Today's WOD

SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
What WOD are you doing today? Our box did a fantastic WOD today! Here's the Rx version:

50 Back squat (95/65)
5 Rope Climb
40 Back squat (115/75)
4 Rope Climb
30 Back squat (135/95)
3 Rope Climb
20 Back squat (155/105)
2 Rope Climb
10 Back squat (175/115)
1 Rope Climb

Here's what I did:

50 Back squat (55)
25 Rope Climb (laying on floor to standing)
40 Back squat (75)
20 Rope Climb (laying on floor to standing)
30 Back squat (85)
15 Rope Climb (laying on floor to standing)
20 Back squat (95)
10 Rope Climb (laying on floor to standing)
10 Back squat (105)
1 Rope Climb --- did a REAL rope climb! My first one ever!!!!! (I made it to the top, but didn't ring the bell because I couldn't let go of the rope!)



  • difabu
    difabu Posts: 143
    "Fran" (scaled @ 53 lbs)
    5 rounds of power cleans (@ 63 lbs) and burpees
    "Grace" or "Isabel" (our choice) -- I chose "Grace" (scaled @ 63 lbs) since I abhor snatches
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Looks like we are doing "Isabel" today!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    100 power cleans @ 85 lbs for me... however, at every 2 minuites we had to do 2 over the bar burpees.. brutal! 17:54
  • PaleoChocolateBear
    PaleoChocolateBear Posts: 2,844 Member
    21-15-9 of Power cleans 105 lbs for guys slamballs and sit ups
  • lstewart_3
    lstewart_3 Posts: 807 Member
    For time:
    20 Thrusters
    20 Sumo deadlift high pulls
    20 Push jerks
    20 Overhead squats
    20 Front squats

    Men will use a 95lb barbell. Women will use 65lbs. Each athlete must do four burpees at the beginning of every minute before moving on to the barbell work. The athlete is allowed to move to the next barbell skill once an he/she has completed all 20 reps. If the minute clock beeps during a repetition the athlete will complete their rep and then start their four burpees.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    For time:
    20 Thrusters
    20 Sumo deadlift high pulls
    20 Push jerks
    20 Overhead squats
    20 Front squats

    Men will use a 95lb barbell. Women will use 65lbs. Each athlete must do four burpees at the beginning of every minute before moving on to the barbell work. The athlete is allowed to move to the next barbell skill once an he/she has completed all 20 reps. If the minute clock beeps during a repetition the athlete will complete their rep and then start their four burpees.

    Impressive WOD. Also, very impressive profile pic!
  • drelan
    drelan Posts: 59 Member

    100 ft weighted lunges
    40 push-ups
    25 knees to chest
    30 sumo deadlift high pulls w/38 lb. kettlebell
    25 wall balls
    100 ft weighted lunges
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    Front Squat RX 135, did 95#
  • lstewart_3
    lstewart_3 Posts: 807 Member
    For time:
    20 Thrusters
    20 Sumo deadlift high pulls
    20 Push jerks
    20 Overhead squats
    20 Front squats

    Men will use a 95lb barbell. Women will use 65lbs. Each athlete must do four burpees at the beginning of every minute before moving on to the barbell work. The athlete is allowed to move to the next barbell skill once an he/she has completed all 20 reps. If the minute clock beeps during a repetition the athlete will complete their rep and then start their four burpees.

    Impressive WOD. Also, very impressive profile pic!

    Thanks! I just recently started crossfit and am already addicted! It's the best thing I have ever done for my self
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    100 power cleans @ 85 lbs for me... however, at every 2 minuites we had to do 2 over the bar burpees.. brutal! 17:54

    That sounds VERY brutal! Bet you felt awesome when it was over, though!!!
  • lstewart_3
    lstewart_3 Posts: 807 Member
    For time:
    20 Thrusters
    20 Sumo deadlift high pulls
    20 Push jerks
    20 Overhead squats
    20 Front squats

    Men will use a 95lb barbell. Women will use 65lbs. Each athlete must do four burpees at the beginning of every minute before moving on to the barbell work. The athlete is allowed to move to the next barbell skill once an he/she has completed all 20 reps. If the minute clock beeps during a repetition the athlete will complete their rep and then start their four burpees.

    Impressive WOD. Also, very impressive profile pic!

    Did it in 12:47
  • we did isabel today!! 2nd favorite WOD
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Today's WOD was 10 rounds - 100m sprints for time. I missed this one last time, so I didn't have anything to compare to.

    My times were: 20/20/21/21/21/21/22/21/21/19 <---- I always save the best for last :happy:

    Before the WOD we did some team rowing. Fun!
  • MissXFit13
    MissXFit13 Posts: 217 Member
    Today was the debut of new toys at my gym, and we got to do sled pulls! 45 lbs. Way harder than it looked.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Just had to post yesterday's WOD because I felt like a complete badass upon leaving the gym...

    12 min AMRAP
    9 deadlifts
    12 knees to chest (FIR)

    I managed to complete 6 rnds plus 2 more deadlifts.

    Although I did the beginner version of the knees to chest (no push-up), I was able to pull 115#. I realize that's not a huge amount of weight for a DL, but as I've only been crossfitting for about 3 months, it's the heaviest I've pulled. Considering that was in a WOD, I really can't wait to find my 1RM for DLs now!!!!
  • lea1075
    lea1075 Posts: 1 Member
    OMG!! Did this one at 5AM
    8 Rounds for time:
    - 200 meter Tire Drag, 45/25#
    -150 meter Ammo run, 2X25/15# plates

    OMG this was brutal we have a wonderful hill in front of our box... I hate hills. LOL
  • Iri_2
    Iri_2 Posts: 349 Member
  • mountaingirl1961
    mountaingirl1961 Posts: 75 Member
    20 min ascending Chipper (add three reps per round, so 3, 6, 9, 12, etc.)

    LH KB snatches 16kg/12kg
    Goblet squats
    RH KB snatches 16kg/12kg

    Rest 3 minutes, then run 550 meters.

    I got up to 27's. UGH.
  • katmandou6
    katmandou6 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm still on my post-crossfit endorphin high. :) I'm a late night crossfitter, 8 pm! Today's wod was so fun. We did one of the wod that was in the Regionals

    - Deadlift (Rx 205, 120 lbs for me)
    - Box jumps (24 in)

    5:56 min.

    Then we did Helen

    3 rounds
    - 400 m. run
    - 21 kb swings (35 lbs)
    - 12 pullups (with a red band for me)

    10:39 min.
  • ratellcm
    ratellcm Posts: 164 Member

    10 rounds for reps of:
    1:00 Squats
    1:00 Rest

    Tried to go lower on my last rep, but it just sat me down on the floor instead. And that's how it became my last rep.