


  • HPLW0705
    HPLW0705 Posts: 102
    Hello everyone! I'm new here, but I'm about to start week 6 of Insanity. I'm currently doing my recovery week...last one tonight! I've been reading through and it sounds like everyone is doing awesome!! I usually do my workouts relatively late...work, school, and my kids take up a lot of my time, so burning the midnight oil seems to be my thing. Looking forward to being part of the group!
  • zeusbella
    zeusbella Posts: 137 Member
    Day 6 down!!! What a great way to start the weekend.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm new here, but I'm about to start week 6 of Insanity. I'm currently doing my recovery week...last one tonight! I've been reading through and it sounds like everyone is doing awesome!! I usually do my workouts relatively late...work, school, and my kids take up a lot of my time, so burning the midnight oil seems to be my thing. Looking forward to being part of the group!

    Thanks for joining us. We are happy to have you here. You sound like you are doing great yourself and have a busy life. Nice to have you here and keep up the great job. Congrats on week 6 coming up. You got this.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    A big WELCOME goes out to the new members joining our INSANE group! May you get as addicted to the endorphin kick as much as we do!

    Way to put mental into your workouts everybody, cuz if you say I CAN"T then you WON"T!!!
    I continue to say "I CAN, I CAN, I CAN" until I'm finished!!

    I got my first week wrapped up! The package was not always pretty but it's what's inside right????
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    Did a pre-lunch day 5 workout (I know, a day behind) definitely a tough workout but felt great after getting over just a touch of nausea. Some moves were new to me so focused on form going slow to get form down before picking up the pace. Hard workout but I think the first 2 after the fitness test (days 2 and 3) were the hardest so far.

    I can't imagine trying to do this as my first workout program/fitness training of any kind. Past weight lifting, yoga and cardio programs have definitely helped in having some familiarity with the moves or similar moves, and endurance to get (mostly) through all the exercises. Still feeling major burn in my quads with all the frog jumps, burpees, leg pumps and have to slow down or pause just due to muscle fatigue there.

    Going to skip rest day on Sunday and go to Day 7 to catch up with the rest of you since I missed a day Thursday. If I'm hurting later in the week I will take a rest day if I need it.

    How are the rest of you doing?
  • CarolinaGrace77
    Core 20
    Barbell work 20 minutes
    Walk/jog 3 miles
    624 calories burned according to bodymedia arm band

    Work Out: even with it being sporadic, it is about time to increase weights on the weight lifting. On the down side, I have neglected my core and it showed today. I need to start incorporating it in my work outs.

    Nutrition: will be spot on when I finish eating....
  • Jdhendricks
    Today I finished day 6 of Insanity. Insanity is the toughest thing I have ever done. I just finished Turbo Fire, a 90 day program with Chalene Johnson. I miss Turbo, but am seeing great results from Insanity. In addition to doing the workout, I am following the Insanity Elite Nutrition guide as well (95% of the time). I look forward to being a part of this group. Thanks for letting me join in a little late.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Did a pre-lunch day 5 workout (I know, a day behind) definitely a tough workout but felt great after getting over just a touch of nausea. Some moves were new to me so focused on form going slow to get form down before picking up the pace. Hard workout but I think the first 2 after the fitness test (days 2 and 3) were the hardest so far.

    I can't imagine trying to do this as my first workout program/fitness training of any kind. Past weight lifting, yoga and cardio programs have definitely helped in having some familiarity with the moves or similar moves, and endurance to get (mostly) through all the exercises. Still feeling major burn in my quads with all the frog jumps, burpees, leg pumps and have to slow down or pause just due to muscle fatigue there.

    Going to skip rest day on Sunday and go to Day 7 to catch up with the rest of you since I missed a day Thursday. If I'm hurting later in the week I will take a rest day if I need it.

    How are the rest of you doing?

    I feel great today. I had lots of energy in the morning. I got my 8 hours of sleep. I couldn't imagine doing Insanity as a first workout program either. I find the workouts intense and I just completed P90X. My quads and calves did not hurt today.

    You are doing great. Keep it up.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    6/8 Insanity Day 6 Plyometric Cardio Circuit
    Another killer workout. This was much easier today than it was doing it on day 2. The warmups are getting more tolerable. I focused on form today and burned over 630 calories. Call me crazy but I think I am addicted to Insanity....or does that make me Insane and not crazy? Maybe I am a bit of both?

    Keep it up everyone. Keep bringing it and Digging Deeper. You all are doing fantastic. Several new members will be starting Insanity on Monday. We will also have Les Mills Combat and Turbo Fire starters.
  • beckyyates
    beckyyates Posts: 85
    June 8 workout for me was Tony Hortons Ten Minute Trainers. I did 3 workouts today. I have not posted here in awhile. I have been super busy but if feels good to post and check up on everyone and see what a wonderful job you all are doing. Keep it up. Motivation will help you get through it. Ryan has helped me out a lot the past 6 weeks. 14 pounds lost and to think I was close to giving up. Thank you again.
  • alexsandstrom1982
    6/8/2013 Power 90 was awesome again today. I am getting close to my goal and I am only going on my 3rd week. I want to thank Ryan again too. Thanks for bringing this into my life. My own family never supported me to lose weight. Always junk food in the house. Thanks for the support you give me and listening to me on facebook about my bad days.

    Thank you to everyone else here. Your motivation and posting of how you get through it is inspiring to me too. Way to go everyone! Time for some ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.:bigsmile:
  • CarolinaGrace77
    Treadmill time before work 181 calories.

    I'll see what work will allow me to get in during my lunch. Maybe I can get a HIIT 30 or something.
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    Day 6 Insanity workout was great. I kept up better this time and was totally spent until about 10 minutes left. Biggest issue still my quads just having no umph left for power squats and ski moves at end. Definetly saw some improvement from the first time through this disc. All caught up now and will skip rest day and join you all for day 8 tomorrow.

    Is anyone else having trouble eating enough calories? I already eat avocado and nuts. I am adding peanut butter despite the fat and chocolate milk with whey protein powder as a post-workout drink. but still not getting enough calories and I do not want to eat not so healthy stuff to do it.What are you doing?
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Day 6 Insanity workout was great. I kept up better this time and was totally spent until about 10 minutes left. Biggest issue still my quads just having no umph left for power squats and ski moves at end. Definetly saw some improvement from the first time through this disc. All caught up now and will skip rest day and join you all for day 8 tomorrow.

    Is anyone else having trouble eating enough calories? I already eat avocado and nuts. I am adding peanut butter despite the fat and chocolate milk with whey protein powder as a post-workout drink. but still not getting enough calories and I do not want to eat not so healthy stuff to do it.What are you doing?

    I have the same problem with my quads near the end with power squats and ski moves. I did see improvement but still a lot of room for more improvement for me. Great job on catching up.

    Yesterday I had no problems with getting enough calories. I was hungry all day. Today I am not so hungry. On days where I need the extra calories I will have salad and put some olive oil in it. It can add calories to your day and its good for your heart and it considered a healthy fat. Its a friendly fat that can help lower your cholesterol.

    Since I started Insanity I have not really had a problem. My appetite has increased a lot.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Insanity Day 7 Rest
    I did a little stretching this morning. I am still sore from the workouts earlier this week. Resting and stretching felt great today. I should be ready to go and dig deep tomorrow after today.

    Great job everyone who completed week 1. Welcome and good luck to the new members starting Insanity and other programs tomorrow. Listen to your body and rest when need. You can do it.
  • alexsandstrom1982
    June 9th
    Power 90 and I was full of power. I am ready to take on Monday. I feel like the energizer bunny off that battery commercial for Energizer Batteries. I keep going and going and going. We all need to keep going and going and going.

    Lets do this thing. We all are on a mission. Some started before others but we all started. There is not finish. There may be a temporary completion of a program but we still need to maintain and keep going.

    Awesome job everyone. I look forward to see what tomorrow and next week brings. Hello and welcome all new members. We got your back and are here for you.

    Your friend,
  • CarolinaGrace77
    Head to the new weekly thread for works out 6/10
  • ShamelesslyFlawed
    ShamelesslyFlawed Posts: 11 Member

    If the arch of your right foot is in a lot of pain it sounds like you may have injured it. I wear just regular plain nike shoes. You may find the below helpful. Team Beachbody and Shaun T recommend cross trainers. I know many who use many different types of shoes. I even have a few friends who go bare feet. Have you had any problems in the past with the arch in your right foot?

    1. Don’t make shoes multitask. Finding the right kind of shoe has become very specialized to the type of workout you’re doing, so each shoe has a niche and a market. A perfect example of this: we’re about to start running which requires a completely different type of shoe than a workout shoe you would use for Beachbody workouts like P90X, Insanity or others.

    2. Know your foot. This also gets back to what we talked about with running shoes. Know what kind of support you need, especially if you’re feeling pain. Sometimes this can be fixed with quality inserts.

    3. Measure your foot frequently. Contrary to myths, your foot does change as we get older. Go by what fits, not by what you’ve worn in the past.

    4. Shop toward the end of the day. Feet swell over the course of the day and your shoes should fit when your foot is at it’s largest.

    5. Bring your own socks. Use the socks you’re gonna wear during your workouts or runs so you get a true feel.

    6. Don’t believe in breaking in. They should feel comfortable right away. This goes back to what we found to be true for us with the Reeboks.

    7. Use the rule of thumb. You should have at least 3/8-1/2 inch space from the end of the shoe to your big toe.

    8. Understand the bells and whistles. Knowing the design of the shoe and how it does what it does is important. I used to get caught up in the look of mine and when I bought my Brooks running shoes, I had to settle for function and not flair.

    9. Don’t over or underpay. Bottom line, don’t get suckered into a celebrity endorsement just so you can spend more money.

    10. Know when to replace them. With crosstrainers, you’ll have to get a feel for it or monitor the wear and performance. With running shoes, they’ll tell you about how many miles you can put on them total (walking, running, everything).

    It's not injured...I just needed some good shoes...turns out I was using running shoes and tennis shoes. I got some Light weight Nike Cross-Trainers and they are fab! You can really feel the difference b/c the arch support is much higher than in the other shoes. It's amazballs how shoes can make your workout results so much easier!