


  • CCajina
    CCajina Posts: 11
    With the diet I'm on (a severe reduction of calories than how I used to eat [badly]) and the intensity of Insanity, I'm taking B-12 and Stress B-Complex for an energy boost. I'm not sure if they do anything for weight loss, but I have a lot more energy throughout the day.

    I have no real help for CLA, but I think research is key and to stick with the ketones.

    I believe that supplements, if taken correctly, can only help you. I'll take any help while I'm doing Insanity.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Day 4 Insanity Cardio Recovery
    Today was kind of similar to some Yoga X exercies . It felt great for the most part. A few of the exercises my legs were burning. They were sore before I started so the burning felt worse. I burned 262 calories in the 33 minutes. I am looking forward to Pure Cardio tomorrow. Keep up the great work everyone. You all are doing a great job of pushing play.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    This is kinda off topic.. im new so please don't yell at me if there is a separate thread for this but im just wondering if anyone takes any supplements while doing Insanity or any other program.

    I take a Multi, a total B complex, a Zinc/Vit C mixture and later a Calcium/Magnesium/D3 everyday anyways but i've recently started taking a Raspberry Ketone Mix and some CLA. I dont know if either of the latter two actually do anything for weightloss or not but I love the way the raspberry ketones make me feel (they're mixed with green tea and some other stuff) so i take them religiously every day however the CLA i have no idea if it's effective or just a waste of money?

    Any thoughts on this (again i'm not recommending them because i dont actually know of any benefit except the ketones give me energy and make my breath smell like raspberry :)

    No worries. You can post anything you want here. Raspberry Ketone Mix sounds good. Anything that would give me energy before a workout as long as it is healthy I would go for it. I am getting a sample of E & E. I want to try that before a workout and see if it helps me.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I had to miss today due to the medical procedure but plan to do both tomorrow! I will have to dig deep!!!
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    I had to miss today due to the medical procedure but plan to do both tomorrow! I will have to dig deep!!!

    Thanks for checking in. I hope everything went okay. You are a rockstar. Keep up the awesome work.
  • alexsandstrom1982
    Power 90. Another great workout. I felt it today and going to bed early. I need to start getting more sleep. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. You all are doing a fantastic job. Way to keep bringing it and digging deep.
  • MsStang02
    MsStang02 Posts: 147 Member
    Good Morning All!! I have not done as well as I'd hoped to this week. My body was not having it.
    Of course I did the fit test Monday. All of it.
    Tuesday I started Plyometrics, and only was able to complete 7 minutes of it until I colapsed onto the floor and could not move anymore. I was so sore from the fit test that each time I tried to move, it about freakin killed me. Went home bawling my eyes out..LOL:blushing:
    Wednesday, I woke up and could not move at all. Late getting to work cause getting dressed was awful. Ended up taking it easy that day. Even went to bed early.
    Yesterday, I gave the Plyometrics another try. Super tough. But was able to complete the full work out. Several breather breaks, and had to modify some of the moves, but I did it. 461 calories burned :bigsmile:
    I know I should have stuck to the schedule, and I did not think about it until I was finished. So I'll do what today's workout is suppose to be and continue on as scheduled.
    Have a great day all!
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    You can wait for official word from teamryan, but the point is not to injure yourself. If you can do the workouts - great. If you are that sore after and having lots of trouble getting through the routines, then think about whether you need to take a step back and shift to a different exercise program to build up to Insanity. There is nothing wrong in doing that. I am not trying to discourage you from doing Insanity. I am trying to encourage you to workout and workout hard but workout in a way that is right for you and does not injure you. I had some minor soreness after Day 3 - mostly upper back and a little in the triceps. Some soreness is to be expected but not can't get dressed soreness.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Good Morning All!! I have not done as well as I'd hoped to this week. My body was not having it.
    Of course I did the fit test Monday. All of it.
    Tuesday I started Plyometrics, and only was able to complete 7 minutes of it until I colapsed onto the floor and could not move anymore. I was so sore from the fit test that each time I tried to move, it about freakin killed me. Went home bawling my eyes out..LOL:blushing:
    Wednesday, I woke up and could not move at all. Late getting to work cause getting dressed was awful. Ended up taking it easy that day. Even went to bed early.
    Yesterday, I gave the Plyometrics another try. Super tough. But was able to complete the full work out. Several breather breaks, and had to modify some of the moves, but I did it. 461 calories burned :bigsmile:
    I know I should have stuck to the schedule, and I did not think about it until I was finished. So I'll do what today's workout is suppose to be and continue on as scheduled.
    Have a great day all!

    What was your activity and fitness level prior to attempting Insanity? Insanity is a very intense workout. I completed P90X last week and I am extremely sore from Insanity and have trouble keeping up. You need to go at your own pace. Do not over do it. It is very important not to miss a workout. It is also important to rest or stretch on your rest days.

    I have a friend that I coach that is doing Insanity that started off at 313 pounds and was a couch potato the last 7 years. He is in his second month now and down to 273. Go at your own pace. The people in the videos have done it before and completed the program. Do not try to keep up with them. Keep taking breathers and practice good form.

    Soreness is expected. My thighs and calves are on fire. Jonathan BB is also right on the money. Do not injure yourself. Month 2 is much more difficult so its important to stay on track and do your best and not over do it.

    This is hard but the results will be amazing. You can do this.
  • zeusbella
    zeusbella Posts: 137 Member
    Day 5 (Pure Cardio) Done! Insaneeeeeeeeeeee - LOVE IT.
  • MsStang02
    MsStang02 Posts: 147 Member
    Good Morning All!! I have not done as well as I'd hoped to this week. My body was not having it.
    Of course I did the fit test Monday. All of it.
    Tuesday I started Plyometrics, and only was able to complete 7 minutes of it until I colapsed onto the floor and could not move anymore. I was so sore from the fit test that each time I tried to move, it about freakin killed me. Went home bawling my eyes out..LOL:blushing:
    Wednesday, I woke up and could not move at all. Late getting to work cause getting dressed was awful. Ended up taking it easy that day. Even went to bed early.
    Yesterday, I gave the Plyometrics another try. Super tough. But was able to complete the full work out. Several breather breaks, and had to modify some of the moves, but I did it. 461 calories burned :bigsmile:
    I know I should have stuck to the schedule, and I did not think about it until I was finished. So I'll do what today's workout is suppose to be and continue on as scheduled.
    Have a great day all!

    What was your activity and fitness level prior to attempting Insanity? Insanity is a very intense workout. I completed P90X last week and I am extremely sore from Insanity and have trouble keeping up. You need to go at your own pace. Do not over do it. It is very important not to miss a workout. It is also important to rest or stretch on your rest days.

    I have a friend that I coach that is doing Insanity that started off at 313 pounds and was a couch potato the last 7 years. He is in his second month now and down to 273. Go at your own pace. The people in the videos have done it before and completed the program. Do not try to keep up with them. Keep taking breathers and practice good form.

    Soreness is expected. My thighs and calves are on fire. Jonathan BB is also right on the money. Do not injure yourself. Month 2 is much more difficult so its important to stay on track and do your best and not over do it.

    This is hard but the results will be amazing. You can do this.

    I had been couch potato until about 2 months ago. And then I started C25K. So I am new to exercise, and I am a beginner runner. I know not to push myself to injury (I did that right off the bat when I started running) so now I listen to my body. I was super sore Tuesday, just like I was when I started running. So instead of pushing myself to possibly injure myself, I took a step back and let my body adjust. Yesterday I was able to complete the full work out. I took breaks when I needed them, and modified moves I simply could not do. I love the program even though I am so early into it. I sweat my behind off and I feel so accomplished when I am done. Yes I am still sore, but I am a good feeling sore. My legs and core are burning and I LOVE IT. It is not the painful cannot move burn I felt after the fit test. That was just a whole lot of movement I had never done before. I am totally in this for the long run, but taking it a day at a time.
    Thanks for the advice :) You guys ROCK!!

    ETA: I definitely do not try and keep up with the people in the video... I work at my own pace, and make sure I have good form. :bigsmile:
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Good Morning All!! I have not done as well as I'd hoped to this week. My body was not having it.
    Of course I did the fit test Monday. All of it.
    Tuesday I started Plyometrics, and only was able to complete 7 minutes of it until I colapsed onto the floor and could not move anymore. I was so sore from the fit test that each time I tried to move, it about freakin killed me. Went home bawling my eyes out..LOL:blushing:
    Wednesday, I woke up and could not move at all. Late getting to work cause getting dressed was awful. Ended up taking it easy that day. Even went to bed early.
    Yesterday, I gave the Plyometrics another try. Super tough. But was able to complete the full work out. Several breather breaks, and had to modify some of the moves, but I did it. 461 calories burned :bigsmile:
    I know I should have stuck to the schedule, and I did not think about it until I was finished. So I'll do what today's workout is suppose to be and continue on as scheduled.
    Have a great day all!

    What was your activity and fitness level prior to attempting Insanity? Insanity is a very intense workout. I completed P90X last week and I am extremely sore from Insanity and have trouble keeping up. You need to go at your own pace. Do not over do it. It is very important not to miss a workout. It is also important to rest or stretch on your rest days.

    I have a friend that I coach that is doing Insanity that started off at 313 pounds and was a couch potato the last 7 years. He is in his second month now and down to 273. Go at your own pace. The people in the videos have done it before and completed the program. Do not try to keep up with them. Keep taking breathers and practice good form.

    Soreness is expected. My thighs and calves are on fire. Jonathan BB is also right on the money. Do not injure yourself. Month 2 is much more difficult so its important to stay on track and do your best and not over do it.

    This is hard but the results will be amazing. You can do this.

    I had been couch potato until about 2 months ago. And then I started C25K. So I am new to exercise, and I am a beginner runner. I know not to push myself to injury (I did that right off the bat when I started running) so now I listen to my body. I was super sore Tuesday, just like I was when I started running. So instead of pushing myself to possibly injure myself, I took a step back and let my body adjust. Yesterday I was able to complete the full work out. I took breaks when I needed them, and modified moves I simply could not do. I love the program even though I am so early into it. I sweat my behind off and I feel so accomplished when I am done. Yes I am still sore, but I am a good feeling sore. My legs and core are burning and I LOVE IT. It is not the painful cannot move burn I felt after the fit test. That was just a whole lot of movement I had never done before. I am totally in this for the long run, but taking it a day at a time.
    Thanks for the advice :) You guys ROCK!!

    Are you part of my Facebook group too? I have over 20 new members that started Insanity this week posting in my Facebook group. I like to post in both groups. Some members are in both. I like to post in both but Facebook allows me to post motivational videos, How To videos, and educational videos which several people like. Each week of Insanity I will be posting a recap of what to expect from Shaun T. I also have videos posted of how to take measurements for most accurate readings and how to take before and after photos. If you or anyone else wants to join my Facebook group too the link is below. Keep up the great job.


  • ShamelesslyFlawed
    ShamelesslyFlawed Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Everyone! Insanity is going well for my husband & I! We are making it all the way through each video and not giving up at all! We are feeling really good in the mornings now too (we are actually sleeping through the night). There are times when I am screaming and hollering and yelling things like "Are you {Bleep}ing SERIOUS!?!?!?" But, we fight through and feel so glad we did it. Although it's not the prettiest, it's nice to see the people on the TV actually taking breaks throughout the workout....K & I don't feel so lame when we have too!

    I do have a question though...What shoes do you all wear?!? I have two pairs and neither have worked for me. The arch of my right foot is in a lot of pain with some of the moves that it makes me have to stop and let it relax for a few seconds before I do so more. It's mostly on the jumping moves. I know there is nothing wrong with it and that it is mostly the shoes that I am wearing but I can't see to find a good pair. Any recommendations to try would be FABULOUS!

    Keep digging deep y'all!

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Got in BOTH Cardio Recovery AND Pure Cardio today!
    I had to TALK to myself to get through on some moves but overall it went ok! Just do not have much for energy these past 2 days!!
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Hi Everyone! Insanity is going well for my husband & I! We are making it all the way through each video and not giving up at all! We are feeling really good in the mornings now too (we are actually sleeping through the night). There are times when I am screaming and hollering and yelling things like "Are you {Bleep}ing SERIOUS!?!?!?" But, we fight through and feel so glad we did it. Although it's not the prettiest, it's nice to see the people on the TV actually taking breaks throughout the workout....K & I don't feel so lame when we have too!

    I do have a question though...What shoes do you all wear?!? I have two pairs and neither have worked for me. The arch of my right foot is in a lot of pain with some of the moves that it makes me have to stop and let it relax for a few seconds before I do so more. It's mostly on the jumping moves. I know there is nothing wrong with it and that it is mostly the shoes that I am wearing but I can't see to find a good pair. Any recommendations to try would be FABULOUS!

    Keep digging deep y'all!


    If the arch of your right foot is in a lot of pain it sounds like you may have injured it. I wear just regular plain nike shoes. You may find the below helpful. Team Beachbody and Shaun T recommend cross trainers. I know many who use many different types of shoes. I even have a few friends who go bare feet. Have you had any problems in the past with the arch in your right foot?

    1. Don’t make shoes multitask. Finding the right kind of shoe has become very specialized to the type of workout you’re doing, so each shoe has a niche and a market. A perfect example of this: we’re about to start running which requires a completely different type of shoe than a workout shoe you would use for Beachbody workouts like P90X, Insanity or others.

    2. Know your foot. This also gets back to what we talked about with running shoes. Know what kind of support you need, especially if you’re feeling pain. Sometimes this can be fixed with quality inserts.

    3. Measure your foot frequently. Contrary to myths, your foot does change as we get older. Go by what fits, not by what you’ve worn in the past.

    4. Shop toward the end of the day. Feet swell over the course of the day and your shoes should fit when your foot is at it’s largest.

    5. Bring your own socks. Use the socks you’re gonna wear during your workouts or runs so you get a true feel.

    6. Don’t believe in breaking in. They should feel comfortable right away. This goes back to what we found to be true for us with the Reeboks.

    7. Use the rule of thumb. You should have at least 3/8-1/2 inch space from the end of the shoe to your big toe.

    8. Understand the bells and whistles. Knowing the design of the shoe and how it does what it does is important. I used to get caught up in the look of mine and when I bought my Brooks running shoes, I had to settle for function and not flair.

    9. Don’t over or underpay. Bottom line, don’t get suckered into a celebrity endorsement just so you can spend more money.

    10. Know when to replace them. With crosstrainers, you’ll have to get a feel for it or monitor the wear and performance. With running shoes, they’ll tell you about how many miles you can put on them total (walking, running, everything).
  • alexsandstrom1982
    6/7 Power 90
    I was very tired today before my Power 90 workout. I still pushed play. It was not one of my best workouts but I did my best. It is still better then not pushing play. I burned alot of calories still. I think I am getting the flu. I hope not. Keep up the awesome job everyone. You all rock!!!!!
  • amandabcdefg
    amandabcdefg Posts: 58 Member
    well, i havent done my plyo today because the husband is off of work and i havent fit it in because i havent felt good and am feeling lazy with him home :( i have a girlfriend who lives in another state who plans to start insanity this coming week and i may just re-start with her so we can do it together.. shes "afraid" to do it, i think if i am doing it at the same time she may be comfortable trying it knowing we're in it together
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    well, i havent done my plyo today because the husband is off of work and i havent fit it in because i havent felt good and am feeling lazy with him home :( i have a girlfriend who lives in another state who plans to start insanity this coming week and i may just re-start with her so we can do it together.. shes "afraid" to do it, i think if i am doing it at the same time she may be comfortable trying it knowing we're in it together

    It does make it easier if you do it with others so you have someone to check in with to motivate one another. If your friend has a MFP account she can join this group too. I am welcoming everyone. I have another group of 10 starting on Monday that will be joining us with Insanity. I am loving Insanity. I feel so energized when I am done.
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member

    I do have a question though...What shoes do you all wear?!?

    I have a pair of New Balance shoes designed for cross training. good support and a somewhat wider base for balance while weight lifting. I am adjusting to wearing them during the videos because i am used to going barefoot for the home workouts. Thanks to teamryan's advice I did not attempt that with Insanity - forewarned about the high impact and need for cushioning. I would look for something with more cushioning than you currently have. If arches are hurting, more arch support.
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member

    ETA: I definitely do not try and keep up with the people in the video... I work at my own pace, and make sure I have good form. :bigsmile:

    The people in the video - superfit and awesomed bodied as they are- can't keep up with the people in the video. It makes me feel better seeing them have to take breaks or dying on some exercise while someone else is still pumping away. Reminds me if they need breaks and can't do it all no way am I supposed to be able to.