Preparation for 1 June Kickoff



  • stn760
    stn760 Posts: 21
    I am holding to a June 1 kickoff to take measurements - this is just my trial period :laugh:

    I have also done the following:

    1. Cleared out fridge and pantry.
    2. Written out my Fast Day Menus - going to do 4:3 for the month then 5:2 from there.
    3. Checked my Fast Day Menu amounts in MFP - 457 cals which leaves me a little leeway for a Whittakers Peanut Slab 15g:blushing:
    4. Got the JM 30 Day Shred dvd online and have tested doing it after a long day at work (don't want to wake the kids at 5am!)
    5. Loaded a Motivational app on my phone.
    6. Stolen some graph paper from the kids so I can chart my progress and DISPLAY it in the bathroom - Success Through Humiliation!
    7. Bought a pair of trousers in a size down from what I wear now and hung them on a wall in my bedroom. Only black, everyday work trousers but I know that they are size 8! (converts to US 6).
    8. Told my daughters and a good friend what I am doing - helps with accountability.
    9. Made a Cauliflower Soup, checked the ingredients on 5:2 FB group as well as MFP, ready for Fast Days (61 cal per serve).
    10. Set reminders in my phone for Fast Days in June, including roster.


    What have you got sorted to help this month be your most successful?
  • itsmeejj
    itsmeejj Posts: 2 Member
    Started day 1 before I found this group. So excited to join you guys and for the motivation. Day 1 was a bit more challenging than I expected - I didn't realize how out of shape I was!! My muscles hurt pretty bad, but nothing too bad - the protein helps. I'll look into the 5:2 diet! My biggest challenge is eating clean, so I'm hoping to learn better during this challenge and get the best out of the 3DS.

    Good luck to everyone! We got this :)
  • I am in. I love Jillian and the DVD has been collecting dust in my home for years. Need to get back into my workout frame of mind so this is definitely right up my alley. Let's get it done Beast Mode Style!

  • elaine_des
    elaine_des Posts: 189 Member
    count me in, starting Sunday June 2nd!
  • annebaum41912
    annebaum41912 Posts: 87 Member
    Today was day 4 for me but we can call it a trial period if ya want lol And I'll start officially on the 1st. I'm just glad to have an accountability group! Always makes it a bit easier than doing it on your own.
  • KymmyJoy
    KymmyJoy Posts: 206 Member
    What weight dumb bells will I need? I do body pump as it is so got some muscle tone but by no means superstrong!
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Day 3 done today for me! Love how just in those 3 days there's a difference in stamina already! 1st day I could hardly do the butt kicks today I was touching my butt doin them!
  • kezi_kaze
    kezi_kaze Posts: 3 Member
    I started on Tuesday so am on Day 4 and loving it. I'm happy to go to the end of June with you guys. I need some motivation. I've started this DVD 3 times and never finished. I'm DETERMINED to do it.
    I'm doing Ripped in 30 afterwards, maybe we could all do that afterwards too :)

    I'm giving myself 3 months to drop a dress size and keep going until I lose at least 30lbs
  • GallwayGrl
    GallwayGrl Posts: 60
    Count me in as well. I have been strength training for a month now so I am going to buy my dumbells tom (5lbs). I've seen a lot of people say start at 3lbs but its up to your comfort level. My dvd gets here tomorrow so I can definitely start on June 1st :)
  • stn760
    stn760 Posts: 21
    IT'S HERE!

    Okay, it is June 1 Down Here so Welcome to Day 1! The rest of you can follow us :happy:

    I hope everyone has been able to prepare themselves, their kitchens, their workout gear, their families for a great month ahead. It is going to be challenging but that is the beauty of this forum - when the going gets tough, DON'T STOP! Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and launch back into it. Not tomorrow, not later, not in an hour - NOW!

    Whether it is missing a workout, eating a Chocolate Mud Cake or a Carl Junior's burger .... just forgive yourself and move on.

    Nothing tastes as good as slim feels. Go for it!
  • LeanLlama
    LeanLlama Posts: 4 Member
    Hi guys! I'm new to MFP and would like to lose a few pounds before I (hopefully) go on holiday. Am I too late to join this group? My 30DS DVD only arrived today so I will be starting tomorrow (June 1st).
    And good luck to everyone! (:
  • snoodle30
    snoodle30 Posts: 2
    Joined MFP this week but would love to join this challenge - going to start tomorrow on 1st. Have just watched level 1 through so I know what to expect & dusted off the weights...eek!!
  • Oddsocks15
    Oddsocks15 Posts: 27 Member
    Can I join?? I'm in the UK, so not 1 June yet!!
  • anitagirl8
    anitagirl8 Posts: 9 Member
    For those that bought the DVD and it hasn't arrived yet or those who just found the group and don't have the DVD

    Here's Level 1 on youtube:

    Level 2

    Level 3

    All three levels:
  • stn760
    stn760 Posts: 21
    Joined MFP this week but would love to join this challenge - going to start tomorrow on 1st. Have just watched level 1 through so I know what to expect & dusted off the weights...eek!!

    I did the same thing! Thought "that doesn't look too bad" as I watched with my wine, cheese and crackers :laugh:
    ood preparation to know what you need beforehand - mat, weights, water, clear space and time. Well done you!
  • stn760
    stn760 Posts: 21
    Can I join?? I'm in the UK, so not 1 June yet!!

    Join in anytime! Start now!

    I'm in New Zealand so technically started a day earlier than most - which does mean I get to finish a day earlier than most too!
  • stn760
    stn760 Posts: 21
    Hi guys! I'm new to MFP and would like to lose a few pounds before I (hopefully) go on holiday. Am I too late to join this group? My 30DS DVD only arrived today so I will be starting tomorrow (June 1st).
    And good luck to everyone! (:

    Join in anytime! Don't wait for a date or a Monday or when you have booked the holiday tickets - START NOW!

    And welcome!
  • stn760
    stn760 Posts: 21
    Day Two - for me:smile:

    It's a Long Weekend here - celebrating Queen's Birthday even though it was in April, go figure! - and I am doing some overtime at work this evening. Hence the time to post :laugh:

    I am SOOOO pleased with myself today:

    1. Despite being tired from night shifts and getting only 3 hours sleep, I still did the dvd workout! It wasn't pretty but I did everything - with gusto. I told my daughters that there was no excuse NOT to take 20 minutes out of a day to workout and they are keeping me honest. Just telling them what I was doing was empowering - and they are very supportive. I love that I can demonstrate this to them.

    2. I am on Fast Day #2 of the week and I feel great! I am loving this 5:2 Diet. Technically, I am doing 4:3 for the month of June - this week is Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday fast days. I have planned ahead because I am hosting a brunch on Monday and I would like to be free to enjoy something special on Friday night - because I am starting a month's secondment with a new team so I would like to celebrate the end of my first week with a lovely family meal on Friday.

    I spent this morning at a local Farmers' Market, wandering around all the lovely (food) stalls with my Daughter No. 2 in the autumn sun - and I wasn't tempted to break my fast! Go the Self Control Button!

    Can't wait for brunch tomorrow with my daughters - waffles, bacon, banana, stewed apples and berries with homemade yoghurt and maple syrup. And buckets of coffee.

    How good is the 5:2?!:tongue:
  • Ressie1
    Ressie1 Posts: 52 Member
    Super excited to join this group. Just received DVD in the mail and can't wait to do it. Feel free to add me as a friend. Support and accountability is one of the key factors for me in losing this weight and continuing with the shred.
    One day down 29 to go. Yikes!!! :)
  • Romey5
    Romey5 Posts: 157 Member
    IT'S HERE!

    Okay, it is June 1 Down Here so Welcome to Day 1! The rest of you can follow us :happy:

    I hope everyone has been able to prepare themselves, their kitchens, their workout gear, their families for a great month ahead. It is going to be challenging but that is the beauty of this forum - when the going gets tough, DON'T STOP! Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and launch back into it. Not tomorrow, not later, not in an hour - NOW!

    Whether it is missing a workout, eating a Chocolate Mud Cake or a Carl Junior's burger .... just forgive yourself and move on.

    Nothing tastes as good as slim feels. Go for it!

    OMG - I totally did the Carl Jr thing a few days ago and am still feeling the guilt (though I did manage to stay under calls for the day)! I'll forgive myself I promise :smile:

    Yep I am prepared. Three lb weights, streaming Level 1 from youtube, workout clothes, watching my calories like a hawk. Also, ibuprofen which I needed after adding the weights (on day 3), and a very supportive Hubby. I think I am set!