Week #9 Posts and schedule

ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member

Week 9 Schedule
Day 1: Max Interval Plyo
Day 2: Max Cardio Conditioning and Insane Abs
Day 3: Max Interval Circuit Max
Day 4:Core Cardio and Balance
Day 5: Max Interval Plyo
Day 6: Max Cardio Conditioning and Insane Abs

Whooop, LOOK how far we've come! Congratulations everyone, we rock. I know, self-accolades are terribly uncouth :)

I started with Plyo this morning and found that my thighs were so heavy, switch kicks in the warmup, yikes, and the squat pressups, wow they were tough. Got through it though, I love the Plyo session.

How are you all?


  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    It's definitely bittersweet week for me. I will miss it so much!
    Tomorrow is rest day for me and then back at it! I can't believe that long has gone by already and I was sure in the first week i would have quit!

    I'm so happy to complete, and love this program. It has been so awesome to have support, encouragement and motivation from all you! I'm truly going to miss that part. I know that i will have all of that in the next program from you guys but still i feel like i'm losing a part of me....i know i'm a sap lol.

    I dread when i am truly done Insanity, I feel like I won't find another workout that will challenge me the way Insanity did, or make me stronger using my body. So with this in mind I know that I will be back at Insanity again in the near future for sure. It is my soulmate workout and Shaun T is my soulmate trainer. He's pretty good eye candy too!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Haha, I dont have any kind of hots for him, he just comes across as a nice guy - I find looking at Ariel more motivating because she has such a strong but soft figure! I find looking at my engagement ring motivation - thinking about my lovely dress and how I'd like to knock the socks off Mr GHS so far they fly into the lake :D

    I'm debating 30 Day Shred and then back to Insanity. Would it increase my arm and shoulder strength I wonder, ready for the pressups of Insanity? Or maybe I should just do Insanity in the mornings still, and do 20 mins every other day of weights and shoulder presses. That might suit better - what do you think?
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    I love looking at Shaun T, of course now that I know he is gay he won't be mine lol, however he is so motivational. Ariel and Tania are very motivational too. I get alot of motivation from that girl Mandy in the Max Intervals. I want her body! She is probably about my age too and ripped! Ariel is just a cutie patootie.

    I am unsure how Jillian will be after doing Insanity. It is kinda an all over body tone workout so i'm interested to find out. I am finding as I get closer to being done Insanity that I keep jumping back and forth between workouts that i am going to do because they aren't my soulmate workouts. I am also worried that i won't get the burn tha Insanity gives me, or the feelings Insanity gives me....and you know what i'm talking about on the feelings.....when you are done its like "ahhh that was frickin' awesome!"

    So i keep bouncing :( I'm really truly dreading it. I have never in my life experienced that.
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    I thought about doing insanity too and doing weights but really if you think about it insanity works all the muscles anyways. I would have a hard time fitting it in. But hey if you can do it why not? That would be the best of both worlds and a step closer to where you want to be :)
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Mandy - is she the blonde who says skipping makes her feel like a kid in Junior High (I'm assuming thats young!), or the dark haired one who always wears a baseball cap?

    YES that feeling rocks! I think I'll have a week off and then start right back in again from Week 1, rather than doing cardio recovery for a week like in the middle of Month 1 and 2. If I have a weekend or an evening that I have 20 minutes, I have 4.5kg hand weights (I know theyre small!) that I can start working on my stoopid arm and shoulder strength. I'm going to start the threads again from Week 1, I think, see if there's anyone else it helps. It keeps me accountable and it might be good for others to lurk and read.

    And invest in a new sports bra.
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    Mandy is the one who is older in Max Intervals. She wears the purple sports bra, when they do the football runs and then jump down into low plank, he goes to her for that one. The one that says she feels like a kid in Junior High is Anna. She annoys me sometimes lol. I think the one with the baseball cap is Anjolie or something Julie maybe. I think Mandy is on Plyo, she's behind Lory the army veteran.....yes i have a thing with people and their names i remember crazy things....same with stupid numbers lol.

    I will definitely be doing Insanity again, i think right after 30 DS. I need another sports bra too, an extra one because you just can't wash them everyday that your sweating so much. So i'm going to have to get a couple more.

    4.5 kg? Small? Those are not small woman!!! Awesome job! Those will be a really good workout just don't go too crazy you don't want to injure yourself going right to that weight. Just be careful.

    I will follow your round 2 and will live through you until i start it again. I will be your cheerleader :)
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Thank goodness you said that, I find them so heavy and everyone here said noooo you'll need to increase soon. I wonder how I'll find them after 60 days of walking presses and planks?!

    Yay for cheerleaders, I'll be there for any Shredders too. It's not about doing the exact same activity on the same day, we didnt do that during insanity, it's about supporting, and dayam have we got a good support structure :)

    Impressed with your name recall! Funny how you home in on people who inspire you..and who annoy you!
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    lol, i see pick things on people and remember them lol. Like Anthony the burn baby burn guy who i want to smack....or the Jimmy guy who says i feel it in my butt doing the squat hooks lol.

    Or the Josh guy who has hit feet too wide lol. We have an awesome support group. Definitely start smaller with the weights, the last thing you need is an injury, and form is key, if you have too much weight at first it will be difficult to ensure proper form to maximize the rewards. You are gonna totally rock it. Don't forget to do those chest flies too, that will help with the pushup part of the pushup.

    And tricep dips for those triceps ;) OMG I'm so gonna miss Shaun T :(

    I am kinda looking forward to Jillian's 30 DS and i'm positive i will be doing ripped in 30 too, because it worked other muscles that i haven't used in a while too. But i can focus more on getting to the advanced version more which is something that i have strived for when i did it but could never do....now I am so close I can taste it!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Oh yes, good idea! I might actually watch 30DS and write down the weights and moves she used for arms so I know what to do and how many and for how long. I really like V flies...I used to do them with resistance bands because I have 'butterfly shoulders' which is not a pretty tattoo, but I had hardly any muscle between my shouder blades and terribly achey shoulders as a result. This has helped soooo much!

    Jimmy I'm not a fan of, but I think it's him who's panting and says he's a coach and he needs to lead by example and almost redeems himself.

    "dont let your feet get too wide.

    ..Joooosh! Dont let your feet get too wide!

    ..okay I'm coming to you!" Aaaaaah Josh run!
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    lmao its funny that you can quote lmao i am literally laughing out loud!

    and i think that Adrian girl "your a spinning coach aint ya.....you never wore a sports bra before insanity did ya....."

    lol And yes Jimmy the lead by example guy......almost redeems himself....almost lol.

    "I like killing people....i mean i like killing Akeel" lol

    That big guy in the back "you can't see his abs right now, but he'll have this shirt off a little later"
    "Don't overstretch peopl!"

    lmao Ohhhh how i am going to miss Insanity :'(

    I'm pretty sure Jillian does 30 sec intervals with the weight stuff, for 3 minutes. I think she does it longer though because she only does 2 sets of each exercise and there are only 2 so i'm thinking she does it for 45 instead but she says 30.
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    YES!! I was in hysterics when he corrected it to killing Akeel! I cringed when he mentioned sports bras, I would have been so miffed!

    I wondered if people are almost told when to take their shirt off, when to take a break, to sort of show the things needed and show you CAN take a break if you need to? I suspect that they just get used to being told to take a break by Sean when their form aint good anymore, and used to taking off layers when they need to. I cant take any more off so I open the back door!

    It's about 27 minutes when I did 30DS, when I logged it, and she does a lot of talking in between so you sometimes go over , if you keep going whilst she talks.

    I did Max Cardio this morning - what session are you on today? (thursday). Might have slotted back together! I was still tired, my lovely Mr gave me an awesome head massage last night because I couldnt get to sleep - you know when you think about how you need to sleep need to sleep go to sleep why cant I sleep you have to be up in 6 hours and do Insanity so go to sleep go to sleep please come on sleep.

    Head massage worked, fell asleep about 3 minutes after he stopped :D And this morning went well, better than I thought it would on 6.5 hours sleep!
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    Sweet on the head massage and yep been there with the sleeping stuff. I literally say to myself "Jess just go to sleep, Jess, go to sleep" lol

    And yeah seems like its a setup with the breaks but i do like the shirts off lol. I can't take much more off either otherwise the neighbours will be complaining lol

    I did max cardio today so yep we are on the same workout! Woot woot!! With Jillian i just keep going, i've done it so many times i don't really listen to her anymore lol.
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Yay back in sync! cool :) struggling with Max Interval today - my asthma is terrible at the moment with the hayfever and I hear myself breathing laboriously. Slowly breathing today!
  • boberrymom
    boberrymom Posts: 362 Member
    Awww that's not good. Just do what you can and don't overdo it, I don't want you on the floor blue girl!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Mmmmm core cardio conditioning, less than 40 minutes long...lovely! Chest got tight and I couldnt breathe whilst doing the high jumps so I just did slow careful ones, got my breathing back to carry on. ALMOST able to stay in plie during those shoulder burners...no where near as low as they do but being able to stay down makes a change from having to stand and kick out my thighs at the beginning!

    It's also 5.30pm, and I normally do this at 5.45am, so 'tis likely something there that made today a bit more fun. Now, back to our mission - codenamed 'let's clean the s**t out of our bedroom'. I'm about to hop in the shower...and then scrub! Hope you're having fun weekends too :P
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    I DID IT!! Core cardio this morning...and an hour earlier than I should have done, as I start an hour later at work on Mondays and forgot today! Was awesome popping upstairs and saying we have to go in 10 mins and Mr Fiance saying nooooo, go in 1h10. So I made porridge for us both, hopped in the shower and we had breakfast in bed rather than in a rush.

    Fit test tomorrow!

    Okay, so I was meant to have a week of downtime, but I'm finishing Tuesday...which means I'd either have 5 days off or 12 to ensure I start on a Monday. I'll do Level 3 30DS from Monday 8th for 6 days, break on Sunday, and then begin Insanity Round 2 on Monday 15th. Bring it on!

    YAY we did it folks! How're you all?
  • JoyfullySimpleFit
    WELL......How did you all do? Did you meet or exceed your fit goals with INSANITY? Did you complete the program?

    For me, INSANITY was great for the first month (6weeks). I dunno if it was the back to back weeks of life caious or if it was the MAX workouts that got me but it was not a total loss. I still did most the workouts....I did pretty good but eating could have been better. I am down 1 size and most importantly I am noticing MORE endurance and can HIT it harder and longer. It was rough on my knees though.

    I will be starting a CRAZY 8 weeks of TURBOFIRE and then in September I will be doing ChaLEAN Extreme. I am not a big cardio person I am more of a LIFTER...lol..but I have ALWAYS loved Chalene's workout programs (I started with Turbo Jam back in the day).

    So what are your future goals/plans? Make them or life will pass you by. I am learning this with my personal development, nothing is more important then becoming a better you on the inside as well as the outside. :D

    It was a pleasure to work with you all and I hope that you found this group helpful. Feel free to continue posting here if you'd like. I will leave it open.
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Well done on getting through til now, great to hear.

    Goals: keep eating healthily, enjoy all the foods, keep strength up, keep cardio levels up. Do Insanity Round 2!
  • JoyfullySimpleFit
    Great goals! Keep at it and you will be a master and ready to move on. :D Thanks so much for your support and encouragement throughout the 63days. You are truly awesome.
    Well done on getting through til now, great to hear.

    Goals: keep eating healthily, enjoy all the foods, keep strength up, keep cardio levels up. Do Insanity Round 2!
  • ghsfitnesspal
    ghsfitnesspal Posts: 260 Member
    Morning! So, I did my fit test this morning. It was going well until I tipped water over my laptop...whoops! I was desperate for a quick drink and I had 5 seconds before Sean launched into power knees!

    This is all of 'em, week one to 9:
    Switch Kicks 58 66 78 92 104
    Power Jacks 30 33 38 43 44
    Power Knees 63 69 74 87 92
    Power Jumps 18 19 26 40 46
    Globe Jumps 7 7 9 8 9.75 (that .75 is important!)
    Suicide Jumps 10 9 13 14 15
    Push-Up Jacks 6 10 16 18 25
    Low Plank Oblique 19 30 39 48 56

    Now, these are at modified level, so Round 2 I'm going to do each move fully as I said. I'm fine with the numbers going more like 4/6/9/10 improvements when theyre done properly!

    Then my lovely Mr measured me..got to the final one, right arm and said, hang on, I've read all the numbers wrong. We didnt have time to go back over them again so I'll measure tomorrow! Not the must successful session of Insanity :P

    For the rest of the week I'm going to use the weights and get on with 30DS Level 3 for a few days. I'll start the thread for Insanity Week 1 again, with the date of July 15th on it so it might gather some more people too :) Loving this support group!