restaurants and take aways - healthy choices



  • LilMissDB
    LilMissDB Posts: 133
    Pizza express have their leggera pizzas with the salad in the middle for 500kcal and Strada, Zizzis and Cafe Rouge have some lighter options with calorie counts but I personally haven't enjoyed any of them :P I prefer to go to Wetherspoons or a non-chain restaurant and guess the cals based on alike foods (usually from American restaurants datasets because they have so many cal entries!). I was shocked though to see the costa caramel shortbread at over 400kcal though, I'd been counting it at 250 as in the supermarket, you would get a bigger piece for that! In general, I'm trying to limit my eating out though :( because I know how far off the estimates can be (even if they have provided info).
  • LilMissDB
    LilMissDB Posts: 133

    Wagamamas is pretty bad, about the best thing to go for unless you find something v small is a Yaki Udon at around 750 cals.

    I've just had a look as I hadn't realised they were now providing info. Makes you wonder where the 'info' in the database came from, I was always a bit sceptical of some of the low calorie counts entered for some of the dishes. Did they just make them up? The ramens look ok, 688kcal for a wagamama ramen and it's a huge serve.

    I saw an entry the other day for a chinese buffet '1 standard plate' as though such a thing exists, for 360kcal. I don't know about you, but I'm thinking my standard chinese buffet plate would probably have that in one bite!
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    Was a careless eater for ages.
    Morning, on the way to work I'd get Pret latte, one of their fruity nutty bars for mid morning and maybe a croissant or oatmeal. Then Eat for lunch, whatever sandwich I fancied and maybe a lemonade or smoothie plus bag of crisps.
    Perhaps pop downstairs to the canteen, get a few cookies for my afternoon cup of tea.

    Um and I thought this was healthy. Adding all the cals up, was shocked at how much I could eat and just not feel full from it.

    Contrast with how full I feel after noodle soups/ ramen bowls which are relatively healthy. I never need to snack afterwards with those.
    Also sushi and anywhere that will give me food as close to its natural state as possible so laying off the lasagne and chips etc and just going with the meat, veg and whole grains with minimum processing- no pastas or pastries etc. I'm often surprised how low the calorie count is when there's nothing that needed too much attention to get from farm to plate.
  • J2mazou
    J2mazou Posts: 13 Member
    There is a brilliant cafe-style restaurant near to London Bridge called Velo.
    It's healthy Vietnamese and delicious.
  • ingoiolo
    ingoiolo Posts: 104 Member
    The salads at Crush are excellent and low cal