What is your goal weight??



  • tokig0313
    tokig0313 Posts: 99 Member
    5'3" - started at 322, currently 305 and aiming to get down to 175 before I assess where I want to ultimately end up weight wise.
  • twentyco
    twentyco Posts: 70 Member
    I'm 5'11", 43, and looking to get to 175. I started at 314 and right now am hanging at about 253 ... where I have been for a month. Grrr. Anyway, one day at a time. My next mid-way goal is 250 by the end of June, which seemed inconceivable when I set it, but now seems like it might actually happen. Next goal after that is 244 (halfway to final goal). I also have 215 in my mind .... that is when I move from "obese" to "overweight" for the first time in probably 20 years.
  • alyssarof2012
    alyssarof2012 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 5'2, currently 308 (started at 322), and my ultimate goal weight is around 120.
  • Mala509
    Mala509 Posts: 3
    I'm starting off at 323 and I feel 175 is a good goal weight. I am 5'5". :)
  • the0th3rjen
    the0th3rjen Posts: 27 Member
    180 is my first "big" goal weight...then maintain for 6 months or so. I will see where it goes from there

    mini goal 1-297 (50lbs down)
    mini goal 2-275
  • EweCreekCottage
    EweCreekCottage Posts: 324 Member
    My highest is 370 I started here at 349 I am currently 318 and I will *kitten* at 170 oh I am 5'6" and I used to be 5'7" lol
  • cmorga02
    cmorga02 Posts: 34 Member
    I am currently 358 and would love to be around 220, but if I got to 250ish I would be pleased. Even though my BMI would still be obese (I'm 6'0) it would be really tough for me for me to be "normal" at 180. I don't think my body type and muscle would let me get to 180.
  • Bertie02
    Bertie02 Posts: 51 Member
    I really don't have an overall goal yet because I've been overweight for so long I don't know where I want to be. My first goal is to be under 300. Then I figured I would set mini goals of 30lbs.
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Hi Everyone! What a super successful bunch of posts!

    I started at 364. I am down to 307. I am CRAZY to get to 299----but I keep stalling myself out. I will get there soon though!

    My goal is 250, and I was super surpised to see that there are a lot of you with the same goal---I thought it was a high number, but it woudl fit me.

    I also like the thought at stopping at a size---mine would be 14 or even 16. OMG---to be able to not shop plus size stores? wow!

    Hope you all have a great day!!!
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    my ultimate goal is 180 but this year my goal is to get out of 300
  • StarL3sS
    StarL3sS Posts: 13 Member
    My short term goal would be to hit 299.....long term 150!
  • eys81
    eys81 Posts: 61 Member
    My ultimate goal is 180 because that would make me under 30 BMI and eligible for infertility treatments. Of course if I'm 180 I may not need the treatments so either way its a win. I have 331lbs to loose before then but I just focus on 10lb increments so that I don't loose hope. So I've got 33, 10lb increments to go!!
  • Hi everyone, I'm happy to have found this group.
    I just joined the site and don't yet have the nerve to post a photo, but I'm a middle-aged married lady from Connecticut.

    I'm 5' 4 1/2" tall and my highest (known) weight was 422.

    As of yesterday I was 343. My goal weight may be unrealistic but I'd like to get back to 145 pounds. Of course, right now I'd settle for just being able to buy clothing off the rack.

    No structured exercise at this point, I did buy a Pilates machine so I could jog horizontally, but need to be safely under the weight limit before starting, so I don't bend the frame.

  • SucculentGoddess
    SucculentGoddess Posts: 42 Member
    My highest weight was 450lbs

    Start weight on MFP 188.2kg 415lbs on June 27th 2013

    current weight 176.7kg - 389lbs

    goal weight is 110kb - 240lbs
  • Bertie02
    Bertie02 Posts: 51 Member
    My first goal is 250, my overall goal is 190-200. When I get there I might feel differently and want to go lower or higher, as I haven't seen those #'s in 20 years (1993-1994).
  • lindseydavis07
    lindseydavis07 Posts: 64 Member
    My starting weight was 375, my current weight is 337. I've lost 37 pounds so far :)

    My first goal was to lose 10% of my starting weight and i just accomplished that, my next goal is to get out of the 300's!

    I would like to weigh 150 BUT since I’m 5'11 that might be to small... we'll see when I get closer to my goal how I look and feel!!

    Good luck with your journey

    feel free to add me!! :)
  • 150_MFP
    150_MFP Posts: 5 Member
    My highest weight was 401lbs, though I started tracking at the start of the year when I weighed 391lbs and I'm now 372lbs. I would like to get down to 180lbs. Actually, I want to get down to 140lbs but that seems too daunting so I've set 180lbs as my target. I'm 5'5-5'6 so 180lbs will still be overweight, but if I can reach that, I'll be happy. Once I'm there, I'll see if I want to lose another 40lbs.
  • FlabulousKG
    FlabulousKG Posts: 5 Member
    My goal is to lose 25 pounds, then repeat the process. :wink:
  • jemethyst
    jemethyst Posts: 107 Member
    My current goal is 245lbs, but would love to get closer to 175. My starting weight was 391.
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Woo! Ya'll ROCK!!!!

    Like others have mentioned, I'm SURPRISED and very COMFORTED to know that others have chosen 250 as their goal weight. I too, thought it sounded high but at 5'10 it is what is right for me. I actually lost weight and got down to 266 (14/16 on top and 18 on bottom) and because I have a smaller upper body and face, I looked (to some) a little TOO thin...but my lower body still needed to come down a little more. So what I think is that Im going for a TONED 250.

    Ht: 5'10
    My highest weight was 372
    Started MFP: 367
    CW: 311
    GW: 250

    Total loss to date: 56lbs

    61 pounds left to go.