New Weekly Check In (week 6/17- 6/23



  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    So I screwed up and thought I had Insanity Cardio Recovery tonight so I got home and did that before dinner and as I went to check of the box on the calendar I see I was supposed to do Pure Cardio (about 40 minutes) and Cardio Abs 9about 17 minutes) and I have no time to do Insanity tomorrow because I have a business networking event from 5:30 - 7 and then tennis from 8 - 9:30. Soooo I had a light dinner, waited an hour then did Pure Cardio and then Cardio Abs. I guess that is one way to stay in sync with the workout calendar. :smile:

    Gopherfan; Very dramatic improvements. Congrats.

    vhuber: Thanks for the support and "don't sweat it as long as you are sweating" advice on missing days.

    teamryan; glad the swelling is going down. Anxiously awaiting word from you on what the orthopedic surgeon says.
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    Question on counting switch kicks and power knees: I was counting kick left kick then right as one (rather than kick left 1, kick right 2). That's correct isn't it? Not that it matters much since what really counts is improvement, but I was wondering.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Question on counting switch kicks and power knees: I was counting kick left kick then right as one (rather than kick left 1, kick right 2). That's correct isn't it? Not that it matters much since what really counts is improvement, but I was wondering.
    Power Knees are each time you slap the knee as you bring the knee in AND Switch kicks are kick right then left & count it as ONE!
    and GOOD job for gettin er done! You rock!!!!
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    Awesome job everyone. Keep going at it.

    The fitness test improvements I have seen in this group and my facebook group is amazing. You all are doing great. Keep digging deeper.
  • alexsandstrom1982
    6/19 Power 90 Another notch on my belt in the right direction. I feel good. I am getting a many compliments at work and people are starting to notice my changes. Some even say I have a more positive personality then I did before. If so I am loving it. Nice job on the new fit tests posted. Way to go.
  • beckyyates
    beckyyates Posts: 85
    June 19th Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer Cardio, Abs, Yoga Flex. My meals and snacks are packed for tomorrow. I am looking forward to another healthy and productive day. Sweet job on the fit tests guys and gals. You all are rocking. WTG!!!:happy:
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    One more day until I see the orthopedist. I am hoping he has good news for me. Keep up the great work everyone.
  • alexsandstrom1982
    6/19 Power 90. Workout done and now time to go to a movie and relax with some friends. Tomorrow I weight in. I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow Coach Ryan. Keep me posted and keep it up everyone. You all rock.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member

    I got good news and bad news from my sports medicine/orthopedic doctor. The good news is that I do not need surgery. The bad news is that it will be at least 2 weeks until I can restart Insanity. I have to do a few weeks of physical therapy on my rotator cuff injury. I am glad because this could of been a lot worse. Keep up great work everyone.
  • alexsandstrom1982
    6/21 Power 90. I weighed in today and lost 5 pounds since my last weight in. I am down 25 pounds so far. Thanks again Coach Ryan and everyone for their support. That is great news Coach that you no surgery is needed. I hope you heal fast and everything goes well for you. Keep up the great job people. You all rock.:smokin:
  • beckyyates
    beckyyates Posts: 85
    June 21st. I forgot to post last night. Ten Minute Trainer by Tony Horton. I have a busy day today helping out with Grandma's Marathon Race in Duluth MN. Have to run now and get busy. I prepared my snacks and meals so I will eat healthy today. Nice job everyone on their workouts.
  • CarolinaGrace77
    First round of keeping the niece is over. Back to work today.

    Can't say we did any turbo fire while she was here, but we did walk trails.

    Can't say we ate the healthiest...there was a hazy day where I swear we experimented with making chicken nuggets with potato chips...and they were good =-)

    Gotta find/make time to get in really good work outs while she is here. I could do some swimming in the morning with her. She can do light walking. There's no one to keep her...I'm it so where I go she goes. She's 7.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    My physical therapy exercises went very well today. The green band seems too weak to start off with. Tomorrow I will try the black band. I did some spinning on my exercise bike for 5 miles. It felt good to get my heart beat up again.

    For many Insanity members you've conquered Week 3! Hopefully by now you are starting to feel stronger and getting through the workouts more easily. This may be a time when you are looking to the scale to see those results. Many people who are not seeing the scale move fast enough resort to eating less to accelerate weight loss. That is not the best decision. Continue to follow the Nutrition Guide; because you are working out so hard, you need more calories than you did previously to fuel your workouts!Great job everyone.
  • alexsandstrom1982
    6/22 Power 90. I had a great day eating healthy and plenty of exercise today. Power 90 and I went hiking though some trails with a few friends. I had a awesome day overall and feel good. Keep it up everyone. You all rock.
  • beckyyates
    beckyyates Posts: 85
    June 22 Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainers Cardio, Yoga Flex, Total Body. I had a great day yesterday helping out as a volunteer at Grandmas's Marathon in Duluth MN. I met many great people. I am looking forward to next year already. I am hoping to run it again some day or at least the half marathon. Keep up the great job everyone.
  • alexsandstrom1982
    6/23 Power 90 I am feeling sore today but it is a good soreness from my body changing. I am really getting the hang of most of the Power 90 exercises and its a great feeling when I am done. I have lost over 25 pounds and am shedding more. Another notch on my belt done in the right direction. Way go to everyone. Keep it up.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    6/23 Ab Ripper X
    Today I did two sessions of my physical therapy for my rotator cuff and I did P90X Ab Ripper X. It felt great to get my heart rate up again. My shoulder is sore but not painful. It is healing and feeling good. Keep bringing it and digging deeper everyone.
  • beckyyates
    beckyyates Posts: 85
    June 23rd Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer Cardio, Lower Body, Abs. A rainy dreary and cold day. The only thing I accomplished today was working out and eating healthy. The sun was trying to peek out right before dark. Maybe tomorrow? The 50s in June is getting old. Where is this global warming I keep hearing about. Apparently it has never heard of Northern Minnesota.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    June 23rd Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer Cardio, Lower Body, Abs. A rainy dreary and cold day. The only thing I accomplished today was working out and eating healthy. The sun was trying to peek out right before dark. Maybe tomorrow? The 50s in June is getting old. Where is this global warming I keep hearing about. Apparently it has never heard of Northern Minnesota.

    It was rainy and cold here too in Superior WI. 40s and 50s. It might get to 60 tomorrow. This cold weather sure is getting old. Rains for 4 days then partly sunny for one day then 4 more days of rain, sleet, and hail.
  • teamryan90
    teamryan90 Posts: 359 Member
    6/23 Power 90 I am feeling sore today but it is a good soreness from my body changing. I am really getting the hang of most of the Power 90 exercises and its a great feeling when I am done. I have lost over 25 pounds and am shedding more. Another notch on my belt done in the right direction. Way go to everyone. Keep it up.

    Alex you are doing awesome. I knew you had it in you. 25 pounds lost is amazing and you have almost 2 months left. Keep bringiing it bud. Your pictures of before and after will be amazing. I am happy to have you in my groups. You will be an inspiration to many. WTG!!!!