Has anyone lost weight by walking?

Just wondering if any of you have lost any weight by walking? How much have you lost? How long, how far and how many days a week did you walk? I am walking 3-5 days a week mixed with short and longer walks. I am also keeping my daily calories under 1488. And I'm hoping and praying I lose some weight. Right now, I have lost two pounds, but have been at it since the end of April.


  • Joniboloney
    Joniboloney Posts: 127 Member
    Exercise is not needed for weight loss. A calorie deficit is what is needed.

    That being said, exercise enhances weight loss when following a proper eating regime. I have loss 10 lbs so far, mostly walking but I do Jillian Michels 30 Day Shred a few times a week and also eliptical on occasion. But I love being outside so walking is my 'go-to' exercise. I walk 3-4 mile/day, 5-6 days/week at a 12-15 minute mile pace. I used to be a runner but two years ago I tore my Posterior Tibial Tendon and needed to have surgery to repair it. Since then, no more running but I have a good walking pace and feel great. Start slow and build up to a pace where it would feel almost easier if you broke into a run. Don't, just maintain that pace and push yourself. I don't think a leisurely stroll is going to give you much. I think an increase heart rate is more helpful to burn fat.

    Good luck!
  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    Yes, I have when I'm consistant. I have really bad knees so walking is about all I can do. I try to walk at least 2 miles ( would luv to do more) each day 5 days a week. Again bad knees (they don't hurt, and I want to keep it that way) I also have a dvd by Leslie Samsone which is what they call a 2 mile walk. Burns a little more calories but still easy on the joints. :happy:
  • beccachick
    beccachick Posts: 11
    I lost about 15 lbs while training to walk/run a 1/2 marathon. My eating wasn't clean, if it was I would have lost more. I was walking about eight miles three times week during training. Cycling on alternating days. Ended up with a cool shirt and some gnarly blisters on my feet--but it was worth it.
  • KimberlyAndrews1
    KimberlyAndrews1 Posts: 87 Member
    Awesome everyone! I walk 3-5 days a week. 2-3 days leisurely stroll with my dog for about 1/2 hour at 3/4 mile, then 2-3 days a week at about 3.5 mph for about 50 minutes at about 3 miles. I try to shoot for at least 3 longer days. I am also keeping my calories under 1488 even though my doctor says I should lose as long as I keep them under 1800, that's based on my age, weight and height. I haven't done as good with the walking this past week. I only did 4 short days. Last Sunday, I did a 5K in 51 minutes, so I'm proud of that. I just need to get back up to more longer days.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    for sure, I race walk, and love it!!!
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    I love walking!I It has helped me to lose weight so far. I walk in the mornings on days that I can (I'm in Ga and its starting to get hot quickly) and in the evenings with my family,.
  • KimberlyAndrews1
    KimberlyAndrews1 Posts: 87 Member
    All great to hear. I notice some of you walk several miles in a one given day. I generally walk about 3-5 days a week, 2-3 longer walks of about 2-3 miles, then two shorter days of about 3/4 mile. I average about 4 days a week of walking. I eat decent. I keep my calories below my goal most days, although some of the foods I eat could be a little healthier, but I don't eat bad. I usually have a healthy breakfast, decent on lunch and 50/50 on dinner. I try to also watch portion sizes. So far though, I've only lost a disappointing 3 pounds in almost 2 1/2 months. All in all I do a pretty good job, not perfect, but certainly not bad either. Thanks so much for all your input!
  • Sarah_Roop
    Sarah_Roop Posts: 36 Member
    I have lost weight by walking, 90 pounds already! I do manage my caloric intake as well as try and eat as clean as possible most days. I also do some toning exercises, but walking is my primary exercise. I have a treadmill and use it everyday.
  • jojoboxing
    jojoboxing Posts: 118 Member
    I started walking May 13th and I'd say walking accounts for about 95% of calories lost from exercise. I like walking since it is so easy to do! If I would walk only 18mins a day or 1 mile daily I'd burn enough calories to lose 12.5lbs. I have promised myself to walk at least 1 mile every day for the rest of my life. So far I've stuck to that but I'm averaging about 3.8 miles per day for now. To be fair I must say that walking accounts for about 5lbs of my total current weight loss and the rest is from diet.
  • AndorZensko
    AndorZensko Posts: 47 Member
    I have lost weight by walking, I would use a video in my living room and it was 3 miles a day. It came off slowly but was coming off, I did switch to something more active because it was coming off to slowly.
  • TruckersWifeTruckersLife
    i have lost weight by walking but i couldnt tell u how much i have lost.

    anyone can add me i log in daily
  • seepersaud
    seepersaud Posts: 5,759 Member
    When my son was born four years ago, I was at my peak weight. I did a lot of walking (pushing him around the neighborhood in a stroller) and lost about 20 pounds gradually. Then, in winter of 2011, I joined MFP and was trying to net out at 1800 calories per day. The only exercises I did regularly were walking and lifting small weights. Occasionally, I would go out and run a mile. I lost another 20 pounds, and decided I wanted to stay where I was.

    Walking is a good form of exercise for weight-loss mode. Sometimes, the body will crave more calories if a person is working out more intensely. On a somewhat related note, I found that a good solution for curbing hunger was keeping Altoids at the office. Gives you a taste of something without much of any calories. Good luck!
  • Stacyschim
    Stacyschim Posts: 24 Member
    I'd say up the short walk to at least a mile if possible and add some intervals. Find a landmark you can jog to and then walk, or jog 15 seconds, walk 45 seconds, repeat. I got in great shape while pushing my double stroller 4 miles a day, and also lost 30 lbs. pre-wedding walking and doing Leslie Sansone videos as well as my softball and volleyball leagues. Diet and portion control are hugely important also, of course. Good luck and keep at it!!
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    Hi! I do a combination of strength circuit training and walking and sit-ups with the occasional stationary bike and swimming thrown in for good measure. I started at the beginning of April 2013 and I've lost 49.8 lbs as of Friday, July 12. I walk or stationary bike everyday for at least an hour a day. Walking is my main activity. It seems like mentally I'm ok if I miss everything else, but not my walk. When the weather is nice I like to walk outside. But now with it being so hot, I go to my local mall (which opens up 2 hours earlier than the actual stores open for walkers) and walk 3-4 miles a day in the air conditioning. I had a special walk this past 4th of July. I went home to visit my parents, got up early to beat the heat and did a school walk. I walked to my elementary school, then to my Junior High School and then to my Senior High School. It was literally a walk down memory lane. So yes, I lose weight with walking as my main exercise.
  • robinkirk92163
    I have to say yes I have lost a lot of my weight from walking I walk 2.5 miles a day and I can say it works :smile:
  • Cabrinii
    Cabrinii Posts: 41 Member
    I lost 1 or 2 pounds by walking on the treadmill daily. I have lost 3.4 pounds so far.
  • smirf1972
    smirf1972 Posts: 93 Member
    I walk 3-5 miles a day walking to work and back(5 days a week). I was getting a lift and put on weight, then when I started walking all the way in(including up a steep and long hill) I lost about 10 -16lbs(over 6 months). It's always worked a treat for me as long as you do it consistantly and break into a sweat.
  • matty4130
    I lost a little at the beginning the year with diet alone. I did find that I plateaued and started walking. I worked up to 5 miles in about 85 minutes in about 30 days time, I have had to stop due to a hernia surgery and Ill be back walking in a week or two. I found that the walking helped weight loss but more than that it helped my outlook and attitude.
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    I tried it for a year and nothing significant at all. The key is logging your intake vs output.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    I started with walking.

    Now I do other stuff too, but when I was "only" walking I did lose weight from that alone, so it worked for me.

    I use a combo of wearing my HRM (to keep HR in a particular range) and my "Map my Walk" app on the phone which tell me about pace and distance.