Daily Check In Thread



  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I finished last week, but decided to switch to distance and do weeks 8 and 9 over. I also tried to increase my pace. I managed to go faster for 21 minutes and then I hit a wall. I tried to slow down, but I have trouble going slow on a treadmill, I find it easier outdoors. I ended up doing the 2 miles instead of 2.75 I planned. I felt disappointed. Maybe I'm trying to do too much. Plus it was an evening run after work and on a full stomach, those usually aren't the best ones.
  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    W3d2 down and done!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    W4D2 done today. I can't believe I've been doing this for almost a month now!

    My faithful sidekick is still beside me. Or behind me begging me to wait up. Or in front of me, yelling "ha ha I beat you."
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    W3D2 done. Had to run past a baby snake on the sidewalk without squishing it - can't get that experience on the treadmill. I'm just so happy that the shin pain is all but gone, that was going to be the issue that got in my way.
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Due to do W4 D1 tonight... I'm scared!
  • CogitoErgoSum2
    CogitoErgoSum2 Posts: 57 Member
    Good luck, kiekie! Hope it will go well.

    Day of rest for me, but tempted to go this evening instead of tomorrow at the crack of dawn, lol... And resisting!!
  • babybl00310
    babybl00310 Posts: 75 Member
    A hot, humid day here in Scotland but my friend decided she was willing to give week 5 a go so week 5 day 1. I was so proud of her as she completed it and knows that this time next week is going to be the dreaded week 5 day 3!
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    I love reading all the updates. Congratulations to you all.

    I completed week 5 day 2. I can't believe I ran for 8 minutes. Now onto the dreaded day 3, 20 minutes run......I may be able to do it in my dreams.....lol!
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Good luck, kiekie! Hope it will go well.

    Thanks! It went awesome. It was pouring with rain and the time went in a flash.
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    I love reading everybody's updates. I completed W4D2 this morning (outside). The second 5 minute run was easier today than the first time (which I did Monday), although my time/distance was just a little bit slower overall (I went 0.05 miles less than Monday). Not doing W4D3 until Saturday.

    Can I ask how you track your time/distance?
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    W3D2 done. Had to run past a baby snake on the sidewalk without squishing it - can't get that experience on the treadmill. I'm just so happy that the shin pain is all but gone, that was going to be the issue that got in my way.

    That would have increased my pace significantly!
  • drink_me
    drink_me Posts: 46 Member
    W7d2 today. My sister is in town from Texas because we are doing a 5k together Sunday. I'm so excited for it and hope I can finish but running with someone did take some adjusting. :)
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I wasn't sure how the nail wound on my foot would affect me today, so instead of doing w4d3, I did 5K freestyle. The wound was fine with a bandage pad, and I did 5K in 51 mins. That's slower than I would have liked, as I need to do a minimum pace of 16 for my upcoming Disney runs, but I'm still battling a sinus infection, so I'll cut myself a little slack. I was busy this morning so I did my first evening run. It was nice because there was a good breeze despite the humidity.
  • Cherie0622
    Cherie0622 Posts: 87 Member
    I just joined the group and just finished W2D2. I started to question myself at the end of the last jog. I was thinking I really needed to stop. Then, I thought, "No. I'm not repeating this day just because I want to stop on the last run." By this time, I hear my HRM Beeping to tell me I'm above my target HR.

    I figured I was almost done so I kept going. Glad I did because 2 seconds later I hear. "Begin walking. " Thank God! Hopefully, the next run won't be as bad.

    I'm full of sweat and pride : )
  • charlenequinn94
    Just finished W3D3, Will most likely be repeating week 3 on Sunday. Yes, I am working on a theme of repeating weeks. I figure I have been away from jogging for about 30 years and I am still very overweight. I am not in any hurry. When the weather is nice outside I am loving being outside. And, I am finding I am not liking it when I have to be indoors. I wind up watching the clock.
  • maryv83
    maryv83 Posts: 73 Member
    Just finished week 7 day 3 today. Still going at a slower pace compared to others, but it's a comfortable pace for me. All the tips and advice that you find online are helpful, but the best tip I found was just go at a pace you're comfortable with. I had tons of extra energy today (probably due to a stressful day at work), so I decided to repeat week 1 day 1 again, but at a faster pace. It was such a release and really enjoyed it today. Never thought I'd get up to running 25-28 minutes straight. Such a huge improvement for me.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Just did Week 5, Day 2. 11 minute mile during the jogging parts.
    W5D3 scares me a bit. Not sure I'll be able to slow down enough to do 20 minutes in a row.

    Getting push back from my wife over concerns that I'll do myself more harm than good by running.
    "Who takes up running at 51 years old?"

    Apparently, I do.
  • misskym
    misskym Posts: 52 Member
    I completed W5D3 yesterday. I wasn't sure if I could run the whole 20 minutes, but I surprised myself. I averaged 4.3 mph, which was faster than I meant to run. I tried to slow down, especially during the first mile. I managed a 13 minute mile without trying (down one minute from before), and 25 minutes for two miles. I actually use two programs for running - Zen Lab's C25k and Digifit. When my 20 minutes was up on C25k, I was on 1.98 mi according to Digifit. I didn't want to stop because I wanted to run two miles, not just 20 minutes. It took me two more minutes before I finished the whole two miles, but I was extremely proud of myself. There were a few times toward the end where I just wanted to walk, but I kept on.

    I found it was a lot easier to run without music. I paid less attention to the time and more attention to me. I wasn't figuring out how long a song was, when the song would be over, or how many songs I had to listen to before the session was complete.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    I completed W5D3 yesterday. I wasn't sure if I could run the whole 20 minutes, but I surprised myself. I averaged 4.3 mph, which was faster than I meant to run. I tried to slow down, especially during the first mile. I managed a 13 minute mile without trying (down one minute from before), and 25 minutes for two miles. I actually use two programs for running - Zen Lab's C25k and Digifit. When my 20 minutes was up on C25k, I was on 1.98 mi according to Digifit. I didn't want to stop because I wanted to run two miles, not just 20 minutes. It took me two more minutes before I finished the whole two miles, but I was extremely proud of myself. There were a few times toward the end where I just wanted to walk, but I kept on.

    I found it was a lot easier to run without music. I paid less attention to the time and more attention to me. I wasn't figuring out how long a song was, when the song would be over, or how many songs I had to listen to before the session was complete.

    Congrats to you! That's a major milestone! Nice!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    Attempted W3D3 but I have a cold that's kicking my butt and it was right after a session with the trainer. I got through the first run then just stopped. I'll pick it up on Monday, should be healthier by then. :sick: