Daily Check In Thread



  • charlenequinn94
    Hi everyone, Just did week4 day 1. I know I said I would be repeating week 3. But, I decided to throw myself into. It was amazing the two three minute and five minute jogs flew by. I had all that scenery and cars to look at. My legs are feeling it right now. But, I am looking forward to day 2.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    W7D2 done this morning at a faster pace than day 1!

    Also rode my bicycle this afternoon about 18 miles. It was a great day!
  • Muffin3112
    Hi there,

    I am new on this forum and started c25k a few days ago, I am starting on my second week now.

  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Finished Week 4 on Saturday.

    We went at 7PM because I was waiting all day for it to cool down some, and I think my little running buddy was pooped, because he kept falling. (Doesn't help that he has gigantic feet.)
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    I'mI happy dancing right now....lol!! I've just completed the dreaded week 5 day 3. I can't believe I ran for 20 minutes! 5 weeks ago I couldn't even run 60 seconds. So happy right now !!

    What made it even more of an achievement was it was very hot and humid, and I still was able to complete it.:))
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Been experiencing a great deal of muscle pain in my left calf after each run. I think it's just soreness and not an injury, since it gets better every day till my next run.
    So, I think I'll drop back to Week 5, Day 1 and run that at least a couple of more times before advancing again. Gonna give my muscles time to catch up a bit.
  • imafitmom
    imafitmom Posts: 116 Member
    I just did W5D3 again. It may sound crazy but I just had to do it again. I think it is/was a mental thing. I had to prove to myself the first time was not a fluke. No fluke... I CAN do this. WOW! :smile:
  • babybl00310
    babybl00310 Posts: 75 Member
    Week 5 Day 2 here. Trying to convince my friend that she's ready to tackle day 3 tomorrow!
  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    W4D1 down and done!
  • destructor2013
    I did my 4th day today, which should be W2D1, but I couldn't do the full 30 minutes in W1 (only 15). I was going to try to do 30 minutes today, but still could only do 15, so I may have to repeat W1 next week too. I am going to try to do 30 minutes on Wednesday and see how that goes.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I just did W5D3 again. It may sound crazy but I just had to do it again. I think it is/was a mental thing. I had to prove to myself the first time was not a fluke. No fluke... I CAN do this. WOW! :smile:

    That's awesome ^_^
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    As family commitments and a slight injury stopped play last week, I did W2D1 over again today rather than moving onto W3 after a week off. It was hot here (well, hot for the UK!) and I was glad to get back onto the forest trails again on the home - not as glad as the dog was though, I might have to get her running bootees! :)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Just finished my first 5k!! 38:11 not too bad for being on week 7 of c25k :) can't believe I just jogged a 5k

    Yay, Drink me! Under 40 minutes!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I did my 4th day today, which should be W2D1, but I couldn't do the full 30 minutes in W1 (only 15). I was going to try to do 30 minutes today, but still could only do 15, so I may have to repeat W1 next week too. I am going to try to do 30 minutes on Wednesday and see how that goes.

    You need to slow down.
  • amberpic
    amberpic Posts: 20
    W1D1 today...completed! I was a runner for years and years, then got brought down by health problems. I'm getting back into it now. I took my six-year-old out with me, which was great. She's good company, I had to think about my pace with her, and I couldn't wuss out.

    All in all, a good workout!
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    Completed Week 2 Day 1. All was well...except for a vicious side stitch from hell. Did I stop?, you ask. No effing way! Week 2 Day 1 conquered. Day 2, I shall lay thee smackdown on you in the morning.

    Over and out...
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I graduated two weeks ago, but still very much a work in progress. I had been struggling with my outdoor runs recently, so I decided to skip the treadmill and focus on getting the distance outdoors I get inside, even if it means going slower. Well today the goal was 2.5 miles, but I was still feeling good after that so I thought, let's go for 2.75. Well I was still feeling it after that so I thought let's go for 3 miles. I hit 3 miles and churned out another .10 to complete a 5k. It took me 40 minutes. I have never run for 40 minutes before ever. Now I admit, I am a bit frustrated that my treadmill pace is quite a bit faster than my outdoor pace, but I realize I will get the speed I want in due time.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Looking forward to getting out there tomorrow. I don't know if I should redo W4D3 since I just did a week of freestyle or try to jump ahead to week 5. I'll see how I feel in the morning and what the weather's looking like. The rain's rolled in every day lately...welcome to summer in FL. Either way, I'll stay out until I do a full 5K.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    I've been sidelined with a lovely cold that's now in my ear. It's frustrating not to be able to go out there and do this while I'm busy hacking up a lung. I'm still out walking and hoping not to lose too much time. Nice job to all others.
  • NirvaniTeasley
    NirvaniTeasley Posts: 138 Member
    Day 1 begins!