Yellow & Red Loft!



  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
  • TayPat24
    TayPat24 Posts: 131
    have a really tough week this week, really need some support :(
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    1. 234days of exercise
    2. 1 session of something new =DONE (jump rope)
    3. 3/7 days of drinking only water
    4. 3/7 days getting at least 7 hours of sleep
    5.5/7 reason

    #3 the show biggest loser..
    #4 the show extreme makeover weight loss
    #5 there's a video i saw a while back doctors told this guy he wont be able to walk and now he is running. i will try to find it and post it
  • stacyb99
    stacyb99 Posts: 44 Member
    WEEK 6
    1. 1/4days of exercise
    2. 0 session of something new
    3. O/7 I have to have coffee-!!
    4. 2/7 days getting at least 7 hours of sleep
    5. 7 /7 reasons 1.My physical health,2. My mental health 3. My Beloved Mother (God rest her soul) 4. my family 5. fit into skinny clothes I haven't worn in forever 6. Wear Bikini and feel amazingly confident 7 Don't want to be out of breathe w/ simple movement. Picture added
  • TayPat24
    TayPat24 Posts: 131
    2/4 days of exercise
    nothing new so far
    0/7 of days with water (need coffee to get through my boring classes lol)
    3/7 days getting 7 hours
    7/7 reasons

    7. wanting to be able to walk up the stairs without being out of breath
    6. gaining confidence
    5. wearing the clothes that I want to
    4. seeing other people's success
    3. my loving boyfriend
    2. my parents
    1. my grandmother, she was my best friend and she knew me better than anyone else. She passed away from her diabetes because she was overweight. I want to live my life the way she wanted me to, she never wanted me to follow in her foot steps. She is the reason I wake up every day. I miss her every day and even though she isn't here anymore she pushes me to work harder. She is the reason I am going to school to be a nurse and why I need to get back into shape. I love you Grandma Pat <3
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    1. 4/4days of exercise
    2. 1 session of something new =DONE (jump rope)
    3. 4/7 days of drinking only water
    4. 4/7 days getting at least 7 hours of sleep
    5.6/7 reason
    #6my mfp friends
  • stacyb99
    stacyb99 Posts: 44 Member
    1. 4/4days of exercise
    2. Started Les Mill Pump today= something new
    3. O/7 I have to have coffee-!!
    4. 5/7 days getting at least 7 hours of sleep
    5. 7 /7 reasons 1.My physical health,2. My mental health 3. My Beloved Mother (God rest her soul) 4. my family 5. fit into skinny clothes I haven't worn in forever 6. Wear Bikini and feel amazingly confident 7 Don't want to be out of breathe w/ simple movement. Picture added

    Happy June!
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    1. 5/4days of exercise
    2. 1 session of something new =DONE (jump rope)
    3. 6/7 days of drinking only water
    4. 6/7 days getting at least 7 hours of sleep
    5.7/7 reason
    #7 seeing the change in myself and how i feel i want to keep going.
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    1. 5/4days of exercise
    2. 1 session of something new =DONE (jump rope)
    3. 7/7 days of drinking only water
    4. 7/7 days getting at least 7 hours of sleep
    5.7/7 reason
    #7 seeing the change in myself and how i feel i want to keep going.
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Sorry I went missing this week! I went on a mini vacation to visit my family. The change of schedule plus TOM, I'm expecting a gain tomorrow :( I really need to pull it together!!!

    2/4 days of exercise
    1/1 something new - running with people (Mini NSV = realizing that I can run and talk at the same time!)
    4/7 days of drinking only water
    6/7 days of getting at least 7 hours of sleep
    7/7 reasons
    posting picture soon

    #1) To be healthier - I've steadily been gaining weight for 6 years. I was 0.2 pounds away from being labeled obese when I (re)started this process. It needs to stick this time, so that I can regain the lean, muscular me and have the life I want for my future family and children.
    #2) My boyfriend, who has joined me in getting healthier (and pushes me every day), so that when we have the money for the engagement, marriage, family part of life, we are the people we want to be
    #3) My grandma, who has lost 25 pounds using MFP :)
    #4) My future wedding photos!
    #5) To feel confident about how I look
    #6) To be able to wear a bikini and feel good about it
    #7) To help my back problems caused by weak abdominal muscles and a large chest
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
  • TayPat24
    TayPat24 Posts: 131
    4/4 days of exercise
    7/7 reasons

    and I lost 0.2 pounds
  • stacyb99
    stacyb99 Posts: 44 Member
    6 days of exercise
    Les Mill Pump something new
    7/7 days getting at least 7 hours of sleep
    7 /7 reasons 1.My physical health,2. My mental health 3. My Beloved Mother (God rest her soul) 4. my family 5. fit into skinny clothes I haven't worn in forever 6. Wear Bikini and feel amazingly confident 7 Don't want to be out of breathe w/ simple movement. Picture added

    down 1.6 this week
  • TayPat24
    TayPat24 Posts: 131
    1/4 days of exercise
    1/1 of something new ( boyfriend taught me how today, I'm still pretty horrible though! lol)
    and I have decided to eliminate crackers...doesn't seem like much but I love snacking on soda crackers!
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    1. 1/4 days of exercise
    2. 1 session of something new = done yoga
    3. Person that walks/runs/bikes/swims the farthest (kids on summer break and hubby is gone for 6 weeks not going to get much done on this)
    4. Eliminating a food you eat too much of for the entire week bread 1/7
    5. Posting on the group discussion board or PMing your captain 5 times this week 1/5
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    hope everyone is doing are out for summer dropped hubby off today at the bus station. he will be gone for 6 weeks on job training(truck driver) most of my workouts will be done at home using workout DVDs and will try to get to the gym child care fills up quick( i have 3 boys to take with me)..from 11-4 no child care provided..
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    1/4 days of exercise
    1/1 something new - rowing machine at the gym
    Ran 1.82 miles on an Arc Trainer
    1/7 days of eliminating sweets/desserts
    1/5 posts on the discussion board

    My boyfriend and I have been fluctuating the same 5 pounds for about 5 weeks now, him 211-206 and me 197-192. We have decided to really kick butt for the next 4 weeks leading up to our vacation. No excuses! We are going to the gym 5 days this week and running a 5k on Saturday. I really hope this helps us break through our plateaus!!

    Taylor, anything that is hard for you to give up is perfectly acceptable. Good luck with no crackers! How is insanity going?

    Kim, good with squeezing workouts in with the kids. I'm sure it will be difficult, but you have always seemed so motivated, so I'm sure you'll have no problem! Also, I don't know how old your kids are, but maybe you could do something with them outside that would also count as exercise.
  • stacyb99
    stacyb99 Posts: 44 Member
    1. 1/7 days of exercise =
    2. 0 session of something new
    3. I wear a Fit Bit, walked 5 1/2 miles thus far
    4. I eat too many nuts-- I know they are healthy, but I can have handfuls within minutes! I have very little control.
  • stacyb99
    stacyb99 Posts: 44 Member

    I have similar agenda for June, over the weekend I looked over my progress from January and realized I lost 14lbs through March--- so although I have definitely taken steps to a healthier life, I need to really take it up a notch. My husband & I bought bikes this past weekend, so between that, starting Les Mills Pump and making better food choices I am planning on success---Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!


    I was one who always went to the gym and I would bring my daughter to the daycare-- I do LOVE the gym, but I have found there are so many exercise programs on dvd's that I am ok with working out at home-- My husband makes fun of me cause I will say, I am working out w so and so-- I become so engrossed, I become part of the video!! Good luck with the kids ALL alone -- I am sure that must be tough!

    I give you a lot of credit, you have a lot going on and you still make the time to get on here--- keep showing up!

    Good night for now! I have to be up at 6 for my workout
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    Last week was a really rough one for me. I started off great on Monday...a day off of work was a wonderful opportunity to take a walk around Salem Lake, which is a 7 mile hike. Unfortunately, the little cut that I had on my foot when I started got really sore and was nearly unbearable for the last 2 miles. It turns out that the cut was actually a piece of glass that I had managed to pick up somewhere...probably while cleaning my house on Saturday...and, of course, it got infected. So for most of the week I could barely walk, let alone exercise. The inability to exercise really brought me down. I craved all sorts of foods that I can normally stay away from...and I wasn't always successful at resisting those cravings. So, its an important lesson for all...TAKE CARE OF YOUR FEET! YOU NEED THEM!!!

    Fortunately, my foot was healed enough by Saturday for me to participate in a 5k, and this week I am happy to report that I AM BACK ON TRACK!

    1. 1/4
    2. nothing new YET
    3. Do miles on the elliptical count?
    4. far, so good!
    5. 1/5 (:wink: )