Level 2 Daily Check In

Hi everyone! Just wondering who's moved onto Level 2 :)

Well it was TOUGH. Not as crazy insane impossible as I thought it would be so I could do 90% of the moves, but some of them I had to do Anita's version. Double jump rope?! Are you kidding me?

How is everyone else getting on? Anyone start today like me? I think I'll be able to do all of the moves by the end of the 10 days, I'll work my way up.. :)


  • lilalief
    lilalief Posts: 76 Member
    sounds good.

    I'm gonna do it tonight, so I'll get back to you ;)
  • CCNYE63
    CCNYE63 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm on my 9th day of level 2 (I started earlier in May) and can almost do the whole circuit without modifications using 3 pound weights. I think I may do 15 days at this level - it's tough!
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    I've done the Shred before my pregnancy. Level 2 was the hardest, IMO. Level 3 was a breeze compared to level 2!
  • Tanya1995
    Tanya1995 Posts: 39
    OMG I just watched the video of level 2 and I am really scared :noway: But I had great success with level one so I am going to push forward with level 2 :tongue:
  • bpalferys
    bpalferys Posts: 45
    Ahh I don't have time to spend more days on level 2! But I'm not buying weights yet, still using cans as I am a poor student. Hopefully that means I'll move onto Level 3 fine :)

    Good to hear! I've heard that elsewhere as well, I shall push on and eagerly await level 3 :D

    Good luck! I'm sure you'll be fine :) It's like anything really, it gets easier the more you do it!
  • cazzamartinek
    cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
    im starting level 2 tomoro looking forward to a change but it looks really intense so ill let you know how i get on xx
  • hardyjessicag
    hardyjessicag Posts: 93 Member
    I'm starting Level 2 tomorrow as well, soooo bored with level 1. Hope the next 20 days can go by a little quicker :3
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    Level 2 Day 1 finished. I like it better than Level 1.
  • heywithers
    heywithers Posts: 99 Member
    Day 3 of level 2 and i am still as Jillian would say "phoning it in" I do a few reps and then stop for few seconds then start again especially anything with squatting/lunging. i liked level 1 so much better haha

    i was doing so well with level 1 and felt confident but now with level 2 being difficult thoughts of quitting keep coming up... if i am not pushing my hardest and doing the whole 20 min non stop i am just cheating myself.
  • cadjin
    cadjin Posts: 39 Member
    Level 2, Day 1 done! Pleased with how I managed, I took a 5 sec break a couple of times but got through it using some of the modified moves, I feel as though my butt has been kicked, just like I did on day 1 of level 1! I do like it better though, looking forward to day 2!
  • bpalferys
    bpalferys Posts: 45
    heywithers, keep at it! It's okay to do the Anita moves and pause for a second, why don't you just keep going until you can confidently complete the whole workout?

    I've just done my second day of it but I had to take it really easy because my muscles were complaining from being worked too hard yesterday (also went horse riding). I took it easier than I did yesterday! But I had to listen to my body and not push too hard, I didn't want to hurt myself.

    Like beachgod, I definitely prefer Level 2. I find it a lot more interesting and really feel like my muscles are working again. Just hope I can master the moves by day 10!
  • cazzamartinek
    cazzamartinek Posts: 123 Member
    hi guys going to take a couple of days of woke up this morning to discover its that time of the month :frown: this is the first one since having baby so im pretty wiped out with it going to just do some walking instead and ill start level 2 in a couple of days this will explain my grumpy mood the past couple of days and bloating :smile: have a great weekend xx
  • jlcarcajc4
    jlcarcajc4 Posts: 71 Member
    Well did Level2 Day 1, yeah, had to take a couple seconds here & there. But I pushed through the whole thing. I did my measurements before my workout this morning to see what/if any I lost from the first level and I am sad to say I only lost 1 inch and that was from my hips. Nothing else budged. I am disappointed & a little discouraged but I know getting up and exercising is good for my body so I'm just going to keep at it. Hopefully things will change around.:indifferent:
  • Tanya1995
    Tanya1995 Posts: 39
    L2D1 done! OMG what a workout!! I am dripping sweat. wow is all I can say I am gonna be one sore puppy tomorrow. lol I pushed through pretty much everything but I could not do the scissor planks. I did jumping jacks instead.

    keep up the good work Everyone!!!!
  • CCNYE63
    CCNYE63 Posts: 64 Member
    Great work, everyone! My shoulders are incredibly sore, so I think I'll skip today. Planning on doing a 4 mile run instead. I don't really enjoy running, but find it easier than 30DS Level 2! I agree with beachgod and bpalferys, I like Level 2 better.
  • I just completed Level 2 Day one, and while it wasnt as difficult as I had feared, it was still pretty challenging. The strength moves were more difficult than the cardio in my opinion. I can barely lift my arms because my shoulders are so tired!
  • hardyjessicag
    hardyjessicag Posts: 93 Member
    Holy cow, just did D1L2, and that was tough! Don't think I'll be sore until day three, but I was super tired by the end, and my tongue kept sticking to my mouth it was so dry >.< Nine more days to go with this... lord help me :3
  • bpalferys
    bpalferys Posts: 45
    Well done everyone, sounds like you're all getting on with it where you can!

    I've heard that Level 2 is a mighty step up from Level 1 (agree ) but that Level 3 isn't too much of a difference from Level 2? We can dream...

    Level 2 Day 3 today, still tough. Tried to do Nathalie moves for the whole thing but unfortunately this meant a few more breaks than Jillian would've liked! Hopefully I'll build myself up like I did on Level 1 :) I actually don't get bored of the music or hearing Jillian say the same things over and over, I swear I suffer from short-term memory loss so it never bothers me :P
  • cadjin
    cadjin Posts: 39 Member
    Level 2, Day 2, done! jeez! talk about a butt kicking again!! lol! much more of a sweat today and I have managed to pull a hamstring and an ab muscle so they are killing me! ah well I'm sure I can work through it, onwards and upwards as they say :laugh:
    Going to try and not take quite as many breaks tomorrow if I can, I find I have the same trouble as someone else and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth so I have to stop for a water break, Jillian would not approve!
  • ragazza1
    ragazza1 Posts: 25 Member
    Day 1 done today. What a difference from level1!!! Far too many moves involving planks for my liking ...my shoulders were definitely complaining by the end. Found myself looking forward to the situps so I could lie down.