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  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Carole - really well done on the swimming. Hearing you talk about it is getting me enthused to swim again. I haven't been for ages. When I was a student in Edinburgh I used to live near the Commmonwealth pool and thought nothing of swimming 50 - 60 lengths every day. As that's a 50m long pool that was 2.5km minimum a day. No wonder I had no weight issues then!

    New8 - how was Paloma? I hope you had a great time. You deserve a treat after the week you've had. I don't really know much about her music, but whenever I see her being interviewed she comes across really well and sounds super intelligent and as if she puts a lot of thought into her work. I would imagine she puts on a really creative show.

    Well I've been out in the garden for the last couple of days catching up with the weeds. We dismantled an old, dilapidated shed yesterday and had a bonfire to get rid of it. We also cleared out an old summerhouse which is close to falling down and needs to be dismantled too. I should have put my pedometer on as it felt like I walked miles around the garden moving things yesterday.

    Today I'm off to see my parents in Hertfordshire and tomorrow I'm meeting a couple of friends I used to work with in London. One of them lives in Australia now but is home for a visit so it'll be good to catch up. I was supposed to be fasting today by my Mother is insisting on feeding me so I won't have managed a "fast" at all this week. I haven't tracked any food or exercise either so when I get back on Tuesday I need to get back into a routine and be more disciplined. Carole, I need some of your resolve!

    MITM, any news from Bracken?

    Saffy, hope you are feeling better and that the family are better too.

    BM - hope you are doing well.

    Will be back on Tuesday.

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi LMV - thanks - you've given me more of a target!

    I have to admit I'm taking more interest in the garden - I looked out this morning and everything is growing so well in my tiny little plot that I felt really proud (even though all I've done is a tiny bit of watering). I was slightly miffed when I got up the other morning and found that something had dug up a corner of the garden and flung earth all over the lawn. If I didn't know better I'd say I had a badger back in the garden. I had one a few years ago that lived under the shed in the garden at the bottom of mine and it dug a hole under the fence which as far as I know is still there. It was completely unimpressed when I turned the outside light on to watch it snuffling around the lawn looking for worms (and peanuts....). But it disappeared after 6 months. Still there hasn't been any further damage.

    The sunshine seems to have made everyone feel a bit better on here which is great - although here in the East the weekend has been cloudy and chilly. I actually came home and put another layer on at one point yesterday.... Freezio!

    Weighed in this morning and have lost another pound!

  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member

    Carole - well done on the lb! Great stuff, you are doing so well. Was very impressed with the swimming - I always forget to count/start off counting and then forget and lose track! I tend to swim more for a given length of time.

    LMV- Hope you are having a fab time away! Paloma was fantastic - what a voice! We got stuck in heaps of traffic on the way down to London Friday evening but was well worth it!

    Hope everyone else is well.

    Im having a bit of a blonde day today and have sent Daisy off to pre-school without her lunch! So am going to do a quick trip out on the bike in a moment! Im not that hopeful of a weight loss this week, as I have a lot of eating out this week with friends. Anyway, must dash. xx
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Definitely feeling in need of a duvet day today. Feel very wobbly and don't know why. Perhaps I overdid it on Saturday night.

    Need to go and do my shopping though as have several things to get from the supermarket and from the garden centre.

    Hope everyone else is getting a good start to the week.

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    OK so I've just done a little retail therapy - feeling much better. Visited Cotton Traders and found a beautiful maxi dress that fits my perfectly. Plus a sweat shirt (large not XL anymore) and a couple of pairs of cropped trousers. Very naughty and I'll probably regret it - but needed to cheer myself up with something that isn't food.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hi Carole. Sorry to hear you are feeling a little bit down but that retail therapy has helped. Big hug. xx
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Thanks LMV - feeling a little better this morning. And the sun is shining so that helps. But GP partner just called in sick (he's in a grump at the moment and I was half expecting it). No more singing after last night until Sept so Monday's will be a little less exhausting.

    One of my cats decided to throw up a hair ball on my sofa last night whilst I was out. Hopefully, it hasn't done too much damage but I think I'm going to need to shampoo the seat.

    Mammagram today too. the excitement knows no bounds!

    Speak soon.

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Morning Crackers!

    Apologies for my absence, I've had a busy weekend of working (which sadly burns no calories) but lots of movement of the jaws munching on crisps which adds up to calories galore.... So with some trepidation I stepped on the scales this morning and was mightily relieved to have stayed the same.

    Same old story; good as gold Monday - Thursday following my eating plan and exercising (and I know I'd lost a further pound) then come Friday it's like a green light to step off the plan.

    I read in one of the blogs 'Diaries of an Nearly Dead Man';
    'The truth is no matter what plan you use, what diet, what training you force yourself to do, you will gain back 73% of what you lost for one reason, and one reason alone; you stopped doing what was working.'
    He also wrote in his profile;
    'Do I eat my exercise calories? No. I eat the calories for the weight the Doctor wants me to be at.'

    Which I found very interesting. I know if I buy a tub of icecream I'll eat the lot over the weekend but if I buy cornettos I remain in control. Tubs were on offer Friday so I couldn't resist. Normally I treat my daughter to a ring donut when I shop on Fridays, this week I saw 4 filled with vanilla creme on offer so I bought them. I also always buy 2 family sized bags of crisps for the whole weekend, a bag when shared between the 3 of us, works out at 300 calories. But this week it was buy 1 get 1 free and I ended up with 4 in my trolley!

    I may have saved pounds at the till, but I ate all of the icecream, 2 of the donuts, all the crisps are gone and I ended up gaining that pound I had lost midweek! So I have to stick to what I know works for me if I want to get the scales to move again!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi MITM

    Have you considered changing your weigh in day to a Thursday or Friday. I think that has worked for me. The problem is its always more difficult at weekends as we tend to socialise more then which generally means food and drink. I've found that if I can concentrate to the weigh in day I tend to get focused and lose the weight but if its a busy weekend a Monday would be likely to leave me with a bit of a weight gain. Don't know if that makes sense - hope so!

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    CAROLE - you're quite right! Before we moved to this site I always weighed in on Fridays (only changed it after one very, very bad bank holiday weekend when I couldn't bear to have the gained weight hanging over me for another week!!) but whenever I lost weight, it often encouraged me to 'behave better' over the weekend, plus if I ever came out of a weekend still weighing what I did going in, I was on to a sure winner!! Anyway I've now lost 1/2lb which I've registered to spur me on but I shall change back to Fridays!!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    I agree it does make you focus better over the weekend. But having said that, if I want to eat something less healthy on the weekend its easier to get back on Monday and do something about it.

    Good luck!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Afternoon Crackers,
    Well it's been very quiet on here, probably the quietest I've ever known it! I must say I've been feeling very lethargic since my exam and there were lots of jobs to catch up on in the house and garden. Everything got ignored while I was revising so hard and I still haven't caught up with the ironing!

    I've been feeling a bit fed up about letting myself down in the exam. I know it's silly as it doesn't matter at all and I'm only doing it for me, but despite that I'm bitterly disappointed that I didn't do better. That has affected my eating and exercise programme. I've had a bit of a don't care attitude and have eaten lots of things which I wouldn't normally. I've said yes to biscuits with a cup of tea which I NEVER usually do, I've had slices of cake when out in cafes, I've been drinking wine with my meals - a habit which I'd knocked on the head apart from once a week and I've had cheese and biscuits for supper when I wasn't really hungry at all. Added to all those extra calories, I haven't been exercising. I should have weighed in last week and drawn a line, but instead I thought I'd be good so I wouldn't have to see the gain. I was good for two days and then slipped again so I've compounded the damage and will see an even worse gain tomorrow. So as well as being disappointed about the exam, I'm disappointed in how I've been eating too. It's time to stop wallowing in disappointment though and time to do something about it. So here I go AGAIN, with a fresh start and a plan to shift this last two stone.

    I am doing the race for life on 21 July which is 34 days away, so I have 34 days to get myself into good shape and to try and beat last year's time which was about 34 minutes. I am carrying a bit more weight than I was this time last year, but if I can drop 10lbs by then, I'll be close to what I was then. That's a big ask, but aim high, and I'll be happy if I've dropped half a stone.

    I could do with some help and encouragement to keep me going Crackers - is anyone else up for the challenge of trying to shift half a stone by 21 July (or less for those with less to lose).

    I plan to run every other day, and Jillian or Rosemary on the days in between. I'll keep a record of this on the exercise page. I'm going to prepare a food plan for the week and stick it on the fridge so that I know what I'm eating when and I will not get sidetracked. We don't have any visitors this week so I should be able to stick to my plan. I am going to see Hairspray in Cardiff at the week-end which may involve eating out but I'll budget for that in my foodplan.

    So, time for action, hope you're behind me Crackers.

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good afternoon Crackers!

    Well the good news first summer has finally arrived here in Austria... and I've come out of a weekend weighing the same weight as I went into it!

    The bad news I'm actually 2lbs heavier than I was at my last weigh in and with the arrival of this sunny, hot weather I got out my summer pyjamas (the slinky little number I purchased last year at target), sadly weighing 5lbs heavier slinky has been substituted for clingy and tight!

    Reading all about 'Mimi Spencer' who on the Fast Diet (which she so obviously (not!) needed having gone down from a massive size 12 to a 8), has been left with a mountain of clothes that no longer fit 'anything over a 8 swamps her!!' However she also says 'she now understands the power of tailoring and fit. In the wrong size, I look like a kid on stage in Bugsy Malone.'

    I'm not happy as I have nothing that fits either. I'm 1/2 a stone the wrong side of a size 10 and my size 12 clothes also 'swamp me'. At least I can pinpoint my problem and now I'm really going back to basics and I'm shifting these last pounds back to target, this summer, not next, this summer for good!

    LMV - your last post was music to my ears and I'm with you every step of the way! I will see you first thing tomorrow morning on the exercise thread!!! Concerning your welsh exam, is it possible for you to retake the oral part again? Your excellent QOTW I shall give some serious thought to whilst pottering in the garden this afternoon.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Have just realised 21st July is perfect for me, as my family arrive that date and I want to be at target again by then! So 34 days it is!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi LMV. If it's one thing us crackers know to do well it's to get right back on track after a slip up.

    I have gained 7lb since the parents visited. I am going to lose 10lbs before 25th July which is when I am off to the UK for a month. Not too sure how many days this is but I am on a mission! As you say 7lb would be good but fingers crossed for 10! Let battle commence! x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    That's four days after my Race for Life so I make it 38 days BM. Good to know I'm sharing this challenge with someone. We can do it. Funnily enough I just added a short comment on the exercise page and used the very same phrase as you.....I'm on a mission! We certainly are!

    Once more unto the breach...........
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    LMV - excuse me?! Did you even read my post I said I'm in too!!!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Oh dear have fallen off the wagon completely the last couple of days. Having a real carb fest. No chance of much exercise the next few days either.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    MITM - so sorry, I did miss your post. I thought mine was the last one on page 3 and didn't see yours. I've read it now though and am so glad that you are "in" too to spur us on. It all seems so much easier when we do this as a team. It looks like July is a great target for all 3 of us and I think an end date helps with the motivation as well.

    Shame about your slinky pj's. I remember you talking about them last year as they were a make or fabric I had never heard of but sounded glorious. You'll be back in them soon though.

    Carole - we all relax a bit at times and with your holiday coming up that's probably what you are doing. Don't let it all go though, aim to STS and consolidate your fantastic weight loss over your holiday. Do as I say, not as I do - lol!

    Nos da all
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Getting back on the wagon today! Fell in to the 'oh dear that won't last till I get back from ireland' mode and had some tortillas that needed using before going out of date - should have put them in the freezer. Anyway, Its just a case of putting it behind me and getting back to being sensible again.

    Everyone seems to be gearing up their exercise at the moment - so well done. I have nothing but admiration for the gardeners among you - its clearly an exercise that uses a lot of calories. I still can't bring myself to do it though!

    Portia is lying in front of me with her feet in the air. She looks like a little black balloon! She loves her tummy rubbed.

    treated myself to a kindle at the weekend so looking forward to having a week when I can read.

    Oh hear comes Bentley. I had to tell him off this morning for beating up Portia so he's sulking a bit.

    Anyway, lots to do: clean the car, clean the house, find the car insurance/breakdown stuff just in case; start packing properly; do a final lot of washing. Then get to work and I have a meeting tonight so will be late home.
