What's your longest run?



  • miguelrunner
    miguelrunner Posts: 156 Member
    13.1. Looking forward to beating that. :)
    Same here. Running 26.2 on March 1st 2014.
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    13.1 for right now.
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    10.7 miles so far; looking to up that to 12 miles this weekend, but will have to drop my running companion (Haley the 85 pound GS) at home at the 10 mile mark!
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    18.5 miles is the longest so far. Marathon is June 22.
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    I didn't walk at all during my 20 mile marathon training run.

    When it came time to do the actual marathon, I did walk during water breaks during the second half and I walked a short amount when I was trying to eat some fuel. Otherwise I kept running because when I felt at my most tired, I reasoned that the faster I went, the sooner I would be DONE and could rest.
  • ameliaannakin
    ameliaannakin Posts: 344 Member
    Mine is just over 14 miles :) going to attempt 15 tomorrow though. Wish me luck...
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    15 Miles a few weekends ago.

    I have a hard time accepting that it is okay to walk...I somehow feel like I'm cheating, but the more I talk to hardcore runners(marathon and ultra-marathoners), they all say that they've walked at times...especially when trail running...so I'm trying to accept that it's okay!
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I've only been running for about two years (June 6 is my anniversary) and my interest is the Half so the longest I've run "this time around" is 14 miles.

    However, in 1985 when I was a young (29 years old) paratrooper getting ready to go to Officer Candidate School, I decided to start running to get in shape for the 14 week school. There's an overpass on the All American Highway that runs into Ft. Bragg that was 6 miles from my barracks so I would run from the 'racks to the overpass and back. That's great exercise, no question, but spring time weather in North Carolina can be brutal.

    I decided to run the Longstreet Run which went from the "downtown area" (the built up area) of Ft. Bragg out to the dropzones and back. A long way. All of 20.2 miles, in fact. I'd only been running a couple of months and had never run more than 12 miles so going to 20 was not an easy task.

    I didn't do very well in the race but I did manage to finish in the top half of my age group (I'm pretty sure that my finish time was 2:45).

    Something good did come out of the race, though — it was that evening, as I sat at a table at Chi Chi's (yes, that bastion of fine Mexican cuisine) that I decided to quit smoking.
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member

    I'm slowly working up my endurance
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    Probably 30 miles... but walking for me has nothing to do with running... chances are I 'burnt out' mainly because I didn't eat enough... I don't run with my phone, water or food either, one day I plan to change this...
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    18.5 miles is the longest so far. Marathon is June 22.

    Edited: I made it 20.2 today. :)
  • fabiomuralha
    fabiomuralha Posts: 114 Member
    For now, just 26k at my 26th B-day ... : )
  • MartinaNYC
    MartinaNYC Posts: 190 Member
    13.1 :smile:
  • Marlene_33
    Marlene_33 Posts: 211 Member
    The furthest I ran without stopping was 9 miles running a 1/2 marathon. It was a shocker to me when I saw the 9 mile mark and realized I had been running the whole time. Hope to accomplish that for the next one. :smile:
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    So far a half marathon (13.1 miles / 21.1 km) but the plan is to run full marathon in October so I should start seeing some longer runs in the near future.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    How far have you been able to run without taking walking breaks?

    I ran the Longstreet Race at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina - a 20.2 mile race.

    Did OK for my age group and, better yet, quit smoking that day! :-)
  • joyzy
    joyzy Posts: 97 Member
    15.28 miles.

    Marathon training starts next month, the race is Nov 2013
  • denny_menter
    denny_menter Posts: 34 Member
    20 miles while training my first year, but not anymore since I learned it's OK to slow down for water breaks.

    I'd love to say that I don't take any walk breaks during marathons, but I learned a few races ago that I do better if I allow 30 seconds or so at each drink station.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    13.1 - my last (and second) half in April I did not stop to walk once! No water stops either - it was in the 40s, so hydration was not an issue.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Just joined this group a few days ago and thought I'd add mine. So far it's 13.1 (both of my half marathons). Just started training from my first marathon in October, so I'll have some longer stop-free runs coming up soon :-)