Body Revoultionaries, starting april 1st, phase 1



  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    Today was my first day back to working out after resting my knee and going on vacation. Wow! I feel like I lost some of my strength in just 5 days! Workout 11 kicked me in the butt much more than the first time!

    I agree about the cardio workouts. I really don't like them. Maybe if she included 2 per month instead of just one I would like it. I just get bored with them.... Plus they hurt!

    What supplements are you guys taking? I am still really struggling to get my eating under control!! Since my friends, boyfriend, and boyfriend's family all love to cook and eat out, it has been a real struggle for me. And when I say cook... I mean cook some of the most delicious meals ever!!! Of course... With lots of butter, heavy cream, and just overall bad things go into those meals. Also, what heart rate monitor do you guys use? I have been using an app on my iPhone that measures your heart rate by placing your finger over the camera, and somehow it measures your pulse from that. It seems kind of accurate. So the first time through every workout I stop about 5 times and measure my heart rate. Then I average it and calculate the calories lost for that specific workout.

    As for continuing this workout... I think I'm going to try something else. I might buy some other Jillian workouts and alternate those with running. I really want to try and train for a 5k again since I had so much luck two weeks ago when I chose to go for a run instead of do cardio 3. This program has definitely conditioned me! There is a Facebook group called JMBR graduates that I joined. Everyone on there talks about what they are doing after they did this program. Many chose to do it again, while others are trying other thing. I actually joined it halfway through the program and have been very encouraged by their posts.

    Sorry for the long post! Hope everyone is doing well! And to all my fellow teachers... I hope you're enjoying your break as much as I am!!
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    hey guys,
    this week has been nutty for me. i am a hockey fan and these late late stanley cup games are throwing me off. some games i get so tense i have been doing deadlifts during the game! But the late overtime games mean that i skip my following morning workout (I try to make that the cardio). So to make up for it I've been adding 10 mins of Cardio 2 or 3 after finishing my WO11 or 12. WHEW... talk about sweat!

    For supplements, I take just a standard multi... I usually like the more natural Trade Joe ones. I also take Glucosamine when I notice my joints are achy. My knees/ankles/wrists hurt after some of these workouts. I like the Glucosamine. I try to get my vitamins/fiber from natural sources to make sure my body absorbs it better... but glucoasmine is pretty great.

    Not sure what I'll do when I finish this round... definitely am glad I did this second round. I haven't lost much weight (but haven't been strict with my diet) but I feel stronger and firmer? :)
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    I will have to try the Glucoasamine since my joints have been hurting too!

    I will be done with the program Friday. My goal was to lose 15 pounds (including what I lost with 30 day shred) and I am officially .6 pounds away from that goal!
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    Hello everyone! Last week was NUTS! Mon-Wednesday was Girl Scout camp and I kept up on my workout, but I left early Thursday morning for a wedding 7 hours away, so I modified my workout that morning and then did a run and weight lifting workout in the hotel gym Friday morning, but no workout Saturday. I decided I'm going to continue this program for this week so I can finish strong. I didn't really have a goal except to lose inches and I know I've done that so I'm happy.

    As far as supplements here is a good article I found I have already bought 2 of the supplements and will try to get the rest after pay day.

    I'm going to start over next week with phase 1 and heavier weights and then change up the cardio. I might buy some new HIIT workouts. I joined that group on facebook but I have yet to browse through it. I might do that today.

    Well here's to finishing strong. Has anyone else finished it? No one has really posted.
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    As of today I've lost 15 pounds!!! (15.4 actually). I'm super excited and very motivated to keep going. I will be finishing the program this week. I will re-measure and take pics then.

    My knees seem to be doing better, but I also haven't been pushing it too hard on any jumping exercise. Those cannonball jumps are killer!!!! I'm excited to try and start a running program next week. It should be easier to run with less weight on your body, right?? I need to find a good heart rate monitor so I can more accurately count the calories I'm burning. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    I am DREADING cardio 3 tomorrow, but I'm making myself do it. Only two more times with it!!! I think I'll play music and mute the DVD and see if its easier that way without Jillian saying things like "you should feel like you're dying" or "get your knees higher". Lol!

    Lastly... I was able to (sort of) do one wheel push-up this morning!! Yay!!
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm currently laying in bed thinking of reasons why I shouldn't do cardio 3, I have now wasted enough time that I will now have to do it later tonight or go for a run instead......I hate that workout!

    Congrats on the 15 pounds! Awesome!
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    I did NOT complete all of cardio 3 yesterday :( I did two rounds of it, and my knees were so sore I had to stop. I planned on doing the last round later in the day, but that never happened. Workout 11 was rough today. My knees still hurt, and now my wrists are joining in on the "let's bring Jenny lots of pain" party. I fell backwards during the bear walks today and tweeked my left wrist (I am SO clumsy!) so all of the exercises requiring you to be in some form of plank or pushup position were painful. Never before today did I realize how much you use your wrists in workout 11!
    But their is a light at the end of the tunnel! I am officially done on Saturday! Yay! I will be ordering Ripped in 30 today, and I will start that program on Monday :)