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  • Hi everyone! I'm a military wife (army) and mother. We are currently stationed in Fort Bragg, but will soon be moving to Fort Bliss. I run my own business from home and sometimes have a hard time making time for exercise. This needs to to change. I'm trying Zumba out starting today! Wish me luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Howdy :) I'm Lex, 25, an Air Force wifey. We're stationed at the Pentagon. We were at Pope AFB from '06 -'11 and now here we are. We met online while he was stationed at Eielson AFB, Alaska and I was back home living in WV. We talked for a year and decided to meet when he was PCSing back to the lower 48 and we've been together ever since. We've been married for 4 years (5 this August) and we dated for 2. We don't have any children yet but it's one of my motivations to lose weight (as backwards as that sounds lol).
    I kept the weight off the first year we were together but after we bought a home in NC and a gym wasn't next door anymore, I slacked off and fell into a bit of a depression with my husband going on his 2nd deployment. After that the weight just seemed to have built a home into my boobs, thighs, and hips :\
    I'm starting this week to do Turbo Fire (the start up schedule because I have to build up some muscle and endurance), have really cut back on soda (maybe a drink once a week), and have doing more cooking and less eating out. Feel free to add me if you'd like to chat :D
  • Baby_sway86
    Baby_sway86 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm samara. We are in South Korea, and I think I'm the only one who hates army wife life. To the point I have a count down on my phone till he can leave the army and I can chose where we live lol. First time in my life I'm not working and stuck somewhere I don't want to be, this brought on weight gain - bc really who wants to look good to watch Netflix?
    No I'm not over weight but there's always that point when you start gaining and you can ignore it or stop it in it's tracks.
    I have a new puppy who thinks work out time is play time.
    I just got my body rev in the mail started yesterday - love JM! I also add a random work out DVD on top of the rev and try to go to the gym when my guy gets off work.
    We have a vacation back state side in a month (well maybe still waiting for it to be approved) and hoping to see a flat stomach by then.
    I'm always looking for people to challenge myself with or exchange work put tips.
    Nice to meet you ladies
  • Steph_L3
    Steph_L3 Posts: 53
    Hey all! I'm new to the site. :) I have 34lbs to lose! I've been married for 8 years... 9 tomorrow (April 28th)! We have one kiddo and are currently living in Arizona! I joined this group because it'll be great to meet other military wives that need to lose some weight too!
  • amdumbaugh
    amdumbaugh Posts: 9 Member
    I commented awhile back with my intro, but I've recently moved AGAIN! Gotta love military life ;)

    Again my husband is in the Navy as a GM.
    I am almost 22 years old.
    I have a deaf Australian Cattle Dog named Pearl.
    I love photography, hiking, art/crafts, cooking, traveling, swimming, dog sports, working on cars, trucks, and bikes as well as driving/riding them, and I absolutely love horseback riding (14+years doing equine sports).

    Instead of living in WA, we are now in beautiful San Diego, CA! We're out in East County though!
  • Tme2change
    Tme2change Posts: 185 Member
    Hi I'm Melissa. I"m an Army wife of 11 years this coming Sunday :-) we're currently in NY at West Point. Big change for us since we were at Fort Hood for 5 years, then Fort Knox for 3 years.
    I have two beautiful Army brats my son will be 10 in July and daughter just turned 7. I joined MFP to help keep more accountable for my fitness portion of my weight loss journey. I had the lapband surgery 5 years ago this coming December and I am looking for motivation to keep me on track and accountable.
    Please feel free to add me!
  • Irkalla
    Irkalla Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Rachel, a stay-at-home wife, hopefully a stay-at-home mom soon! My husband is Army and we're in Aurora at BAFB.

    I was pretty much on track with my weight loss until I started babysitting for an EFMP household t wo months ago... Lol I practically live here. Long story short, I started snacking on their sugar and preservative filled food and neglecting my horseback riding schedule, instead of taking care of myself FIRST.

    Had an appointment at the HAWC with the BodPod earlier this week and found out I regained all of the weight, in addition to replacing some hard won muscle with fat, putting my BMI at 37%.......... >_<

    I'm keeping my own food in their fridge now and making a point of working with my horse every day, but with how fast I deteriorated in a two month period, and that my crazy hubby thinks I look fine, I figured posting here would be the best way to keep me on track! And motivated! My horse trainer does her best by reminding me I can't jump my horse until I lose at least 30 lbs, but extra help never hurt anyone. ;)

    Please feel free to add me!
  • hunniebadger
    hunniebadger Posts: 12 Member
    I'm Jen military wife and RN who is taking a break from work to further my education. We are currently stationed at Fort Bragg...I have been here for nearly 5 years and still yet to adjust to the "culture". I am looking to lose a few pounds and tone up my body, if anyone is looking for a workout buddy or motivator I'm in need of the same!
  • Hi Everyone.
    My name is Ashley Denny and I'm Army Guard Infantry Wife station in Colorado. I've been married to my husband for 2 years and we have a son who was born in Honolulu, HI. My husband was first station in Hawaii for four years and deployed once. I've know him for 6 moths and I knew was the one for me. I moved out of Colorado to Hawaii to get married and start a family and I love being a Army Wife. When I met my husband I weighed 125 lbs and after having my son i weighed 190 lbs. I had really bad cravings for ice cream and taco bell and grapes.lol. The first month I lost 40lbs from breastfeeding and I got excited because the weight was coming off. Well, the next month I lost all my breast milk and it made it very difficult to losing this mama baby fat. I did whatever it took to lose it. My brother was getting married soon and I didn't wanna be the fat sister in the pictures. When I came out for the wedding it took me 4 hours to find a dress that I could feel comfortable in. 4 hours for crying and disappointed. I blamed myself on the weight gain. It crushed my brothers heart to see me cry about my weight. I told him to not worry and I will try to get rid of this weight. Couple months after the wedding I saw the photo and I couldn't even recognized myself. I knew I had to change my attitude and start getting back in shape. So I stop eating junk food and greasy foods and more healthy foods. I started taking my son on long walks and at night my sister would come over and workout with me. I lost 61 lbs in the past 10 months. My weight goal is to reach 125. I'm almost there. There is way to get thru it but you have show yourself and prove that you can be all that you can be. That's my story and thank you for taking the time to read it and understand.:smile:
  • hsandlin84
    hsandlin84 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello ladies, my name is Heather. I am 29 and have been married to my sailor for almost 11 years. We are currently station in Norfolk, VA. We have two very active children, a 10 year old girl and a 5 year old son. I am hoping to be able to lose some of the weight I have been carrying around for the last 8 months. I had knee surgery and was basically not active unless I was at therapy for about 5 months. My knee is finally well enough to go walking and doing some work outs so I decided it was time to get things in order.
  • labgeekj80
    labgeekj80 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello all. My name is Jeanna, my husband is in the Army National Guard and is currently in training for yet another year long deployment to Afghanistan. Since he is not active I do not have the full support of living on base with other wives. I am joining this group to help me emotionally through these next few months. We currently live near St. Louis MO.
  • Hello! My name is Candice, I'm currently living in Colorado while my husband is stationed in Ft. Stewart, GA. Since we knew he would be deploying, we decided I'd stay in CO with family to have help with our 2-year-old daughter. My one goal in joining all of this is to make sure I'm healthy for our daughter... I'm all she has until daddy comes home! Plus, I'd love to surprise the heck out of him when he comes home! :love:
  • SarahEH98
    SarahEH98 Posts: 64 Member
    Hello, my name is Sarah. My husband is in the Air Force and we are currently living in San Antonio, TX. We have two wonderful daughters, ages 11 and 13. I love military life but it can definitely be challenging. This year I want to really focus on myself more and meeting my fitness goals. I look forward to getting and giving support as we reach our goals together!
  • My name is Emma and I am 23. I have been married for a year and three months. We live in Houston, Tx. I am not technically a "military wife" but I am a merchant mariner wife. My husband works for 3 weeks driving ships in the Gulf and then he is home for 3 weeks. No one really understands what I go through and that is why I joined this group. I hope y'all don't mind. I won't pretend that I know the level of stress you go through because he has never been deployed overseas but we have spent several months apart and it is normal for him to actually be gone 5-6 weeks at a time. I am sure my stress is on a different level than y'alls but I need the support from people who understand. If you don't want me around just say so. I hope you do though because I don't have many friends and none that really get it.
  • fablevins
    fablevins Posts: 111 Member
    My name is Emma and I am 23. I have been married for a year and three months. We live in Houston, Tx. I am not technically a "military wife" but I am a merchant mariner wife. My husband works for 3 weeks driving ships in the Gulf and then he is home for 3 weeks. No one really understands what I go through and that is why I joined this group. I hope y'all don't mind. I won't pretend that I know the level of stress you go through because he has never been deployed overseas but we have spent several months apart and it is normal for him to actually be gone 5-6 weeks at a time. I am sure my stress is on a different level than y'alls but I need the support from people who understand. If you don't want me around just say so. I hope you do though because I don't have many friends and none that really get it.

    Welcome, Emma!
  • Hi All, My name is Niki and I am an Air Force Wife. The hubby has been in for 18 years and although we are close to retirement he is thinking about extending a couple more years. Anyways, I am trying to lose some weight while he is deployed. He has only been gone a couple weeks and I have finally had enough of my pity eating that I decided today was the day to get off my butt.

    I have lost some weight from my highest weight of close to 220 lbs. I am 5'0 and my goal weight is 150.

    We are Pope AAF, NC. I am in school full time and I have two school aged kids. I hope to meet some other wives in my area and cheer everyone else on in this life changing goal.
  • Hi Jen! I'm at Pope, Nice to meet you. I look forward to getting to know you and cheering you on to your goal. :)
  • Hey hey!
    I'm 30 and married to a coastie.
    Apparently happiness and marriage = weight gain..
    Got to fix that!
  • Hi I am Kara I met my husband at a theme park where we worked in the summer together this Sept we will have been married 5 years and together for 10. He is over seas at the moment and should be home around our anniversary. This is our 3 rd deployment the first with a child we have a daughter now 1 year old. I would love to lose wait before having more children. I'm 5'4' and now 267 was 230 before getting pregnant. I have trouble trying to get started but just need to for the sake of my health and to be here fro my daughter and hubby. Would love support and friends. P.s we are stationed at HAAF in Savannah Ga but I'm in NY with family for deployment.
  • Aaviaria
    Aaviaria Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, my name is Christie! I met my husband 7 years ago during beast at West Point when we were both in the best shape of our lives. I weighed 125 lbs at 5' 6" and I could run 2 miles in less than 13 minutes. After my now husband and I fell in love though, I decided I didn't want to do a dual military relationship and left West Point after just over a year. Unfortunately, not being in the military (or the police before that) mixed with hypothyroidism lead to the lbs packing themselves on. By the time I reached 160 lbs, I knew I had to make a change and fast, especially because my husband and I have decided to start trying to get pregnant. I think my biggest challenge will be becoming as active as I once was again, but my heart is in this and I know I can do anything if I try.