That first game that made you a gamer.



  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Whenever someone says that they don't like video games it always confuses the heck out of me. I don't even know how to process a sentence like that. I guess it is the way other people feel when I tell them I hate camping.

    The thing is I have never developed a painful rash during a weekend of gaming. I have never had to sleep on the ground outside because a part of my gaming system broke. No amount of gaming has ever resulted in my having to poop outside. To me there is a laundry list of reason to hate camping but gaming is bottled awesomeness.
  • baraccus
    baraccus Posts: 85 Member
    Totally dating myself here but the first game I remember playing and enjoying was Qbert for our Colecovision! True game love had to occur with Final Fantasy 1 for NES (don't get me wrong I loved playing Legend of Zelda but Final Fantasy blew my mind)...still been playing Final Fantasy games ever since!
  • dellaquilaa
    dellaquilaa Posts: 230 Member
    I played a lot of duck hunt and Mario on Nintendo when I was a kid, but I never got hooked on either of them. Then we got a Packard Bell and Chip's Challenge was just...a total life suck for a solids 3 or 4 months. Then a lot of Sonic on Sega, Mario Party on N64, and (though it's a little embarrassing to a admit now), Spyro on Playstation. But it wasn't until League of Legends sucking all my remaining waking hours and causing me to forget that I had to, you know, shower and eat and stuff that I realized that I was more of a "gamer" than I had thought.

    Edit >>> OMG I forgot about Pokemon! I used to stay up all night long with my kiwi green Gameboy Color under the covers :) I thought I was so sneaky...
  • BaristaX
    BaristaX Posts: 151 Member
    I think I was probably 5 or 6 years old, but this was one of many games that got me hooked.

  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    I always died playing Oregon Trail....i would say that game single handedly kept me from playing video games until i was i my 30's
  • laydeneko
    laydeneko Posts: 54 Member
    Joust on the Atari. First game that got me into RPGing was Final Fantasy, the original. I was in charge of making the dugeon maps & keeping track of Boss HP levels for my brother. :D Been a fan ever since.
  • shellfly
    shellfly Posts: 186 Member
    Curse of the Azure Bonds on my trusty old Commodore 64! I was so enthralled that I spent every spare moment on it over a month or two (the loading times for those old floppies were insane when you think back on it).
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member

    Only game I've played until I beat the whole thing.

    Stopped for a while, then got hooked on The Sims in college, then it went downhill from there :P
  • Mataleee
    Mataleee Posts: 4
    The event that made me a gamer was one Christmas when I got my Master system. I sneaked into the living room on christmas eve when everyone had gone to bed and opened Castle of Illusions starring Mickey Mouse. I screamed into my pillow!

    But the first game that I fell in love with was probably Ocarina of Time.
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member

    Only game I've played until I beat the whole thing.

    Stopped for a while, then got hooked on The Sims in college, then it went downhill from there :P

    I played this game so much. Rumor started going around that if you beat this game, without saving, 101%, in under an hour, it would let you play the original Donkey Kong. I was never able to do it.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member

    Only game I've played until I beat the whole thing.

    Stopped for a while, then got hooked on The Sims in college, then it went downhill from there :P

    I played this game so much. Rumor started going around that if you beat this game, without saving, 101%, in under an hour, it would let you play the original Donkey Kong. I was never able to do it.

    How do you get credit for 101% of the game?
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    If you got all the KONG letters and found all the secrets, the completion screen would show 101%. DKC2 went up to 102%, DKC3 went up to 103%.
  • Desterknee
    Desterknee Posts: 1,056 Member
    Super Mario Bros 3- NES
  • JaneDough_
    JaneDough_ Posts: 301 Member
  • rowanwood
    rowanwood Posts: 509 Member
    Aliens for my Apple IIE circa 1982.

    Crap, I'm old.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    The game that made me a gamer was Socom 2...I played that game online so much...Had a blast playing clan wars until all hours of the night. Up until that point i was casual with my game playing.

    Slower paced, stealth, ROUND BASED instead of respawn, third person action. Then zipper went and decided to make a completely different game multiple times and ruined the series. Only thing that has come close is search and destroy in COD. I'm hopeful one of these days someone will make a socom like game.

    Other games that make me nostalgic are Goldeneye, Ocarina of Time, Donkey Kong Country, Metal Gear Solid.
  • JDySart777
    JDySart777 Posts: 270 Member
    Super Mario Bros. (NES)...
  • astrylian
    astrylian Posts: 194 Member
    Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega Genesis. I played that game through several times; being unable to save makes you a good sport about constantly losing and restarting.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member

    Only game I've played until I beat the whole thing.

    Stopped for a while, then got hooked on The Sims in college, then it went downhill from there :P

    I played this game so much. Rumor started going around that if you beat this game, without saving, 101%, in under an hour, it would let you play the original Donkey Kong. I was never able to do it.

    Yeah I'd never be able to do it :P
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member

    Only game I've played until I beat the whole thing.

    Stopped for a while, then got hooked on The Sims in college, then it went downhill from there :P

    I played this game so much. Rumor started going around that if you beat this game, without saving, 101%, in under an hour, it would let you play the original Donkey Kong. I was never able to do it.

    Yeah I'd never be able to do it :P

    I was always a few minutes over.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member

    Only game I've played until I beat the whole thing.

    Stopped for a while, then got hooked on The Sims in college, then it went downhill from there :P

    I played this game so much. Rumor started going around that if you beat this game, without saving, 101%, in under an hour, it would let you play the original Donkey Kong. I was never able to do it.

    Yeah I'd never be able to do it :P

    I was always a few minutes over.

    Do you have to have the 101% by the time you beat the game or can you beat the game and then go back and get your % up?
  • Angelatrudel
    Angelatrudel Posts: 20 Member
    World of warcraft, started playing 6 yrs ago and still play...although I do not get to raid as often as I use to, kids and life these days keep me busy lol Mainly play on Frostwolf server on toons named liquidbubble ( my priest) and surgerdrop( my DK).
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member

    Only game I've played until I beat the whole thing.

    Stopped for a while, then got hooked on The Sims in college, then it went downhill from there :P

    I played this game so much. Rumor started going around that if you beat this game, without saving, 101%, in under an hour, it would let you play the original Donkey Kong. I was never able to do it.

    Yeah I'd never be able to do it :P

    I was always a few minutes over.

    Do you have to have the 101% by the time you beat the game or can you beat the game and then go back and get your % up?

    I don't think it really matters because the rumor was false.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member

    Only game I've played until I beat the whole thing.

    Stopped for a while, then got hooked on The Sims in college, then it went downhill from there :P

    I played this game so much. Rumor started going around that if you beat this game, without saving, 101%, in under an hour, it would let you play the original Donkey Kong. I was never able to do it.

    Yeah I'd never be able to do it :P

    I was always a few minutes over.

    Do you have to have the 101% by the time you beat the game or can you beat the game and then go back and get your % up?

    I don't think it really matters because the rumor was false.

    That is such a bummer. That would have been a clever feature to put in to a game like that.

    Did anyone else think it was weird that Donkey Kong went from being the villain to being the hero?
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    We started with the NES but it was Super Mario World on the SNES that really locked me in. I was the little brother too (AKA Luigi)
    It's all been downhill from there (or uphill depending on how you look at it.
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Mario Brothers on NES - used to play it at a friends place all the time.

    Things changed when I got into PC gaming and started playing RTS' & RPG's. Definitely became more than just a casual gamer after games like Command & Conquer, Warcraft, Final Fantasy etc.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Duke Nukem 3D
  • sphyxy
    sphyxy Posts: 202 Member
    I was a little too young with the original NES (okay not tHAT young but I was preoccupied with other things besides games like Barbies, cartoons, and playing outside) but I played the **** out of Super Mario World. Pretty much a bunch of stuff on SNES. I got back into games when I fell into the WoW trap for 6 years but quit 2 years ago. That was the most time and effort I put into any game.
  • Mario bros(NES) and Duck Hunt! :)
  • nyrina4life
    nyrina4life Posts: 196 Member
    Guess you could say Final Fantasy IX was the first game that made me a real gamer. I spent hours playing the game, and stayed up until 3 in the morning to beat it. It is probably my second favorite of all the Final Fantasy games. I LOVED Final Fantasy X, and was a big fan of the Blitz Ball mini-game. I spent hours, upon hours playing the mini-game.

    But in truth, I have gamed on and off my entire life. I was introduced to gaming on the Nintendo, and then stole a few hours of play on my dads Atari. I love the older games, and am not a huge fan of the new stuff that is roaming the market today.