Paleo Websites/I hate fish



  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    OP: is the book you have "The Paleo Diet" by Loren Cordain? It was unfortunate for me that his book was my introduction to Paleo, too. Low fat does NOT work for me at all. All info must be taken with a grain of salt. Dr. Cordain was writing for the majority of people who are buying all their meat in a super market. I have heard that in recent years he has changed his tune about low fat. I think there is valuable information in the book, but it should not be your only resource. There are a number of things that I don't think he was completely right about but that doesn't mean it isn't useful. Learn all you can, from different sources, but, most importantly, pay attention to how your body responds to the food you eat. Trust your body.

    The second book I found was the Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson and while it took me some time to get to changing my lifestyle, his book rang more true to me. There are now so many excellent resouces, I can't even list them all. Google.
  • rmkramer003
    rmkramer003 Posts: 115 Member
    OP: I was hungry a lot the first two weeks. My mom said she went through the same thing when she became a vegetarian. We figure it is just your body adjusting to the change in food. Also, I lost 5 pounds the first two weeks, but I think that was from all the grain, legumes, etc. passing out of my system. In general, meat and veggies don't hang around as long. One way to combat the nauseus/hungry feeling is to change your diet more slowly. I know a lot of vegetarian books suggest changing your diet slowly so you don't give up because the change is hard on your body. This is contrary to what a lot of the Paleo/Primal sites say but it might be easier on your system if it is more sensitive to the change.
  • nynvilva
    nynvilva Posts: 54
    I am in the SAME boat. Hate fish. All seafood, actually. Have tried many sorts, but you know what? I cannot do it. I get sick.

    So, to answer your question................. sub chicken for fish recipes. A lot of the recipes I have seen in the books are just about the seasoning and sauce associated. Just put that on a chicken breast, and voila!

    Hope that helps!