 has me fretting, isn't it in this week we look forward to that dreaded 20 min run??? I'm SOOOOO not ready for that, once I got done with my last 5 minute run this morning, I knew I wasn't anywhere close to being ready for it!! Anybody else worried about this??!
  • Lindse121
    Lindse121 Posts: 30 Member
    Y'all are real inspirations to me! I look forward to getting on here to see you updates - especially on a run day like today - to help me to believe I can do it too! :smile:

    Thanks!! :) Let's keep up the awesome work!
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    So, I did W4D2 today...it was tough, harder then w4d1 I think, idk why tho.....but knowing I'm almost to week 5 has me fretting, isn't it in this week we look forward to that dreaded 20 min run??? I'm SOOOOO not ready for that, once I got done with my last 5 minute run this morning, I knew I wasn't anywhere close to being ready for it!! Anybody else worried about this??!
    I have that very same feeling, but I remind myself that that's why this is a nine week program. When I started, I couldn't even imagine doing the 5 minutes runs, so I keep reminding myself that this is a process.
  • minnndymae
    minnndymae Posts: 41 Member
    Hiya - Good Morning! Here we go week 5!! My only feeling so far, is that I'm SO glad that I was able to finish todays run!! Week 5 Day 1 for me :smile: 3 five minute runs...didn't go to shabby! I was pretty worried about it too, considering I couldn't finish my last run of week 4, day 3...just one of those bad days everyone talks about I guess :ohwell: my issue on the last two runs is that I get that side ache, so I'm trying to really think about my breathing while I'm running and I have to keep reminding myself to slow down...hopefully that'll help, any thoughts?? 8 minutes for the next run, uff da!!!! Trust the plan, trust the plan, trust the plan.... :tongue: lol
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I am SOOOOO not ready for that, once I got done with my last 5 minute run this morning, I knew I wasn't anywhere close to being ready for it!! Anybody else worried about this??!

    Ha ha ha! You are ready for it. Slow down. Breathe.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    W4d2 today. I couldn't make it straight thru the runs, so I did my own intervals and did a little over 5k in total. My time was good so I was pleased with the overall session. My neck gland is swollen so I might be coming down with something. Then I stepped on two nails in a piece of trim. Ouch! They didn't go in too deep so I'm hoping all be all ready for my Thurs run. I really look forward to it now.
  • ttoomey27
    ttoomey27 Posts: 32 Member
    W5D1 last night kinda sucked. I was in a bad mood before I went out so that didn't help. Then my calves started to ache during my 5 minute warm up walk. So it was basically all downhill from there. I don't know what the deal was. I was slow as molasses, but I finished it. And on a positive note, I wasn't getting winded at all.:happy: Looking forward to a better run tomorrow.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Finishing and not feeling winded is a definite accomplishment.
  • ttoomey27
    ttoomey27 Posts: 32 Member
    I made W5D3 my ***** tonight! I even kept running for about a minute after my time was up. Apparently I was going super slow because I ran the shortest distance I have since I started, but that's okay with me. I did it! I RAN 21 MINUTES STRAIGHT!!! I am in awe of myself.
  • minnndymae
    minnndymae Posts: 41 Member
    WOW, way to go ttoomey!!!!! You have every right to be in awe of yourself, I'm in awe of you too!!! WTG!

    I'm curious......how everyone is doing on their pace/milage? On my 20 minute run, I average about a 12 min mile and went a total of 1.49 miles. I have no idea how this stacks up... I know I'm super slow! lol I guess what I'm worried about is not going fast enough and not 'learning' or getting as far as completing 3+ miles before the program is over. Does that make sense? I've been thinking about adding a couple extra run days into my week to work on my speed/pace...
  • ttoomey27
    ttoomey27 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks Mindy!! I feel like going back to 8 minute runs tomorrow is going to be cake!

    I did 1.98 miles total on W5D3 (1.37 of that was running at a 14:35 mpm pace). I slowed down a whole lot to make sure I could get through it! On most days I run about a 13 min mile. So it sounds like you're doing great!!
    I just want to complete C25K. I have about 4 weeks between the time I should complete it and my first 5k. So during that 4 weeks I will work on improving my pace. But if I can run the entire 5k, that's all I really care about.
  • minnndymae
    minnndymae Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks Mindy!! I feel like going back to 8 minute runs tomorrow is going to be cake!

    I did 1.98 miles total on W5D3 (1.37 of that was running at a 14:35 mpm pace). I slowed down a whole lot to make sure I could get through it! On most days I run about a 13 min mile. So it sounds like you're doing great!!
    I just want to complete C25K. I have about 4 weeks between the time I should complete it and my first 5k. So during that 4 weeks I will work on improving my pace. But if I can run the entire 5k, that's all I really care about.

    I felt the same way going into week 6! I'm like, shoot, I can run 20 minutes...this 8 is going to be a walk in the park! lol

    Thats really all I care about too, is just being able to FINISH a 5k. But will I be able to do that if I can't run a whole 5k in the 30 minutes (or 25) that the program has us doing?? There are two weeks from the time I finish this program to running my first 'race' (which is a color run and not timed) but I'm running it with a few friends and their all runners....so I'm a bit nervous that I won't be able to run the whole thing...I don't really care if I can't keep up, I just want to run it all!! Ya know, I think I always have to just find something to worry about... hahahaha
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Be warned. Those 8 minute runs suck. After you do them, you'll give anything just to keep in your flow and not have to stop.

    This program conditions you to be capable of completing a 5k. It's time based, which is a great way for each person to self-select their fitness level. Stronger runners will just go farther.

    However, most people aren't able to run a mile in under 10 minutes by the end of the program. You will, on the other hand, be capable of running an entire 5k. That's an accomplishment to be proud of.

    As you add miles and continue to run after completing C25k, you will see your times drop drastically. I think I sped up by about three minutes per mile in 6 weeks after the program.
  • Hi guys, thanks for sharing your stories- it's been a real inspiration reading through all of your journeys! I'm starting C25K tonight! Have been looking at this for a long time and have decided that today's the day! Am actually a bit nervous but determined! Will post once I've finished!
  • UPDATE!!! Just finished my first run! W1 D1 done!! Am very hot and red faced but feeling positive! Bring on day 2! Hoping my legs agree tomorrow-doing the 30day squat challenge too!! New me here I come!!
  • ttoomey27
    ttoomey27 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm back everyone! I was on a week long unplanned and unnecessary hiatus. Just felt like being lazy, I guess. :yawn: Finished W6D2 last night. I can't tell you how many times during that last 10 minute run I kept thinking "I can't do this anymore, I'm going to quit when I get to that stop sign" but then reached that stop sign and kept going! No more intervals from here on out. On Thursday, it will be 25 minutes straight and then on up from there! So terrified, but so excited!!

    Great job, Rosie! I started out doing the 30 day squat challenge too, but my knees started to get sore from running. Let me tell you, squatting with sore knees was just not pleasant! I think I got to somewhere around Day 15 or 150 squats. At that point, I was okay with giving up the squat challenge because I think doing 150 squats at one time is impressive in itself!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    UPDATE!!! Just finished my first run! W1 D1 done!! Am very hot and red faced but feeling positive! Bring on day 2! Hoping my legs agree tomorrow-doing the 30day squat challenge too!! New me here I come!!

    Great job on getting started. W1D1 can be your hardest day.